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World War I Posters (SC23360) - France

Thumbnail Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) Item Number
French WWI poster: Comité de l'Or Comité de l'Or/du Département/du Rhône/Pour la patrie/versez votre or/
[For Your Country Pay Out Your Gold]

Image of bomb shells and gold coins heading towards a German soldier on the battlefield; in the background: silhouette of a battle showing soldiers, cannon and horses

[Fernand Jean] F.J. Barbier

Affiches E. Rousseau-Dole, Jura, France

Comité de l'Or du Département du Rhône/[Treasury Committee of the Department of Rhone

108 x 83
FRA 01
French WWI poster: Ligue maritime française Ligue maritime française/pour le développement de la marine militaire et de la marine marchande/reconnue comme établissement d'utilité publique/[French Naval League for the Development of the Navy and of the Mercantile Marine Recognized as an Established Public Service]
(dated: 1918)

Image of sailors working on a ship in dock. Inset: French flag, anchor and ribbon on which is printed VIM PACEMWUE VOLUMUS; on the flag are the initials LMF

D. Charles Fouqueray

Lapina, Imp., Paris, France

119 x 78.5
FRA 02
French WWI poster: Women in War Time Women in War Time "American Committee for Devastated France" [in English]

Image of three women, one working at a machine, one nursing a baby and tending to a little girl in pigtails, and one, wearing a kerchief, working with a pitchfork in a field; in the background is a grey image of Athena, Goddess of War

[Georges-Émile] G. Capon

Les Affiches Nouvelles, Paris, France

American Committee for Devastated France

107 x 78
FRA 03
French WWI poster: Exposition Franco-Marocaine Exposition Franco-Marocaine importation-exportation Casablanca. été 1915/[The Casablanca Fair of 1915 (also known as the 1915 Casablanca Franco-Moroccan Fair)]

Image of people in Arab-style dress, some riding donkeys/horses, going into and coming out of a gateway in a very large wall, presumably a wall around Casablanca

J. de la Nezière

B. Sirven, Impr., Toulouse-Paris, France

1915 Casablanca Franco-Moroccan Fair

101 x 70.5
FRA 04
French WWI poster: Crédit Commercial de France Crédit Commercial de France/Souscrivez pour la victoire/et pour le triomphe de la liberté/4éme Emprunt de la Défense Nationale 1918/ [Subscribe for Victory and for the Triumph of Liberty/4th National Defense Loan]

Image of three French soldiers in a trench, one of whom is preparing to throw a grenade, one of whom is looking though his rifle site, preparing to shoot, while the third is leaning on his rifle, preparing to climb out of the trench; behind them are faint drawings of American soldiers. In the far background Victory is holding a crown of laurel in one hand and a sword in the other is urging the soldiers forward.

Lucien Jonas

H. Chachoin Imp., Paris, FranceCrédit Commercial de France

4éme Emprunt de la Défense Nationale 1918

59 x 39
FRA 05
  Souvenez-vous que …/Le Réve de l'Allemagne était d'exploiter á son profit la production et le travail des autres peuples …/[Remember that … The German Dream …]

(1919 calendar with the name of the saint commemorated on each day of the year)

Image of a factory being stripped of all its machinery by German soldiers while a German officer oversees the work; in the foreground a dispirited worker sits on a wooden box, one of three labeled "Nach Berlin" [To Berlin]

30 x 21

Box 8
FRA 06
  La bénédiction des morts/[The Mass for the Dead]

Historical note on reverse in English and French: "This photographic reproduction is made from an original taken by an aviator from a neighboring hill. The Curé is celebrating mass for four thousand dead, whose bodies lie in the surrounding fields, 'somewhere in France.' The remaining able men of the French regiment, their heads bowed in silent grief, surround the good Curé: officers and privates mingling with no thought of rank … Note the tiny crosses of rude sticks which mark the trench-graves. The camouflage of boughs and brush along the roads. The hospital tents on the right and the rolling smoke of guns in the background …

Phototones Incorporated (Boston, Mass.)

America's Allies Co-operative Committee

23.5 x 18.5; mount, 38 x 30.5
FRA 07
French WWI poster: N'oublions jamais/Lest We forget N'oublions jamais/Lest We Forget/Pathé/[Let Us Never Forget]
(advertisement for a movie) (dated: 1918)

Image of an oversized hand, inscribed "Lest we forget," clutches the throat of a half-length caricature of Kaiser Wilhelm II dressed in ceremonial uniform. Two smaller images feature a cockerel and female figure holding an inscribed golden disk.

E. Muller

Louchet-Publicité, Paris, France

Mundus Film Cie. (Pathé)

118 x 78.5
FRA 08
French WWI poster: Film de l'Emprunt 1918 Film de l'Emprunt 1918/La/conversion/du/Pére Grandet/[The Conversion of Father Grandet]
(advertisement for a film)

Image of a man on his knees holding out a sack of coins, as a female allegorical representation of France, garbed in a Roman/Greek-style gown in the colors of the French flag, stands behind him pointing the way.

M. Yahul

Imp. G. Delattre & Cie., Paris, France


118 x 79
FRA 09
French WWI poster: Jérusalem délivrée/d'aprés le tasse Jérusalem délivrée/d'aprés le tasse/Après plus de huit siècles les nouveaux Croisés, qui luttent pour le droit et la liberté du Monde, menacés par la tyrannie Germanique entrent à leur tour dans Jérusalem et inclinent avec respect devant le Sépulcre Saint leurs drapeaux victorieux. 1099-1917/[Jerusalem Delivered. After Tasso. After more than eight centuries the new crusaders who are fighting for right and the freedom of the world, threatened by Germanic tyranny, are in their turn entering Jerusalem and dipping their victorious flags with respect before the Holy Sepulchre. 1099-1917]
(dated: 1918)

A full-length Medieval crusader and a French infantryman flank a centrally positioned, red-bordered text panel. A British soldier and an Italian Bersaglieri [sharpshooter] stand behind the panel

M. Yahul

Atelier G. Delattre & Cie., Paris, France

Guazzoni Film

Pathé Concessionnaire

117 x 79
FRA 10
French WWI poster: L'art Guerrier et art moderne L'art Guerrier/et art moderne./ Exposition Bordeaux/ lithographies originales/ eaux fortes, pointes seches . . . Organisée par A. Le Prince editeur d'art, Paris/[War art and modern art. Exhibition in Bordeaux. Original lithographs, etchings, dry points . . . Organized by A. Le Prince art publisher, Paris (dated: 1918)

A French soldier kneels in rubble in front of a cloud of smoke and waves a small red and white flag.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Imp. H. Chachoin, Paris, France

Advertisement for an art exposition

114 x 78
FRA 11
French WWI poster: 1916 La Triennale Exposition d'art français 1916/"La Triennale"/ Exposition d'art français/au profit de la "Fraternité des Artistes["]/[1916 Third Annual Exhibition of French art to benefit the Brotherhood of Artists]

In the background is a man ploughing a field with a team of oxen. Running beside the oxen is a woman holding a spear and an olive branch. A soldier in the foreground is looking at this scene.

Too large for folder – folded in half.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

I. Lapina, Paris, France

Advertisement for art exhibition

128.5 x 96
FRA 12
  N'oublions jamais/[Let Us Never Forget]

Victory (a woman in roman dress with left breast bared wearing a sword, a laurel wreath, and holding a palm frond and olive branch) stands atop the globe surrounded by the flags of the Allies.
(dated: 1918)

E. Muller

Louchet-Publicité (Paris, France)

Mundus Film Cie. – Pathé (film advertisement)

79 x 117.5
FRA 13
French WWI poster: Les Amis des Artistes siège Social Les Amis des Artistes siège Social. Grand Palais- porte C Exposition de José Villegas Directeur du Musée du Prado à Madrid organisée au profit de la Sté des Amis des Artistes 'Le Décalogue' Salle du Jeu de Paume du 10 Mai au 15 JUIN 1917 ENTRÉES 1 f dimanches et Fêtes 0f, 50 Jours d'audition et conférences 3 f Vernissage 9 mai 5f /[The Artists' Friends. Head Office, Grand Palais - Door C. Exhibition by José Villegas, director of the Prado Museum in Madrid, organized for the benefit of the Society of Artists' Friends. 'The Decalogue.' 'Jeu de Paume' Hall from 10 May to 15 June 1917. Admission, 1 franc. Sundays and public holidays, 50 centimes. Recital and lecture days, 3 francs. Official opening, 9 May, 5 francs.

Devambez Imp., Paris, France

Advertisement for an art show

78 x 117
FRA 14
French WWI poster: Salle du Trocadéro Salle du Trocadéro/ . . . Grande matinée artistique en l'honneur de Raemaekers/
[Salle du Trocadéro . . . A 'Grande matinée' performance in honor of Raemaekers]
(dated: Feb. 1916)

A man (Raemaekers, 1869-1956) pointing an artist's double-ended pen at a surrendering caricature personification of Germania. This performance was to benefit the Franco-Holland war fund.

Too large for folder – folded in half.

Louis Raemaekers

Atelier: Maurice Neumon

H. Chachoin, Imp., (Paris, France)

Art show advertisement

117 x 87
FRA 15
French WWI poster: Économisons le pain en mangeant des pommes de terre Économisons le pain en/mangeant des pommes de terre/[Save bread by eating potatoes]

A plate of steaming potatoes on a red and blue tablecloth with a fork stuck in the top potato.

Yvonne Vernet, 14 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

55 x 37
FRA 16
French WWI poster: Cultivons notre potager Cultivons notre potager/[Let's grow our vegetable gardens]

Grouping of carrots, cabbage, and potatoes.

Louisette Jaeger, 14 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

54.5 x 37.5
FRA 17
French WWI poster: Semez du blé/c'est de l'or... Semez du blé/c'est de l'or/pour la/France/[Grow wheat. It is gold for France.]

A large sickle, a sheaf of wheat, and the French flag in the background.

Suzanne Ferrand, élève [student]

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

54 x 35
FRA 18
French WWI poster: Français, économisez le gaz Français, économisez le gaz/ [French people save gas]

A glowing gas lamp in front of a dark window.

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

53.5 x 35
FRA 19
French WWI poster: Ne pas gaspiller le pain est notre devoir Ne pas gaspiller le pain/est notre devoir/[Our duty is not to waste bread]

Loaf of bread with a slice lying beside it on a table. Red and white tablecloth, red, white, and blue striped wallpaper and a circle flowered border around the image.


From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

54 x 35
FRA 20
French WWI poster: Nous saurons nous en priver Nous saurons/nous en priver/[We will know how to sacrifice]

Three children standing in front of a candy store window.

Camille Boutet

(Paris, France)

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies pour la Guerre

54 x 34.5
FRA 21
French WWI poster: Économisons le pétrole, l'esence Économisons/le pétrole, l'essence/ [Let's save petrol]

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Two barrels of gas, one marked Essenc[e] and three canisters of gas, one marked Pétrole.

Marie Louise Jeanningros, 13 ans

(Paris, France)

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies pour la Guerre

55 x 36.5
FRA 22
French WWI poster: Message du Président Wilson... Message/du Président Wilson/lu au/Congrès des États-Unis d'Amérique/le 2 avril 1917/[A Message from President Wilson to the Congress of the United States]
(black and white)
Text of Wilson's "War Message" to Congress (in French)

Pres. Woodrow Wilson

(Paris, France)

90 x 58.5
FRA 23
French WWI poster: Le droit la liberté Le/droit/la/liberté/ discours/de M. Georges Clemenceau,/ Président du Conseil, Ministre de la Guerre /[Text of speech]/Discours prononcé/au/Sénat/ le/17 Septembre/ 1918/
[The Right of Freedom Speech of M. Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council, Minister of War/[Text of speech]/Speech to the Senate, September 17, 1918]
(dated: Sept. 17, 1918)

Text of the speech surrounded by a border of guns, spears and flags.

Bernard Naudin

71 x 54
FRA 24
French WWI poster: Sénat/Extrait du procès-verbal de la séance du Jeudi 5 avril 1917 Sénat/Extrait du procès-verbal de la séance du Jeudi 5 avril 1917/Discours/ de/ M. Alexandre Ribot, Président du Conseil/Ministre des Affaires Étrangères/et de/M. Antonin Dubost, Président du Sénat/[ Senate: extract of the minutes of the meeting of Thursday, April 5, 1917: Speech by Alexandre Ribot, President of the Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Antonin Dubost, President of the Senate]

(April 1917)

(black and white)
Text of the speeches announcing President Wilson's "war message" to the U.S. Congress.

Alexandre Ribot & Antonin Dubost

(Paris, France)

French Senate

87 x 53
FRA 25
  Appel á la population/Au moment où l'ennemi rassemble ses forces/ pour continuer la guerre, il importe de fournir/tout le charbon nécessaire aux usines qui/ forgent des armes pour la France…(text continues)/[ A call the population. When the enemy gathers his forces to continue the war, it is important to provide all the coal plants that need to forge weapons for France…(text continues)
(black and white)

(text only; no images)

(Paris, France)

City of Paris

88.5 x 55.5
FRA 26
French WWI poster: Chambre des députés... Chambre des députés/ Extrait du procès-verbal de la séance du Jeudi 5 avril 1917/discours/de/M. Ribot/Président du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères/et de/M. Paul Deschanel/ Président de la Chambre des Députés/[Chamber of Deputies: Extract of the minutes of the meeting of Thursday, April 5, 1917: speech by Mr. Ribot, President of the Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Paul Deschanel, President of the Chamber of Deputies]
(black and white)

Text of the speeches announcing President Wilson's "war message" to the U.S. Congress.

(Paris, France)

Republic of France

108 x 87.5
FRA 27
French WWI poster: Comité de l'or Comité de l'or
Amiens/apportez votre or/[Amiens Gold Committee. bring your gold.]
(black and white)

Soldier holds a bombshell in the foreground. A cannon surrounded by soldiers is in the background.

Abel Truchet

H. Chachoin Imp., Paris, France

116 x 79
FRA 28
French WWI poster: Prêtez vos billets de banque à la France Prêtez vos billets/de banque à la/France. Prenez/des bons de la défense/nationale/ [Lend your bank notes to France. Take war bonds.]

A French soldier's helmet crowned with holly. Underneath it are bank notes.

Andrée Ménard, élève [student]

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

53 x 35
FRA 29
French WWI poster: Laissez circuler la monnaie d'argent et de billon Laissez circuler la monnaie d'argent et de billon utile á notre commerce/[Let silver and nickel coinage circulate. It's needed for our commerce.]

A gold-colored overturned jar with coins spilling out of it. The image is surrounded by a French red- white-and-blue ribbon as a border.

Béatrix Grognuz, élève [student]

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Paris, France

Comité National de Prévoyance et d'Economies

54 x 36
FRA 30
French WWI poster: Pour la France versez votre or ... Pour la France/ versez votre or/L'or combat pour la victoire/[Deposit your gold for France. Gold fights for victory.]

A frightened German soldier holding a rifle in both hands is forced down onto one knee by the weight of a giant French coin which has landed on his arm. On the coin is a bas-relief of a rooster which appears to be escaping the surface of the coin to attack the soldier. Imprinted on the coin is the text: "LIBERTE - EGALITE - FRATERNITE" and "1915".

The top right corner with the word "or" is missing.

Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp.
(Paris, France)

120 x 80
FRA 31
French WWI poster: Fund for War Devastated Villages Fund for War Devastated Villages

A refugee mother sits holding her baby amid the rubble of her war-devastated home. Beside her stands a young girl, weeping. In the background are the smoking ruins of a destroyed village.

Maurice Chabas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Fund for War Devastated Villages

79 x 59
FRA 32
French WWI poster: American Fund for French Wounded American Fund for French Wounded

A French soldier picking up medical supplies from the Red Cross. Two nurses in background, one is painting the Red Cross symbol on a package.

Herbert Clarke Printer, (Paris, France)

120 x 78
FRA 33
French WWI poster: Oeuvre du soldat dans la tranchee Oeuvre du soldat dans la tranchee/.../ Hamacs/et chaises brancards/crees par l'Ost/ pour la releve/ des blesses dans les tranchees.../[Charity for Soldiers in the Trenches… Stretchers and stretcher chairs designed by O.S.T. for picking up wounded soldiers from the trenches.
(dated: Feb 1917)

Two French soldiers carry a third on stretcher through a trench.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Lapina, Imp.

Oeuvre du Soldat dans la tranchée

80 x 119.5
FRA 34
French WWI poster: Vente de charité Vente de charité/organisée au profit de/ l'hôpital bénévole/[A charity sale organized to benefit the volunteer hospital]

Two soldiers in profile, one sick and one wounded with a bandage wrapped over his head.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

H. Chachoin, Imp., (Paris, France)

L'hopital bénévole

79.9 x 114
FRA 35
French WWI poster: Protection du réformé, no. 2... Protection du réformé, no. 2/assistance aux malades et blessés de la guerre, réformés sans pension/ [Support for category no. 2 veterans. Aid for the sick and wounded discharged without pension.]

The letters P and R and the number 2 are entwined to form a large backdrop for a seated wounded soldier and a woman holding an infant.

André Marchand

Lithographie Parisienne, (Paris, France)

Ministère de l'interievr

80 x 119.5
FRA 36
French WWI poster: La protection du reforme no. 2... La protection/du reforme no. 2/assistance aux malades blessés de la guerre/réformés sans pension/[Support for category no. 2 veterans. Aid for the sick and wounded discharged without pension.]
(dated: 1916)

Drawing of two soldiers from the waist up on the left side of the page. The soldier in the foreground has his hands crossed and the soldier in the background is wearing a cap.

P. Renouard

H. Chachoin, Imp., (Paris, France)

79 x 119.5
FRA 37
French WWI poster: Croix rouge Américaine Croix rouge/ Américaine/ [American Red Cross]

Members of the Red Cross distributing packages to civilians in France.

Too large for folder – folded in half.

Waldo Peirce

Publicité Wall, (Paris, France)

American Red Cross

160 x 108
FRA 38
French WWI poster: Pressant appel à la solidarité Pressant appel à la solidarité/[Urgent call for support]

A Red Cross nurse serving food to a table of children, a mother, and a poilu (foot soldier) at a foyer or cantine refuge.

Too large for folder – folded in half

Louis Tinayre

139 x 96
FRA 39
French WWI poster: Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre

French WWI poster: Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre
Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre/ Rattachée à la [symbol of the Croix-Rouge] Française/[Clothes for the prisoner of war. Fund affiliated with the French Red Cross Fund]

A seated soldier writing a letter with his head resting on one hand.

Archivist handwritten note on bottom right: "very early important"

Multiple versions

[Jean Louis] Forain

Minot (Paris, France)

French Red Cross

77 x 106
FRA 40
French WWI poster: Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre. Oeuvre rattachée à la [Croix-Rouge] Française/[Clothes for the prisoner of war. Fund affiliated with the French Red Cross Fund]

A seated soldier writing a letter with his head resting on one hand

J.L. [Jean Louis] Forain

F. Champenois, Imp. (Paris, France)

French Red Cross

77.5 x 105
FRA 41
French WWI poster: Association des dames françaises Croix-Rouge française... Association des dames françaises Croix-Rouge française Aidez-nous à soignr nos blessés Achetez les timbres à l'effigie de nos Généraux/[French Ladies' Association. French Red Cross. Help us to care for our wounded. Buy stamps with the heads of our Generals.]

A medical orderly tends to a wounded man on a stretcher. A second orderly applies a bandage to the head of a French 'poilu' as he re-loads his rifle. A tattered Red Cross flag flies from a tree in the background.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

I.Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

French Red Cross

120 x 79
FRA 42
French WWI poster: Croix-Rouge française Croix-Rouge française/Union des Femmes de France/ Vente de guerre/[A charity-sale organized by the French Red Cross and by the Union of French Women.] (dated: 1916)

In the foreground is a large Red Cross flag. In the background is a silhouette of a battlefield.

G. Capon

Coznille et Sezze (Paris, France)

French Red Cross

118.5 x 79
FRA 43
French WWI poster: Croix Rouge Americaine Croix Rouge Americaine/L'Amitié des États-Unis/[American Red Cross - The Friendship of the United States]

A full-length depiction of a woman wearing long robes. In her right hand she holds a Red Cross symbol above her head. She holds a U.S. flag on a flagpole in her left hand.

Devambez Grav. (Paris, France)

American Red Cross

77.5 x 55.5
FRA 44
French WWI poster: Les revendications des bébés Les/ revendications/ des bébés/[The Demands of the Babies]

Babies march with picket signs that read (in French): We want – mother's care, mother's milk, competent midwives, healthy parents, to be protected from flies, dry nappies, to sleep alone, fresh air and sunshine, to be left in peace, to live in good health, to be fed regularly.

Jacques Carlu

G. Bataille, Imp. (Paris, France)

American Red Cross

78 x 59.5
FRA 45
French WWI poster: Le Coeur de l'Amerique Le Coeur de l'Amerique/A l'intérieur comme aux armées,/aucune souffrance ne laisse indifférente la Croix-Rouge américaine/[The Heart of America. On the inside as well as in the armed force, no suffering is indifferent to the American Red Cross.]

Red Cross nurses and medics are attending to a wounded man on a cot.

[Eduardo García] Benito

(Paris, France)

American Red Cross

37 x 46
FRA 46
French WWI poster: Croix-Rouge Française Croix-Rouge Française/
Republique Française/10c/+/5.c/ Croix-Rouge postes/ 15c. Achetez le Timbre de la Croix-Rouge 15c./ 10.c. Affranchissement _ 5.c. pour les Blessés/[French Red Cross. French Republic 10c. 5c. Red Cross post 15c.. Buy the 15c. Red Cross stamp. 10c. postage - 5c. for the Wounded.]
(May 1915)

A red-and-white postage stamp featuring a woodcut-style depiction of Marianne (French symbol for Liberty) sowing.

Imp. Chaix (Paris, France)

French Red Cross

125 x 89
FRA 47
French WWI poster: Société française de secours Société française de secours/aux blessés militaires/les permanences de la/S.B.M./dans les/ villages dévastés/[French Society providing Assistance to Wounded Servicemen. The Society's offices in the devastated villages.]

A female Red Cross nurse comforts an old man, a young girl and a despairing woman amid the ruins of their village. Above left is a small image of the village before to the war.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Société Française de Secours aux Blessés Militaires (S.B.M.)

112 x 78
FRA 48
French WWI poster: Le Foyer du Soldat... Le Foyer du Soldat/ est le trait d'union/ entre la ligne de/ bataille et la vision/ de la paix qui rendra/ les foyers familiaux/ Il aide à combattre/à vivre, à espérer./ [Soldiers' hostels are the link between the battle line and the vision of peace which will give back family homes. They help men to fight, to live, to hope.]

Two classical columns supporting a heavily decorated architrave. The flags of the Allied nations are placed at the top of each column (including the flags of Great Britain, China, Portugal, Greece, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Montenegro, Cuba, Brazil and Japan) with the French Tricolore and the American 'Stars and Stripes' in the centre. A shield featuring an American eagle emblem and a shield featuring a French cockerel are also placed at the top of the columns. A laurel and oak leaf wreath decorated with a red, white and blue ribbon is draped over the architrave.

Coquemer, Imp. (Paris, France)


118 x 76
FRA 49
French WWI poster: Palais de Glace -Paris YMCA Palais de Glace -Paris YMCA/ Canteen and Theatre/[Ice Palace – Paris YMCA Canteen and Theatre]
(dated: 1918)

The?a?tre du Rond-Point, which housed the palais des glaces, seen in winter. Bare trees and artillery are in the snow-covered foreground. "Sketched on Spot by YMCA Secretary"

Milton Bancroft

(Paris, France)


104 x 73
FRA 50
French WWI poster: Les Foyers du Soldat Les Foyers du Soldat - Union Franco-Américaine. Y.M.C.A.

An American and a French soldier shake hands in front of a YMCA canteen in the background.

[Abel George] A.G. Warshawsky

Coquemer, Imp. (Paris, France)


103 x 74
FRA 51
French WWI poster: Les Foyers du Soldat Les Foyers du Soldat/[Y.M.C.A. symbol]/Union Franco-Américaine/[The Soldier's Home. Y.M.C.A. The French-American Union.
(dated: 1918)

A soldier is silhouetted by the moon as he walks in front of a snow-covered landscape.

Geo. Dorival

Geo. Dorival, Atelier (Paris, France)


72 x 98
FRA 52
French WWI poster: Les Foyers du Soldat Les Foyers du Soldat/[Y.M.C.A. symbol]/Union Franco-Americaine/[The Soldier's Home. Y.M.C.A. The French-American Union.

A heavily-laden soldier makes his way towards a warmly-lit barracks on the outskirts of a demolished city.

[W. Philman] W.P. Bunley


115 x 74
FRA 53
French WWI poster: Docks at Bordeaux Docks at Bordeaux Where Y.M.C.A./Supplies Where (sic) Landed.
(Title in English but published in Paris)

Image of small boats and large ship at the Bordeaux docks; stacks of supplies on the pier; horsedrawn wagons being loaded; city building in the background; civilians and woman flower vendor watching the ships from a raised area.

Milton Bancroft "Sketched on spot by Y.M.C.A. secretary"

Coquemer, Imp. (Paris, France)


102 x 72.5
FRA 54
French WWI poster: Verdun/Road to Y.M.C.A. Canteen Verdun/Road to Y.M.C.A. Canteen

Image is a canteen entrance with soldiers below an arch including one on horseback; the street is strewn with rubble.

A.K.S. "Sketched on spot by Y.M.C.A. secr'y"

Coquemer, Imp. (Paris, France)


100 x 74
FRA 55
French WWI poster: Chateau-Thierry Chateau-Thierry/The Bridge Where Uncle Sam/Stopped the Hun

A quiet scene of a remainder of a bridge with a quiet town behind.


Maus, Delhalle, & Urban, Imp. (Paris, France)


104.5 x 74
FRA 56
French WWI poster: The/Centres/of the/ Jewis The/Centres/of the/ Jewish Welfare Board/United States Army and Navy/Cooperating with and under the supervision/of War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities…

Text surrounded by a border made up of the symbols of the various U.S. Army divisions.

Jewish Welfare Board

47 x 38
FRA 57
French WWI poster: Nos poilus en Alsace/Guer Nos poilus en Alsace/Guerre 1914-1915/Edition de la/ Chambre Syndicale/ Française/de la Cinématographie/ Vues prises avec l'autorisation/de l'autorite militaire [Our soldier in Alsace. War 1914-1915. Edition of the French Trade Union House Cinematography. Images taken with the permission of the military authority.]

A raggedy soldier smoking a pipe and carrying a full pack of odds and ends stands on a snowy hill.

Too large for folder – folded in half

Louis Malteste

Chambre Syndicale Française de la Cinématographie

159.5 x 119
FRA 58
French WWI poster: La Victoire Exposition La Victoire/ Exposition/11 mars/au 1er avril (inclus)/au profit/du Comite national d'education physique et sportive, et de l'hygiene sociale/[Victory Exhibition. March 11 – April 1 (inclusive). For the benefit of the National Committee on Sports and Physical Education and Social Hygiene.]

A winged figure in green and white holding an olive branch and jumping victoriously against a blue background.


Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Comite National d'Education Physique et Sportive

118.5 x 79
FRA 59
French WWI poster: Hello!!! This is for you...
French WWI poster: Hello!!! This is for you...
Hello!!! This is for you/American and British soldiers/on leave/Gaumont-Palace/the largest moving picture show/in the world/6000 seats/Orchestra of 50 musicians/Boys!/ There you will find on the screen/your own artists in their/ latest productions/News from the whole world/Scenes of the war day by day/ Films projected/with French and English/titles/Various/attractions/

Foyer-American Bar/Reading Room. etc./Special prices for soldiers/in uniform/ if you want to spend/a fine evening/while in Paris/go to the/Gaumont-Palace

(Advertisement in English for American and British servicemen on leave in Paris.)

Quarter-length depictions of a British soldier smoking a pipe and an American soldier smoking a cigar.

Establissements "Gaumont" (Paris, France)

Advertisement for Gaumont-Palace Theater

2 sheets, side-by-side; each sheet 118 x 79
FRA 60a

FRA 60b
French WWI poster: Souvenez-vous! Souvenez-vous!/Documents-Photographies/ Affiches-Tableaux/ Dessins relatifs/aux Crimes Allemands/ Exposition/ [Remember! Documents - photographs - posters - paintings - drawings relating to German crimes. Exposition.
(dated: 1917)

A German soldier holds a bloddy knife and a flaming torch; in the background is a burning village and a smouldering crucifix with a human form nailed to it.

Ch. Jouas

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Oeuvre de propaganda de la ligue

118 x 80
FRA 61
French WWI poster: Le gala des marins de France... Le gala des marins de France/. . . á la Comédie Française/
[Gala for French sailors . . . at the Comédie Française.
(dated: 1916)

A marine and a soldier standing on land with the sea in the background.

Guy Arnoux

Les Images Des France (Paris, France)

Ministre de la Marine

120 x 78
FRA 62
French WWI poster: Exposition de construction et d'architecture navales Exposition/de construction et d'architecture navales
(dated: 1918)

The keel of a large ship, surrounded by scaffolding, as it is being constructed; a crane towers over the ship as it maneuvers a large steel strut into place; also, a small inset image of a seagull flying over a stormy sea.

André Verdilhan

Affiches Frossard (Paris, France)

Ligue Navale Francaise

119 x 78
FRA 63
French WWI poster: Exposition des dons Américains Exposition des dons Américains/ [Exhibition of American gifts]

Two French women, one from Alsace and one from Lorraine, making floral wreaths.

Abel Truchet

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministére de la guerre

113 x 78
FRA 64
French WWI poster: Exposition/du 1er au 30 Octobre 1917 Exposition/du 1er au 30 Octobre 1917/Chez Georges Petit, 8, Rue de Sèze/organisée par la ligue souvenez-vous/[Address]/Documents - Photographies – Affiches/Tableaux - Dessins Relatifs aux/Crimes allemands/Prix d'Entrée: Dimanche 0F.50 - Semaine 1F. - de 10h. à Midi et de 2 h. à 5 heures/au profit de l'œuvre de propagande de la ligue/[Exhibition. From 1 to 30 October 1917. At Georges Petit [address]. Organized by the 'Souvenez-Vous' [Remember] League [address]. Documents - photographs - posters - paintings - drawings relating to German crimes. Price of admission: Sundays 50 centimes - Weekdays 1 franc - from 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. For the benefit of the League's propaganda work.] (dated: 1918)

A German infantryman, wearing a cloth cap and a rifle over his shoulder, grins at the viewer. He is leading a downcast woman by the arm along the street, along with several other adults huddled close by, most of whom carry small suitcases. A crowd of upset onlookers in the background are guarded by further German soldiers.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Oeuvre de Propagande de la Ligue

119 x 79
FRA 65
French WWI poster: Au profit des prisonniers de guerre Au profit des prisonniers de guerre/1917/Société des artistes Rouennais/Musée de Rouen/IXe Exhibition/du 14 Avril au 20 Mai/Oeuvres du Peintre Phillipe Zacharie Artistes invités, M.M.Brangwyn, Prinet, Lucien Simon/et artistes Belges/Ouverte tous les jours de 10 à 17 hs. (Mercredi excepté)/Concert tous les Dimanches/S.A.R. Exhibition, April 14th till May 20th/Open everyday (Wednesday excepted) from 10 to 5 pm/Every Sunday, Concert by French, English, Belgian Bands / [For the benefit of prisoners of war. 1917. Society of Rouen Artists. 9th Exhibition from 14 April to 20 May. Works by the painter Philippe Zacharie. Artists invited, M.M. Brangwyn, Prinet, Lucien Simon and Belgian artists. Open daily from 10 am to 4 pm. Every Sunday, concert by French, English, Belgian bands.
(Poster in both English and French)

A French prisoner of war leaning on a shovel and covering his eyes with his left hand. Behind him a group of prisoners carrying sacks and work tools march into the distance guarded by German soldiers. In the background are barbed wire fences.

Pierre Lucas

L. Wolf, Imp. (Rouen, France)

Société des Artists Rouennais

83 x 122
FRA 66
French WWI poster: Novelty Ciné- Concert des Alliés Novelty/Ciné-/Concert/des/Alliés/ Tours les jours/ matinée et soirée/ Dimanches et fêtes/ 2 matinées: à 2H. et 4H. ½/[Address]/ 'À deux pas du Boul.d des Italiens'/Entrée/permanente/ 'Américan-Bar' / [Novelty. Allies' Cinema Concert. Daily, matinée and evening. Sundays and public holidays. Two matinees: 2 and 4.30 p.m. [Address], 'a stone's throw from the Boulevard des Italiens'. Continuous admission. American Bar.

(There is a cancelled stamp on the top left of the poster. Were they taxed?)

Half-length depictions of five show-girls in a chorus line. Each girl represents an Allied nation by wearing its national flag and its soldier's cap. The nations represented are France, the United States, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium.

[Georges] G. Dola

Strl. Delatre et Cie (Paris, France)

Advertisement for Cine Concert des Allies

116 x 79
FRA 67
French WWI poster: Grande matinée Franco-Belge Grande matinée Franco-Belge/. . . au profit des/écoles de petits belges refugiés en Angleterre/Tous les petits pour les petits/Palais du Trocadéro / [Grand French-Belgian matinee . . . to benefit the schools for Belgian refugee children in England. All the children for the children. Palais du Trocadéro.]
(dated: 1916)

Small children on a make-shift stage performing for other children.

[Francisque] Poulbot

Ecoles de Petits Belges Refugies en Angleterre

80.5 x 119
FRA 68
French WWI poster: Cercle National pour le soldat de Paris Cercle National pour le soldat de Paris/[The National Club for the soldiers of Paris]

Two soldiers, one wounded, beneath French flags.

JOB [Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville]

La Chromographie Française (Paris, France)

Cercle Militaire des Troupes de la Garnison

118.5 x 83.5
FRA 69
  Fête de S.M. le Roi des Belges
(dated: 1916)

Maulde, Doucmenc et Cie, Imp. (Paris, France)

Union de France pour la Belgique

128.5 x 87.5
FRA 70
French WWI poster: Inter-Allied Games Inter-Allied Games/Pershing Stadium/22 June – 6 July/Paris/1919
(dated: 1919)

A male athlete wearing white shorts jumps over a barrier made of the flags of Allied countries (Italy, the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Japan and Serbia).

Lieut. J.H. Dulin (U.S. Army)

Devambez, Grav. (Paris, France)

119 x 79
FRA 71
  Inter-Allied Games/Pershing Stadium/22 June – 6 July/Paris/1919
(dated: 1919)

(smaller version of FRA 71)

A male athlete wearing white shorts jumps over a barrier made of the flags of Allied countries (Italy, the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Japan and Serbia).

Lieut. J.H. Dulin (U.S. Army)

Devambez, Grav. (Paris, France)

60 x 40
FRA 72
French WWI poster: Le dessin dans les ecoles... Le/dessin/dans/les ecoles/primaires municipales/pendant/la guerre/[Drawings from public schools during the war]

Drawing of a little girl dressed in red, holding a portfolio under her arm.

M. Ackeim

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Les Ecoles Primaries Municipales

117.5 x 79
FRA 73
  Les amis des artistes
(dated: 1916)

Maurice Chabas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)


98.5 x 147
FRA 74
  Gala de musique Roumaine/[Gala of Romanian Music]

Geo. Dorival & G. Capon

Cornille & Serre, Imp.

"Prisonnies" et "Oeuvres" de guerre

137.5 x 96.5
FRA 75
  Exposition des peintres de la mer/á la Ligue Navale française/au profit des Comités de Secours aux Marins Mobilisés/ [Exhibition of painters of the sea at the Ligue Navale française . . . to profit the Comités de Secours aux Marins Mobilisés.]
(dated: 1917)

André Verdilhan

(Paris, France)

Comites des Secours aux Marins Mobilises

77 x 118
FRA 76
French WWI poster: Grandes eaux et concert militaire Grandes eaux et concert militaire / [Great Waters and Military Concert]
(dated: 1916)

Illustration of the Allied flags.

Buttner-Thierry, Imp. (Paris, France)

Comité des Oeurves Departmentales de Guerre de Seine et Oise

82 x 59.5
FRA 77
French WWI poster: Salon des Armées, réservé aux artistes du front Salon des Armées, réservé aux artistes du front. Au profit des oeuvres de guerre. Jardin des Tuileries/[A special exhibition of paintings by battle-front artists. To benefit the workers of the war. Jardin des Tuileries.]

A soldier holding a small wooden statue of winged victory that he has been carving.

Henri Dangon

H. Chachoin, Imp.

Oeuvres de Guerre

119 x 80
FRA 78
French WWI poster: Salon des Armées, réservé aux artistes du front Salon des Armées, réservé aux artistes du front. Au profit des oeuvres de guerre. Jardin des Tuileries/[A special exhibition of paintings by battle-front artists. To benefit the workers of the war. Jardin des Tuileries.]
(dated: Dec. 1916)

A soldier sketches among ruins.

Em. Charriere

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Oeuvres de Guerre

80 x 56
FRA 79
French WWI poster: Stop - Look - Listen! Stop - Look - Listen! The "Yankee Specials." Soldiers of the A.E.F. will give their Big Vaudeville Minstrel Show to-night ... Everybody welcome. Show staged and produced by Mary Lawton, Y.M.C.A. (dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Handwritten text: 8:30 All Seats Free

Printing Department G.H.Q.A.E.F.

Y.M.C.A. (advertisement for a minstrel show)

65 x 49.5
FRA 80
  Stop - Look - Listen! The "Yankee Specials." Soldiers of the A.E.F. will give their Big Vaudeville Minstrel Show to-night ... Everybody welcome. Show staged and produced by Mary Lawton, Y.M.C.A. (dated: 1918)
(black and white)
Handwritten text: Thursday Eve Jan 23 8 PM All Seats Free

(duplicate of FRA 80 but printed on pink paper)

Printing Department G.H.Q.A.E.F.

Y.M.C.A. (advertisement for a minstrel show)

65 x 49.5
FRA 81
French WWI poster: Exposition de l'oeuvre de guerre de Henry de Groux Exposition de l'oeuvre de guerre de Henry de Groux. Ouverte du 3 novembre au 16 décembre, 1916. Galerie La Boëtie/ [Exhibition of the war work by Henry de Groux. Open November 3 to December 16, 1916. Galerie La Boëtie.] (dated: 1916)

Head and bust of the female figure 'Vultus Victoriae'wearing a helmet and holding a sword.

Henry De Groux

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Adv. For Galerie La Boëtie

80 x 110
FRA 82
French WWI poster: Industries de guerre Industries de guerre/Exposition organisée par l'œuvre/L'assistance aux dep'ts d'éclopès/[War industries. Exhibition organized by charity. Aid to the disabled.]
(June 1918)

Interior view of a factory.

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'assistance aux Depots D'Eclopes (disabled)

78 x 59.5
FRA 83
French WWI poster: Exposition Franco-Polonaise... Exposition/Franco-Polonaise/d'Art et de Souvenir/Musée des Arts Décoratifs/ [Franco-Polish exhibition of art and remembrance. Decorative Arts Museum]
(Jan 1919)

A Polish soldier in ceremonial uniform sits on a rearing horse while playing a trumpet. A line of Polish soldiers stand in front of him also playing trumpets.

Boleslus Burko

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for an exhibition of art works at Musée des Arts Decoratifs

79 x 59.5
FRA 84
  Souvenez-vous des crimes allemands! / [Remember the Crimes of the Germans!]

A. Barrére

Robert & Cie. (Paris, France)

L'oeuvre de Propagande de la Ligue

119.5 x 81
FRA 85
  Concours des auteurs du front organisée par Le Carnet de la Semaine… Representation des œuvres des lauréats avec le concours des pricipeaux artistes de Paris/Poésies, Chansons, Sketches, etc./[Competition for Authors of the Front organized by Le Carnet de la Semaine [Book of the Week]. Display of prize-winners' works with the participation of the leading artists of Paris. Poetry, songs, sketches, etc.]
(dated: 1917, March)

Four French soldiers in a trench, two of whom distribute rations. The central soldier wears a sheep-skin and has numerous water canteens slung across his chest.

A. Barrére

Robert & Cie. (Paris, France)

Principaux Artistes de Paris

144 x 107
FRA 86
  La guerre et les humoristes. Exposition . . . /[The war and the humorists. Exhibition . . .]

A caricature of a person, with pointed ears and wings, holding a large pair of scissors.

[Maurice] M. LeRoy

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisements for Galerie La Boétie

96 x 135.5
FRA 87
  Exposition des alliés organisée au profit des exposants et de la franternité des artistes Galerie 'La Boëtie'/[Exhibition by the Allies. Organized for the benefit of the exhibitors and the Artists' Fraternity. La Boëtie Gallery]

A long line of soldiers from the following countries stand in line to read an exhibition poster on a wall: France, Serbia, Algeria, Russia, Morocco, Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Britain and Senegal.

Robert de Coninck

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for Galerie "La Boëtie"

114.5 x 157.5
FRA 88
  Duplicate of FRA 88 FRA 88a
  Expositions des dons Americains / [Exposition of American Donations]

Possibly similar to FRA 64
Abel Truchet

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Secours Franco-American pour la France Dévastée

113 x 78.5
FRA 89
French WWI poster: Comité d'assistance en Alsace-Lorraine Comité d'assistance/en Alsace-Lorraine/Tombola artistique/Exposition du 7 au 30 avril 1916/au Musée des Arts Décoratifs/[An auction and exhibition organized by the Relief Committee in Alsace-Lorraine April 7-30, 1916 at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.]
(dated: April 1916)

Two girls [Alsace and Lorraine] running towards the figure of Minerva.

[Émile] E. Friant

Lithographie Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

Comite d'Assistance en Alsace-Lorraine

115 x 80.5
FRA 90
French WWI poster: Palais du Trocadéro Palais du Trocadéro. Grande matinée de bienfaisance au bénéfices des veuves et des orphelins . . . /[Trocadéro Palace. A charity matinee performance to benefit widows and orphans . . .]
(dated: Jan 1917)

A French soldier standing with a deceased soldier's family at his grave.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Benefice des Veuves et Orphelins (Widows and Orphans)

120 x 80
FRA 91
French WWI poster: Exposition de tableaux de maîtres modernes Exposition de tableaux de maîtres modernes . . . vente au profit de l'oeuvre le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre/[Exhibition of paintings of modern masters . . . Sale to benefit the fund to clothe prisoners of war.]
(dated: 1916)

A French soldier (possibly Poulbot) in a prison camp sketching as he watches the other prisoners unload packages, presumably of clothing, as the German guards watch them.

[Francisque] Poulbot

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Le Vêtement du Prisonnier de Guerre

75.5 x 107.5
FRA 92
French WWI poster: A la mémoire des soldats belges morts A la mémoire des soldats belges morts… La veillée des Tombes Cérémonie Solennelle avec le concours a sous la direction Du Maître Ch.M.Widor… /[To the memory of Belgian soldiers who have died for their country… Vigil of the Tombs, a solemn ceremony with the participation of and under the direction of the choirmaster M. Widor…]

The crest of the Union de France pour Belgique et les Allieés et Amis positioned above the title. Nine coats of arms of Belgian regions are placed along the bottom and two medallions are located lower left and lower right.

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Union de France pour la Belgique

120 x 80
FRA 93
French WWI poster: Les gosses dans les ruine Les gosses dans les ruines/[The Kids in the Ruins (a popular song by Déodat de Sévérac.)]

An older girl cares for a younger girl while watching marching boys play soldier among ruins of a building.

[Francisque] Poulbot

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for show at Théâtre des Arts

113.5 x 79
FRA 94
  Jouets etrennes / [Gift Toys]
(dated: 1918)

Georges Revon

Monrocq, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for Galeries Lafayette

127.5 x 91
FRA 95
French WWI poster: Exposition/ de tableaux de maîtres contemporains Exposition/ de tableaux de maîtres contemporains . . ./ vente/au profit de l'oeuvre/du soldat blessé ou malade/
[Exhibition of paintings by contemporary masters . . . A sale on behalf of the association for relief to wounded or ailing soldiers.]

A wounded soldier with a bandaged foot relaxing in an easy chair while holding a yellow fan.

[Francisque] Poulbot

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'oeuvre de Soldat Blessé ou Malade (wounded or sick)

88 x 117.5
FRA 96
  Newcao/[a breakfast product]


(Paris, France)

Advertisement for Newcao – a breakfast product

118.5 x 78.5
FRA 97
French WWI poster: Aux Travailleurs de la Defense Nationale Aux Travailleurs/de la Defense Nationale/ Restreignezvous pour hater la victoire./Ne jetetz pas un gramme de pain./Economisez 100 grammes de nourriture par jour./ Cela suffirait pour augmenter d'une Division par/mois l'arrivee des renforts americaines./En economisant sure votre nourriture vous/economiserez des mois de tranchees a nos poilus./[To those working for national defence. Restrain your demands to speed up victory. Don't throw a gram of bread away. Cut down on your food intake by 100 grams a day. That would be enough to increase the arrival of American reinforcements by a division a month. By saving on your food you will save our soldiers months in the trenches.]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

An American soldier stands on a narrow wooden pier next to a large sack of corn. A French merchant sailor stands at the end of the pier where his small row boat is tied up. He holds out his arms as he tries to decide whether to take the corn or the soldier on his boat. In the background, the sun rises behind the Statue of Liberty.

[Francisque] Poulbot

L'Emancipatrice (Paris, France)

55.5 x 75
FRA 98
French WWI poster: Mangez moins de viande Mangez moins/de viande/pour/ménage/notre/cheptel/[Eat less meat and save our livestock.]

A fish on the end of a line dangling from a fishing pole with a stream in the background.
Marthe Picard, 16 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité National de Prevoyance et d'Economies

54.5 x 36
FRA 99
  Mangez moins/de viande/pour/ménage/notre/cheptel/[Eat less meat and save our livestock]

A fish on the end of a line dangling from a fishing pole with stream in the background.

(same as FRA 99 but has added at bottom b/w information

Marthe Picard, 16 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité National de Prevoyance et d'Economies

78 x 34
FRA 100
French WWI poster: Tout l'acier et le charbon... Tout l'acier et le charbon/pour nos usines/[Save all steel and charcoal for our factories]

Smokestacks of a factory.

M. Héringfeld

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

55 x 35.5
FRA 101
French WWI poster: Avec la carte - nous en aurons peu Avec la carte -/ nous en aurons peu/ - mais/ nous en aurons tous/Casse aujourd'hui/ton sucre en deux/pour en avoir demain?/[With rationing, we will have little, but we will all have some. Cut your sugar in half today so you will have some for tomorrow.]

Large sword cutting sugar cone in two.

Yvonne Colas, 15 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

54 x 34.5
FRA 102
  Avec la carte -/ nous en aurons peu/ - mais/ nous en aurons tous/Casse aujourd'hui/ton sucre en deux/pour en avoir demain?/[With rationing, we will have little, but we will all have some. Cut your sugar in half today so you will have some for tomorrow.]

Large sword cutting sugar cone in two.

(same as FRA 102 but has added at bottom a b/w sheet of information)

Yvonne Colas, 15 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et D'Economies

78 x 34
FRA 103
French WWI poster: Réservez le vin pour nos poilus Réservez le vin/pour/nos/poilus/ [Save wine for our soldiers]

A jug of wine surrounded by bunches of grapes and a cup filled with wine next to it.

Suzanne Ferrand, 16 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

54 x 37
FRA 104
  Réservez le vin/pour/nos/poilus/ [Save wine for our soldiers]

A jug of wine surrounded by bunches of grapes and a cup filled with wine next to it.

(same as FRA 104 but has added at bottom a b/w sheet of information)
Suzanne Ferrand, 16 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

78 x 34
FRA 105
French WWI poster: Semez des pommes de terre Semez/des pommes de terre/[Plant Potatoes]

A soldier stands with his back to the viewer, asking his countrymen to support him by growing food for the army. While he is talking to the farming couple, his hand points to the viewer, asking the whole nation for help as he defends the borders of France.


Pichot, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministère de l'Agriculture

104.5 x 75
FRA 106
French WWI poster: Préparation de la jeuness française Préparation de la jeunesse française/au service militaire/[Training French youth for military service.]
(dated: 1918)

A French youth holds a French flag while in the background French soldiers are marching.

William Malherbe

Devambez, Imp.

Ministère de la Guerre

118.5 x 78
FRA 107
French WWI poster: Soldat, la patrie compte sur toi Soldat,/ la patrie compte/sur toi; garde/lui toutes tes/forces. Résiste aux séductions de la rue…/[Soldier, the country is counting on you; keep all your strength for her. Resist the seductions of the street…]
(dated: 1919)

At the left is a soldier embracing a woman "of the street." At the right is a man sitting in front of a hospital and at the bottom is a skull and crossbones.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

Lith. Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

Warning against venereal disease

82 x 60
FRA 108
French WWI poster: Suivez ces conseils Suivez ces conseils/vous vivrez longtemps/[Follow this advice and you'll live a long time]
(black and white)

Six small illustrations of recommended behaviors like brushing teeth and sleeping with the window open.

Chaix, Imp. (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Préservation Contra Tuberculose en France

61 x 58.5
FRA 109
French WWI poster: La sale mouche est l'un des plus grands ennemis des bebes La sale mouche/est/ l'un des plus grands ennemis des bebes/[The dirty fly is one of the greatest enemies of babies.]

A giant fly is chasing a running baby.

A. Rapeno

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

American Red Cross – Bureau of Children

58.5 x 78
FRA 110
French WWI poster: L'Alarme / [Alarm] L'Alarme / [Alarm]
(dated: 1918)

A family with four children who are in a very bad and neglectedcondition and appear to be suffering while the father is passed out from alcohol.

[Charles] C. Léandre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Société Francaise d'Action Contre l'Alcoolisme

49.5 x 32
FRA 111
  Spitting/Spreads Disease/Protect/ Your/Pals/Don't Spit!

A group of soldiers sit facing a screen to watch a movie.

Sydney Adamson

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

American Red Cross. Commission for the Prevention of Tuberculosis in France

63.5 x 44.5
FRA 112
French WWI poster: La visiteuse d'hygiéne vous montrera La visiteuse d'hygiéne vous montrera/le chemin de la santé./Elle mène une croisade contre la/tuberculose et la mortalité infantile./Soutenez-la!/[The health inspector will show you the road to health. She is leading a crusade against tuberculosis and infant mortality. Support her!

A woman holding the symbol of the youth of France, a naked child, who is wearing a Phrygian cap.

Auguste Leroux

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contra la Tuberculose en France

80 x 59.5
FRA 113
French WWI poster: Journée Nationale des Tuberculeux Journée Nationale des Tuberculeux. Anciens Militaires/ [National Tuberculosis Day. Veterans.]

A soldier holding a cane. In background are flowering trees.

[Lucien] Lévy-Dhurmer

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Journée Nationale des Tuberculeux

79 x 114
FRA 114
French WWI poster: A l'Aurore de la paix... A l'Aurore de la paix/un nuage inquiétant menace la France/c'est la tuberculose/il faut la vaincre/[At the Dawn of Peace a Worrying Cloud is Threatening France. It is tuberculosis that must be vanquished.]
(dated: 1919)

A rural scene of ploughed fields and harvested crops, with a small picturesque village in the background, all bathed in a golden light. In the sky above hangs a large dark cloud.

Geo. Dorival

G. Capon (Paris, France)

Propaganda against tuberculosis

116 x 78
FRA 115
French WWI poster: L'autr péril L'autre/péril. Ne nous endormons pas/sur nos lauriers,/ la tuberculose nous menace,/il faut la vaincre/[The other danger. Let us not rest on our laurels. Tuberculosis threatens us. It must be defeated.

A hand is holding a thread that is tied to a knife labeled "La Tuberculose" suspended over laurel branches.
(dated: 1918)

Geo. Dorival

G. Capon (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contre la Tuberculose en France

118.5 x 78
FRA 116
French WWI poster: Il faut vaincre la tuberculose Il faut vaincre/la tuberculose/comme le plus/malfaisant des/reptiles/[We must conquer tuberculosis like the most wretched of reptiles.]

A hand squeezing the throat of a snake. The snake is dripping venom.

Geo. Dorival

G. Capon

Corville & Serre, Imp. (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contre la Tuberculose en France

117.5 x 78
FRA 117
  Il faut vaincre/la tuberculose/comme le plus/malfaisant des/reptiles/[We must conquer tuberculosis like the most wretched of reptiles.]

A hand squeezing the throat of a snake. The snake is dripping venom.

(duplicate of FRA 117)

Geo. Dorival

G. Capon

Corville & Serre, Imp. (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contre la Tuberculose en France

117.5 x 78
FRA 118
French WWI poster: Combattez la tuberculose Combattez la tuberculose/[Fight Tuberculosis]

15 comics-like frames demonstrate how tuberculosis spreads and its "allies" and "enemies," i.e. fresh air and healthy food.

[Armand] A. Rapeno

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contre la Tuberculose en France

118 x 89
FRA 119
French WWI poster: 2 Fléaux - le boche/la tuberculose 2 Fléaux/ le boche/la tuberculose/L'aigle boche sera vaincu; La tuberculose doit l'étre aussi/[2 Scourges: the Kraut (Germans) and Tuberculosis. The German eagle will be vanquished and tuberculosis must be too.]
(dated: 1917)

A black German Imperial eagle lying on its back with a sword through its chest. The eagle grabs the sword with its talon, as blood drips from its wound. A crown lies upside down next to the eagle's head.

G. Capon

Geo. Dorival

(Paris, France)

Commission Americaine de Preservation Contre la Tuberculose en France

119 x 78.5
FRA 120
French WWI poster: Fumeurs de l'arrière... Fumeurs de l'arrière/ économisez le/tabac pour que nos/soldats n'en manquent pas/[Civilian smokers, save tobacco for our soldiers.]

A soldier's helmet filled with tobacco products.

Andrée Menard

(Paris, France)

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

53.5 x 35
FRA 121
French WWI poster: Journée du Calvados Journée/du/ Calvados/15 aoôt 1915/Au profit des oeuvres de guerre/du Département/ [Calvados Day. August 15, 1915. To benefit the war charities of the Department of [Calvados].
(dated: 1915)

A woman holding a collection cup with scenes of soldiers going into battle in the background.

[Charles] C. Léandre

Devambez, Imp.

Oeuvres de Guerre

119 x 79
FRA 122
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu/25 et 26/ Décembre/1915/ Organisée par le parlement/[Poilu Day. December 25 and 26, 1915. Organized by Parliament.]
(dated: Dec. 1915)
(black and white)

A poilu embracing a girl. Behind them is a sewing machine, and a tipped chair; a little dog is in the left-hand corner. Caption: Enfin seuls . . .! Alone at last . . .!

[Adolphe] A. Willette

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Organisée par le parlement

119 x 80
FRA 123
French WWI poster: Journée de l'armée d'Afrique... Journée de l'armée d'Afrique et des troupes colonials/[A day for the African army and the Colonial troops]
(dated: 1917)

Soldiers in various uniforms from Africa and the colonies, who fought for France.

D. Charles Fouqueray

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

117 x 78
FRA 124
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu/25 et 26/ Décembre/1915/ Organisée par le parlement/[Poilu Day. December 25 and 26, 1915. Organized by Parliament.]

Wounded woman, La Patrie, sitting in a chair looking into the fireplace. Through the smoke rise images of battle-weary troops.

[Charles] C. Léandre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Organisée par le parlement

118 x 75.5
FRA 125
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu/31 Octobre/1er Novembre/1915/ Organisée par le parlement/[Poilu Day. October 31 - November 1, 1915. Organized by the Parliament.]

Wounded woman, La Patrie, sitting in a chair looking into the fireplace. Through the smoke rise images of battle-weary troops.

[Charles] C. Léandre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Organisée par le parlement

118 x 75.5
FRA 126
French WWI poster: La journée du Poilu La journée/du Poilu/ 25-26/Décembre/1915/ Avec vous et/par vous, nous/jurons de sauver/la France. /[signed] Léon Gambetta/[Poilu's Day December 25-26, 1915. With you and by you we will vow to save France. [signed] Léon Gambetta.]

Two French soldiers, one sitting down and going through a small box of supplies sent from home. In the background is a note signed by Léon Gambetta (1838-1882), who was one of the founders of the Third Republic and was regarded as one of the heroes of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. He became premier of France for a short while in 1881.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Senat – Chambre de Deputes – R.F.

119 x 79
FRA 127
French WWI poster: Journée de Paris … Journée de Paris … 14 Juillet 1917 / [Paris Day]

Little girl with bandaged soldier doll on her knee and a poodle, holding a bowl in her mouth, at her side.

[Francisque] Poulbot

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

117 x 77
FRA 128
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu/25 et 26/ Décembre/1915/ Organisée par le parlement/[Poilu Day. December 25 and 26, 1915. Organized by Parliament.]
(black and white)

Two 'poilus' or infantrymen. One has a rose in his mouth.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Organisée par le parlement

119 x 80.5
FRA 129
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu. 25 et 26 décembre 1915. Organisée par le parlement /[Poilu (hairy one – informal for French infantryman) Day. December 25 and 26, 1915. Organized by Parliament.]

A French soldier standing on a battlefield holding a rifle and about to throw a grenade.

Maurice Neumont

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Organisée par le parlement

119 x 79.5
FRA 130
French WWI poster: Journée organisée sur l'initiative du gouvernement... Journée organisée sur l'initiative du gouvernement au profit des œuvres d'assistance de l'armée d'Afrique et des troupes colonials 10 Juin 1917 Tombola/[Day organized at the government's initiative for the benefit of Aid Charities for the African Army and Colonial Troops. 10 June 1917.

The title and accompanying text are incorporated into a decorative border of yellow, red and dark blue North African patterns, which frames the main text.

H. de Waroquier

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministre des Affaires Étrangéres

115.5 x 78
FRA 131
French WWI poster: Journée organisée sur l'initiative du gouvernement... Journée organisée sur l'initiative du gouvernement au profit des œuvres d'assistance de l'armée d'Afrique et des troupes colonials 10 Juin 1917 Tombola/[Day organized at the government's initiative for the benefit of Aid Charities for the African Army and Colonial Troops. 10 June 1917. Raffle…]

The title and accompanying text are incorporated into a decorative border of yellow, red and dark blue North African patterns, which frames the main text.

H. de Waroquier

Crété, Imp. (France)

Ministre de l'Intérieur

116 x 76
FRA 132
French WWI poster: Journée du Puy de Dôme Journée du Puy de Dôme. Paquetage du soldat. 23 janvier 1916 / Puy de Dôme Day. The soldier's kit. January 23, 1916.
(black and white)

On the right is a woman with her two children. In the center is a train. On the left are two soldiers at the front. One has outstretched arms reaching for the supplies that are falling from the sky.

[Adolphe] A. Willette

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

78 x 112.5
FRA 133
French WWI poster: Journée de Paris Journée de Paris. 14 Juillet 1915 au profit des oeuvres de guerre de l'Hôtel-de-Ville. Pour les combattants . . . /[Paris Day. July 14, 1915. On behalf of the Hôtel de Ville's [Paris city hall] war charities. For the soldiers . . . .]

A woman holding a baby in her arm and holding a collection cup in her hand. At the bottom is a sketch of a French soldier.

G. Picard

Devambez (Paris, France)

Oeuvres de Guerre

118 x 79
FRA 134
French WWI poster: Journée Serbe Journée Serbe/ [Serbia Day]

In the top left hand corner is the tricolore and the Serbian national flag on crossed flagpoles. The French flagpole has a spike on the top; the Serbian flagpole has a crown. Both flagpoles have a ribbon of their national colours attached. The rest is text.

Villain et Bar, Imp. (Paris, France)

Le Ministre de l'Interieur

111 x 77
FRA 135
French WWI poster: Journée Varoise Journée Varoise/4 février 1917/Au profit exclusif des Oeuvres de Guerre/ du Département/ A bientôt ma chere Provence,/ je reviendrai victorieux pour ne plus te quitter! [Varoise Day. February 4, 1917. For the exclusive benefit of the Department's war charities. "And soon, dear Provence, I will return victorious never to leave you again!]

A soldier with a woman [allegorical figure of Provence] strolling in the countryside; another woman looks on.

Abel Truchet

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Oeuvres de Guerre

107 x 79
FRA 136
French WWI poster: Journée de Paris Journée de Paris/14 Juillet 1917/Appel a la population / [Paris Day. July 14, 1917. An appeal to the people]
(black and white)

(text only; no images)

(not an exact match)

Marcel Picard, Imp. (Paris, France)

City of Paris

119 x 84
FRA 137
French WWI poster: Journée de Paris Journée de Paris. 14 Juillet 1916. Au profit des oeuvres de guerre de l'Hôtel de Ville / Paris Day. July 14, 1916. To benefit the Hôtel de Ville's [Paris city hall's] war charities.

Small children dressed in soldiers' uniforms standing at attention while wounded soldiers walk by them.

[Francisque] Poulbot

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Oeuvres de Guerre

119.5 x 80
FRA 138
French WWI poster: La Journée Serbe La Journée Serbe/25 juin 1916/ Anniversaire de la bataille de Kossov/ [Serbia Day June 25, 1916. Anniversary of the Battle of Kossovo.]

Serbian civilians and military personnel crossing the River Drina in what is now Yugoslavia. King Peter is being transported across the bridge. The Battle of Kossovo was the last battle lost by the Serbians before they were forced to migrate into the Albanian mountains for the winter.

D. Charles Fouqueray

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Anniversary of Battle at Kossovo

113 x 80
FRA 139
French WWI poster: Journée Serbe Journée Serbe/25 Juin 1916/[Serbia Day. June 25, 1916.]

Depicts a group of Serbian civilians and soldiers as they migrate to the mountains.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

I.Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

120 x 80
FRA 140
French WWI poster: Journée du Poilu Journée du Poilu. Organisée par le Parlement/ [Poilu Day. Organized by parliament.
(dated: 25 Dec. 1915)

A young girl in a Red Cross nurse's uniform and a small boy wearing a red cap, carrying a collection cup and selling medals – "So that Papa may come on leave, if you please."

[Francisque] Poulbot

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

120 x 80
FRA 141
French WWI poster: Journée de l'armée d'Afrique... Journée de l'armée d'Afrique et des troupes coloniales/[A day for the African army and the colonial troops.]

French soldiers with black soldiers from Africa and the colonies.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

117.5 x 80
FRA 142
French WWI poster: Journée Serbe Journée Serbe/25 juin 1916/[Serbia Day. June 25, 1916]

Serbians (both military and civilian personnel) crossing the River Drina into Albania or what is now Yugoslavia.

P. Mourgue

80 x 117
FRA 143
French WWI poster: Journée nationale des tuberculeux Journée nationale des tuberculeux/Anciens militaires/Sauvons-les/[National day to benefit consumptive soldiers. Let us save them.]

An ill soldier sitting by the sea. A woman's hands rest on his shoulders.

Very fragile – piece missing from bottom text.

Abel Faivre

(Paris, France)

Nationale des Tuberculeux

119 x 80
FRA 144
French WWI poster: Ah! si l'on avait supprimé l'alcool Ah! si l'on avait supprimé l'alcool / [Ah! If one had done away with alcohol]

A street scene in which a man in uniform looks at another man who leans on a lamp post. The man leaning on the post has a beard and a bottle protrudes from his coat pocket.

B. Chavannez

(Paris, France)

Union des Francaises Contre l'Alcool

117.5 x 78.5
FRA 145
  Pour les blessés de la tuberculose / [For Those Afflicted with Tuberculosis]


I.Lapina (Paris, France)

Comité Central d'Assistance aux Militaires Tuberculeaux

106.5 x 170
FRA 146
French WWI poster: Deutchland über alles... Deutchland über alles - Que veut l'Allemagne?/ [Germany over all - What does Germany want?]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Personification of Germany standing on top of ledge over crouched people. Two vultures are at the bottom.

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Berger-Levrault, Imp. (Nancy, France)

61 x 49
FRA 147
French WWI poster: Le passé de la Prusse Le passé de la Prusse/[The Case of the Prussian]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

60 x 49
FRA 148
French WWI poster: Ce que nous devons á nos colonies Ce que nous devons á nos colonies / [What we need in our colonies]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

A man in Arabian dress holds a flag and rides a horse with Arabian writing on its bridle. Text and image is framed by palm trees.

[Victor] V. Prouvé

(Nancy, France)

61 x 49
FRA 149
French WWI poster: La voix des ruines La voix des ruines / [The Voice of the Ruins]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Image of the French countryside in ruins

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

48 x 60
FRA 150
French WWI poster: Voila les Américains! Voila les Américains!/[Here are the Americans!]

A large shadow of an American soldier catching a cowering German soldier breaking into a door labeled Front Occidental [Eastern front]. Six small thumbnails run along the bottom of the benefits of the Americans joining the war.

[Charles] Saunier

Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

50.5 x 64.5
FRA 151
French WWI poster: Le grand etat-major allemand Le grand etat-major allemand/[The Great German Military Staff]

Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg watching over a scene of burning ruins, dead bodies, and a firing squad. Above him the crowned female figure of Resistance rises from the smoke, wearing a cloak and breastplate, and armed with a rifle. The smaller image shows a German eagle tearing up a treaty.

[Albert] A. Robida

66.5 x 47.5
FRA 152
  The Prussian General Staff

(English translation of FRA 152)

Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg watching over a scene of burning ruins, dead bodies, and a firing squad. Above him the crowned female figure of Resistance rises from the smoke, wearing a cloak and breastplate, and armed with a rifle. The smaller image shows a German eagle tearing up a treaty.

[Albert] A. Robida

(Paris, France)

65 x 50
FRA 153
French WWI poster: La paix de l'ennemi La paix de l'ennemi / [Peace on the enemy's terms]
(black and white)

Kaiser pointing a dagger at a woman (Romania), while showing her the "Traité de Paix" and stepping on a man (Russia). The revolution in Russia in 1917 left Russia's army in chaos and put the Bolsheviks in power. The Bolsheviks made the decision to take Russia out of the war and the Romanians made the same decision. The Armistice or "Traité de Paix" was signed on December 15.

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

64 x 50.5
FRA 154
French WWI poster: L'accueil de la Suisse aux rappatries L'accueil de la Suisse aux rappatries/ [The Welcome of the Swiss to the Re-Patriates]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Berger-Levrault (Nancy, France)

64 x 49
FRA 155
French WWI poster: Marne, Yser, Somme, Verdun... Marne, Yser,/Somme, Verdun/l'Aurore [Marne, Yser, Somme, Verdun (Place names of big WWI battles) - The Dawn]

A French soldier holding a battered French Tricolore on a flag pole, a woman dressed in traditional Alsace costume and a woman dressed in traditional Lorraine costume. The woman from Lorraine brings the flag up to her lips to kiss it.

Henri Royer

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

79 x 60
FRA 156
French WWI poster: L'infanterie française dans la bataille L'infanterie française dans la bataille/ [The French infantry in the battle.]

A foot soldier holding a rifle. In the background is a partial map of France. The map shows the Hindenburg Line in red ink.

H. Delaspre

Louchet-Publicité, Imp. (Paris, France)

118 x 78
FRA 157
French WWI poster: Ils ont pillé, saccagé, volé, assassiné! Ils ont pillé, saccagé, volé, assassiné!/Leur kultur/Souvenez-Vous!/N'oubliez jamais les Crimes allemands/[They pillaged, sacked, stole, murdered! Their culture. Remember! Never forget German crimes]
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

A mother and child kneel beside a despoiled grave. Behind them, a German soldier, carrying a pickaxe and a bag of booty, walks away. In the background are damaged trees and buildings.

[Charles Lucien] C. Léandre

G. Bertrand, Imp. (Paris, France)

98 x 63.5
FRA 158
French WWI poster: La culture des evelee par leur conception du droit La culture des /evelee par leur/conception du droit/[The Culture of a Nation is revelead by their conception of law]

Image of a German stamp and French stamp followed by a comparison of the tenets of German Doctrine and French Doctrine.

(Paris, France)

64 x 49
FRA 159
French WWI poster: The Degree of Civilization of Nations... The Degree of Civilization/of Nations/is shown by their understanding of/the Rights of the States/and of the Citizens

(English version of FRA 159)

Image of a German stamp and French stamp followed by a comparison of the tenets of German Doctrine and French Doctrine.

(Paris, France)

65 x 50.5
FRA 160
French WWI poster: Debout! Nos morts pour la patrie... Debout! Nos morts pour la patrie . . . voici la France!/[Stand up! Those who have died for our country . . . This is France!]

Rear view of an Alsatian woman and her two children. They are on a hill overlooking a cemetery full of soldier' graves.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

J. Cussak, Imp. (Paris, France)

44 x 54.5
FRA 161
French WWI poster: Souvenez-vous! Ce Boche Souvenez-vous!/ Ce Boche [Remember!]

Picture of a German soldier (labeled: Ce Boche) carrying a torch and a bloody knife, and a salesman. A reminder that they are one and the same person after the war.

[Fernand Louis] F. Gottlob

(Paris, France)

57 x 38
FRA 162
French WWI poster: Remember! /This Hun Remember! /This Hun …

(English translation of FRA 162)

Picture of a German soldier (labeled: This Hun) carrying a torch and a bloody knife, and a salesman. A reminder that they are one and the same person after the war.

[Fernand Louis] F. Gottlob

(Paris, France)

57 x 38
FRA 163
French WWI poster: Un peuple est devenu par son orgueil Un peuple est devenu par son orgueil/l'eternelle menace/du genre humain/ [One people has become through its pride the eternal threat to the human race.]

Two hands, labelled "right" and "justice," supporting a globe from below, while a fist, labelled "brutal force," strikes the globe from above. In the background, dark clouds symbolising German world domination are dissipated by the sun, which is labelled "no" and symbolises a balance of power between the world powers.

(Paris, France)

66 x 47
FRA 164
French WWI poster: Le Respect des droits de l'homme Le Respect des droits de l'homme/garantit la paix du monde/ [Respecting human rights safeguards world peace.]

Three maps, each showing the same region of the French border with Germany. The first map shows the border before 1870; the second shows the areas occupied by Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871; the third shows the areas occupied by Germany in 1914-1917.

J. Langlois, Imp. (Paris, France)

65 x 50
FRA 165
French WWI poster: L'attente/[Waiting] L'attente/[Waiting]

Image of woman in Alsatian costume seated by window holding a tricolor cockade (only part of image in full color).

Henri Royer


(Paris, France)

64 x 49
FRA 166
French WWI poster: Avec des assassins/Avec des incendiaires... Avec des assassins/Avec des incendiaires/Avec des voleurs/On ne discute pas/on les juge!/Souvenez-vous! / [With assassins, with arsonists, with thieves…One doesn't discuss; one judges (them)! Remember!]

(text only; no images)

Chambrelent, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ligue pour Perpétuer à Travers les Ages le Souvenir des Crimes Allemands/ [League for the Perpetuation Across the Ages the Memory of German Crimes]

29 x 39.5
FRA 167
French WWI poster: Pourquoi les Américains viennent à nous Pourquoi les Américains/viennent à nous/[Why the Americans are coming to us]
(dated: May 1917)

An inverted German Pickelhaube helmet with its spike stuck in the ground being used as a bird's nest. Five white doves, each wearing a Pickelhaube, fly above.

J. Langlois, Imp. (Paris, France)

55 x 76
FRA 168
French WWI poster: Souvenez-vous! 1914 Rien d'Allemand! Souvenez-vous!/1914/Rien/ d'Allemand!!!/Des Allemands/ [Remember! 1914. Nothing German! Nothing from the Germans]

Marianne, the personification of France, gesturing toward the Rheims cathedral burning in the background.

E. Lemielle

Chaix-Paris, Imp. (Paris, France)

80.5 x 59
FRA 169
French WWI poster: La voix des grands tribuns du peuple La voix des/grands tribuns/du peuple/ [The voice of the great champions of the people]

Three commemorative medallions featuring portraits of French socialist and republican leaders: Auguste Blanqui, Jean Jaurès and Édouard-Marie Vaillant, followed by a quote from each.

Blanqui, Jaurès, Vaillant

H-L Motti, Imp.

65 x 50
FRA 170
French WWI poster: La liberté du travail La liberté du travail / [The Freedom of Labor]

Civilian men and women with shovels helping to rebuild France from the ruins.

E. Preys

C.&S., Imp. (Paris, France)

79 x 60
FRA 171
French WWI poster: La guerre est l'industrie nationale de la Prusse La guerre est l'industrie nationale de la Prusse . . . 'Attaqués, nous ne faisons que nous défendre au nom de la liberté et pour sauver notre existence.' Général Pétain, juin 1917/[War is the national industry of Prussia. 'Attacked, we are fighting back in the name of liberty.' Général Philippe Pétain (1856-1951), June 1917.]

Prussia depicted as an octopus whose tentacles are reaching into Europe.

Maurice Neumont

P.J. Gallais et Cie, Imp. (Paris, France)

59 x 78.5
FRA 172
French WWI poster: On les aura On les aura/[We will Get Them]
(dated: 1916)

Bust portrait of a poilu smoking a pipe.

Charles A. Toché

(Paris, France)

65 x 52
FRA 173
French WWI poster: Comite Directeur Russe Anti-Défaitiste Comite Directeur Russe Anti-Défaitiste / [Russian Anti-Defeatist Steering Committee]
(black and white)

(text only; no images)

A. Michel

56 x 75.5
FRA 174
French WWI poster: 1er mars, 1871, 1er mars, 1918 1er mars, 1871, 1er mars, 1918. En Alsace libérée les petites filles, se restreignent de bon coeur pour hâter la déliverance de l'Alsace encore annedéxe. Faites comme ells/[March 1, 1871 to March 1, 1918. In liberated Alsace young girls willingly make sacrifices to hasten the liberation of the part of Alsace still annexed [to Germany]. Follow their example.]
(dated: March 1918)

A girl in Alsatian costume with a French flag draped around her.

Béatrix Grognuz, 16 ans

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

(Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

55 x 37
FRA 175
French WWI poster: Comment ils écrivent l'histoire Comment ils écrivent l'histoire / [How the soldiers write history]
(dated: 1918)

French soldiers on a battlefield; includes vignette of mother surrounded by children, reading letter.

[Victor] V. Prouve

73 x 54
FRA 176
French WWI poster: Deux coeurs fidèles Deux coeurs fidèles / [Two faithful hearts]

Image of the female representations of Alsace and Lorraine against a sunset.

Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer

Devambez (Paris, France)

79 x 59
FRA 177
French WWI poster: On ne passe pas On ne passe pas/ 1914 . . . 1918/Par deux fois j'ai tenu et vaincu sur la Marne/ [They shall not pass! 1914 . . . 1918. Twice have I resisted and triumphed over the Marne.]

A soldier standing on a battlefield wearing gas mask around his neck. Poison gas was first used in World War I. The phrase "they shall not pass"' is said to have originated with General Robert Nivelle (1856-1924) at the battle of Verdun in 1916.

Maurice Neumont

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)
Union de Grandes Associations Francais Contre la Propagande Ennemie

113 x 79
FRA 178
French WWI poster: Un dernier effort Un/dernier/effort/et on/l'aura/[One last effort and we will get them]

American soldiers climbing up a rock. Perched on top of the rock is the Imperial eagle and the Iron Cross.

Eug. Courboin

Cornille & Serre, Imp. (Paris, France)

120 x 78
FRA 179
  [not in folder]
FRA 180
French WWI poster: Le Cardinal Mercier protégé la Belgique Le Cardinal Mercier protégé la Belgique / [Cardinal Mercier protects Belgium]
(dated: 1916)

Illustration of Cardinal Mercier in a gold cape and mitre (headdress). He holds a staff in his left hand. A fallen man is slumped over at his feet and there is a crowd of people behind him, most of whom appear to be women.

D. Charles Fouqueray

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

120 x 80
FRA 181
  La puissance militaire de la France/[The Military Force of France]


Louchet Publicité (Paris, France)

Section Cinematograhique de l'Armee Francaise (S.P.C.A.)

4 sheets – each sheet 120 x 160 (billboard size)

[not in folder]
FRA 181(?)
  La puissance militaire de la France/[The Military Force of France]

L.T. Smid

Louchet Publicité (Paris, France)

Section Cinematograhique de l'Armee Francaise (S.P.C.A.)

2 sheets – each sheet 160 x 120 (billboard size)

[not in folder]
FRA 182
French WWI poster: La liberté ou l'esclavage La liberté ou l'esclavage / [Liberty or Slavery]

J. Langlois (Paris, France)

65 x 50.5
FRA 183
French WWI poster: La volonté d'agression de l'Allemagne La volonté d'agression de l'Allemagne / [The Aggressive Will of Germany]

A sketch of the two sides of the French border in July 1914. On the left side is seen the German tanks and bullets. On the right side is seen a family working in the fields.

A. Ratida

65 x 50
FRA 184
French WWI poster: Le plan Pangermaniste Le plan Pangermaniste / [The All-Germany Plan)

(Paris, France)

65 x 50
FRA 185
French WWI poster: L'Allemagne a provoqué la guerre L'Allemagne a provoqué la guerre / [Germany has provoked war]

Mostly text with the obverse and reverse of a German satirical art medal (medallion) issued to commemorate the landing of Zeppelin XVI at Lunéville in France on 3 April 1913. The obverse shows an airship surrounded by French forces on horseback and on foot. The reverse shows a French cockerel bowing to a German eagle.

(Paris, France)

65 x 50
FRA 186
French WWI poster: Pourquoi la paix ne peut être basée... Pourquoi la paix ne peut être basée/que sur/la victoire du droit/[Why peace can be based only on the victory of right.]
(black and white)

Three images illustrating the alleged breaking of treaties by the Germans: the 1839 Treaty of London, two prisoners tied to a post, and deportations from Lille; and three images illustrating alleged German war crimes: a woman and child drowning, massacred civilians, and a tree that has been cut down.

H.-L. Motti, Imp. (Paris, France)

65 x 50
FRA 187
French WWI poster: Navires-Hôpitaux orpillés par les allemands Navires-Hôpitaux/torpillés par les allemands/[Hospital ships torpedoed by Germans]

Picture of a hospital ship being torpedoed; smaller pictures commemorating torpedoed ships. A reported twelve hospital ships were sunk by the Germans either by mistake, due to unclear markings of the ships, or intentionally by German submarines.

Berger-Levrault, Imp. (Nancy, France)

80 x 60
FRA 188
  Leur Sermiere Importation
(dated: 1919)
(black and white)

Profile view of a soldier with "Made un Germanie" on his hat.


50 x 32.5
FRA 189
  En avant!/[Forward pass!]
(dated: 1915)
(black and white)

German soldiers march forward while a commanding officer holds a gun to their heads.

E. Juillevat (?)

32.5 x 50.5
FRA 190
French WWI poster: picture of German troops harassing old men, women, and children [No Title]/[Picture of German troops harassing old men, women, and children]
(black and white)

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

Devambez, Imp.

37.5 x 49.5
FRA 191
French WWI poster: A cent cinquante metres au-dessus de la bataille... A cent cinquante metres au-dessus de la bataille - progression dans les trous d'obus. Photographie prise par un aviateur de liaison, au-dessus du champ de bataille de la Somme, en octobre./

Aerial photograh (taken by the Section photographique de l'Armee, Service photo aerienne) of troops advancing through shell holes in the battlefield of the Somme.

An aerial photo – Army

40 x 63
FRA 192
  [No Title]/[Pictures German soldiers harassing old men, women and children.]
(dated: 1915)

Hervay(?) LoGrout(?)

Devambez, Imp.

40 x 49.5
FRA 193
  Aurore/[Break of Day]

Drawing of a battlefield at dawn strewn with dead bodies; chickens, geese, and chicks are wandering through.

50 x 65
FRA 194
French WWI poster: La France irait à la Misère... La France irait/à la Misère/si elle laissait entrer/le bolchevism/qui sabote/les 3 éléments de la Production/ [France would end up in dire poverty if it allowed Bolshevism, which sabotages the three elements of production]

A cross-section of an industrial furnace, being sabotaged by a Bolshevik. The furnace explodes as the uniformed Bolshevik turns away, a flaming torch in his hand. In the background, smoke rises from a village and from a factory, both of which are on fire.

Chaix, Imp. (Paris, France)

78 x 59
FRA 195
  Lisez tous la revue Francaise/

L. Cappiello

Vercasson, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for review
157 x 113
FRA 196
French WWI poster: L'Oeuvre de Gustave Téry... L'Oeuvre/de Gustave Téry/publie/"Le Feu"/notes d'un combattant/par Henri Barbusse/["The Fire, a soldier's notes" by Henri Barbusse appears in Gustave Téry's 'Oeuvre.']

Full-length depictions against a fiery sky of several French infantrymen stationed near a trench. Some of the soldiers keep watch, while others are preparing to build a barricade.

C. Haulor

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

80 x 119
FRA 197
French WWI poster: La trana libre La trana libre/[Free France]
(dated: 1918)

A full-length depiction of Marianne, wearing an "Adrian" helmet. A French infantryman crouches with a rifle to the side of Marianne. In the background, men carry red flags alongside the flags of France, Canada and the United States of America.


J.E. Goosens, Imp. (Paris, France)

117 x 77.5
FRA 198
French WWI poster: Pourquoi la paix ... Pourquoi la paix ne peut être fondée/sue la parole de l'allemagne/[Peace cannot be based on the word of the Germans]

Mainly text with nine small photographs from the war.

Langlois, Imp. (Paris, France)

74.5 x 110
FRA 199
French WWI poster: Oeuvre des Vacances Enfantines Oeuvre des "Vacances Enfantines"/[Holidays for Children Charity]
(dated: 1918)

Sketch of a little boy and a little girl sitting beside each other.

[Francisque] Poulbot

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

78.5 x 59
FRA 200
French WWI poster: Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Paris Illustrated Cards Ecole des Beaux-Arts/of Paris/Illustrated Cards

Emile Beaume

American Studies Committee of the Ecole Des Beaux-Arts

88 x 62
FRA 201
French WWI poster: Noël pour la grande paix Noël/pour/la grande paix/[Christmas for the Great Peace]

A depiction of Winged Victory, with three church bells ringing above her. She has two laurel wreathes in her raised left hand and carries a laurel branch in her right hand. Four more wreaths fall from the sky.

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Author (Poem): André Fontaine

73 x 54
FRA 202
French WWI poster: Instructions en cas d'atterrissage d'aéroplanes... Instructions/en cas d'atterrissage d'aéroplanes sur le territoire de la zone des armées/[Instructions in the case of planes landing in the military zone.]

Primarily text with the airplane symbols for each country.

Maj. Gen. Pelle

Armees Francaises

76 x 55
FRA 203
French WWI poster: Debout, les morts! Debout, les morts!!/[Dead men, on your feet!!]
(dated: 1916)

A scene depicting German soldiers attacking a French trench. Some soldiers lie dead or wounded. One wounded French soldier turns to the viewer, raises his fist and shouts. In the background, a German soldier throws a grenade.

Ch. Atamain

71.5 x 52
FRA 204
French WWI poster: Lisez le Conseiller Municipal Lisez/le/Conseiller/
Municipal/[Read the Town Councillor]

A giant man has ripped off the top of a municipal building and is peeking inside.

Andre Devambez

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

118.5 x 77.5
FRA 205
French WWI poster: La justice/[Justice] La justice/[Justice]

Drawing of a woman draped in red representing justice, holding a sword and a scale. Advertisement for the daily republican newspaper La Justice, founded in 1880 by Georges Clemenceau.

A. Formisyn

Publicator (Paris, France)

119 x 79
FRA 206
French WWI poster: L'exportateur Francais L'exportateur/ Francais/[The French Exporter]

R. Pichon

Joseph Charles, Imp.

118.5 x 79
FRA 207
French WWI poster: Les plus belles phrases de Mr. Clemenceau Les plus belles phrases/de Mr. Clemenceau/[The Finest Sayings of Mr. Clemenceau]

C.&S., Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for booklets

119 x 78
FRA 208
  In front de Chateau-Thierry Françias [sic]

Engraved image

Image of church and two American flags, one of which is tattered and torn

[JYC or JTC ?]

33.5 x 22.5

Box 8
FRA 209
  In front de Soissons Françias [sic]

Engraved image

Image of church and three French flags, one of which is tattered and torn

JYC [or JTC?]

35 x 22.5

Box 8
FRA 210
  In front d'Albert Françias [sic]

Image of church and one British ensign (possibly Canadian or Australian), which is tattered and frayed

Engraved image

JYC [or JTC?]

34.5 x 22.5

Box 8
FRA 211
French WWI poster: La veillée des tombes La veillée des tombes/[The vigil of tombs]

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Union de France Pour la Belgique

105.5 x 79
FRA 212
French WWI poster: image of a statue of Lafayette shaking hands with Uncle Sam [No Title]/[Image of a statue of Lafayette shaking hands with Uncle Sam]

Eug. Courboin

Cornille & Serre, Imp.

118.5 x 79
FRA 213
French WWI poster: Le maréchal Foch dans le salon... Le maréchal Foch dans le salon, désormais historique, qui fut son cabinet de travail pendant l'été et l'automne de 1918/[Marshal Foch in the living room, now historic, which was his study during the summer and fall of 1918]
(dated: August 7, 1918)

Color illustration of Marshal Foch standing in his study.

Charles Duvent

40.5 x 60
FRA 214
  Le President Wilson
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Illustration of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson


60.5 x 41
FRA 215
  M. Lloyd George
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Illustration of U.K. Prime Minister Lloyd George


60.5 x 41
FRA 216
  M. Georges Clemenceau
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Illustration of French Prime Minister Clemenceau


60.5 x 40.5
FRA 217
  Le Marechal Foch
(dated: 1918)
(black and white)

Illustration of Marshal Foch


60 x 41
FRA 218
  Bienvenue a nos braves allies/ [Greetings to our brave allies]
(dated: June 22, 1918)

A black and white photo of the General is above a letter from General Petain to the Americans. The French Republic shiled and American Stars and Stripes Shield are side-by-side at the top.

General Petain

Photo: H. Manuel

Devambez, Gr.
47.5 x 25
FRA 219
  Soldats des Etats-Unis d'Amérique/ [Soldiers of the United States of America]

A black-and-white photo of the Marshal is above a letter from Marshal Joffre to the American soldiers. The French Republic shield and American Stars and Stripes shield are side-by-side at the top.

Marshal Joffre

Photo: H. Manuel

Devambez, Gr.

48 x 25
FRA 220
  C'est Uncordial Salut
(dated: June 6, 1918)

A black-and-white photo of the Marshal is above a letter from Marshal Foch to the American soldiers. The French Republic shield and American Stars and Stripes shield are side-by-side at the top.

Marshal Foch

Photo: H. Manuel

Devambez, Gr. (Paris, France)

48 x 25
FRA 221
  France is very glad to welcome the/gallant American soldiers…
(in English)
(dated: June 6, 1918)

A black-and-white photo of the French President is above a letter to the American soldiers. The French Republic shield and American Stars and Stripes shield are side-by-side at the top.

President of the Republic (France) Raymond Poincaré

Photo: H. Manuel

Devambez, Gr.

48 x 25
FRA 222
  Offrire al soldato--- /[To offer to a soldier---
(dated: 1918)

A black-and-white photo of possibly a General above a letter about welcoming soldiers to stay in your home. The signature is illegible. The Swiss flag shield and the American Stars and Stripes shield are side-by-side at the top. English translation of the letter at the bottom.

Photo: H. Manuel

Devambez, Gr.

48 x 24.5
FRA 223
French WWI poster: Salon des humoristes Salon des/ humoristes/ [Exhibition of Comedians]
(dated: April 1919)

Maurice Neumont

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Adv. for a Gallery

78.5 x 119
FRA 224
French WWI poster: A la gloire de Jean Corentin Carré A la gloire/de/Jean Corentin Carré/[To the Glory of Jean Corentin Carré
(dated: 1919)

[Victor] V. Prouvé

Author: Jean C. Carré (died in combat)

75.5 x 59
FRA 225
French WWI poster: La statue de Strasbourg La statue de Strasbourg, e?rige?e comme celle des autres grandes/villes de France sur la place de la Concorde a? Paris, e?tait pieusement/de?core?e de drapeaux tricolors par le people parisien… le soir de/ l'armistice, elle resplendit dans la fe?te lumineuse de la Victoire!/[The Statue of Strasbourg, erected like the other cities of France on the Place de la Concorde in Paris, was piously decorated with tricolor flags by the people of Paris…On the evening of the armistice, she shines in the bright celebration of victory!]

Statue of the female representation of the city of Strasbourg in the Place de la Concorde is draped in French Tricolor flags and garlands in celebration.

[André] A. Galland

Devambez, Imp.(Paris, France)

77 x 58.5
FRA 226
French WWI poster: Grande manifestation nationale Grande manifestation/ nationale/[Grand National Demonstration]
(dated: March 8, 1919)

Rheims cathedral in flames.

N.R. Money, Gr. (Paris, France)

Union des Grandes Assoications Francaises

79 x 56.5
FRA 227
French WWI poster: À la gloire/des tirailleurs sénégalais À la gloire/des tirailleurs sénégalais/[To the Glory of the Senegalese Infantrymen]
(dated: 1921)


Maus, Delhalle & Urban

107.5 x 76
FRA 228
  Le grand pavois des allies/[The Great Bulwark of Allies]

40.5 x 60.5
FRA 229
French WWI poster: La reprise des affaires... La reprise des affaires/Monsieur Baedeker prépare la nouvelle édition de son guide en France/[Business as Usual. Mr Baedeker prepares the new edition of his guide to France.]
(dated: 1914)
(black and white)

Standing amongst the rubble of buildings destroyed by German bombardment, Monsieur Baedeker takes notes. He is dressed in overcoat and cape, a small brimmed and feathered hat, glasses and sports a beard and moustache. He looks away from the viewer across a square towards a half ruined mediaeval church. Karl Baedeker was the publisher of cultural tourist guides.
[Jules] Abel Faivre

Devambez, Gr.

50 x 40
FRA 230
  A Sample Page from the New World Loose Leaf Atlas (In English)

Adv. for atlas

55.5 x 34
FRA 231
French WWI poster: Le secours de guerre Le secours de guerre/[Relief from War]
(dated: 1916)

Policemen, soldiers, and civilians standing outside the Ancien Séminaire St. Sulpice which houses Le Secours de Guerre.

Maurice Romberg

F. Champenois, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministeres de la Guerre et d'Interieur

120 x 89.5
FRA 232
French WWI poster: Foire France-Américaine Foire/France-Américaine/de Saint-Sulpice/Le Secours de Guerre/[The French-American fair at Saint Sulpice. Le Secours de Guerre (relief agency for the victims of the war]
(dated: June 1917)

Four allegorical figures: Justice, Liberty (who is holding the American flag), Demeter, and Athena above Saint Sulpice.

Maurice Romberg

F. Champenois, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement. for a fair

118.5 x 85
FRA 233
French WWI poster: Vente de Charité Vente de Charité/[Sale for Charity]
(dated: 1916, June 8)

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

H. Chachois, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Hopital Benevole

80.5 x 114
FRA 234
French WWI poster: Journée nationale/des orpelins Journée nationale/des orphelins/[National Day of the Orphans]

Two boys and a girl comforting each other.

Bernard Naudin

Le Papier (Paris, France)

Fund drive for war orphans

119 x 79
FRA 235
  Orphelinat des armees/[Orphan Home of the Armies]

Frank Brangwyn

The Avenue Press (London, England)

150.5 x 100
FRA 236
  Orphelinat des armees/[Orphan Home of the Armies]
(black and white)

Frank Brangwyn

The Avenue Press (London, England)

151 x 100
FRA 237
French WWI poster: Le Retour au foyer Le Retour au foyer/[The Return to Home]
(dated: Oct. 20 1917)

Against a background of ruined houses, a girl and boy stare at the viewer. The boy is holding a cat to his chest.

Maurice Neumont

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

119 x 78
FRA 238
French WWI poster: Institution Royale de Messines Institution Royale de Messines/Pres d'ypres/pour les filles des officiers et soldats belges/Morts ou devenus invalides/au service de la patrie/[Royal Institute of Metz. For the daughters of Belgian officers and soldiers dead or disabled in the Service of the homeland.]
(dated: 1918)

Three young women lay a wreath at the base of a gravestone draped with the Belgian flag.

D. Charles Fouqueray

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Institution Royale de Messines (Metz)

118.5 x 79
FRA 239
  En Belgique les Belges ont faim / [In Belgium the Belgians are starving]
(dated: 1915)
[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

I. Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Alliance Franco-Belge
118.5 x 92.5
FRA 240
French WWI poster: L'association générale des mutilés de la guerre... L'association générale des/mutilés de la guerre/ renseigne/rééduque/place/ prête sur l'honneur/procure les soins chirurgicaux/adhésions mutilés de la guerre/[General Association for the War Disabled provides information, re-educates, finds employment, lends against your word, secures surgical care.]

Two invalided ex-soldiers stand with their hands linked. The solider on the left has lost an arm and stands against a stylised townscape with smoking chimneys. The soldier on the right has a leg amputated and holds a scythe, he stands against a rural scene with two haystacks. Both soldiers wear medals.

[Geo] G. Capon

Geo. Dorival, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Association Generale des Mutiles de la Guerre

118.5 x 79
FRA 241
French WWI poster: La renaissance des foyers en Alsace La renaissance/des/foyers en Alsace/[The Renewal of the Homes of Alsace]
(dated: Nov. 1917)

A woman dressed in traditional Alsatian costume stands knitting in the foreground right. A ruined building and a large farmhouse occupy the background.

Many Benner

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement of a sale to assist the rebuilding

113 x 78
FRA 242
French WWI poster: Le bon feu/1914-1915-1916 Le bon feu/1914-1915-1916/N'oubliez pas ceux qui ont froid /[The Good Fire [campaign] 1914-1915-1916. Don't forget those who suffer from the cold.]

A man and a woman, wrapped in blankets, seated and standing, respectively, near an empty fireplace. This was a campaign to supply those at home, particularly older people, with wood or coal for heat.


H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Drive to buy coal for people who are cold.

119 x 80
FRA 243
French WWI poster: Union des familles Françaises et Alliées Union des familles Françaises et Alliées/Aide aux méres veuves et orphelins/des soldats morts au champ d'honneur/Frères et soeurs de guerre/[Union of French and Allies' Families. Aid for widowed mothers and orphans of soldiers who died in the field of honor. Brothers and sisters of war.]

Germaine Lemaire

Devambez, Imp.

Union des Familles Francaises et Alliées

112.5 x 79
FRA 244
French WWI poster: Comité Américain pour les régions dévastées de France Comité Américain pour les régions dévastées de France/[American Committee for the Devastated Regions of France]

A large American 'Stars and Stripes' flag flies across the top of three separate scenes. In the background left, a soldier helps a wounded colleague amidst the debris of a ruined house. In the center a woman dressed in white robes stands with a family group consisting of an elderly man, a woman and two girls. The robed woman points to the third scene, background right, where a farmer ploughs a field with two oxen.

Geo Capon

Les Affiches Nouvelles (Paris, France)

Comité Américain pour les régions dévastées de France

77 x 117
FRA 245
French WWI poster: La protection du réformé No. 2... La/protection/du/réformé/No. 2/Aidez-nous/à assistez/les blessés et/malades de la/guerre/réformés/sans pension/[Protection for Category 2 Invalided Soldiers. Help us to assist the war wounded and ill invalided with no pension.]

A wounded French soldier sits on a bed staring at the floor. In the background his wife and two children watch him with concern. Behind the bed, a poster of Rude's sculpture of Winged Victory is partly visible on the wall.

Andre Devambez

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministére de L'Interieur

119.5 x 79
FRA 246
French WWI poster: Journée des Régions Libérées Journée/des/Régions/ Libérées/Aprés la victoire, au travail!!/Aidez-nous/[The Liberated Regions Day. After victory, to work!! Help us.]

A demobilized French soldier in civilian clothes, but still wearing his army helmet, carries a sledgehammer in his right hand and an oversized crowing cockerel over his left shoulder. In the background, a spade and a pickaxe lean against a ruined wall.

Auguste Leroux

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

116.5 x 77
FRA 247
French WWI poster: Sur la terre ennemie Sur la terre ennemie/les prisonniers russes/meurent de faim/[In enemy territory, Russian prisoners are starving to death]
(dated: 1917)
(black and white)

Scene of an outdoor prison camp in the snow, framed by the struts of a wooden notice-board incised with the poster's message. In the foreground two gaunt soldiers in Russian Army caps huddle together. One stares accusingly out at the viewer, the other looks blank, hands clenched to his mouth. Behind them a tall barbed wire fence stretches across the poster. Beyond the fence three Nissen-style huts are visible. On the right a group of prisoner labourers marches alongside the fence and a smaller group of Russian soldiers waits in the snow.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

110.5 x 77
FRA 248
French WWI poster: Journée des regions libérées Journée des regions libérées/[Day of the Freed Regions]
(dated: 1919)

Set against a background of devastated buildings in flames, stand a family group: the father embraces his daughter, while the mother holds a younger naked child on her lap. In the background left, another man stands before the rubble with his head bowed.

D. Charles Fouqueray

Devambez, Imp.

117.5 x 77
FRA 249
French WWI poster: Semaine de la Haute-Garon Semaine/de la Haute-Garonne/[Week of Haute-Garonne]
(dated: March 1916)

A full-length depiction of a young woman wearing a fashionable blue dress and holding a donations cup. The arms of Haute-Garonne are placed bottom left.

Henri Rachois

B. Sirven, Imp. (Toulouse, France)

Advertisement for funds for wounded, orphans, and tuberculars of Haute-Garonne

116 x 78
FRA 250
French WWI poster: Comité Américain pour les régions dévastées Comité Américain/pour les régions dévastées/de France/[American Committee for the Devastated Regions of France]

A woman with a baby and a young girl are presented with a new house by a woman from the 'Comité Américain Pour les Régions Dévastées de France'. In the background is the ruin of a war-damaged building, and in the foreground a tree is in blossom.

Geo Capon

Affiches Nouvelles (Paris, France)

Comité Americain pour les regions devastées de France

117 x 78
FRA 251
French WWI poster: Office de renseignments pour les familles dispersées Office de renseignments pour les familles dispersées/[Information office for displaced families. Created by the National Council of French Women.]

An older man holding a young child while another child stands next to him. This office offered free service to help reunite families of refugees and those that had been evacuated.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

Crété, Imp.


Conseil National des Femmes Francaises

95 x 64
FRA 252
French WWI poster: Oeuvre du soldat ardennais Oeuvre du soldat ardennais/vente de charité avec matinée artistique/[Association of the Ardennais soldier. Charity sale with artistic performance.]
(dated: May 11, 1916)

Soldier in a trench looking at female apparitions in sky.

Roger Bréval

LaFontaine, Imp.

Advertisement for an art exhibit by soldiers in the Ardenne

86 x 61
FRA 253
French WWI poster: Le cercle national du soldat Le cercle national du soldat/[The National Soldier's Club]

Two soldiers at a table, one is seated and reading a paper.


Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ministere de la Guerre

79 x 118.5
FRA 254
French WWI poster: Venez en aide aux soldats Alsaciens-Lorrains Venez en aide aux soldats/ Alsaciens-Lorrains/[Come to the Aid of Alsace-Lorraine Soldiers]
(dated: 1916)
(black and white)

A male civilian leaving to join the French Army turns to wave goodbye to two women dressed in traditional Alsatian costume. He has his uniform draped over his arm and a rifle in his right hand. A soldier in uniform places a helmet on his head.

[Émile] E. Friant

Berger-Levrault, Imp. (Nancy, France)

84 x 65.5
FRA 255
French WWI poster: Oeuvre du soldat Belge Oeuvre/du soldat Belge/[Association of the Belgian Soldier]
(dated: 1915)

Belgian soldiers holding a tattered flag.

Maurice Romberg

Champenois, Imp. (Paris, France)

La Duchesse de Vendome

69.5 x 52.5
FRA 256
French WWI poster: Frères d'armes Frères d'armes/[Brothers in Arms]
(dated: 1918)

Soldier reading while sitting on a battlefield.

R.H. Pesle (?)

H. Dieval, Imp. (Paris, France)

61.5 x 42
FRA 257
French WWI poster: Soignonsla basse-cour Soignonsla/basse-cour/Je suis une brave poule de guerre/je mange peu et produis beaucoup/[Let's take care of the poultry. I am a fine war hen. I eat little and produce a lot.]

A black hen sitting on top of a large pile of eggs.

G. Dovanne, 16 ans (age 16)

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Union Francaise (Paris, France)

Comité de Prevoyance et d'Economies

78.5 x 34.5
FRA 258
French WWI poster: 1er mars 1871 - 1er mars 1918 1er mars/1871/1er mars 1918/ En Alsace libérée/les petites filles, se/restreignent de bon cœur/pour hâter la déliverance/de l'Alsace encore annedéxe/Faites comme ells/[March 1, 1871 to March 1, 1918. In liberated Alsace young girls willingly make sacrifices to hasten the liberation of the part of Alsace still annexed [to Germany]. Follow their example.]
(dated: March 1918)

A girl in Alsatian costume with a French flag draped around her.

Béatrix Grognuz, 16 ans (age 16)

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Union Francaise (Paris, France)

Comité National de Prevoyance et l'Economies

54.5 x 37
FRA 259
French WWI poster: Soignonsla basse-cour Soignonsla/basse-cour/Je suis une brave poule de guerre/je mange peu et produis beaucoup/[Let's take care of the poultry. I am a fine war hen. I eat little and produce a lot.]

A black hen sitting on top of a large pile of eggs

G. Dovanne, 16 ans (age 16)

From a group of posters designed by school children and others, some marked "Affiche composée par les enfants de France pour la prévoyance et les économies."

Union Francaise (Paris, France)

Comité National de Prevoyance et d'Economies

54 x 37
FRA 260
  Journée l'orphelinat des armees/[Day at the Orphanage of the Armies]
(dated: June 20 1915)

Pichot, Imp. (Paris, France)

117 x 156.5
FRA 261
French WWI poster: Pour le foyer du soldat aveugle Pour le foyer du soldat aveugle/[On behalf of the blind soldier's home.]

A blind soldier holding a small girl.

[Lucien] Lévy-Dhurmer

L. Marotte, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for an art exhibit to benefit blind soldiers

79.5 x 118.5
FRA 262
French WWI poster: Concert de charité donné au débnéfice... Concert de charité/donné au débnéfice/des mutilés et des veuves/des légionnaires juifs/[Charity concert to benefit the disabled and widows of the Jewish legionnaires.]
(dated: May 27, 1916)

A woman holding her small daughter up on a wall and another daughter by her side.

Abel Pann

H. Chachoin (Paris, France)

Legionnaires Juifs

114 x 78
FRA 263
French WWI poster: Exposition/d'Œuvres des Élèves Exposition/d'Œuvres des Élèves [Exhibition of Pupils' Work]
(dated: 1917)

A French infantryman leaning on the edge of a trench and drawing in a notebook. In the background right, the remains of a damaged building, and in the background left, a barbed wire fence.

Emile Beaume

LaFontaine, Imp.

Ecole des Beaux-Arts

88.5 x 59
FRA 264
  Grande fete de charité / [Grand Festival for Charity]
(dated: June 1917)

Camille Wys

Fernand Guffroy, Imp. (Rouen, France)

Rouen City Hall

57.5 x 78
FRA 265
French WWI poster: Vente de Charité/Thé Concert Vente de Charité/Thé Concert/[Charity Sale. Tea Concert]
(in French and in English)

Five Allied soldiers celebrate the liberation of the Lorraine. On the left, a British and an Italian soldier shake hands. On the right stand an American and a tearful Belgian. In the centre a French soldier holds up a girl wearing traditional Lorraine costume.

L. Malespina

Royer & Cie. (Nancy, France)

In Aid of Liberated Lorraine

79 x 59.5
FRA 266
French WWI poster: Pour la Lorraine Libérée Pour/la Lorraine/Libérée/[For Liberated Lorraine]
(dated: Dec 1918)

A smiling young woman in traditional Lorraine costume holds a Tricolore and wears a Republican rosette on her bonnet. In the background right are the ruins of buildings and in the background left the sun rises over Metz Cathedral. The coat of arms of Lorraine and a thistle occupy the bottom right corner.

Henri Royer

Royer & Cie. (Nancy, France)

79.5 x 60
FRA 267
French WWI poster: Prêt d'honneur aux aveugles de la guerre Prêt d'honneur/aux aveugles/ de la guerre/[Debt of honor to the blinded of the war]
(dated: 1917)

A blinded French soldier holding a young girl. A second girl leans upon his shoulder and womam stands in the background.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

H. Chachoin, Imp. (Paris, France)

Office Central des Oeuvres de Bienfaisance

78 x 110.5
FRA 268
French WWI poster: Union amicale d'Alsace Lorraine Union amicale d'Alsace Lorraine/Femmes françaises!/ Hâtez-vous pour que l'année 1918/apporte aux fillettes pauvres une poupée/ Alsacienne ou Lorraine . . ./[Alsace Lorraine Club. French women! Hurry, so that during 1918, we can give to the poor little girls an Alsatian or Lorraine doll.]
(dated: 1918)

Two women unwrapping dolls and showing them to a little girl.

Henri Royer

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Union Amicale d'Alsace Lorraine

118 x 78
FRA 269
French WWI poster: Guerre 1914-15-16 Journée nationale des orphelins Guerre 1914-15-16/Journée nationale des/orphelins/ [National Orphans' Day. 1914-15-16.]

A small boy and girl standing over a grave.

[Charles] C.H. Foerster

LePapier, Imp. (Paris, France)

Journée Nationale des Orphelins

118 x 80
FRA 270
French WWI poster: American Fund for French Wounded American Fund for French Wounded [in English]

A French soldier picking up medical supplies from the Red Cross. Two nurses in background. The Red Cross was one of three official charitable organizations of the war and the Red Cross was the only one allowed at the front.

Herbert Clark, Printer (Paris, France)

American Fund for French Wounded

120 x 80

Very tattered, very fragile
FRA 271
French WWI poster: Tombola au profit des prisonniers de guerre Tombola/au profit/des/prisonniers de guerre/[Raffle to benefit prisoners of war]
(dated: 1917)

H. Grand'aigle

Au Profit des Prisonniers de Guerre

119 x 79
FRA 272

French WWI poster: Pour la victoire

Pour la victoire/Souscrivez a l'emprunt/[For Victory. Subscribe to the loan.]

Victory, holding a flag in her left hand and with a laurel wreath held above her head in her right hand.

D'Apres Crauk (After Crauk)

Devambez, Gr. (Paris, France)

Banque Suisse & Francaise

118 x 78
FRA 273
French WWI poster: Emprunt française Emprunt française/on souscrit/á la/Société Centrale/des/Banques de Province/[French Loan. Subscribe to the Société Centrale des Banques de Province.]

Title framed by provincial coats-of-arms; a rooster (Gallic cock) is at the bottom.

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Banques de Province

118.5 x 79
FRA 274
  Emprunt National/1920/Crédit de L'Ouest/[National Loan. Credit Bank of the West]
(dated: 1920)

A male figure wearing a loincloth stands in front of smoldering ruins and a rising sun. On his head is a laurel wreath and he holds seeds to plant in the field.
Georges Scott

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Crédit de l'Ouest

110 x 76
FRA 275
French WWI poster: Emprunt National 1920 Emprunt National/1920/ Société Centrale/des Banques de Province/[National Loan 1920. Société Centrale des Banques de Province.]
(dated: 1920)

Depicts a burning city and cathedral. Framing this scene are coats of arms of French cities.


Coats of arms border signed: L. Dappe

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Banques de Province

116.5 x 76.5
FRA 276
French WWI poster: Comptoir national d'escompte de Paris Comptoir national/d'escompte de Paris/ Emprunt/National/1918/Pour hâter la victoire,/et pour nous revoir bient't, souscrivez!/[National discount bank of Paris. Subscribe to [the] National Loan 1918. To hasten victory, and see us again soon!]
(dated: 1918)

Two women - one in Alsatian dress and the other in the costume of Lorraine.

Auguste LeRoux

Joseph Charles, Imp.

Emprunt National

118 x 78
FRA 277
French WWI poster: Il Faut Exporter Il Faut Exporter/Souscrivons/ à l'Emprunt de la Victoire/[We Have to Export. Let's Subscribe to the Victory Loan.]

A crowd of civilian workers gathered on a quayside next to a large cargo ship. An oversized female figure wearing a wreath (possibly of Maple leaves) gestures towards the ship.

Arthur Keelor

Emprunt de la Victoire

90 x 60
FRA 278
French WWI poster: L'Emprunt des Dernières Cartouches L'Emprunt/des/'Dernières/
Cartouches.'/Français,/encore un effort . . . !/[The 'Last Cartridges' Loan. Frenchmen, another try . . . !]

A man and a little girl in a trench handing a box of cartridges and a grenade up to a soldier who is on the front line.


Les Editions d'Art (Paris, France)

L'Agenda Financier

119 x 77
FRA 279
French WWI poster: Emprunt national Emprunt national/on souscrit sans frais a/grenoble-voiron- rives a la/Banque du Dauphiné/[Subscribe to a National Loan at the Bank Dauphiné]
(dated: 1918)

P. Urtin

Imprimerie Générale (Grenoble, France)

Banque du Dauphiné

123 x 78
FRA 280
French WWI poster: Souscrivez a l'Emprunt de la Liberation Souscrivez/a l'Emprunt de la Liberation!/Lloyds Bank (France) and National/Provincial Bank (France) Limited/[Subscribe to the Liberation Loan. Lloyds Bank (France) and National Provincial Bank (France) Limited.]
(dated: 1918)

A large tank emerging out of a trench onto a battlefield.


Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Lloyd's Bank

110 x 78.5
FRA 281
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Défense Nationale Emprunt/de la/Défense/ Nationale/Faisons tous/notre devoir. Nos fils aux armées/ Notre or au pays/[The National Defense Loan. Let us all do our duty. Our sons to the armies. Our gold for the country.]

Two scenes. One of a soldier on a battlefield. The other of a couple taking their gold pieces to a bank.

