New York State Library

Franklin Benjamin Hough

Papers, 1840-1885


Quantity: 117 boxes (50 cu. ft.)
Access: Collection is open to research.
Alternative Formats: Select items in this collection are also available in various micro-formats, which are indicated in the inventory list
Acquisition: Donated to the New York State Library by Hough Family, 1915; an accretion was made ca. October 1996 via the transfer of materials from the single accession collection, which are indicated in the inventory list
Processed By: Fred Bassett, Senior Librarian, Manuscripts and Special Collections,
April 1987; Revised October 1996, and August 2010, January 2014

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Franklin Hough (image from a bookplate)

Biographical Note:

Benjamin Franklin Hough, physician, scientist, historian, statistician and "father of American forestry," was born in Martinsburg, New York, on July 20, 1822, to Horatio Gates Hough and Martha Pitcher Hough. Horatio, a physician from Meriden, Connecticut, was the first medical doctor to settle in Lewis County, New York. Horatio Hough died in 1830 when Benjamin was eight years old, at which point he began to go by his middle name, Franklin.

As a young man, Franklin showed an interest in mineralogy and long hikes. He graduated with a degree from Union College in Schenectady in 1843, and in 1846 he was married to Maria Eggleston of Champion, New York, and a daughter, Lola, was born. He also published the first of his major scientific writings, A Catalogue of Indigenous, Naturalized, and Filicord Plants of Lewis Counties, New York. In 1848, he received an M.D. from Western Reserve College in Cleveland, Ohio. The same year, Maria died.

Hough set up a medical practice in Somerville in St. Lawrence County, New York. He devoted his spare time to natural history, and it was during this period that he discovered a mineral that would bear his name, houghite, a local variety of hydrotalcite. In 1849, he married Mariah Kilham; a daughter, Mary Ellen, was born to them in 1850 and seven additional children were born to the couple between 1854 and 1872.

In 1852, Hough stepped down from the practice of medicine to concentrate on research and literary pursuits. He moved first to Brownville to pursue research and publication of histories of counties in northern New York: A History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, New York (1853) and A History of Jefferson County in the State of New York (1854), A few years later, he compiled A History of Lewis County (1862). Altogether, these works gained him the reputation as "the pioneer author of county histories of New York State." He wrote prolifically, keeping three or more different manuscripts in progress at the same time in different rooms of his house. Explaining his work habits, he said, "I seek repose in labor."

In 1854, Hough moved to Albany to accept the appointment as superintendent of the 1855 New York State census. After much of the work with the census was complete, Hough served as foreman of the statistical department under the direction of J.H. French, who was the chief compiler of the Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York (1860).  In 1872, a revised edition of the Gazetteer was compiled under the direction of Hough.

He returned to Lewis County in 1860 to settle in Lowville, New York, where he continued his many interests in research and writings. However, he would soon be on the move again with the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.  Hough took up a position as inspector for the United States Sanitary Commission. In 1862, he enlisted as a surgeon in the 97th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The same year, he translated French military surgeon Lucien Baudens's account of medical conditions during the Crimean War, publishing it as On Military and Camp Hospitals. After the war, he published an account of his war experiences in History of Duryee's Brigade (1864). Brigadier General Abram Duryée had commanded the 97th, 104th, and 105th New York Infantry regiments, and the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. 

Hough was again appointed superintendent of the state census when it was done again in 1865. While comparing data from the 1865 returns with those of 1855, he noted with alarm the declining trend in the availability of timber. Finding additional evidence in the federal census of 1870, which he also supervised, he presented his analysis of his findings in a paper entitled On the Duty of Governments in the Preservation of Forests at the 1873 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Portland, Maine. In this paper, Hough argued that Mediterranean countries had harmed the environment by excessive harvesting of trees, and that a similar problem faced the United States. He proposed regulation of the use of forests and the establishment of forestry schools. As a result of Hough's presentation, the AAAS formed a committee to educate Congress and state legislatures on the dangers of deforestation, and to recommend legislation to avoid it. Hough was appointed chairman of the committee. In 1876, as a result of the association's lobbying, Congress created the office of Special Agent in the United States Department of Agriculture to assess the state of the forests and lumber in the United States. Hough was appointed to fill the new position by Agriculture Commissioner Frederick Watts.

By then, Hough had spent five years traveling and gathering data across the United States and from countries around the world. He compiled the data into the massive Report on Forestry, which was published in 1877. It was the first of four reports highly critical of contemporary attitudes and practices. The reports laid a solid foundation for serious discussion of American forest conditions at the height of the Industrial Revolution. In 1881, the position of federal forestry agent was elevated to division status, and the U.S. Division of Forestry came into being. Hough had thus become the first chief of the Division of Forestry.

In 1882 he published a handbook entitled Elements of Forestry and launched a periodical called the American Journal of Forestry. However, forestry had not yet received sufficient attention in this country to secure support of such a journal, and it was suspended after the completion of the first volume. Through the influence of Hough, forestry associations were formed, and the system, adopted in many states, of planting trees on Arbor Day. Yet his repeated calls for the management and withdrawal of the remaining forest land within the public domain continued to be ignored.

Hough was demoted in 1883 by Secretary of Agriculture Loring from chief of the Division of Forestry to special agent. Then he was replaced by Nathaniel Egleston, a political appointee with little forestry knowledge.  Although he was deeply disappointed by this action, Hough stayed in the division.  Hough is regarded as the first leader of the forestry movement in the United States. Gifford Pinchot later referred to Hough as "perhaps the chief pioneer in forestry in the United States." Many other scientists and university professors praised Hough's lifetime of dedication and accomplishments.

Hough continued to be actively engaged in research and writing as well as his work in forestry to the very end of his life. He died June 11, 1885, at his home in Lowville, New York.

Scope and Content Note:

The Franklin B. Hough papers document his professional activities and literary endeavors in a wide array of fields of study, including education, forestry, history, statistics, and meteorology. These papers include correspondence, notebooks, manuscripts of his writings, original historical manuscripts, transcriptions of historical manuscripts, maps, printed materials, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and broadsides. Hough's ability to gather, organize, and analyze statistical data is also quite evident in many of these files. The papers also include personal letters and correspondence with family and friends as well as diaries, school and college notebooks, and genealogical and family history research materials.

The collection also includes printed and manuscript maps related to upstate New York and various Civil War battlefields. The manuscript maps of Civil War battlefields show the regions surrounding Bull Run in northern Virginia, and Hampton Roads region of Virginia. Maps related to New York State show Fort Carleton, and Penet Square in Jefferson County; the towns and patents of Greig, Castorville, New Bremen, High Falls, Martinsburgh, Leyden, and Watson's West Triangle in Lewis County; and Ogdensburg in Saint Lawrence County. There is also a notebook with nine maps entitled "Mineral Localities of Northern New York," and oversize manuscript copy maps of Lot 611 in the village of Philadelphia, Jefferson County, and a map showing townships in Jefferson, Lewis, and Herkimer counties in New York State.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1: Personal and Family Papers. Correspondence, Family and Friends, 1843-1885; diaries, 1843-1883; school and college; biographical and genealogical
Boxes 1-6, 113-117

Series 2: Meteorological Records and Papers, 1824-1864. Journals and records, mostly northern New York; studies of weather conditions and climate in New York State (includes statistical charts and maps)
Boxes 7-9

Series 3: Census Papers. New York State Census, 1855, 1865 and 1875 (includes instruction manuals and official forms); history of census taking in New York; notebooks and scrapbooks
Boxes 10-15

Series 4: Civil War Papers, 1861-1865. Bureau of Military Statistics: documents and official forms (blank); New York State regiments: history, list of officers, news clippings and notes; Regiments of other states: historical notes; Casualties: list of names by state; correspondence; writings; Sanitation Commission study of military camps
Boxes 16-38

Series 5: Forestry Papers, 1870-1875. Conservation and Preservation - Government Action (includes papers relating to the establishment of the U.S. Bureau of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture and the creation of the Adirondack Forest preserve); patents (inventions using forest products); circulars with statistical data collected by U.S. Bureau of Forestry, 1875-1880
Boxes 39-51

Series 6: Education Papers. Correspondence, 1874-1876, re: exhibit of educational institutions of Centennial Exhibition, 1896; colleges and universities: material from different institutions; centennial history of the New York Board of Regents, manuscript
Boxes 52-66, 113-116

Series 7: Historical Research and Writings. Local history: Jefferson County, Lewis County, St. Lawrence County, and Franklin County, New York (includes annotated galleys; notes and scrapbooks); Gazetteer of New York, annotated galley and notes; New York State History: colonial, Revolution, and Indian affairs; United States history: exploration and settlement; constitutional and legal history; biographical directory; statistics and research methodology
Boxes 67-106

Series 8: Scrapbook Collection.
Boxes 107-111

Series 9: Broadsides and Printed Materials
Box 112-113

Series 10: Maps (filed with extra-large documents)

