New York State Library

Van Schaick
Papers, 1737-1829
Calendar with Index

Quantity: 1 box (0.25 cu.ft.)

Open to research

Accession: Gift of Lawrence L. Clough, ca. 1932

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Biographical Note:

The members of the Van Schaick family documented in these papers were descendants of Goosen Gerrits Van Schaick, who emigrated to the Dutch colony of New Netherland from Utrecht in 1637. In 1665 Goosen, a brewer by trade, was granted lands at the mouth of the Mohawk River (including present-day Cohoes Island and Waterford) by the Indians. The Van Schaicks eventually became one of the most prominent Dutch families in Albany.

Anthony Van Schaick (1681-1756), a grandson of Goosen, was a prominent merchant in Albany; His son, Jacob (1718-1785?), was also a merchant, concerned especially with transatlantic trade.

Anthony Van Schaick (1779-1822) was a lawyer in Albany in partnership with Abraham Van Vechten. He was a great-grandson of Anthony Van Schaick (1681-1756), descending from Wessel Van Schaick (1712-1783) and John G. Van Schaick (1748-1828). Henry Van Schaick (1795-1829) and Wessel Van Schaick were also sons of John G. Van Schaick.

Scope and Content Note:

These papers document successive generations of the Van Schaick family from approximately 1715 to 1863, consisting mostly of deeds and other legal documents related to the family's vast land holdings that were situated in the vicinity of Cohoes, Waterford, and the Lansingburgh section of Troy, New York. Also includes wills and other legal papers related to the estates of Jacob Van Schaick and Gerritt W. Van Schaick. Business and mercantile interests of Anthony Van Schaick (1681-1756), and his son Jacob (1718-1785) are also documented in these papers, which include correspondence, receipts, invoices, and bills of sales for slaves.

Papers of later generations include personal correspondence and financial records of Anthony Van Schaick (1779-1822) and deeds and other legal documents related to landholdings of two of his brothers, Henry Van Schaick (1795-1829) and Wessel Van Schaick (1776-1836).

Additional papers of Van Schaick and allied families are available in SC10837, SC11881 and SC17284.

Item Year Date Description
1 1737 January 29 Van Schaick, Anthony. (Anthony's Island, eight or nine miles from Albany.) Will (in regard to Amsterdam property, joint will, with wife, Maria). Leaves land in and near city of Albany, west of Hudson River, on Anthony's Island and other islands, and in city of Amsterdam, Holland, to wife Maria, during her life; also money, slaves, houses, cattle, furniture, etc. After her death property to be divided into five prescribed parts and go to eldest son, Anthony; daughters Gerritje, wife of Coenradt Ten Eyck, Catharina, wife of Samuel Coeymans, and Anna Margarita Van Schaick; and grandchildren, Anthony, Cathalina, and Goesen, children of deceased son Goesen. Provides for laying out of burial place on home farm on Anthony's Island; property on Anthony's Island not to be sold except within the family. Wife sole executrix; after her death devolves on all heirs who may be of age. Mentions Robert Livingston's heirs, Isaac Staats, Tuenis Spitzenbergh, and wife's sisters, Elizabeth Van Curler and Johanna Van Huyden. Witnesses: Reyer Gerritse, Sybrant Van Schaick, Rutger Bleecker. D.S., by mark; copy. 17p. 13 x 7.75 in.
Translated from copy taken at Albany, March 17, 1740, by Jacob Goelet, New York, November 1, 1756.
2 1742/3 March 8 Liebenrood, John Georg. London, England. Invoice to Peter van Br[ugh] Livingston, New York, for Jacob van Schaick, Albany, of goods shipped by the London, W[illia]m Bryant, master. D.S. 2p. 12 x 7.5 in.
3 1742 April 16 Bleecker, Nicolaes. Albany. Receipt to Anthonie Bleecker and Jacob Van Schayck for 35 pounds, 15 shillings. A.D.S. 1p. 5.5 x 7.25 in.
4 1744 August 1 Collins, Ed[ward]. Albany. Indenture to William Van Schyck of Bess, a Negro wench seven years old, to serve as a household servant for seven years. Witnesses: Edmond Blood, Richard Miller. A.D.S. 1p. 13 x 8.25 in.
5 1745 June 25 Livingston, P[eter] V[an] B[rugh]. New York. Receipt to Benjamin Rumney for money on account by the hand of Jacob Van Schaick. A.D.S. 1p. 3.5 x 8 in.
