We recommend that you review this process before downloading. Please contact TBBL if you need help: tbbl@nysed.gov, 1-800-342-3688
The Chromebook system does not support the BARD Mobile app. Instead, patrons using a Chromebook can download books using the BARD website. Book files can be downloaded to a Chromebook and transferred to a flash drive or audio cartridge. The flash drive or cartridge can be played using the talking book player.
To get started you will need a talking book player and a blank flash drive or blank audio cartridge. If you choose to download to an audio cartridge, you will need a USB cable. Contact our library for this accessory.
Please note: TBBL does not supply flash drives or audio cartridges for downloading.
Note – Books and magazines are downloaded as compressed folders with the file extension, .zip. The files within the compressed (.zip) folder will need to be copied to your flash drive or audio cartridge before you can play them using your digital player.
Image of the searching for your Files folder:
Image with all files selected within the downloaded books folder:
The benefit of creating a unique folder on your external drive for your book or magazine is that downloads are better organized and easier to locate. If you finish reading a book or magazine and you would like to delete it from your flash drive or cartridge, you can navigate to the book or magazine's folder and delete the folder without deleting other titles.
Image of book files that have been moved from Downloads to a unique file folder: