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Rensselaerwyck Rent Ledgers

The Manuscripts and Special Collections Unit of the New York State Library has ledgers for the eastern and western sections of the Rensselaerwyck Manor. Since very few surveys for the West Manor survived the Capitol fire of 1911, the ledgers and indexes provide information on who lived in that part of the Manor.

The ledgers listed below were kept for Stephen Van Rensselaer III (1764-1839) and his heirs from 1799 to the 1890s. However, much of the recorded information was entered between 1799 and 1850.  The information was originally entered in daybooks in which all the financial actions of each day were recorded and later posted to the ledgers under names or parties holding the particular lease.  Individual entries contain a record of debits for payment owed and credits for payments received in kind or cash.   These ledgers are indexed by names that are grouped alphabetically by the first letter of the last name, but the names are not listed alphabetically on the page(s) for that letter.  Related information regarding many individual accounts can be found in the leases and surveys.  An unpublished guide to the entire collection is available in the research room.  All of the volumes listed below are available on microfilm. Due to the fragile condition of the originals, researchers are directed to use the microfilm instead of the originals.

East Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1820. (Part 1: pp. 1-309) 1 v. folio. Indexed.
Many accounts are carried over to Ledger "B" and some account to Ledger "C".  Also includes accounts brought over from an earlier ledger that may no longer exist. 
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 1.

East Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1820. (Part 1: pp. 310-644) 1 v. folio. Indexed. 
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 1.

East Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1850. (Part 2: pp. 645-1008) 1 v. folio. Indexed. 
Many accounts in this part were carried over to "Stephen Van Rensselaer Ledger" in 1850.
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 2.

East Manor Rent Ledger "B", 1819-1855. 1 v. folio. 602 p. Indexed.  Many accounts brought over from Ledger "A".  Accounts carried over to East Manor Ledgers "C" and "D", and ledgers titled "Stephen Van Rensselaer" and "William P. Van Rensselaer".
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 2.

East Manor Rent Ledger "C", 1834-1852. 1 v. folio. 188(600 p.) Indexed.  Several accounts brought over from Ledgers "A" and "B".  Some accounts carried over to "William P. Van Rensselaer" Rent Ledger.
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 2.

East Manor Rent Ledger "D", 1839-1898. 1 v. folio. 312 p. Indexed.  Contents of folios are arranged by towns:  Brunswick (189-254, 275-284, 347-348); Clinton, changed to East Greenbush (121-147); Grafton (255-275, 370); Greenbush (155-179); Nassau (323-346, 368); Poestenkill (285-290); Sand Lake (297-317, 369, 372); Schodack (1-97); Stephentown (353-367), and, finally, an unidentified section (371).  The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of the folios (pages) for which information on individuals in each of those towns can be found. Many accounts were brought over from previous ledgers. 
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 3.

Ledger of Rent Accounts, 1837-1899. 1 v. folio. 247 p. Indexed. (Titled as Stephen Van Rensselaer Ledger).  Contents arranged by towns:  Greenbush (1-43), Postenkill (53-67), Nassau (75-132), Grafton (151-138), Bethlehem (191-199), New Scotland (200-218), Guilderland (219-233), Waterviliet (234-239), and various places (240-247). Accounts were brought over from East Manor Ledgers "A, B, and C", and West Manor Ledger "A". 
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 7

Index to West Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1860. 1 v.
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 4.

West Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1840. (pt. 1, pp. 1-337) 1 v. folio.
Many accounts carry over to West Manor Ledger "B". 
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 4.

West Manor Rent Ledger "A", 1799-1840. (pt. 2, pp. 338-652) 1 v. folio.
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 5.

West Manor Rent Ledger "B". 1822-1839. 1 v. folio. 150 p. Indexed.
Many accounts brought over from West Manor Ledger "A".
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 5..

Rent Ledger "C", Berne and Knox, 1837-1855. 1 v. folio. 212 p. Indexed.
Accounts were brought over from West Manor Ledgers "A" and "B".
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 6.

Rent Ledger "D", Bethlehem and New Scotland, 1838-1880. 1 v. folio. 173 p.
Indexed. Accounts were brought over from West Manor Ledgers "A" and "B".
Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511, Reel 6.

Reel Guide to Rensselaerwyck Records Available on Microfilm: MA/FM,974.74,V36,99-18511 

Reel Contents


Indexes to East Manor Ledgers – 177 pages

Ledger  A  Index  (for parts 1 and 2)

Ledger B Index

Ledger C Index

Ledger D Index

East  Manor Ledger A (pt. 1) –  pages 1-309

East  Manor Ledger A (section 2 of pt. 1) – pages 310-644


East  Manor Ledger A (part 2) – pages 645-1008

East  Manor Ledger B – pages 1-602


East  Manor Ledger C – pages 1-188

East  Manor Ledger D – pages 1-372


West Manor Index – 152 pages

Ledger A (part 1) Index – Index proper is preceded by four pages of non-indexed names.

Ledger A (part 2) Index – Apparently for pages 653-686

Ledger B Index

Ledger C (Bern and Knox) Index

Ledger D (Bethlehem and New Scotland) Index

Ledger A (part 1) Index – Entries go from A to Z and then from A to Z again.

West Manor Ledger A (section 1 of part 1) – pages 1-336


West Manor Ledger A (section 2 of part 1) – pages 338-652

West Manor Ledger A (part 2) – pages 653-886

West Manor Ledger B – pages 1-150


West Manor Ledger C [for Bern and Knox, according to information on the index to Ledger C] – pages 1-212

West Manor Ledger D [for Bethlehem and New Scotland, according to information on the index to Ledger D] – pages 1-178


Stephen Van Rensselaer East Manor Ledger Index – 94 pages

Stephen Van Rensselaer Ledger – pages 1-247


Book of Tithes Kept by Abraham Ten Broeck, 1758-1771.  Titled: "Het Tiende Book, Beginnende 8th Febr. 1758".  Information recorded in Dutch. Note that the target frame on the reel says "Book of TITLES of …"

Last Updated: March 29, 2022