6 1746 January 15 Van Schaick, Levinus. Port Royall, Jamaica. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Announces safe arrival; sends regards to father, brothers, sisters and friends. A.L.S. 1p. 12.5 x 8 in.
7 1748/9 February 13 Vanderheyden, Joh[anne]s. Albany. Bill to Jacob van Schaick for scrivener's work; mentions Peter Lautman, John DeWitt, your brother Lev[inu]s v[an] Sch[aic]k, Theod[oru]s Van Wyck; receipted July 17, 1750. A.D.S. 1p. 7 x 8 in.
8 1748-87 September 24 [Van Schaick, ... probably John Gerritse Van Schaick]. N.P. Genealogical memoranda. Mentions birth dates of self, wife Anna Van Schaick, eldest son Wessel, sons Anthony, Augustus, John Goese [Gerse], daughter Maria; date of his marriage; death dates of father-in-law Anthony Van Schaick, father Wessel Van Schaick; and names Theodorus Frelinghuysen, Jacob Van Schaick, Rachel wife of Cornelius Vanden Bergh, Eliardus Westerlo, Anthony Van Schaick (godfather of Anna Van Schaick), Mary Van Schaick, mother Maria Van Schaick, Christina Van Schaick, Anthony Ten Broeck and Anna H. Ten Broeck of Claverac, Elias Benschoten of the Boght, Lambartus De Ronda of Scaticoke. A.D. (copy). 3(4)p. 9.75 x 7.75 in. Page 1 is given over to receipts for cordials, etc.
9 1749 April 14 Lampman, Frederick, and John York. [Albany]. Agreement with Jacob Van Schayck, Jun., for ten-year lease of sawmill at Jan De barker's Hill. Lampman and York to have privilege of cutting lumber from Van Schayck's land; they will deliver a proportion of boards at Catskill near the houses either of Thunis Van Veghten or Benjamin Duboies yearly, in lieu of rent; Van Schayck to pay for improvements at expiration of lease; expense of repair of dam, if necessary, to be shared. Witnesses: Anthony van Schayck, Jacob Freese. D.S. (York signed by mark). 3p. 12.75 x 8 in.
10 1752 October 25 Cuyler, Hendrick. Albany. Letter to Jacob Vanschack, New York. Asks him to see about the renewal of a note given John Liebbeston; mentions Mr. Bunyan. 1(4)p. 8 x 6.5 in. In Dutch.
11 1753 December 15 Cuyler, Cornelis. Albany. Receipt to Jacob Van Schaick. A.D.S. 1p. 5 x 8 in.
12 1754 August 8 Cuyler, Henry. N.P. Receipt to Jacob Van Schaick for money on account, by the hand of Jacob Bogardus. A.D.S. 1p. 3.5 x 8 in.
13 1757 May 11 Cuyler, Neicholas. Albany. Letter to Cousin Van Schaick. Has left the beaver skins with Cousin Levenston; hopes for a good sale. A.L.S. 1p. 6 x 7.25 in. In Dutch.
14 1757 September 21 Bleecker, Anthony L. New York. Receipt to Jacob Van Scoik for money for the use of Cornelia Rutgers. A.D.S. 1p. 3 x 8 in.
15 1758 July 12 Vanduersen, W[illia]m. Niuw Brunswyck, [New Jersey] Letter to Jacob Van Schayick, New York, on business. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7.75 x 6 in. Address ... P[er] Capt. Mulford. In Dutch.
16 1758 October 17 Ten Broeck, Ab[raha]m. Albany. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick. Asks him to buy and bring with him six barrels cider, two barrels Newton pippins, 100 quinces. A.L.S. 1p. 6 x 7.25 in.
17 1759 September 18 Waddell, Jno. New York. Bill to Jacob Van Schaack, Jun. For dry goods; receipted. A.D.S. 1p. 5.75 x 8.5 in.
18 1759 November 20 Guest, Henry. New Brunsw[ic]k, [New Jersey]. Letter to Jacob Vanscyack, [Albany]. Asks him to pay John Depeyster 28 shillings on Guest's account. A.L.S. 1p. 2.75 x 6.5 in.
On back: Receipt for this sum, dated at Albany, January 29, 1760, and signed by Gerard DePeyster for John DePeyster. A.D.S.
19 [1760]   ... Order to engrave the name William Van Deursen, with date, on steel tobacco box. A.D. 1p. 2.5 x 7.25 in.