Box and Folder List

March 29, 2022
Box Folder Contents
    Personal and Family Papers
    Correspondence - Family
1 1 Letters, F.B. Hough to Mariah (wife), 1863-1879
1 2 Letters, F.B. Hough to Mariah, 1880-1883
1 3 Letters, F.B. Hough to his children, 1876-1880
1 4 Letters to Mariah Hough from her children, 1879-1880
    Correspondence - Non-Family
1 5 Letters, F.B. Hough to Walter Vale, 1843-1859
1 6 Letters, F.B. Hough to Walter Vale, 1860-1880
1 7 Letter, J.R. Simms to F.B. Hough, April 2, 1866
1 8 Letters to F.B. Hough, 1870-1885
    Diaries – Personal
2 1 1843-1862 (transcripts)
2 2 October 22, 1863-1864
2 3 1865
2 4 1866
2 4 1867-January 22, 1868
2 6 1868 (January 23-December)
2 7 1869
2 8 1870-January 4, 1871
2 9 1871 (January 5-December)
3 1 1872
3 2 1873-February 4, 1874
3 3 1874, February 5-November 29, 1875
3 4 1875, November 30-July 22, 1877
3 5 1878, September 28-October 27, 1879
3 6 1879, October 28-December 27, 1880
3 7 1880, December 28-May 14, 1881
3 8 1881, October 28-May 1, 1882
3 9 1882, May 2-April 30, 1883
    School and College Papers
4 1 Union College, Course Notebook, 1842
4 2 Union College, Course Notebook, 1843
4 3 German Composition Notebook, n.d.
4 4 Elida [Elisha] Hough's Grammar School Exercises
4 5 A. Linnie [Abraham Lincoln?] Hough's High School Notebook
5 1 Gustavus Academy, Medical School Notebook, 1844-1845
    Clubs and Organizations
5 2 Bible Society of Lewis County, Notes
5 3 Historical Society Membership List
5 4 Philosophical Society Membership List
5 5 Miscellaneous
    Biographical Essays and Related Papers
6 1 Biographical sketches and genealogical notes
6 2 Essay: "Common School Days"
6 3 Essay: "Learning French"
6 4 Essay: "Journey to Ohio"
6 5 Essay: "Mineralogy and Genealogy"
6 6 Inventory of Books in Personal Library
6 7 Personal Account Book, 1851-1858
    Meteorological Records and Papers
    Journals and Records
7 1 Observations at Lowville, N.Y., 1829-1834. Recorded by Benjamin Davenport. Mss. Bd.
7 2 Temporam Annals, 1841-1842. Observations at Martinsburgh, Lewis County, N.Y.
7 3 Journal, 1838-1841. Records for Martinsburgh and Schenectady, N.Y.
7 4 Journal, 1842. Martinsburgh and Schenectady
7 5 Journal, 1843. Turin, N.Y. and Champion, N.Y.
7 6 Journal, 1844. Martinsburgh.
7 7 Journals, 1845 and 1846. Various places.
8 1 Journal, 1849 Somerville, St. Lawrence County, N.Y.
8 2 Journal, 1850 Somerville, N.Y.
8 3 Journal, 1851 Somerville, N.Y.
8 4 Journal, 1852 Somerville, N.Y.
8 5 Register of Observations at Albany, N.Y. under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, 1859
8 6 Maps and Charts - Weather Conditions in New York, 1825-1850
8 7 Charts and Graphs Summarizing Weather Conditions, 1825-1850
    Meteorology and Climate in New York State, 1825-1850. A Study by the New York Board of Regents.
9 1 Manuscript Draft by F.B. Hough, 1863
9 2 Legislative Action and Proposals, 1859-1864
9 3 Notes and Data Collected by F.B. Hough
9 4 Notes and Data Collected by F.B. Hough (continued)
9 5 Charts and Graphs Prepared by F.B. Hough. Smithsonian Institution Study, 1859
9 6 List of Reporting Weather Stations in the United States
9 7 Charts Summarizing Observations
9 8 Data Forms, 1859
Weights & Measures
9 9 Notes and Conversion Tables
9 10 Notes and Conversion Tables (continued)
    Census Papers
    New York State Census, 1855, 1865 and 1875
10 1 Official Instruction Manual, 1855
10 2 Data Forms (Blank), 1855
10 3 Cover Letters, 1855-1865
10 4 Official Instruction Manual, 1865
10 5 Alphabetical List of Census Enumerators, 1865 (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM,305.89607,S857,202-9410)
10 6 New York Enumeration Districts, 1865
10 7 Census Bureau Stationery, 1865
11 1 Official Instruction Manual, 1875 (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM,305.89607,S857,202-9410)
11 2 Cover Letters, 1875
11 3 Data Forms, 1875
11 4 Industrial Census – Special Forms, 1875
11 5 Census Notebook, 1855, Mss. Bd. (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM,305.89607,S857,202-9410)
  1. Annotated Instructional Manual
  2. United States Instructional Manual, 1850
  3. Great Britain Census Results, 1851
  4. Personal Notes and Summaries of Census Data
11 6 Census Notebook, 1865
  1. History of the Census in New York, 1865
  2. Instruction Manual, 1865
  3. Preliminary Report, 1865
  4. Personal Notes and Data Summaries
    Census Data
12 1 Lowville, N.Y. - Names A-D
(Also on microfiche: MA/FF,317.4759,H838,202-5612)
12 2 Lowville, N.Y. - Names E-M
(Also on microfiche: MA/FF,317.4759,H838,202-5612)
12 3 Lowville, N.Y. - Names N-S 
(Also on microfiche: MA/FF,317.4759,H838,202-5612)
12 4 Lowville, N.Y. - Names T-Z 
(Also on microfiche: MA/FF,317.4759,H838,202-5612)
12 5 Washington, D.C. – Federal Census, 1867
12 6 Washington, D.C. – Federal Census, 1867 (continued)
    History of Census in New York State
13 1 Federal Census in New York, 1790-1840
13 2 New York State Census, 1782-1835
13 3 New York State Census, 1865
13 4 New York State Census Schedules, 1782-1865
13 5 Lewis County, N.Y.
13 6 Historical Notes and Census Data of Other States
13 7 Miscellaneous Notes
    Census Scrapbooks
14 1 New York Census, 1865
  1. Census Forms and Cover Letters
  2. Maps of Census Districts in Albany and Brooklyn
14 2 New York Census, 1865, Newspaper Clippings
15 1 New York Census, 1875
  1. Census Forms and Cover Letters
  2. Newspaper Clippings
    Civil War Papers
    Bureau of Military Statistics Adjutant General's Office, New York, 1861-1865
16 1 Origin of Agency – New York State Senate and Assembly Bills, 1861-1862
16 2 General and Special Orders
16 3 Form Cover Letters – Lockwood Doty, Bureau Chief
16 4 Forms - Muster Rolls, Returns, and Reports
16 5 Forms - Payroll, Supply Rations, and Requisitions
16 6 Forms – Medical
16 7 Forms – Certificates
16 8 Postal and Press Forms
16 9 Forms - Historical Data
16 10 Conscription Quotas by County - New York State Senatorial Committee Report
    New York State Regiments
17 1 Directory of Volunteer Regiments of Infantry
17 2 Officers and Field Staff, 1st-101st Volunteers
17 3 Index of Names of Officers (includes rank)
17 4 Casualties, New York Volunteers
17 5 Regiment Organization – Chronological Table
17 6 Regiment Organization – Locality of Origin and Recruitment
17 7 Statistics on New York Volunteers
17 8 Statistics on New York Volunteers (continued)
17 9 Regiment Organization – Notebook
    New York State Regiments: Field Staff and Officers
18 1 Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Surgeons, etc.: 1st-49th Volunteers, Infantry
18 2 Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Surgeons, etc.: 50th-104th Volunteers, Infantry
18 3 Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Surgeons, etc.: Cavalry, Artillery, Battery, etc.
18 4 Captains: 1st-49th Volunteers, Infantry
18 5 Captains: 50th-104th Volunteers, Infantry
18 6 Captains: Calvary, Artillery, Battery, etc.
18 7 First Lieutenants: 1st-49th Volunteers, Infantry
18 8 First Lieutenants: 50th-104th Volunteers, Infantry
18 9 First Lieutenants: Cavalry, Artillery, Battery, etc.
18 10 Second Lieutenants: 1st-49th Volunteers, Infantry
18 11 Second Lieutenants: 50th-104th Volunteers, Infantry
18 12 Second Lieutenants: Artillery, Cavalry, Battery, etc.
18 13 Revisions to Rolls
    New York State Regiments: Notes
19 1 1st-4th Volunteers
19 2 5th-9th Volunteers
19 3 10th-14th Volunteers
19 4 15th-19th Volunteers
19 5 20th-24th Volunteers
19 6 25th-29th Volunteers
19 7 30th-34th Volunteers
19 8 35th-39th Volunteers
19 9 40th-44th Volunteers
19 10 45th-49th Volunteers
20 1 50th-59th Volunteers
20 2 60th-69th Volunteers
20 3 70th-79th Volunteers
20 4 80th-89th Volunteers
20 5 90th-99th Volunteers
20 6 100th-109th Volunteers
20 7 110th-119th Volunteers
20 8 120th-179th Volunteers
20 9 Artillery
20 10 Cavalry
20 11 Other Special Regiments
    New York State Regiments: History and Organization
21 1 Artillery, Battery, Cavalry, and Other Special Regiments
21 2 Infantry, 1st-99th Volunteers
21 3 Infantry, 100th-194th Volunteers
21 4 Index to Regiments by name, A-M
21 5 Index to Regiments by name, N-Z
22 1 History of 97th New York State Volunteers (N.Y.S.V.)
22 2 Names of Enlisted Men, 97th  N.Y.S.V.
22 3 Notes and Statistics, 97th  N.Y.S.V.
22 4 Notes on 18th N.Y.S.V.
22 5 Notes on Reorganization of New York Regiments
22 6 Notes on Reorganization of New York Regiments (continued)
    New York State Regiments: Newspaper Clippings
23 1 1st-9th Volunteers
23 2 10th-19th Volunteers
23 3 20th-29th Volunteers
23 4 30th-49th Volunteers
23 5 50th-59th Volunteers
23 6 60th-69th Volunteers
23 7 70th-79th Volunteers
23 8 80th-100th Volunteers
    New York State Regiments
24 1 List of Regiment Histories
24 2 New York State Documents on the Civil War
24 3 Veterans Organizations - Notes
24 4 Veterans Organizations - Printed Flyers
24 5 List of Volunteers
24 6 Seventh Regiment (newspaper clippings and handwritten notes)
24 7 News clippings - regiments not identified
    Regiment Notes - New England and Mid-Atlantic States
25 1 Connecticut and Maine
25 2 Massachusetts
25 3 New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont
25 4 New Jersey
25 5 Pennsylvania - Cavalry, Artillery, Battery, etc.
25 6 Pennsylvania - State Militia Infantry
25 7 Pennsylvania - Volunteers, 1st-99th Regiments
25 8 Pennsylvania - Volunteers, 100th-213th Regiments
    Regiment Notes - Midwestern States
26 1 Illinois – Cavalry, Artillery, and Battery
26 2 Illinois - 1st-74th Regiments of Infantry
26 3 Illinois - 75th-150th Regiments of Infantry
26 4 Indiana – Cavalry, Artillery and Battery
26 5 Indiana – Infantry
26 6 Michigan
26 7 Ohio – Artillery, Battery and Cavalry
26 8 Ohio – Infantry, 1st-49th Regiments
26 9 Ohio – Infantry, 50th-104th Regiments
    Regiments – West, South, and Border States
27 1 Iowa
27 2 Kansas and Nebraska