20 1761 April 16 Livingston, Robert Jno. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Gives notice of a shipment of goods by Captain Wendell; Livingston signs for his father. A.L.S. 1p. 11.75 x 7.5 in.
21 1762 February 18 Forster, John. Fort George. Letter to John Livingston, Albany. Announces safe arrival; road from Fort Edward was very difficult, but Livingston will have good riding, as sleds were to set out from Fort Edward in a day or two; Lake [George] is strong enough to carry the city of Albany; hopes to arrive at Montreal soon; people here are in great want of stores; Crown Point is distressed - no liquors, no sugar; hopes to see Livingston at Montreal. A.L.S. 1p. 12 x 7.5 in. Address: ... to the care of Mr. Henry Van Shaac, Postmaster, Albany.
22 1762 March 8 V[an] S[chaick], J[acob]. Albany. Letter to Willem Bayard, New York. Has his news that Sir Jeffery Amherst says no land may be granted only passes issued for Indian trade - though no rum sold; this last will cut into profits, but get passes for four batteaux to trade to Toronto, with provision no one else may trade to that place; Mr. Livingston and Mr. Bleecker advise it; don't fail to get right to carry as much spirituous liquor as will be needed by twelve men for six months; wait, otherwise, for writer's arrival; send strouds (trade blankets) by Jacob H. Ten Eyck. A.L.S. (copy) 1p. 13 x 8.25 in.
23 1762 June 10 Livingston, [James] Jno. N[ew] York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Sends cheese by Garret Marselis; remaining goods will follow by John Fryer. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7.5 x 6 in.
24 1762 July 3 Livingston, P[eter] V[an] B[rugh]. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Money due for freight of King's Provisions in 1756 is ready to be paid at house of La...Reades; as it can be paid only to self or attorney, advises coming to New York. A.L.S. 1p. 12.5 x 8 in.
25 1763 February 20 Creedon, Cornelius. Albany. Account rendered John Monroe for 1762; marginal note payment to bearer. A.D.S. 1p. 6.75 x 7.25 in.
On back: Receipt in full, dated at Albany, February 7 & 8, 1767, signed by Creedon.
26 1763 May 24 Livingston, Catharina. Nieujorck. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Sends by Philip Lansing goods ordered; Lansing may be paid for them; greets his wife; one box of shoes has not come - Philip will tell him about it. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7.25 x 6 in. In Dutch.
27 1763 June 13 Livingston, Catharina. Nieujorck. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Sends by Hendrick Staats goods ordered. Philip Livingston writes the shoes are still missing; will investigate; regards to self and wife. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7.25 x 6 in. In Dutch.
28 1763 September 22 Livingston, Jno. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Has forwarded an order of rum by Luykas Van Veghten. A.L.S. 1p. 12.25 x 7.75 in.
29 1764 July 17 Van der Wercke, Roelef Martynese. Saratoga. Bond to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany, for 97 pounds, seven shillings. Witnesses: Abraham I. (or J.) Fonda, J. Roorbach. D.S., by mark printed form. 1(4)p. 13.25 x 8.25 in.
30 1766 November 11 Pruyn, John Frs. N.P. Bill to Jacob Van Schaick; receipted January 15, 1767. A.D.S. 1p. 4.25 x 7.75 in.
31 1767 April 9 Cuyler, Harmanus. Albany. Bill to Jacob Van Schaick. A.D.S. 1p. 3.75 x 6.5 in.
32 1767 September 22 Van Schaick, John G. New York. Letter to uncle (Jacob Van Schaick). Has purchased articles ordered; has purchased part of articles ordered through Mr. Pruyn, will get the rest when European vessels arrive; can buy very low for cash; solicits further orders; sends regards to self, Aunt and Couzin Anthony, father and mother. A.L.S. 1p. 12.75 x 7.25 in.
33 1768 July 16 Williams, Thos. Detroit, Michigan. Letter to Mr. Van Schaick. Returns power of attorney and account against Mr. Groesbeck, which reached him too late to use, though Mr. Cuyler and Mr. Glen were after it; they have gone to Makina, waiting for Groesbeck. A.L.S. 1p. 12 x 7.5 in.
34 1769 July 28 Van Schaick, Jno. G. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Had tedious passage of six days; the vendue master has sold one-quarter of the cloth in his hands; it does not seem worth while to send more down until after harvest, when the country merchants will be coming in; has obtained from H. V[an] Vleck a letter of recommendation to John Blackburn of London; mentions father. A.L.S. 2(4)p. 12.25 x 7.75 in.
35 1769 August 18 Van Schaick, Jno. G. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Wrote by Mr. Van Bergen's sloop reporting sales of cloth; reports further sales; has asked father to pay balance due; will keep a regular account of the business; remains his affectionate nephew. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7.25 x 6 in.
36 1769 September 1 Van Schaick, Jno. G. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Reports cloth sales; mentions Mr. Staats, Jno. Applegate, Henry H. Kip, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. Cuyler; sends regards to family, including cousin Anthony. A.L.S. 1p. 11.75 x 7.5 in.
37 1770 April 7 Harris, T[homas]. London, England. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Covers account of sales of furs shipped by General Gage, Berrien master; mentions Evert Bancker, Kidney & Klien, firm. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 12.5 x 7.75 in.
38 1770 November 6 [Harris, Thomas]. London, England. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Van Schaick's letter to July 24 reached him October 19, too late to forward goods ordered; will ship them as soon as possible; letter of September 4 has come; ... A.L.S. 1(4)p. 12.75 x 8 in. Second sheet lacking. Includes copy of letter of October 12, with account of same date. Letter advises against any further shipment of deer skins dressed in oil, on which there is a prohibitive duty; has had much trouble with them; mentions W. Smith & Co., firm. 2p. Account, 1p.
39 1771 May 10 Clifford, Jerh, and Co. Fulneck, England. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Regrets delay in last shipment by Brittania, Thos. Miller, consigned to Evert Bancker; since repeal of trade acts, trade is again open; has remitted balance of account to Thos. Harris, London. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 9 x 7.25 in.
40 1772 April 24 Pruyn, John Frs. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Has sold his wheat; forwards by bearer the two cloth ordered. A.L.S. 2(4)p. 7.5 x 6.25 in.
41 1773 June 25 Blackburn, John Jr. London, England. Letter to John G. Van Schaick, Albany. Sends receipt in full for account of Jacob Van Schaick with estate of Thomas Harris, deceased; receipt signed by Elias Lock for James Harris and William Hopkins, executors. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 9 x 7.25 in.
42 1780 May 5 Livingston, Peter R. Manor Livingston. Letter to Jacob Van Schaack, Albany. Asks him to forward by Capt. Van Vaulkenburgh pearl ash he holds in storage for Livingston. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 7 x 6 in.
Copy of answer, dated May 12, on p. 2: Has forwarded ash; account is in hard money; continental money is next to nothing; charges at old customary rate, as account will show.
Copy of further letter, dated August 5, on p. 3: Asks payment.
43 1783 May 13 Wray, George. New York. Letter to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany. Has forwarded his letters to John Blackburn, London, by the Peace and Plenty, Robert Gill, master; will forward duplicates at first opportunity; his son had left the Prison Ship before his letter to Wray and Oathout was received; he is said to have shipped on the Warwick, ship of war, which has sailed. A.L.S. 1p. 7.25 x 6 in.
44 1784 February 19 Tayler, Reuben. Half Moon District. Lease from Christina Van Schaick, John G. Van Schaick, and Anna Van Schaick, his wife, all of Albany County, for Lot 30, white color, on map of Half Moon Patent made by Nanin Vischer and Philip Van Rensselaer, containing 130 acres; Tayler not to cut oak, pitch or white pine timber, except for his own use. Witnesses: Hendrick R. Vanderwerken, Ezekiel Tayler. D.S., by mark; copy. 3p. 12.5 x 7.5 in. Certified as a true copy by G.W. Kirland, December 3, 1831.
45 1784 May 11 N.P. Shoemaker's account rendered Widow Vanskoyk. Mentions: Anawthe Vanskoyk; Mrs. Vanskoyk; Alban; Tobe; Doen; Nan; Walter. D. 1p. 10.25 x 7.25 in.
46 1786
Benson, Richard, and others. N.P. Receipts to Jacob Van Schaick for balances due on account of flour ground; other signers - Isaac Haywood, Jacob Truax, Isaac Aarsen, Arent Van Deursen; all signatures by mark except Benson's. D.S. 1p. 14.5 x 9 in. Five receipts on one sheet.
47 1787 October 8 Dubois, Cornelius. Catskill. Bond to Jacob Van Schaick, Albany, for payment of two hundred pounds with interest. Witnesses: G.W.V. Schaick, Joseph Newlands. D.S., printed form. 1p. 13.25 x 8.25 in.
48 1789 May 12 Willett, M[arinus]. New York. List of articles, personal property of Jacob Van Schaick, deceased, sold at public auction by order of Gosen Van Schaick, administrator; certificate of Willett, auctioneer, at bottom of p. 3, as to net proceeds of goods delivered him for sale by Gerat W. Van Schaick, attorney for administrator - dated May 14. D.S. 3p. 12.75 x 8 in.
49 1780-93 January - May Gildersleev, John. Bill to Mrs. Christina Van Schaick. N.P.; receipted June 11, 1793. A.D.S. 1p. 5.75 x 7.75 in.
50 1791 October 11 Schuyler, N. Receipt in full to Mrs. Van Schaick for account to date. A.D.S. 1p. 4.75 x 6 in.
51 1797 March 28 Melick (Melich), David. N.P. Bill to Wessel Van Schaick for a canoe. A.D.S. 1p. 4.25 x 6.5 in. Receipted.
52 1797-98 May 9 Wyckoff, Peter. N.P. Account rendered Widow Van Schaick, May 9, 1797-March 19, 1798, for shoemaking: mentions Wessel, George, Anthony; receipted at Isl[an]d Cahoes April 6. A.D.S. 1p. 13.5 x 7.5 in.
53 1797   V[a]n Der Werken, Widow Albert. N.P. Bill to Mrs. Van Schaick for weaving. A.D. 1p. 3.75 x 7.75 in.
On lower margin: Creditted February 13, 1798. Indorsed: Widow Albert Vn Der Werken Deceased Acct.
54 1801 July 22 [Van Schaick, Gerrit W.] N.P. Estimated proportion of taxes due for lots in Cayuga and Onondaga. A.D.S. 3p. 12.25 x 8.25 in.
55 1802 October 1 Wyckoff, Peter. N.P. Account rendered Widow V[an] Schaick for Shoemaking, October 1, 1802-February 3, 1803; mentions Mrs. Van Schaick, Mariah Van Schaick, George, Wessel, old Dryon, Dryon, Jude, Jerred, Peter, Paul, Hinry, Christina; receipted in full at Island Kohese, April 23, 1803.
56 1804 June 9 Hutton, Isaac, and George Hutton. N.P. Bill to Anthony Van Schaick; receipted for I.& G. Hutton by Geo. F. Abbot, April 24, 1805. D.S. 5 x 8 in.
57 1805 April 8 Lewis, Morgan, gov. New York. Albany. Commission to Anthony Van Schaick as captain in that regiment of Albany County Militia commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Gerrit W. Van Schaick; signed also by Th. Tillotson, secretary, and on back, by R. Lush, clerk, on the 23rd and 25th of April, respectively. D.S. (printed form). 1(4)p. 15.25 x 9.5 in.
58 1805 October 29 Van Schaick, John. Albany. Bill to Miss Maria Van Schaick for dry goods; receipted by Abram Van Schaick for John Van Schaick. D.S. 1p. 7.75 x 7.5 in.
59 1806 August 29 Giffing, Joshua. Lansingburgh. Bill to Mrs. Van Schaick for shoes; mentions Miss Cristine, Maria; receipted November 19. A.D.S. 1p. 7.5 x 8 in.
60 1807 September 19 V[an] Schaick, Gerrit W. [Albany]. Agreement with Nathl. Bosworth for the sale of two pieces of land in Onondaga County, being 50 acres in Lot 51, beginning at the northeast corner, and fifty acres in Lot 42, beginning at the southwest corner, in the township of Cincinnatus; price $3 an acre, to be paid in three equal payments at two-, three- and five-year intervals from February 15 next at the Bank of Albany; signed both by Van Schaick and Bosworth; witnesses: John Van Zandt, Humphry Howland. D.S. (printed form). 1p. 13.5 x 8 in.
61 1816 February 21 Hadden, John and Conradt Burghdorf. N.P. Agreement with Gerrit W. Van Schaick to buy Lots 3, 4 and 5 in the westerly half of Lot 50, Jersey Field Patent, as shown on a map made by Thomas Machin, Junior, being about 263 acres, fifty acres to be laid out in one piece, excepted; price $852 dollars, to be paid in three parts with interest. Witness: Gerrit Peebles. D.S. by mark by Burghdorf; printed form. 1p. 13 x 8in.
62 1816
July 1-November 15 [Caggus, Wm.] [Albany]. Statement of payments made on contract, and received by him as representing the estate of G.W. vn Schaick, deceased, July 1, 1816-November 15, 1821; mentions B., R. Rawson, Gideon Hawley. A.D. 2p. 12.25 x 7.5 in.
63 1817-1818 December 13-July 8 [Vn Schaick, Gerard]. N.P. Account rendered to estate of Gerrit W. Vn Schaick, deceased, for personal property had by him, December 13, 1817-July 8, 1818. A.D. 5p. 12.5 x 7.5 in.
64 1818 August 1 Van Schaick, Henry. N.P. Bond to Henry Ten Broeck for $800; witness: Gerard Vn Schaick; on back receipts for payments, August 2, 1819-July 29, 1822, the last one signed by Ten Broeck, as completing payment in full. A.D.S. 1p. 12.75 x 8 in.
65 1818 August 27 ... . Liquidation of balances on account of real estate between heirs of Anna Van Schaick, deceased August 27, 1818; mentions Gerard, Maria, Christina, Henry and Wessell Van Schaick. A.D. 1p. 7.5 x 12.5 in.
66 1819
... . Map of Craplebush lying nigh Waterford in Half Moon Patent. Map. 1(4)p. 13 x 7.75 in.
67 1821 February 12 Van Schaick, Henry. Cohose Island. Letter to Gerard Van Schaick, Waterford. Accepts his offer for Craple Bush; thinks he has a bargain; sends affectionate regards to his family, especially John; would like to barter his eleven volumes of Johnson with H. Ten Broeck for store goods. A.L.S. 1p. 12.25 x 8 in.
68 1822 February 14 Van Schaick, Wessel, and others. [Lansingburgh]. Form of agreement with ... Lansingburgh, by Wessel, Henry, and Christina Van Schaick, and Gerrit Peebles and wife Maria, all of Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County; Gerard Van Schaick, of Waterford, Saratoga County; and Anthony Van Schaick, of Watervliet, Albany County, for Lot 1 in the westerly half of Lot 50, Jerseyfield Patent; price, $288.55, to be paid, $50 down, and the rest in such portions as may be arranged ... . A.D. 2(4)p. 12.75 x 7.75 in.
69 1822 May 6 McCullough, James. Lansingburgh. Account rendered Henry Van Schaick, May 6, 1822-April 25, 1823; mentions Mrs. Henry Van Schaick and child, Ann M. Mallory, Jane McDonald; receipted at Lansingburgh, May 3, 1823, part of the payment being a note given by James and Mary McCullough May 1, 1822. A.D.S. 1p. 12.5 x 8 in.
70 1824 December 31 Walter (Watter?), Anthony. Lansingburgh. Account rendered Henry Van Schaick for cutting wood, etc., December 31, 1824-October 20, 1825; mentions A. Golden; receipted at Lansingburgh, December 22, 1825. A.D.S. 1p. 5.75 x 7.75 in.
71 1825 November 8 [Van Schaick, Henry]. N.P. Statement of the real and personal estate of [Henry Van] Schaick. Mentions: Land in the cities of Lansingburgh and Albany; along the Schenectady Turnpike; in the Jersey-field Patent; in the Great Imbought, Greene County; in the old military tract, Clinton County; in Township 8, 4th Range, Ontario County; in the town of Watervliet opposite the village of Waterford; near the intersection of the northern and western canals; small island adjoining Platte Ptaat island in north branch of Mohawk; in the town of Mayfield, Montgomery County; and John Benjamin and T.C. Gardner. A.D. 2p. 12.5 x 7.75 in. Torn.
72 1826 January 9 Hooker, P. N.P. Letter to Henry Van Schaick. Has obtained two estimates for the building of his store; advises joining with Mr. Holme; if the two buildings have the same back wall the saving will be considerable; total cost probably $4500 for Holme and $3000 for Van Schaick. A.L.S. 1(4)p. 9.75 x 8 in. Indorsement date.
73 1826 April 3 Holme, John, and Henry Van Schaick. [Lansingburgh]. Contract with John Boardman and John Nelegan, builders, Albany. Two storehouses to be erected on the corner of Mark Lane and Quay Street, west side, according to plans and specifications drawn by Philip Hooker; to be completed by September 1, 1826; to cost $5967, of which $2400 is to be paid by Van Schaick, the remainder by Holme. Witness: John S(?) Staats. D.S., by Boardman and Nelegan as well as Holme and Van Schaick. 3p. 13 x 7.75 in. Receipt in full of Boardman and Nelegan, January 12, 1827, Albany, on back of p. 3. Specifications attached. 5p., p. 5 being badly torn.