27 3 Minnesota and Wisconsin
27 4 California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington
27 5 Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia
27 6 Kentucky and Tennessee
27 7 Confederate States
    Regiments – United States
28 1 United States, Army and Navy
28 2 United States Colored Troops
    Names Missing from the Muster-Out Rolls
28 3 New York and New Jersey
28 4 New England
28 5 Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Tennessee
28 6 Midwest, South and West
28 7 Miscellaneous
    Casualties, 1861-1865: Alphabetical Listing
    New York State
29 1 Abraham – Card
29 2 Carl – Evans
29 3 Fairman – Hunter
29 4 Hunting – Morse
29 5 Moses – Ryder
29 6 Rysdorp – Tuttle
29 7 Twaddle – Zollar
    New England States
30 1 Connecticut
30 2 Maine: Abbott – Knowlton
30 3 Maine: Knox – Young
30 4 Massachusetts: Abbott – Dearborn
30 5 Massachusetts: Dehon – Hubbard
30 6 Massachusetts: Humphrey – Rolfe
30 7 Massachusetts: Ropes – Yearton
30 8 New Hampshire
30 9 Rhode Island
30 10 Vermont
    Mid-Atlantic States
31 1 New Jersey
31 2 Pennsylvania: Abbott – Crum
31 3 Pennsylvania: Cullen – Gowan
31 4 Pennsylvania: Haines – McCreary
31 5 Pennsylvania: McCullach – Redie
31 6 Pennsylvania: Reed – Zinn
    Midwestern States
31 7 Illinois: Abbott – Goddard
31 8 Illinois: Goodheart – Plummer
31 9 Illinois: Pomeroy – Young
32 1 Indiana: Abbott – Hatfield
32 2 Indiana: Hathaway – Reese
32 3 Indiana: Reeves – Zulauf
32 4 Iowa
32 5 Kansas
32 6 Michigan: Ainsworth – Lumbard
32 7 Michigan: McCollean – Zoellner
32 8 Minnesota
32 9 Ohio: Abell – Gibson
32 10 Ohio: Giery – Pettibone
32 11 Ohio: Phelan – Zody
32 12 Wisconsin
    Border States, South and West
33 1 Delaware and Maryland
33 2 Kentucky
33 3 Missouri
33 4 Tennessee
33 5 West Virginia
33 6 California
33 7 Confederacy
33 8 U.S. Army: Adair – Kingsbury
33 9 U.S. Army: Kirby – Wright
33 10 U.S. Navy: Abbott – Kent
33 11 U.S. Navy: Kimball – Young
33 12 United States Colored Troops: Aiken – Levsing
33 13 United States Colored Troops: Lincoln – Zulavsky
    Correspondence - Civil War Related, 1860-1866
34 1 Letters: F.B. Hough to Gen. Duryee, 1862-1863
34 2 Letters from Gen. Duryee, 1863-1865
34 3 Letters from Henry W. Burr, 1863-1865
34 4 Letters from Isaac Hall, 1863-1865
34 5 Letters from Dr. Nelson John, 1863
34 6 Letters from Col. Timothy McCoy, 1864
34 7 Letters to F.B Hough, 1860-1863
34 8 Letters to F.B. Hough, 1864
34 9 Letters to F.B. Hough, 1866
34 10 Letters of others, 1860-1865
    Duryee's Brigade, 1864
35 1 Annotated Galley
35 2 Business Accounts with J. Mansell
35 3 Advertisement Flyers
35 4 Manuscript Draft (partial)
35 5 Battlefield Reports
35 6 Regiment Reports
35 7 Notes and Statistics
    Battle of Bull Run
36 1 Notebook - Historical Chronology and Statistical Data
36 2 Paper: "Impressions of the Battle of Bull Run." Presented to the Albany Institute, 1863.
36 3 Papers relating to the First Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, (Mss. Bd.)
    Military Camp Sanitation, 1862-1865
37 1 Sketches of Field and Camp in a Series of Letters from a Sanitary Inspection (galley, 1862)
37 2 Sanitary Commission, Camp Inspection Returns, 1862
37 3 Sanitary Commission – Observations and Notes
37 4 Alphabetical List of Camps, A-E
37 5 Camps, F-M
37 6 Camps, N-Z
37 7 News clippings on the Sanitary Commission
    Medical and Other Papers
38 1 Medical Notes
38 2 Military Hospitals – News Clippings
38 3 Provision Returns
38 4 Military Honors – List of Men
38 5 List of Pamphlets and Documents
38 6 Diary of H.B. Judd, 9th N.Y. Vols., 1864
38 7 Post Letter Book – Fort Jackson and Fort Philip, 1861
    Forestry Papers, 1870-1885
    Conservation and Preservation - Government Action
39 1 "Memorial Upon the Cultivation and Care of Forests." Report by F.B. Hough to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1873 (includes message by President U.S. Grant).
39 2 Speeches and Reports by F.B. Hough for American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 1875
39 3 Acts of Congress on Forestry, 1859-1882, re.: Creating the U.S. Bureau of Forestry in the Dept. of Agriculture
39 4 "American Forestry" - Speech by Hon. Mark H. Dunnell, U.S. House of Representatives, 1882
39 5 Reports and Statistics by F.B. Hough for Hon. Mark Dunnell's Speech
39 6 "Influence of Forests Upon Climate" – Report by F.B. Hough, 1875
39 7 Adirondack Forest Preserve - New York State Senate and Assembly Bills, 1874-1885
39 8 Preservation and Care of the Adirondack Forest - New York Law Creating the Forest Preserve, 1885
    Reports, Patents and Education
40 1 Reports on Railroad Use of Forest Products, 1877
40 2 Reports on the Use of Charcoal by Forges and Iron Furnaces, 1877; and summary by F.B. Hough, 1881
40 3 Patents: Charcoal Burning and Uses
40 4 Patents: Forest Products, 1865-1870
40 5 Patents: Forest Products, 1871-1885
40 6 Forestry Education - Schools in Germany and Austria
40 7 Forestry Education – France
40 8 "Native Trees" - Essay by J. Cochrane, 1875
    Circulars: Statistics of Forests, 1875
41 1 Alabama
41 2 Arkansas
41 3 California
41 4 Colorado
41 5 Connecticut
41 6 Delaware
41 7 Florida
41 8 Georgia
41 9 Illinois
41 10 Indiana
41 11 Iowa
41 12 Kansas
41 13 Kentucky
41 14 Louisiana
41 15 Maine
41 16 Maryland
41 17 Massachusetts
41 18 Michigan
42 1 Minnesota
42 2 Mississippi
42 3 Missouri
42 4 Nebraska
42 5 New Hampshire
42 6 New Jersey
42 7 New Mexico
42 8 New York
42 9 North Carolina
42 10 Ohio
42 11 Oregon
42 12 Pennsylvania
42 13 Rhode Island
42 14 South Carolina
42 15 Tennessee
42 16 Texas
42 17 Vermont
42 18 Virginia
43 1 West Virginia
43 2 Wisconsin
43 3 Territories - Arizona, Montana, Utah, Washington and Wyoming Forestry Statistics, 1880
43 4 Alabama – Iowa
43 5 Kansas – New Hampshire
43 6 New Jersey – Wisconsin
43 7 U.S. Territories
43 8 List of Persons to Whom Forestry Circulars Were Sent
    Circulars: Forest Fire Inquiries, 1880
44 1 Alabama and Arkansas
44 2 California, Colorado and Connecticut
44 3 Florida and Georgia
44 4 Indiana and Kentucky
44 5 Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan and Minnesota
44 6 Mississippi and Missouri
44 7 New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York
44 8 North Carolina
44 9 Ohio
45 1 Oregon and Pennsylvania
45 2 South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas
45 3 Vermont and Virginia
45 4 West Virginia and Wisconsin
45 5 Territories: Dakota, Indian, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Washington
45   Spruce Timber Surveys
45 6 Alabama, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Ohio
45 7 Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin
45 8 Canada
    Report Upon Forestry - Papers, 1880
46 1 Galley - Table of Contents
46 2 Galley - Volume I
46 3 Galley - Volume II
46 4 Introduction - Timber Culture Act of 1873
46 5 Introduction - Recent State and Territory Legislation
46 6 Introduction - Notes upon Forestry in Several States
46 7 Introduction – Miscellaneous Statements
47 1 Chapter I: General Statements and Comparisons
47 2 Chapter II: Exploitation of Lumber, Planks, and Scanting
47 3 Chapter III: Exploitation of Laths and Small Lumber
Chapter IV: Exploitation of Shingles
47 4 Chapter V: Timber, Ship Timber and Other Products
47 5 Chapter VI: Staves, Headings, Shooks, and Coopers' Wares
Chapter VII: Fine Woods
47 6 Chapter VIII: Wood Manufacturers
Chapter IX: Barks
47 7 Chapter X: Naval Stores
47 8 Chapter XI: Incidental Forest Products
Chapter XII: Shipbuilding
48 1 Importation of Forest Products
48 2 Timber Resources of Canada
48 3 Canadian Forest Products
48 4 Public Timberlands in Canada
48 5 Timber Statistics of Provinces
48 6 Public Works of Canada
49 1 Statistics: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland and South Carolina
49 2 Statistics: New York, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas and Kentucky
49 3 Statistics: Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin
49 4 Charts and Tables
49 5 Memorandum and Letterbook, 1874-1875
    Agriculture and Horticulture
50 1 New York State, Agricultural and Horticultural Statistics Manual, 1868
50 2 Harvest Statistics
50 3 Harvest Notes and Observations
50 4 Floral Calendars, Lewis County, N.Y., 1844-1849
50 5 Statistics on Flowers and Plants
50 6 Charts and Graphs
50 7 Miscellaneous
    Newspaper Clippings 1 Adirondack Mountains and Forest Preserve, 1883-1885 (copies)
51 2 Adirondack Mountains and Forest Preserve, 1883-1885 (originals)
51 3 Adirondack Mountains and Forest Preserve, 1883-1885 (originals) (continued)
51 4 Agricultural and Forestry, 1880-1885
51 5 Agricultural and Forestry, 1880-1885 (continued)
    Education Papers
    Correspondence - Department of Interior, Bureau of Education, 1874-1881 (Indexed)
52 1 Letters, 1874-June 1875
52 2 Letters, July-December 1875
52 3 Letters, 1876
52 4 Letters, 1877
52 5 Letters, 1878-1881
    Letters from Colleges and Universities Regarding the Proposed Centennial Exhibition, 1875-1876
53 1 Alcorn University
Abingdon College
Alabama A.& M. College
Allentown College (mounted with Allegheny College and Academy Assumption)
Allegheny College (mounted with Allentown College and Academy Assumption)
Academy Assumption (mounted with Allentown College and Allegheny College)
Atlanta University
Augusta College
Bates College
Bedford College
Bethany College
Bowdon College
Burlington Collegiate Institute
Cane Hill College (2)
Center College (mounted with Central University of Iowa)
Central University of Iowa (mounted with Center College)
Colby University
College of St. Augustine
School of Mines, Columbia College
Columbia College (2)
Concordia College
Cooper Union
Cornell College (Iowa)
Dickinson College
Doane College (2)
Drury College
Eminence College
Emory College
Eureka College
Farmer's College
Franciscan College
Girard College (2 sep. mo.)
53 2 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute
Hannibal College
Hillsboro College
Hiwasse College
Hobart College
Hope College (2)
Howard College (2)
Illinois Industrial University (2) (3 & 2 mo.)
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indiana State University (2)
Iowa State Agriculture College (mounted with Iowa College)
Iowa College (mounted with Iowa State Agriculture College)
Lebanon Valley College (2 sep. mo.)
Lehigh University (3) (2 + 1 mo.)
Lewisburgh University
Maryville College
Massachusetts Agricultural College (3)
McGee College (3)
Michigan State Agriculture College
Mississippi College
Monmouth College (2)
Moore's Hill College (2)
Mt. Holyoke Seminary (10) (6 + 4 mo.)
Mt. Union College (2 sep. mo.)
Muhlenberg College
Muskingum College
53 3 New Orleans University
North Western Christian College
Norwegian Luther [sic] College
Norich University
Notre Dame University
Olivet University
Ohio A. & M. College
Ohio Wesleyan College (2 sep. mo.)
Oskaloosa College
Palantinate College
Pass Christian College
Pennsylvania College
People's College
Philomath College
Racine College
Ridgeville College (2)
Ripon College
St. Charles' College
St. John's College (N.C.) (mounted with St. John's College (Wisc.))
St. John's College (Wisc.) (2) (mounted with St. John's College (N.C.))
St. Joseph's College (Calif.)
St. Mary's College (Calif.) (4)
St. Mary's College (Ky.) (2)
St. Mary's School
St. Meinrad's Abbey & College
St. Vincent's College
Smithson College
Southwestern College
Talladega College
Texas Military Institute
Texas University
Trinity College
Union Christian College
University of Chicago
University of Modern Languages
University of Minnesota
University of Nashville
University of Nebraska
University of North Carolina
University of Oregon
University of St. Mary
University of the Pacific
University of Wooster
Washburn College
Washington and Jefferson College
Wayland University
Wesleyan University
Westminster University
West Virginia College
Wilmington College
    Letters from Schools and Colleges in New York State Regarding the Centennial History of the University of the State of New York, 1884
53 4 Adams Collegiate Institute
Addison Academy (S.H. Pitcher)
Albany Medical College
Albion Union Free School
Alexander Classical School
Alfred University (2)
Almond Academy (E.P. Karr)
Amenia Seminary
American Veterinary College (2)
Andes Collegiate Institute
Angelica Academy
Auburn Academy & High School
Augusta Academy
Aurora Academy
Ball Seminary (2) (W.A. Wood)
Ballston Academy
Batavia Union Free School
Bedford Female Institute (1 postal card)
Bellevue Medical College
Bernville Academy
Bethany Academy
Binghamton Academy
Blooming Grove Academy
Bridgewater Academy
Brockport College
Buffalo Medical College
Cambridge – Washington Academy
Canajoharie Academy
Cazenovia Seminary
Chamberlain Institute (mounted with Chamberlain Academy & Union Free School)
Champlain Academy & Union Free School (mounted with Chamberlain Institute)
Chateaugay Collegiate Institute
Cherry Valley Academy
Chester Academy
Clarence Academy
Claverack College & Hudson River Institute
Clover Street Seminary
Columbia College (3)(mounted with College of Physicians and Surgeons)
College of Physicians and Surgeons (mounted with Columbia College)
Columbia College & Libraries
Cooper Institute (2)
Cooperstown Union School and Academy (3)
Cornell University
Coxsackie Union School
53 5 Fairfield Academy and Seminary
Gaines Academy
Galway Academy
Granger Union Academy
Granville Academy
Hamilton College (4)
Heddings Literary Institute
Hempstead Semimary (handwritten history)
Herkimer Academy
Hobart College
Hamilton College
Holland Patent Union Free School
Jane Grey School
Jefferson Academy
Knoxville Academy (F. Williams)
Leavenworth Institute
Lewiston H.S. Academy
Little Falls Union School (handwritten history)
Lockport Academy
Lyons Union School
Manhattan College
Marion Academy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moravia Union School
Munro Collegiate Institute
Nassau Academy
Newburgh Female Seminary (E.M. Ruttenber)
New Paltz Academy
University of the City of New York
New York College of Dentistry (3)
Olean Free School
Ontario Female Seminary (with handwritten history on separate sheets)
Oyster Bay Academy
53 6 Packer Institute
Palmyra Classical Union School
Pembroke and Darien Classical School
Perry Center Institute
Poughkeepsie H.S.
Prattsville Academy
Preble H.S. (J.W. Rae)
Prospect Academy
Raymond College Institute
Red Hook Academy
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (3)
Rhinebeck Union School
Richburg Academy (H. Jarecki)
Ridgebury Academy
University of Rochester (3)
Royalton Center Academy
Rutger's Female Academy (2)
Rye Academy
St. Lawrence University
St. Stephen's College
Saugerties Academy
Ticonderoga Academy
Troupsburgh Academy
Union College
United States Medical College
University of the City of New York (handwritten note, giving brief history of UCNY)
Utica Academy (mounted with Utica Female Seminary)
Utica Female Seminary (mounted with Utica Academy)
Warwick Institute
Washington Academy
Wells College
West Hebron Union School
Wyomanock Female Seminary (C.T. Hemenway)
Yates County Academy
Letter from Isaac F. Russell
    College and University Papers, 1874-1875
54 1 Plans and outlines for a History of American Colleges and Universities, 1874-1875
54 2 College and University Exhibit, Centennial Plans and Proposals
54 3 List of Colleges to Receive Forms for Centennial History, 1874-1875
54 4 Record of Responses to Centennial History Circular
54 5 General Statistics (manuscript graphs and charts)
54 6 Printed Statistics
54 7 Centennial History – Notes
54 8 Centennial History - News Clippings
54 9 Centennial Exposition – Memorandum on Exhibits, 1877
55 1 Abington College
Allentown Female College, Allentown, Pa.
Almira College, Greenville, Ill.
Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.
American College of Music
American School of Natural History, Penikese, N.Y.
American University, Philadelphia
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn.
55 2 Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas
Baylor University, Independence, Texas
Beaver College, Beaver Falls, Pa.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wisc.
55 3 Berca College, Berca, Ky.
Boston University
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me.
55 4 Bowdoin College (continued)
55 5 Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Brunswick University, Germany
55 6 Burkittsville Female Seminary, Frederick, Md.
Burlington College, Burlington, N.J.
Carthage College, Carthage, Ill.
Central Tennessee College, Nashville, Tenn.
Christian Brothers College, Memphis, Tenn.
55 7 Charleston College, Charleston, S.C.
Cincinnati Wesleyen College
Cokesbury College
56 1 Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
56 2 Davison College
Elmira College, Elmira, N.Y.
Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.
Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa.
Fort Wayne College, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Franklin College, Franklin, Ind.
Furman University, Greenville, S.C.
Georgia Female College, Madison, Ga.
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa.
Glendale Female College, Glendale, Ohio
Greenville College
56 3 Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.
56 4 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
56 5 Hillsboro Female College, Hillsboro, Ohio
Hiram College, Carrestville, Ohio
Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y.
Humboldt College, Humboldt, Iowa
56 6 Indiana-Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind.
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Judson University, Judsonia, Ark.
Kentucky Military Institute, Frankfort, Ky.
Kentucky, University of, Lexington, Ky.
Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
56 7 LaFayette College, Easton, Pa.
Lombard University, Galesburg, Ill.
Louisiana State University
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Germantown, Pa.
McClarke College, Bloomfield, Ohio
McKendree College, Lebanon, Ala.
56 8 Madison University (Colgate), Hamilton, N.Y.
Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College
Manhattan College, N.Y.
57 1 Middlebury College
Milton College
Monongahela College, Jefferson, Pa.
Mt. St. Mary College, Cincinnati, Ohio
Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.
57 2 NAPA Collegiate Institute, California
New Jersey College
Northwestern College, Naperville, Ill.
Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Ohio Central College, Xenia, Ohio
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
Pennsylvania College of Mines
Pio Anno College, Macon, Ga.
57 3 Princeton (College of New Jersey)
57 4 Roanoke College, Salem, Va.
57 5 Rome Female College, Rome, Ga.
Rutgers Female College, New York, N.Y.
57 6 St. Agnes School, Albany, N.Y.
St. Augustine College, Calif.
St. Bonaventure College, Alleghany, N.Y.
St. Charles College, Grand Colean, La.
St. Gregory College, Elk County, Pa.
St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Ill.
St. John's College, Indianapolis, Ind.
St. Mary's School, Knoxville, Tenn.
57 7 St. Louis University
St. Xavier College
Seminary of Our Lady of Angels
Seton Hall College, South Orange, N.J.
Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Southern University, Greensboro, Ala.
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J.
Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.
58 1 Tabor College, Tabor, Iowa
Tennessee (Eastern) University, Knoxville, Tenn.
58 2 Texas College
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
Trinity University of Texas
Tilden Ladies Seminary, West Lebanon, N.H.
58 3 Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.
58 4 University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
58 5 University of Alabama
University of Buffalo, N.Y.
University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
58 6 University of Missouri
University of Notre Dame
58 7 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
University of South Carolina, Columbia
58 8 University of the South, Sewanee, Texas
59 1 University of Vermont, Burlington
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
59 2 University of Wisconsin, Madison
Upper Iowa University, Fayette
59 3 United Presbyterian Seminary, Allegheny City, Pa.
Urbana University, Urbana, Ohio
59 4 Utah University, Salt Lake City
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.
Washington College, Chestertown, Md.
Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
59 5 Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.
59 6 Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.
Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.
Western University, Pittsburgh, Pa.
59 7 Western University (continued)
60 1 Westfield College, Westfield, Ill.
60 2 Westminster College, Fulton, Mo.
60 3 West Virginia University, Morgantown
Whittier College, Salem, Iowa
Wilberforce University, Ohio
60 4 William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
Williams College, Williamstown, Ma.
Woodstock College, Baltimore, Md.
Worcester Free Institute, Worcester, Mass.
60 5 College of the City of New York
60 6 University of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (Bucknell)
60 7 Finland University
61 1 Agricultural and Technical Colleges
61 2 Religious and Denominational Colleges
61 3 Women's (Female) Colleges
61 4 Academic Libraries
61 5 Social Organizations
61 6 News Clippings
61 7 Miscellaneous
62   Card indexes: a. Institutions; b. St. John's College Alumni; c. St. Francis Xavier College
    Manuscript of Hough's History of the University of the State of New York, 1884
63 1 Outline of Contents and Notes for Revision
63 2 Introduction and Chapters 1-3
63 3 Chapters 4-6
63 4 Chapter 7: Histories of Selected Colleges
63 5 Chapter 7  (continued)
63 6 Chapter 7  (continued)
64 1 Chapters 8 and 9
64 2 Chapters 10-19
64 3 Chapter 20: New York Schools, A-M
64 4 Chapter 20: New York Schools, N-Z
64 5 Chapters 21-26
65 1 Chapter 27: Academics, A-M
65 2 Chapter 27: Academics, N-Z
65 3 Chapters 28-36
    Manuscript of Regents History
66 1 List of Persons Having Served on the New York Board of Regents
66 2 Index
66 3 Notes and Statistics
    Historical Research and Writings
    Jefferson County, New York
67   History of Jefferson County, New York, v. 1, annotated, 1854
67   History of Jefferson County, New York, v. 2, annotated, 1854
68 1 Business Papers and Records
68 2 Notes - Settlement and Organization of Towns
68 3 Notes - Settlement and Organization of Towns (continued)
68 4 Revolutionary War Annotations
68 5 Statistics
68 6 Jefferson County Town Electors, 1867
    Lewis County, New York
69 1 History of Lewis County, (Albany: J. Munsell, 1850), annotated, 1851
69 2 Business Papers with Publisher: J. Munsell
69 3 Orders and Receipts
69 4 Notes and Statistics
69 5 Notes and Statistics
70 1 Notebook, vol. 1
70 2 Notebook, vol. 2
70 3 Notebook, vol. 3
70 4 Lowville Rural Cemetery Records
70 5 Catalogue of Plants and Flowers in Lewis County, 1895
70 6 Newspaper Clippings
71 1 Notebook: Facts and Statistical Data
71 2 Notebook: Lewis County Churches
71 3 Record book: Deaths in Lewis County, 1831-1881
72 1 Bible Society of Lewis County, Records, 1812-1818
72 2 Lewis County Physicians
72 3 Lowville Town Hall: Building Specifications
72 4 Lowville Academy: Building Contract, 1861
72 5 Lowville Academy: Architectural Sketches
72 6 Lowville Academy: Building Dedication
72 7 Lowville Academy: Miscellaneous Papers
72 8 Wills: a. James Leonard, (copy), n.d.; b. Hannah Bostwick, (copy)
    Lewis and Jefferson Counties
73   Scrapbook: News clippings, 1852-1853
73   Scrapbook: News clippings, 1854-1859
    St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties
74   History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, vol. 1, annotated galley, 1853
74   History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, vol. 2, annotated galley, 1853
74 3 Business Papers, with Publisher
74 4 Letters to Nathan Ford (et al) Regarding the Settlement of St. Lawrence County
    Northern New York
75 1 Black River Canal
75 2 Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence, Mss. n.d.
75 3 Thousand Islands (continued)
75 4 Thousand Islands (continued)
75 5 Miscellaneous Local History Notes
75   "Copy of the diary kept by James Constable, who visited the northern purchases as agent for the proprietors in the years, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806.  From the original possession of Henry C. Pierrepont of Brooklyn."  Transcription, ca. 1850s.  Re: Castorland Colony and Alexander Macomb's Purchase.  (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM 974.7,H838,206-10053,RL 3)
    New York State History
76   Gazetteer of the State of New York, part 1, annotated galley, 1872
77   Gazetteer of the State of New York, part 2, annotated galley, 1872
    Notes on the Counties of New York
78 1 Albany
78 2 Allegany and Broome
78 3 Cattaraugus
78 4 Cayuga
78 5 Chautauqua
78 6 Chemung
78 7 Chenango
78 8 Niagara
78 9 Onondaga and Ontario
78 10 Orange and Orleans
78 11 St. Lawrence
78 12 Schenectady and Seneca
78 13 Steuben and Sullivan
78 14 Tioga and Tompkins
78 15 Wayne and Wyoming
78 16 Westchester
79 1 New York City - Notes and Statistics
79 2 New York City - Queens and Richmond
79 3 Lakes and Rivers, A-M
79 4 Lakes and Rivers, N-Z
79 5 Alms Houses and Asylums
79 6 Prisons and Reformatories
79 7 Newspapers – Listed by Place of Publication
79 8 Mineral Deposits in New York
79 9 Statistical Charts
80 1 Land Grants and Patents in New York
80 2 Notebook: Origins of Counties, Towns, and Cities
80 3 Register of Canal Boats in New York and Navigational Statistics
80 4 Notebook: a. List of Publications about New York; b. List of Railroads
    Railroads of New York – Notes
81 1 Adirondack Railroad Co.
Albany & Cohoes Railroad
Albany & Schenectady Railroad
Albany & Susquehanna Railroad
Albany & West Stockbridge Railroad
81 2 Atlantic & Pacific Railroad
Attica & Allegany Valley Railroad
Attica & Hornellsville Railroad
Auburn & Canal Railroad
Auburn & Rochester Railroad
Auburn & Syracuse Railroad
Auburn & Buffalo Railroad
81 3 Bath & Crooked Lake Railroad
Binghamton & Susquehanna Railroad
Black River & Utica Railroad
Boston & Albany Railroad
Brewerton & Syracuse Railroad
81 4 Buffalo & Batavia Railroad
Buffalo & Black Rock Railroad
Buffalo & Corning Railroad
Buffalo & Erie Railroad
Buffalo & Hinsdale Railroad
Buffalo & Lockport Railroad
Buffalo & New York City Railroad
Buffalo & Niagara Railroad
Buffalo & Pittsburg Railroad
Buffalo & Rochester Railroad
Buffalo & State Line Railroad
81 5 Canajoharie & Catskill Railroad
Canandaiqua & Elmira Railroad
Castleton & Stockbridge Railroad
Catskill & Ithaca Railroad
Cazenovia & DeRuyter Railroad
Chemung Railroad
Chemung & Ithaca Railroad
Cherry Valley & Susquehanna Railroad
Coeymans Railroad
Coldspring Railroad
Cooperstown & Cherry Valley Railroad
Corning & Blosburgh Railroad
Coxsackie & Schenectady Railroad
81 6 Dansville & Rochester Railroad
Delaware Railroad Co.
Dutchess Railroad Co.
Elmira & Williamsport Railroad
Erie & Cattaraugus Railroad
Erie & N.Y.C. Railroad
Fishhouse & Amsterdam Railroad
Fredonia & Van Buren Harbor Railroad
Genesee & Cattaraugus Railroad
Geneva & Canandaiqua Railroad
Gilboa Railroad Co.
Goshen & Albany Railroad
Goshen & New Jersey Railroad
Great Ausable Railroad Co.
Greene Railroad Co.
81 7 Halletts Cove Railroad
Herkimer & Trenton Railroad Co.
Honeyoye Railroad Co.
Hudson & Berkshire Railroad Co.
Hudson & Boston Railroad
Hudson & Delaware Railroad
Hudson River Railroad
81 8 Ithaca & Auburn Railroad
Ithaca & Geneva Railroad
Ithaca & Owego Railroad
Jamesville Railroad Co.
Johnstown Railroad Co.
Lake Champlain Railroad Co.
Lake Ontario Shore Railroad Co.
Lebanon Springs Railroad Co.
Lewiston Railroad Co.
Lockport & Batavia Railroad Co.
Lockport & Niagara Railroad
Long Island Railroad
81 9 Madison County Railroad
Malden Railroad
Manheim & Salisbury Railroad Co.
Mayville & Portland Railroad
Medina & Darien Railroad
Medina & Lake Ontario Railroad
Mohawk & Hudson Railroad
81 10 New York & Erie Railroad
81 11 New York & Albany Railroad
New York & Harlem Railroad
Newark Railroad Co.
Oswego & Syracuse Railroad
Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroad
Rhinebeck & Connecticut Railroad
Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad
Rochester & Syracuse Railroad
Rochester, Lockport & Niagara Falls Railroad
81 12 Sacketts Harbor & Saratoga Railroad
Saratoga & Washington Railroad
Schenectady & Troy Railroad
Syracuse & Binghamton Railroad
Syracuse & Utica Railroad
Tioga Coal Line Railroad
Utica & Schenectady Railroad
Utica & Sheldon Railroad
Whitehall & Plattsburgh Railroad
Williamsport & Elmira Railroad
    New York Colonial History
82   Titles and Dates of Laws Enacted in the Colony of New York, 1679-1782 (Indexed) Bound Vol.
83   Castorland Journal:  Transcription of the Journal kept in French recording the experiences, observations, and events noted by Simon Desjardins and Pierre Pharoux, commissaires, and Geoffrey Desjardins, secretary, of "New York Company", for the period July 1, 1793-April 10, 1797, during survey of a tract of 220,500 acres on the north side of Black River in the present Lewis and Jefferson counties, State of New York  (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM,974.7,H838,206-10053,RL 1)
84   Castorland Journal: Manuscript of annotated translation in English of the journal kept by a company of colonists who emigrated from France in 1793 seeking asylum in northern New York State.  (Also available on microfilm: MB/FM,974.7,H838,206-10053,RL 2)
85 1 Nantucket Publication Papers and Documents, 1856
85 2 Nantucket - Copies of Original Documents, 1-80
85 3 Nantucket - Copies of Original Documents, 81-155
85 4 Nantucket - Copies of Documents
85 5 Documents and Letters of the Governor and Council of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1672-1695
85 6 The Vineyard Papers - Letters and papers relating to Martha's Vineyard, while under the possession of the Colony of New York
85 7 Pemaquid - annotated galley, 1850 (Parts of Maine when under the Colony of New York)
86 1 New York Colonial Manuscripts and Council Minutes, 1675-1745 (copies)
86 2 New York Colonial Manuscripts (Dutch) - List of Volumes
86 3 New York Colonial English Manuscripts - Assembly Papers, Constitution, Commissions, and Patents
86 4 New York Colonial Manuscripts - Excerpts and Notes
86 5 Bradford Lewis Laws, pp.68-79 and 71-72, (found with volume of Quit Claim Abstracts), printed 1706
86 6 The right of the Governor of the Colony of Connecticut to claim and hold lands within the limits of their charter, lying west of the Province of New York, 1773
86 7 Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry Upon the Conduct of Robert Van Rensselaer, 1781
86 8 Biographical Essay - Wm. Constable
    Revolutionary War Papers
87 1 A Brief History of the Revolution, with Sketches of the Life of Captain John Hewson, Mss. 1842
87 2 New York State Militia Act of 1778
87 3 General George Clinton, Letters and Documents, 1778-1880
87 4 Historical Papers from the Rivington Royal Gazette, relating to the siege of Charleston and Savannah, Mss. (copy) 1779-1780
87 5 Garrison Orders at Fort Schuyler, 1777
87 6 Revolutionary War Regiments (listed by colony)
88 1 Officers (alphabetical listing). Bd.
88 2 New York Militia Officers (listed by place)
88 3 New York Militia List of Regiments and Commanding Officers
88 4 New York Militia Officers: Abbott – Hale
88 5 New York Militia Officers: Hall – Ryne
88 6 New York Militia Officers: Sacket – Zimmerman
88 7 Addenda
    Military History
89 1 New York Militia, Commanding Officers, 1786-1800
89 2 Essay on Major-General Jacob Brown and the Campaign at Niagara, 1814
89 3 Letters (copies) of Gen. Jacob Brown, 1812-1814
89 4 Notes on Gen. Jacob Brown
89 5 List of Casualties, War with Mexico, 1845-1846
89 6 Indian War Casualties
89 7 Index – Statistical Reports of Sickness and Mortality in the U.S. Army, 1819-1859
    Indian Affairs
90   Indian Deeds and Treaties, 1665-1857. Mss. Bd. (A10275)
91 1 Memoranda of Papers and Documents Relating to Indian Treaties in the State of New York
91 2 Letters and Documents (copies): Frontier settlements in New York and problems with Indians, 1780
91 3 General Sullivan's Campaign against Indians, 1779-1780
91 4 Treaties between New York Government and the Six Nations (Iroquois), 1779-1796. Mss. (copies)
91 5 Treaties: Oliver Phelps Indian Purchase, 1788; Holland Co., Robert Morris, and Seneca Nation, 1797
91 6 Iroquois Legends
91 7 Indian Place Names in New York
91 8 Eleazer Williams: Life of TE-HO-RA-GWA-NE-GEN, alias Thomas Williams, Chief of the Indians of Canada. Mss. galley, 1859
91 9 Essays by Rev. Eleazer Williams
    History – Post-Revolution
92 1 David Lord's Journal - An Account of the Whiskey Rebellion, 1794. Mss. Bd.
92 2 David Lord's Journal - A Record of Travels from Morristown, N.J., through New York and New England, 1804
92 3 Statistical View of the Grand Federal Possession in Philadelphia, July 4, 1788. Mss. (copy) 1843
92 4 Notes on Abraham Lincoln
92 5 Bibliography and Research Notes
92 6 Card Index to Periodical Articles
    Colonial Settlements and Charters
93 1 Expeditions and Voyages
93 2 Land Patents - Exploration and Discovery
93 3 Plymouth Colony
93 4 Massachusetts Bay - First Charter
93 5 Massachusetts Bay - Second Charter
93 6 Massachusetts Bay - Settlement Notes
93 7 Maine - Conveyance to Massachusetts
93 8 Connecticut
93 9 New Hampshire
93 10 New England - Proposed Union
94 1 New York
94 2 New Jersey
94 3 Pennsylvania
94 4 Delaware
94 5 Maryland
94 6 Virginia
94 7 Carolina
94 8 Georgia
94 9 Florida
94 10 Louisiana
94 11 Canada
94 12 Colonial Charters
    State Seals – History
95 1 Alabama, Arizona and Arkansas
95 2 California, Colorado and Connecticut
95 3 Dakota Territory, Delaware and District of Columbia
95 4 Florida and Georgia
95 5 Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Indian Territory
95 6 Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Louisiana
95 7 Maine and Maryland
95 8 Massachusetts and Michigan
95 9 Minnesota, Mississippi and Missouri
96 1 Nebraska, Nevada and New Hampshire
96 2 New Jersey and New York
96 3 North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon
96 4 Pennsylvania and Rhode Island
96 5 South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas
96 6 Vermont and Virginia
96 7 Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming
96 8 Confederate States of America (pamphlet)
96 9 Memoranda and Notes
    Constitutional and Legal History
97 1 Historical Record of Federal, State, and Territory Constitutions, Mss. Bd.
97 2 United States Constitution, annotated
97 3 United States Constitution, annotated
97 4 U.S. Constitution Limitations: Legislature
97 5 U.S. Constitution Limitations: Executive
97 6 U.S. Constitution Limitations: Judiciary
97 7 U.S. Constitution – Treaties
97 8 Magna Carta and English Common Law
97 9 Constitutional Law Notes
    Confederate States of America - Constitutional Convention, 1861
98 1 Journal of Proceedings, April 11, 16-19, 1861
98 2 Journal of Proceedings, April 20-23, 1861
98 3 Journal of Proceedings, April 26, 1861
98 4 Committee Reports
98 5 Draft of Constitution
98 6 Record of Votes
98 7 Virginia Constitution
98 8 Miscellaneous
    Biographical Dictionary
99 1 Aa – Alber (pp.1-100)
99 2 Albergate – Amfreville (pp.101-200)
99 3 Amherst – Arcy (pp. 201-300)
99 4 Ardemanio – Aurelius (pp.301-400)
99 5 Aurelius – Bielke (pp.401-500)
100 1 Bienne – Calliphana (pp.501-600)
100 2 Calistrano – Cluentius (pp.601-700)
100 3 Cluverino – Dopplemaier (pp.701-800)
100 4 Dorbny – Flacilla (pp.801-900)
100 5 Hameel – Guerart (pp.901-1000)
100 6 Guercheville – Jenkin (pp.1001-1100)
101 1 Jenkins – Macarlas (pp.1101-1200)
101 2 Mace - Naravas (pp.1201-1300)
101 3 Narcissus – Philon (pp.1301-1400)
101 4 Philonides – Sarts (pp.1401-1500)
101 5 Saturninus – Tisicrates (pp.1501-1600)
101 6 Tissaphernes – Zypans (pp.1601-1700)
    Biographical Notes
102   American Obituary Dates - Alphabetical Listing with Date of Death, 1784-1823. Mss. Bd.
103   Biographical Notes - Names Index
    Alphabetical List of Aliens, 1755-1853
    Biography of George Washington - Papers
104 1 Bibliographical List of Books and Pamphlets containing Catalogues, Orations, Poems and Other Papers Relating to the Death of George Washington. Galley, 1863
104 2 Annotations of Publications, Authors, A-L (card index)
104 3 Annotations of Publications, Authors, M-Z (card index)
104 4 Publications Card Index, not annotated
104 5 Washingtonia: Memorials upon the Death of George Washington. Mss. 1865
104 6 Washingtonia, Eulogies (copies)
104 7 Washingtonia, Eulogies (copies)
104 8 George Washington Letters (copies)
104 9 Letters: George Washington to John Sinclair
104 10 Discourse concerning George Washington, printed 1813
    New York Constitutional Convention, 1867
105 1 Letters from Town and County Officials, 1867
105 2 Blank Forms
105 3 Reports from County Clerks
105 4 Reports from County Treasurers
105   Statistics Forms
105 5 State Elections
105 6 Taxation and Revenue
    Research Methodology
105 7 Data Gathering and Interpretation
105 8 Data Gathering and Interpretation (continued)
105 9 Data Gathering and Interpretation (continued)
105 10 Graphics
    Statistical Charts (Oversize)
106 1 Population Trends: Graphs
106 2 Religious Denominations
106 3 Education: Graphs and Charts
106 4
  1. New York Census
  2. Report to the U.S. Senate Regarding Commerce between the United States and Foreign Countries, December 19, 1838
    Scrapbook Collection
107   Arts, Sciences and Inventions, printed material, 1856-1880. Bd.
Obituary Notices, news clippings, 1855-1861. Bd.
108   Politics and Government, 1858-1862. Bd.
109   History and Politics, 1858-1862. Bd.
110   Albany, N.Y. printed material and news clippings. Bd.
111   Thanksgiving Proclamations, printed material. Bd.
Meteorology. Bd.
    Broadsides and Printed Material (Items 17, 22, 23, 98, 105, 113, and 114 file with Extra-Large (EL) documents)
112 1
  1. 4th of July Celebration
  2. Franklin Reflector (stove) for 1876. Philadelphia, 1876.
  3. The Splendid (stove) by Fuller, Warren and Co. Troy, n.d.
  4. Improved Steam Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, Wyllis H. Warner and H.A. Barber. New York, n.d.
  5. Peerless Radiator Shaking Grate, by Bissill and Co. Pittsburgh, n.d., 8 pages
  6. St. Lawrence - Anniversaries, January 1843, Vol. I, VII
  7. The Electric Light Base Burner - Thatcher Heating Co. New York, n.d.
  8. Astrology, Astronomy, Threnology and Geomancy., C.W. Roback from Sweden. New York (1850)
112 2
  1. Lines written on the dedication of the First English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. September 19, 1875
  2. Gainesville Female Seminary - Gainesville, N.Y. (1857)
  3. Upper Mines - Blank Indenture, 182?
  4. Thos. S. Dixon and Sons - Manufacturer of Grates. Philadelphia, Pa. Business card.
  5. S.R. and R.M. Lowery's Industrial Academy. Huntsville, Ala. (1879?)
  6. Articles of Association of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association of Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, n.p. (1863)
  7. The Cabalistic Society … (Albany), n.d.
  8. Obverse and Reverse of the Allston Medal – Picture
  9. 477 dollars to new recruits paid by Capt. Geo. Peeler, n.p., n.d. (EL1)
  10. Kansas Pacific Railroad Co. - acreage for sale, Lawrence (1875)
  11. Regular Line to Sharon Springs, 1866. Albany, 1866
  12. New York Conference Seminary - Charlottesville, N.Y., 187-
  13. To the Legislature of the State of New York, Rochester, 1860
112 3
  1. Grant and Colfax - Banner Raising, Lowville. September 10, 1868  (EL2)
  2. Watertown and Rome Railroad Freight Tariff. Rome, 1853 (EL 3)
  3. Election Notice. Rossie, May 1, 1851
  4. The Terra Cotta, Brick, Tile and Pottery Works …, England. Price list and specimen sheets. London, n.d.
  5. Northern Railroad Time Table. September 18, 1851
  6. Thanksgiving Celebration – Concert - November 26, Lowville, N.Y.
  7. Congress Spring - Clarke and White, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., n.d.
  8. Lewis County Republican - Extra. More dark lantern "Frauds," Lowville, 1855
112 4
  1. Railroad Celebration. Lowville, November 25, 1868
  2. Reopening of the Grand Union Hotel, June 15, 1877. Saratoga Springs, April 15, 1877
  3. Temple Grove House, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
  4. Ballston Spa Academy, Saratoga, N.Y.
  5. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works, Harvey and Adamson Mfgs. of Oriental and Modern Garden and Conservatory Vases
  6. Jones Patent Silver Glass, patented February 2, 1875, New York, n.d. (2 copies)
  7. Utica Stained Glass Works, Utica, N.Y., est. 1850, n.d.
  8. Kier Bros. - Superior Quality of Fire Brick, Pittsburgh, Pa. (business card)
  9. Stone and Pipe - George Richardson, n.p., n.d.
  10. People's Union Mass Convention, n.p. (1861?)
  11. First Annual Concert of the Lowville Cornet Band, June 21, 1867
  12. Mowing Machine Trial, July 1872 (Lowville)
  13. Opening Party - Grove House - Mineral Springs, Lowville, June 12, 1873
  14. Fire! Fire! - Lowville, N.Y., October 11, 1871
  15. Kelly and Samuels Keystone Grinding Machine …, Philadelphia 187?
  16. U.S. Sign and Glass Letter Co., Patterson, N.J., n.d. (business card)
  17. Third Lecture - "Why Not," Susan B. Anthony, Ruscoe Hall, Lowville. December 27, 1870
  18. The Republican Senatorial Nominee - $195,300.00, n.p., n.d.
  19. List of Petitioners and Remonstrants - For and against the granting of licenses in Lowville for the year1869
  20. Recruits Wanted for the 59th Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers. Bostwick House, Lowville, N.Y., n.d.
112 5
  1. Village Meeting, Fort Edward, N.Y. April 18, 1867
  2. Black River Canal! Meeting at the Court House in Lowville, N.Y. February 26, 1875
  3. Stamp order - Bank of Lowville
  4. "Astonishing but True!," P.C. Ryel writing lessons. June 19, 1871
  5. Excursion on Black River. Lowville, August 5, 1879
  6. To the Public … Ready Made Clothing. N.Y. Clothing Store, Lowville, N.Y., n.d.
  7. Running Match - Norris M. Lord – Lowville, N.Y. … May 28.
  8. Auction - The Great Japan Tea Co., Lowville, N.Y. December 14, 1876
  9. To the Clerk of School District #2, Lowville, N.Y. March 12, 1877
  10. Maple Sugar Party. Dayan St., Baptist Church, Lowville. March 28.
112 6
  1. Running Contest between Norris Lord and Norton Babcock. April 16, 1879 (2 copies)
  2. Martin Institute - Martinsburgh. August 20, 1879
  3. Travelers, Attention!, R.R. Eating House, Lowville, n.d.
  4. Taxpayers Meeting – Court House, Lowville. September 13, 1879
  5. The Great Printing Grab, November 29, 1876, Lowville (4 copies)
  6. $200.00 Reward, Frank W. Webb – Lowville, N.Y. December 8, 1876
  7. S. Fritch and Co., Cheap Clothing Store; verso, Lowville Times - List of premiums. September 1876
  8. Summer Goods, 1876 - Lewis and Everett - J.E. Jones, Turin. June 1876
  9. Popular Science Lectures, October 1879
112 7
  1. Reception of Soldiers, Lowville. June 30, 1865
  2. From the Lowville Times - The Formation of Whetstone Gulf
  3. The Union and Democracy! Mass Meeting, n.p., October 26.
  4. To-night hear Gen'l. Judson on Great Characters in American History
  5. Lecture - Home and Temperance, by Mrs. Helen Rich, n.p., n.d.
  6. Strawberry, Ice-Cream and Floral Festival, Academy Grove -Lowville, N.Y. July 4.
  7. Lanpher House, Lowville, N.Y.
  8. Miners' Oil Co., Syracuse, N.Y.
  9. Jefferson County Cement - Town of LeRay, Watertown, n.d.
  10. Cemetery Association Meeting at Bostwick House, n.p., n.d.
  11. Gospel Open Air Meetings, Lowville, n.d.
  12. To the honorable members of the Senate and Assembly of the State of N.Y. - affidavit, February 20, 1860
112 8
  1. Mortgage Sale – Thursday, January 17, 1867, Lowville
  2. Artillery! $565 Bounty to soldiers of the present war, who re-enlist; $175.00 to new recruits. Martinsburgh, n.d.
  3. A most remarkable dream – Edwin S. Johnston, Philadelphia, Pa., n.d.
  4. "Taxpayers of Lewis County." n.p., n.d.
  5. Economy and Luxury – French Toilet Soap Powder, Philadelphia, n.d.
  6. To the Public! September 1, 1865, Greig
  7. Prize Medal - Patent Indigo Blueing B.A.C., New York, n.d.
  8. Notice to travelers! The Steam Packet Wren connects with this train at Lowville. Carthage, n.d.
  9. Railroad Meeting – Lowville, N.Y. January 26, 1866
  10. Plank Roads Notice – Evans Mills, February 18, 1850, Watertown
  11. Plank Road Meeting at Ox-Bow, March 19, 1850, Watertown
112 9
  1. Mass Meetings. J.F. Starbuck Ch'n. Senatorial Dem. Com., Watertown. May 14, 1851
  2. "Who ought to be County Judge?" n.p., n.d.
  3. United States District Attorney's Office - Northern District of New York, Potsdam. September 13, 1865
  4. Elected 1868 - election return
  5. Elected 1863 - Judiciary - State - election return
  6. "Spurn Dictation!" Vote for the man of your own choice! John M. Muscott, Turin. October 22, 1863
  7. Thirty dollars will be paid to those who re-enlist and $10 to new recruits. Lowville, N.Y. (EL4)
  8. Union Mass Meeting – Lowville, N.Y. October 23, ?
  9. Notice to Travellers! The Steam Packet F.G. Connel connects with this train at Lowville, George Sweet, Captain, Carthage. November 20, 1865
  10. New Steamboat! Trial trip of the F.G. Connell, November 22, 1865, Carthage
  11. James M. Ryan – Engraver on Glass Ware, Cincinnati, Ohio. (business card)
  12. John Edwards – Manufacturer of porcelain de terre and ironstone china. (business card)
113 10
  1. The Lowville Times - Extra. September 15, 1877
  2. Queen's Birthday Celebration, Kingston, 1853 (EL5)
  3. A Good Complexion – Pears' Transparent Soap
  4. Staten Island Ferry – from the N.Y. Tribune. February 8, 1861
  5. Dr. E.A. Sieker "Home School," New Rochelle, Westchester County, New York. August 1858
  6. Election Notice – dated Rossie, October 1, 1849
  7. Northern New York Journal – Extra - To the electors of the 23rd Congressional District
  8. Northern Railroad Time Table, July 29, 1852
  9. New Factory at Church's Mills, June 6, 1850, Gouverneur
  10. Grand Temperance demonstration of Ogdensburgh, February 24, 25 and 26, 1852 (EL6)
  11. Democratic County Convention - Court House in Canton. September 22, 1849 (EL7)
  12. $100 reward for body of Lyman B. Fisk, Ogdensburgh, N.Y. May 21, 1853
  13. 18 Lake Ontario, Route 53
    U.S. Mail Line, American Steamboat Office
    R.R. Depot, Ogdensburgh
113 11
  1. North American Mutual Insurance Co., Brasher Falls, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., July 1, 1852
  2. "A Great District of Life Insurance," What is the reason?, New York, n.d.
  3. Reserve Loan – circular to agents. New York, n.d.
  4. Charter of the United States Mutual Insurance Co., November 9, 1850, n.p.
  5. Statement of amount of claims allowed and paid by the Commissioners of Emigration. January 1, 1860
  6. Russel's screw power combined mower and reaper. Fayetteville, N.Y.
  7. Colored Relief Assoc., New York City
  8. List of School Commissioners - N.Y.S., August 30, 1850
  9. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hospital, N.Y., 1870 and 1871
  10. Mercantile Library Assoc., New York
  11. In connection with the real estate business … New York, February 1866
  12. Aims of the Am. Female Guardian Soc., New York, n.d.
  13. Mercantile Library Assoc., N.Y. - Works of fiction added to the library. New York, n.d.
113 12
  1. Work for Goals in the City - N.Y., September 1866
  2. New York City – 1866 Mission and Tract Society
  3. Conrad Meyer and Sons, Piano Mfgrs., Philadelphia, n.d.
  4. Condensed Statistics of the Life Ins. Cos., N.Y. December 31, 1871
  5. Illustrated Catalogue of Hallet, Davis and Co. - Pianos (1871), Philadelphia
  6. The Shipman Engine Mfg. Co., Rochester, 1887, 24 pages
  7. The Emmerich Improved Bronzing and Dusting Machine, N.Y., n.d.
  8. Folding Sawing Machine. Chicago, n.d.
  9. We will surprise you. American Sewing Machine, Philadelphia, n.d.
  10. The Madame Louie Hair Crimps, Philadelphia, Pa., n.d.
  11. Automatic Fountain Pen. Philadelphia, n.d.
  12. The "Little Giant" Injector. Philadelphia, n.d.
  13. Will you assist in advertising? Questions to be answered (2 copies). Philadelphia, n.d.
  14. No. 6 Bending Machine, John W. Griffiths. New York, n.d.
113 13
  1. International Exhibition, Wm. P. Walter's Sons. Price list of saws and turning lathes. Philadelphia, n.d.
  2. Atmore's Mince Meat, Plum Pudding. Philadelphia, n.d.
  3. Parke's Magic Churn – Centennial Exhibition, 1876
  4. Wm. P. Walter's Sons, price list, hand drills, and tires. Benders. Philadelphia, n.d.
  5. Edwin Craft and Co., Philadelphia, n.d. Houses, furnishings, goods, cutlery, and plated ware.
  6. Chandlerville Mill, Lindenburg, Pa.
  7. 1878, July 4, International Exhibition (2 copies) Centennial grounds, Philadelphia
  8. Bagster's, Polygot Bibles, N.Y., n.d.
  9. "Clothing," John Wanamaker and Co., Phila., July 4, 1878. (business card)
  10. Michael Hey, Improved Beer Pumps, Phila., n.d.
  11. Wm. P. Walter's Sons – Hardware and Tools, Philadelphia, n.d. (business card)
  12. Circular - Learn How to Live, Akron, Ohio, 1876