74 1827 January 15 Sipple, John. Albany. Contract with Robert MacElroy, Albany, for the cellarage and mason work of a double dwelling house to be built for Henry Van Schaick on the north side of Fox Street, Albany; to be finished by May 1, 1827; to cost $620. Witness: Patrick Calely. D.S., by both Sipple and MacElroy. 2p. 12.75 x 7.75 in. Specifications attached. 2(4)p.
75 1827 April 16 Hartwell, Thos. A. Somerville, (New Jersey). Letter to R[ichard] McDonald, Lansingburgh. General Stryker offers to settle the matter of the estate of McDonald's grandfather by taking on himself the highest bid - Col. Southard's; Whitmark's bid was lower; and the contract with Camman was private, he cannot be held to it; advises acceptance; has written to Bound Brook and to Brunswick, and McDonald's Uncle George's family are willing to take the offer, Richard writing to that effect from New Brunswick, April 11; asks his assent and that of his brothers and sisters in writing. A.L.S. 2(4)p. 12.5 x 7.75 in.
76 1829 September 8 [Gansevoort, Peter]. N.P. Statement to Gerard Van Schaick for Otsego lands; mentions Daniel (David?) Marr, Horace Cady, W. Randall. A.D. 1p. 7.5 x 6.25 in.
77 N.D.
Van Schaick, John. N.P. Bill rendered to Miss Maria Van Schaick; receipted. D.S. 2p. 7.25 x 7.5 in.
78 N.D.
Van Schaick, Jno. G. N.P. Order in favor of Peter Gowey; for Christina Van Schaick, Isle Cahoose. D.S. 1p. 3.25 x 7.75 in.


Name Item Number
Aarsen, Isaac 46
Abbot, George F. 56
Amherst, Sir Jeffery 22
Applegate, John 36
Bancker, Evert 37, 39, 41
Benjamin, John 71
Benshoten, Elias 8
Benson, Richard 46
Berrien, ... 37
Blackburn, John 34, 43
Blackburn, John, Jr. 41
Bleecker, ... 22
Bleecker, Anthonie 3
Bleecker, Anthony L. 14
Bleecker, Nicolaes 3
Bleecker, Rutger 1
Blood, Edmund 4
Boardman, John 73
Bogardus, Jacob 12
Bosworth, Nathaniel 60
Bryant, William 2
Bunyan, ... 10, 41
Burghdorf, Conradt 61
Cady, Horace 76
Caggus, William 62
Calely, Patrick 74
Cammann, ... 75
Clifford, Jeremiah 39
Coeymans, Catharine (Van Schaick) 1
Coeymans, Samuel 1
Collins, Edward 4
Creedon, Cornelius 25
Cuyler, ... 33, 36
Cuyler, Cornelis 11
Cuyler, Harmanus 31
Cuyler, Hendrick 10
Cuyler, Henry 12
Cuyler, Neicholas 13
De barker, Jan 9
DePeyster, Gerard 18
Depeyster, John 18
De Ronda, Lambartus 8
Deyost, Willem 22
De Witt, John 7
Duboies, Benjamin 9
Dubois, Cornelius 47
Fonda, Abraham I. (or J.) 29
Forster, John 21
Freese, Jacob 9
Frelinghuysen, Theodorus 8
Fryer, John 23
Gansevoort, Peter 76
Gardner, T.C. 71
Gerritse, Ryer 1
Gildersleev, John 49
Gill, Robert 43
Glen, ... 33
Golden, A. 70
Gowey, Peter 78
Gretet, Jacob 1
Griffing, Joshua 59
Groesbeck, ... 33
Guest, Henry 18
Hadden, John 61
Harris, James 41
Harris, Thomas 37, 38, 39, 41
Hartwell, Thomas A. 75
Hawley, Gideon 62
Haywood, Isaac 46
Holme, John 72, 73
Hooker, Philip 72, 73
Hopkins, William 41
Howland, Humphry 60
Hutton, George 56
Hutton, Isaac 56
Kidney, ... 37
Kip, Henry H. 36
Kirtland, G.W. 44
Klein, ... 37
Lampman, Frederick 9
Lansing, Philip 26
Lautman, Peter 7
Levengston, ... 13
Lewis, Morgan 57
Liebbeston, John 10
Liebenrood, John Georg 2
Livingston, ... 22
Livingston, Catharina 26, 27
Livingston, James John 23
Livingston, John 21, 28
Livingston, Peter R. 42
Livingston, Peter Van Brugh 2, 5, 24
Livingston, Philip 27
Livingston, Robert 1
Livingston, Robert John 20
Lock, Elias 41
Lush, R. 57
McCullough, James 69
McCullough, Mary 69
McDonald, George 75
McDonald, Jane 69
McDonald, Richard 75
MacElroy, Robert 74
Machin, Thomas, Jr. 61
Mallory, Ann M. 69
Marr, Daniel (David?) 76
Marselis, Gerrit 23
Miller, Thomas 51
Monroe, John 25
Mulford, Captain 15
Nelegan, John 73
Newlands, Joseph 47
Oathout, ... 43
Peebles, Gerrit 61, 68
Peebles, Maria 68
Pemberton, ... 36
Pruyn, ... 32
Pruyn, John Francis 30, 40
Randall, W. 76
Rawson, R. 62
Reades, La... 24
Roorbach, J. 29
Rumney, Benjamin 5
Rutgers, Cornelia 14
Schuyler, N. 50
Sipple, John 74
Slaves 4, 45, 55
Smith, W. 38
Southard, Colonel 75
Spitzenbergh, Tuenis 1
Staats, ... 36
Staats, Hendrick 27
Staats, Isaac 1
Staats, John S. 73
Stryker, General 75
Tayler, Ezekiel 44
Tayler, Reuben 44
Ten Broeck, Abraham 16
Ten Broeck, Anna H. 8
Ten Broeck, Anthony 8
Ten Broeck, Henry 64, 67
Ten Eyck, Coenradt 1
Ten Eyck, Jacob H. 22
Ten Eyck, Gerritje (Van Schaick) 1
Tillotson, Thomas 57
Truax, Jacob 46
Van Bergen, ... 35
Van Curler, Elizabeth 1
Vanden Bergh, Cornelius 8
Vanden Bergh, Rachel 8
Vanderheyden, Johannes 7
Van der Wercke, Roelef Martynse 29
Van Der Werken, Widow Albert 53
Vanderwerken, Hendrick R. 44
Van Deursen, Arent 46
Van Deursen, William 19
Vanduersen, William 15
Van Huyden, Johanna 1
Van Rensselaer, Philip 44
Van Schaick, ... 33
Van Schaick, Mrs. 45, 50, 55, 59
Van Schaick, Widow 45, 52, 55
Van Schaick, Abraham 58
Van Schaick, Anawthe 45
Van Schaick, Anna 44
Van Schaick, Anna Margarita 1, 8
Van Schaick, Anthony 1, 8, 9, 32, 36, 52, 56, 57, 68
Van Schaick, Augustus 8
Van Schaick, Catharina 1
Van Schaick, Christina 8, 44, 49, 55, 65, 68, 78
Van Schaick, Christine 59
Van Schaick, G.W. 47, 62
Van Schaick, George 52, 55
Van Schaick, Gerard 55, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 76
Van Schaick, Gerrit W. 48, 54, 57, 60, 61, 63
Van Schaick, Goesen 1, 48
Van Schaick, Henry 21, 55, 64, 65, 67-74
Van Schaick, Mrs. Henry 69
Van Schaick, Jacob 2, 3, 5-8, 10-12, 14-16, 18, 20, 22-24, 26-43, 46-48
Van Schaick, Jacob, Jr. 9, 17
Van Schaick, John 58, 67, 77
Van Schaick, John G. 32, 34-36, 41, 44, 78
Van Schaick, John Gerritse 8
Van Schaick, John Goese 8
Van Schaick(?), Jude 55
Van Schaick, Levinus 5, 7
Van Schaick, Maria 1, 8, 55, 58, 59, 65, 77
Van Schaick, Mary 8
Van Schaick(?), Paul 55
Van Schaick(?), Peter 55
Van Schaick, Sybrant 1
Van Schaick, Wessel 8, 51, 52, 55, 65, 68
Van Schaick, William 4, 8
Van Vaulkenburgh, Captain 42
Van Veghten, Luykas 28
Van Veghten, Thunis 9
Van Vleck, H. 34
Van Wyck, Theodorus 7
Van Zandt, John 60
Vischer, Naningh 44
Waddell, John 17
Walter (Watter?), Anthony 70
Wendell, Captain 20
Westerlo, Eliardus 8
Whitmark, ... 75
Willet, Marinus 48
Williams, Thomas 33
Wray, ... 43
Wray, George 43
Wyckoff, Peter 52, 55
York, John 9
Last Updated: December 30, 2021