  13. The Above All Tobacco, Geo. F. Wardle, Philadelphia, 1876
  14. Miles Premium Baking Powder. Phila., n.d.
  15. Metric Publications, n.p., n.d.
  16. Jacob Foster, Last Maker, Philadelphia, n.d.
113 14
  1. Wolff's Acme Blacking, Phila., n.d.
  2. T.J. Cope's Window Screen (2 copies). Phila., n.d.
  3. Cop''s Patent - Fly and Mosquito Screens, n.p., n.d.
  4. Coyle's Universal Spring Bedstead, Phila. (1876)
  5. Ornamentation for walls and ceilings, E.S. Johnston, Philadelphia, n.d.
  6. Agents wanted from $3.00 to $20.00 per day, Boston, 1876
  7. The Backus Water Motor, Knauff Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, n.d.
  8. The Eagles Patent Row Lock. L.W. Walton and Co., agent, N.Y.C., n.d. (2 parts)
  9. Jones Patent automatic boat detaching and hoisting apparatus. Philadelphia, n.d.
  10. D.H. Kent and Co. Sheet Iron and tin plates, n.p., n.d. (business card)
  11. E.T. Cape and Sons. Paper and Flour Mill Machinery, Westchester, Pa., 1878
  12. Sign Depot, Tully Bros., Philadelphia, n.d. (2 copies)
  13. Industrial Paint, Varnish and Filler Works. Phila., n.d.
  14. J.W. Tully's Palenstine Wood Primer and Preserver (2 copies), n.d.
  15. Pierce Well Excavator, Philadelphia, n.d.
  16. Boughton's Mosquito and Fly Screen (3 copies), Phila., n.d.
  17. Colton's Select Flavors, Phila., n.d.
  18. M. Heath and T. McKendrick Statuary, etc. Phila., n.d.
  19. Empire Portable Forges, Hand Blowers and Blacksmith's Tools. Hiram Andres, agent, Philadelphia, n.d.
113 15
  1. Albany Post Office, Winter Schedule, 1866
  2. Terms upon which the public will be supplied with gas by the Albany Gas Light Company, Joel Rathbone, President, n.d.
  3. Commerce Insurance Company of Albany … S.B. Hamilton, n.d.
  4. Great Bargains in Silver Plated Ware at … the Albany Plate Co.
  5. Removal of the Albany City Laundry, n.d.
  6. Spring Circular, Gordon & Bullou, Dry Goods, Albany, 1858
  7. Albany Anti-Slavery Office, Circular to the Friends of Freedom, 1859
  8. Notice! Pictures will be taken at G.S. Rugg's Gallery, Albany, 1859
  9. First Lutheran Church … open … for persons … selecting pews, Albany, 1871
  10. Prize List, Rules and Regulations for the Grand National Horse Exhibition … 1857
  11. Shield & Cole's and Savage's Patent Gas Consuming Heating Stove, n.p., n.d.
  12. Trains leave Albany … Adams House, n.d.
  13. City Law, Rates of Cartage, Albany, Eli Perry, Mayor
  14. Licensed Hack … Extract from Chapter XIV of City Laws of the Hackney Coaches, Albany, 1856. (Note on package 17 indicates matter "brought in by Mr. Gavit, February 8, 1937.")
  15. The Heliotype Printing Co., Boston, Mass. Represented by George A. Coolidge, n.d.
  16. S.G. Hutchinson & Co. ... Gloves, Gauntlets, etc. Johnstown, N.Y.
  17. Champion Reaping and Mowing Machines … Whitely, Fassler & Kelly, Springfield, Ohio, and Schenectady, N.Y.
  18. "Grand Moonlight Excursion from Salem," Steamer ESCORT, August 23, 1875?
  19. "Twelve Reasons Why Women Should Vote," Vote for Woman Suffrage. Empire State Campaign Committee. New York, N.Y.
  20. Orange Hotel, Turner's Station, N.Y.
  21. Bulls Opera House, Middletown, N.Y. The Opera "LAILA," March 31, 1871?
  22. Lovejoy's Hotel, New York, N.Y.
  23. Lowville Academy, Semi-centennial Celebration, Lowville, N.Y. June 26, 1858
  24. Grand Army of the Republic, G.D. Bailey Post, Lowville, N.Y. February 1, 1883
  25. Redwood Window Glass, De Zeng & Co., Redwood, N.Y., 1851
  26. Zuccato's Papyrograph, The Papyrograph Co., Norwich, Conn.
  27. Mattawan Creek, The Streamer Argo, February 23, 1862
  28. Indian Rubber Drinking Tube
  29. Historical Series of the Albany Institute, Lecture by F.B. Hough. November 24, 1856
  30. Circular on the History of Jefferson County. Sterling and Ruddell Pubs., Watertown, N.Y. March 15, 1854
  31. Thanksgiving Proclamation, Gov. Horatio Seymour, Albany, N.Y. November 10, 1863
  32. The Insurance Monitor, New York, N.Y., February 1863
113 16
  1. D. Appleton & Company. Catalogue of Publications, New York, N.Y., 1867   
  2. Harper & Brothers. Catalogue of Publications, New York, 1867
113 17
  1. The Balance, Albany, N.Y., vol. I, no. 1 (1846). Published by the Temperance Society
  2. The Roanoke Collegian, vols. 1-3, 1875-1876 (scattered issues).  Roanoke College, Salem, Va.
113 18
  1. The Elmira Daily Advertiser!, [advertisement], March 14, 1871
  2. [Flyer advertising] Copper-faced Type for Marking Clothing … Auburn, N.Y., n.d.
  3. [Receipt of payment by F.B. Hough] for "2 cases books," April 24, 1872[?]
  4. Time Table and Map of Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburgh Railroad … Winter Time Table Adopted, Dec. 5th, 1870.
  5. [Laws of 1868], Chap. 701. An act to authorize the supervisor of the town of Lowville, Lewis County, to purchase burial lots.
  6. Lewis County Sunday School Association. Fourth Semi-Annual Meeting, Lowville, November 19th and 20th, 1874.
  7. Petroleum Jelly. Pomade vaseline is pure vaseline exquisitely perfumed, and is the best dressing for the hair extant, Colgate & Co., New York, n.d.
  8. Try the Watertown Post, the new county paper, pronounced by its readers the handsomest and best newspaper in northern New York, n.d.
  9. Sunday among the islands! Low rates! Quick special train! All can go to the Thousand Island. Utica & Black River R.R., … 1879.
  10. Avon cure, Avon, Livingston Co., N.Y. New mineral spring, Turkish baths, hot sulphur baths, 1868 (2 copies; 1 annotated)
  11. I offer for sale, this fall and coming spring, the entire stock of the Highland Nursery, consisting of from 150,000 to 200,000 fine, thrifty, and strong apple trees, of the leading varieties … F.A. Lord, agent, Syracuse, N.Y., 1865.
  12. Dansville [New York] Seminary. Certificate. This certifies that … has become a subscriber to the Dansville Seminary fund, n.d.
  13. Tenth annual meeting of Central New York Pioneers' Association …, Syracuse, 1878.
  14. Walworth's classes in penmanship, Lowville, 1861.
  15. Roscoe Hall … February 6th, 1872 … one more concert … Spencer Lane.
  16. Syracuse Institute … The school is re-organized on the most approved plan of the best institutions of New York and New England, and comprises both sexes under the same government and instruction …, 1858
  17. Office of Wm. Ralph, Utica, N.Y., January 1, 1874, to our patrons, cheese manufacturers and dairymen [circular letter].
  18. We, the undersigned, hereby engage to take the number of copies set opposite our names, of the History of Lewis County, to be prepared by Franklin B. Hough …, n.d. [blank form]
  19. Dr. S.E. Jackson, practical physician, residence: Corner of Post and West streets, Boonville, N.Y., cures chronic and even acute disease by magnetism and electricity often in a few minutes without medicine …, 1869 [text also in German]
  20. Carthage Republican – Supplement. Statement showing the number of votes cast in a general election held in Jefferson County, on Tuesday, November 5, 1861.
  21. New York Constitutional Convention, Office for Preparation of Statistical Manual, Albany, 1867 [blank form] (2 copies)
  22. Open for through busine[ss], November 15, 1875. Delaware & Hudso[n] Canal Compan[y], Northern R.R. Dep't., Champlain Division [copy torn]
  23. Historical sketch of one of the leading and most popular articles in the United States … Merchant's Gargling Oil Company … manufactured at Lockport, N.Y., 1871[?]
  24. List of premiums to be awarded at the Lewis County Agricultural Fair, to be held at Lowville, September 15, 16 and 17, 1874.
    Letterbooks - Personal, 1846-1853 (transfer from bound manuscript accession #9977)
114   Volume 1 Letters to F.B. Hough, 1846-1849
114   Volume 2 Letters to F.B.Hough, 1850
114   Volume 3 Letters to F.B.Hough, 1851
115   Volume 4 Letters to F.B.Hough, 1852
116   Volume 5 Letters to F.B.Hough, 1853
117 1 Correspondence of F.B. Hough to C.V.R. Horton, 1857-1861 (transfer from single manuscript accession #18681)
117 2 Address delivered at the Lewis Centennial Anniversary of Lewis County Agricultural Society, Lowville, N.Y. September 13, 1871 (transfer from single manuscript accession #6244)
117 3 Translation of Condorcet's Eulogy of Benjamin Franklin (transfer from single manuscript accession #6244)
117 4 Composition of the Siege and Surrender of Fort Levi (transfer from single manuscript accession #6244)
117 5 Notes from the Journals of Major Robert Rogers, 1715-1760 (transfer from single manuscript accession #6244)
117 6 Miscellaneous manuscripts and printed circulars (transfer from single manuscript accession #6244)
117 7 Scrapbook: Sylvester D. Willard, M.D.; letters and other papers related to his life and work; From the papers of Dr. F. B. Hough deposited in the New York State Library, 1918 ( content of the volume consists of letters, printed forms, and news clippings, 1865 relative to establishing mental health facilities for indigents); 1 v. bd. (transfer from NYSL book collection – 249727)
    Maps and Architectural Plans (extra-large documents)
EL1 1 Map of Black River Country and Canal Route, n.p., n.d.
  2 Map of Lot #611 in the Village of Philadelphia, Jefferson County, N.Y., showing the names and locations of original leases under Cadwallader Child, John Townsend, and Jason Merrick from the property of J.D. Lekay, May 1, 1804
  3 Map of the Rural Cemetery, Lowville, Lewis County, New York, D.H. Hatheway, Surveyor, 1898 (2 copies)
  4 Plan with Enlarged Lock with Tumble Gate, Lift 9F. Champlain Canal, J.A. Cooper
  5 Plan of Stone Dam on Wood Creek, Champlain Canal, J.A. Cooper
  6 Plan of Dam and Apron Across the Mohawk River at Rexford Flats, Erie Canal, J.A. Cooper
  7 General Plan of Wood Bridge, Span 50 Ft., Roadway, 11 Ft.
  8 Improved Plan of Wood Bridge with Iron Chords, Span 72 ft., Roadway 12 ft., J.A. Cooper
Last Updated: March 29, 2022