Bernard Naudin

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Union des Sociétés de Preparation Militaire de Franc

78.5 x 103
FRA 282
French WWI poster: Emprunt National Emprunt National/Société Générale/Pour le suprême effort/[National Loan. Société Générale. For the greatest effort.]

A French soldier strangling the Imperial eagle.

[Marcel] M. Falter

Chaix, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt National

118.5 x 78
FRA 283
French WWI poster: Vous devez… Vous devez… /[You must…]
(dated: 1917)

P. Urtin

Imp. Generale (Grenoble, France)

Banque du Dauphiné

75 x 111.5
FRA 284
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Libération Emprunt de la Libération/Souscrivez/
Banque Centrale de Crédit/[Liberation Loan. Subscribe. Banque Centrale de Crédit.]

[Georges] G. Lorin

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Banque Centrale de Crédit

118.5 x 77.5
FRA 285
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Liberation Emprunt de la Liberation/Souscrivez/Sté. Gle. de Crédit Industriel & Commercial/[The Liberation Loan. Subscribe. Sté. Gle. de Crédit Industriel & Commercial.]

Three soldiers (French, American, Italian?) charging into battle. A winged figure of Marianne is above them pouring out coins and paper money from a cornucopia.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Credit Industriel & Commercial

117.5 x 78
FRA 286
French WWI poster: Vous aussi faites votre devoir Vous aussi faites votre devoir:/avec toutes vos ressources/souscrivez á l'Emprunt/Crédit Commercial de France/[Do your duty: subscribe to the Loan with all of your resources.]

Peasant couple in field. Man is ploughing and the woman is holding a baby and a rifle.

B. Chavannaz

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Credit Commercial de France

119 x 77.5
FRA 287
French WWI poster: Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus... Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus/les horreurs de la guerre,/souscrivez/á l'Emprunt National/Société générale/[So that your children will no longer know the horrors of the war, subscribe to the National Loan. Société Générale.]
(dated: 1918)

A mother cuddling her child before putting her to bed.

Georges Redon

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Société Générale

113.5 x 78
FRA 288
French WWI poster: Emprunt National 1918 Emprunt/National 1918/ Souscrivez pour la victoire/ qui vient!/[National Loan 1918. Subscribe to the victory which is coming!]
(dated: 1918)

Soldiers standing on a tank. Tank warfare was first introduced into WWI by the British in 1916. The word 'tank' was originally a security name given to these 'land ships' or 'land cruisers.'

B. Chavannaz

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Cox & Co. Ltd.

78 x 113.5
FRA 289
French WWI poster: Emprunt National 1918 Emprunt National 1918/Pour achever/la croisade/du/droit/ souscrivez!/[Liberation Loan 1918. To help right triumph, subscribe! The Equitable Trust Company of New York.]
(dated: 1918)

Soldiers on horses at edge of battlefield. One soldier is carrying an American flag and another is carrying a French flag.

D. Chavannaz

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Equitable Trust Company of New York

110 x 79
FRA 290
French WWI poster: Compagnie des Notaires de Paris... Compagnie des Notaires/de Paris et du Département de la Seine/Hâtez la victoire/en/ souscrivant/á/l'Emprunt/de la Défense Nationale/[Compagnie des Notaires de Paris et du Département de la Seine. Hasten victory by subscribing to the National Defense Loan.]
(dated: 1916)

Depicts columns and a pediment in classical style. In the center is a medallion of Victory on horseback.

[Adolphe] A. Willette

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'emprunt de la Défense Nationale

112.5 x 78.5
FRA 291
French WWI poster: Souscrivez pour la victoire Souscrivez pour la victoire/ Banque Nationale de Crédit/ [Subscribe for victory. Banque Nationale de Crédit.]
(dated: 1916)

'Victory' flying over the battlefield and bringing the allies into the war.

M. Richard-Gutz

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Banque Nationale de Crédit

79 x 118
FRA 292
French WWI poster: Emprunt Français 5% 1916 Emprunt Français 5% 1916/Souscrivez pour la victoire/en marche/et/l'ecrasement final/[Five Percent French Loan 1916. Subscribe for victory on its way and the final defeat.]
(dated: 1916)

French civilians offer their money to Marianne who stands with her left arm supporting an inverted cannon barrel that crushes the German eagle. In background the French army marches led by winged Victory.

Maurice Neumont

Auguste Gout & Cie. (Orleans, France)

Le Crédit du Centre – Orleans

119 x 78.5
FRA 293
French WW1 poster:Pour la liberté/du monde. Pour la liberté/du monde. Souscrivez á l'emprunt national/á la/Banque Nationale de Crédit/[For the freedom of the world. Subscribe to the National Loan at the Banque Nationale de Crédit.]

Statue of Liberty appearing on the horizon.


Devambez, Imp (Paris, France)

Banque Nationale de Crédit

116.5 x 75
FRA 294
French WWI poster: Affiche de Sem/ Editee et offerte par la Banque Nationale de Credit... Affiche de Sem/Editee et offerte par la Banque Nationale de Credit/a l'occasion du 3e emprunt National/(Novembre 1917)/ [Poster by Sem. Edited and hosted by the National Bank of Credit on the occasion of the 3rd National Debt (November 1917)]
(dated: Nov. 1917)


Devambez, Imp (Paris, France)

3rd Emprunt National

50.5 x 35
FRA 295
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la libération Emprunt de la libération/On/ les/a/Souscrivez á la/London County & Westminster Bank/[Liberation loan. We have them. London County and Westminster Bank.]

Three soldiers: one wearing a kilt, one raising a helmet, one firing his rifle.

Firmin Bouisset

Imprimerie de Vaugirard (Paris, France)

London County Bank (Paris)

119 x 78.5
FRA 296
French WWI poster: Compagnie Algérienne Compagnie Algérienne/Souscrire, c'est hâter son retour avec la victoire/[Compagnie Algérienne. To subscribe to [the loan] means victory, which will hasten his homecoming.]

An Algerian soldier back in Algeria with his wife and child.

L. Jonas

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Liberation Loan

118 x 79
FRA 297
French WWI poster: Compagnie Algerienne Compagnie Algerienne/Souscrivez/ Emprunt de la Libération/ [Compagnie Algerienne. Subscribe. Liberation Loan]
(dated: 1918)

A man in Algerian dress on horseback. Algeria and French West Africa sent 500,000 men to fight for France.

Maurice Romberg

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Liberation Loan

118 x 79
FRA 298
French WWI poster: Pour le triomphe Pour le triomphe/souscrivez à l'emprunt national/Les souscriptions sont reçues à Paris et en Province à la/Banque Nationale de Crédit/[For victory subscribe to the National Loan. Subscriptions are taken in Paris and in the Provinces at the Banque Nationale de Crédit.]
(black and white)

Troops of soldiers from the Napoleonic era, the French Revolution, and World War I, marching through the Arc de Triomphe. 'La Marseillaise' is urging them on. 'La Marseillaise' became the French national symbol for mobilization, which was taken from François Rude's (1784-1855) bas relief he sculpted for the Arc de Triomphe (1833-l836). The relief shows the 'Genius of Liberty' urging the troops of 1792 into battle. Later, this same figure is referred to as 'La Marseillaise.'


Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

L'Emprunt National

113 x 79
FRA 299
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Libération 1918 Emprunt/de la/Libération/ 1918/Souscrivez!/[Liberation Loan 1918. Subscribe!]
(dated: 1918)

Marianne holding the imperial eagle by the neck.

B. Chavannaz

Crêté, Imp. (Paris, France)

Liberation Loan

109 x 78.5
FRA 300
French WWI poster: Pour le dernier quart d'heure... Pour le dernier quart d'heure…/aidez-moi!.../Les souscriptions á l'Emprunt National sont reçues á la/Banque Nationale de Crédit/[For the last quarter hour . . . Help me! Subscriptions of the National Loan available at the Banque Nationale de Crédit.]

Gen. Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929) overseeing his troops as they march across the battlefield. Foch was appointed commander in chief of the Allied armies in 1918.


Devambez (Paris, France)

L'emprunt National (Loan)

79 x 117.5
FRA 301
French WWI poster: Société Marseillaise de Crédit Société Marseillaise de Crédit/A l'appel de/Rouget De/L'isle/Souscrivez/á l'Emprunt de la Libération/ Allons donc enfants de la Patrie allez achever de/libérer les peuples des dernières fureurs de la force immonde/ (G.Clemenceau)/[Marseillaise Credit Company. Heed Rouget De L'isle's call. Subscribe to the Liberation Loan. So come along children of the Country, go and finish freeing the peoples from the final furies of the foul force (G. Clemenceau)]

A man in 18th century clothes - Claude-Joseph Rouget de l'Isle singing the 'Marseillaise'. French 'poilus' cheer as they march past in the background.

Jacques Carlu

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Liberation Loan

120 x 78.5
FRA 302
French WWI poster: Emprunt National 1918 Emprunt National 1918/Société Générale/pour nous rendre/entiére/la douce terre de France/[National Loan 1918. Société Générale, to return to us the entire sweet land of France.]
(dated: 1918)

A peasant woman and child harvesting hay. In background soldiers going into battle with Marianne urging them on.

B. Chavannaz

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt National (Loan)

79 x 118.5
FRA 303
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Défense Nationale Emprunt/de la/Défense Nationale/ - eux aussi!/Font leur devoir/[National Defense Loan - they also! are doing their duty.]
(black and white)

Wounded soldier in foreground. Civilians in line at a cashier's window in background.

Jules Adler

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt Defense Nationale (Loan)

120 x 79
FRA 304
French WWI poster: Pour le retour du soldat vaincqueur Pour le retour/du soldat vaincqueur/souscrivez/au Crédit du Nord/[Subscribe to the Credit du Nord so that our soldiers return victorious.]
(dated: 1918)

A soldier with his wife and two children. Peasants in background ploughing fields.

Jacques Carlu

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Credit du Nord

79 x 119
FRA 305
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la liberation 1018 Emprunt de la liberation 1918/Victoire/On souscrit/a la/Société Marseillaise/ [Liberation Loan 1918. Victory. You can subscribe at the Marseilles Company]
(dated: 1918)

A woman in traditional Provençal dress plucks leaves from a laurel tree. As the leaves drop they form wreaths, falling towards marching ranks of French 'poilus' in the background.


Imp. De la Mediterranee (Marseille, France)

Emprunt de la Liberation

119 x 79.5
FRA 306
French WWI poster: Banque Française pour le commerce... Banque Française/pour le commerce/et l'industrie/ Souscrivez/á l'Emprunt/de la Libération/et la/victoire est á nous/[Banque Française for commerce and industry. Subscribe to the Liberation Loan and victory is ours.]
(dated: 1918)

A French soldier holding Marianne who is holding a French flag and a laurel wreath over the soldier's head.

William Malherbe

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt de la Liberation

119 x 79
FRA 307
French WWI poster: Emprunt de Verdun Emprunt/de/Verdun/[Loan of Verdun]
(dated: June 1921)
(black and white)

Marianne sitting amongst rubble in front of the gates of Verdun. Beside her lies a large sword and an array of medals.

[Jules] Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Verdun Loan

118 x 76
FRA 308
French WWI poster: Souscrivez à l'Emprunt de la Libération Souscrivez à l'Emprunt/de la Libération/Le monde entier/a confiance dans/le crédit de la France/Le franc monte/Personne n'a confiance/dans les celui de l'Allenagne/Le Mark descend/[Subscribe to the Freedom Loan. The whole world has confidence in the credit-worthiness of France. The franc is rising. Nobody has confidence in that of Germany. The mark is going down.]

An oversize 'one franc' coin rolls up the slope of a hill followed by three Allied soldiers. On the opposite slope two German soldiers are forced back by an oversize 'one mark' coin rolling down the hill.

Édouard Bernard

Union Francaise (Paris, France)

L'emprunt de la Liberation

36 x 55
FRA 309
French WWI poster: Emprunt National 5% 1920 Emprunt National 5% 1920/Remboursable en 60 ans à 150frs par 100frs/on souscrit sans frais/au Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris/et Dans Toutes Ses Agences

Caption of image: Prêtez à la France/pour qu élle grandisse/dans le rayonnement de la Paix ![Lend to France …]

Image is a female allegorical figure, with a red-white-and-blue rosette in her hair, representing France on her knees patting down the soil around a sapling she has just planted.


F. Champenois, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt National

37.5 x 27.5

Box 8
FRA 310
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Libération Emprunt de la Libération/On souscrit á la/Banque d'Alsace et de Lorraine/Entrée des Français á Strasbourg/[Liberation Loan. Subscribe to the Banque d'Alsace et Lorraine. The French enter Strasbourg.]
(dated: 1917)

The French army entering the city of Strasbourg. The Strasbourg Cathedral is to the left in the background. Strasbourg was the capital of Alsace-Lorraine.

Hansi [Jean-Jacques Waltz]

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt de la Liberation

79 x 60
FRA 311
French WWI poster: Pour en finir une bonne fois Pour en finir une bonne fois!/Souscrivez a l'Emprunt/ de la Libération/[To finish things once and for all. Subscribe to the Liberation Loan.]

A German Imperial eagle lies bleeding with its wings spread out, a large bayonet piercing its body. In the background is a desolate battlefield with graves and burning buildings. A smaller image depicts a pile of French banknotes.

Auris, Sr.(?)
Cam (?)

La Lithographie d'Art (Paris, France)

L'emprunt de la Liberation

78.5 x 58.5
FRA 312
French WWI poster: Emprunt National Emprunt National [National Loan]/Société Générale

Image of a female allegorical figure of Victory holding an olive branch above her head, and leading a group of men who are carrying shovels and other tools to be used in the rebuilding of France; in the background are farmers ploughing a field; in the further background is a cityscape with smokestacks

Lucien Metivet

Duruy & Co.

Emprunt National

39.5 x 28

Box 8
FRA 313
French WWI poster: 150 francs/pour 100 frs... 150 francs/pour 100 frs/en/ souscrivant/à l'Emprunt de la Paix/Société Générale/[150 francs for 100 francs by subscribing to the Peace Loan. Société Générale bank.]

A pair of hands, in which one hand holds a 100 Franc note. The other extends to take the 50 Franc and 100 Franc notes being passed in exchange through the opening of the bank counter by an unseen bank teller.

Publicite Joë Bridge (France)

L'emprunt de la Paix

79.5 x 59
FRA 314
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Défense Nationale Emprunt/de la/Défense Nationale/On souscrit/à la/Banque Adam/[National Defense Loan. Available at Banque Adam.]

Cannon pointing towards battleships. Clouds and sky in pattern of the American flag.

A. Romay

Imprimerie Speciale de la Banque Adam (Paris, France)

Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

80 x 60
FRA 315
French WWI poster: Emprunt Français 4% 1918 Emprunt Français/4% 1918/Souscrivez/A l'Emprunt de Libération/c'est votre devoir/c'est votre interet./ On souscrit à la Banque Franco-Japonaise/[Four percent French Loan 1918. Subscribe to the Liberation Loan - it's your Duty, it's in your Interest. You can subscribe at the Franco- Japanese Bank]
(dated: 1918)

Text background of a French Tricolore flag laid over a Japanese Rising Sun flag.

Imp. L. Broquet (Paris, France)

Emprunt Francais

79.5 x 60
FRA 316
  Emprunt de la Restauration Nationale/Nous avons fait notre devoir faites le vôtre en souscrivant à l'Emprunt/[National restoration loan. We've done our duty. Do yours by subscribing to the loan.]
(dated: 1919)

A Belgian soldier pointing to the ruins of a war-damaged city. A Belgian flag flies next to him, on a flagpole placed in the ground. Four more Belgian soldier are visible in the foreground.
Pierre Paulus

J.E. Goossens, Imp. (Brussels, Belgium)

Emprunt de la Restauration Nationale

64 x 89
FRA 317
French WWI poster: Emprunt de la Défense Nationale Emprunt de la Défense Nationale/N'oublie pas de souscrivez...pour/la Victoire! le retour!/[National Defense Loan. Don't forget to subscribe...for Victory! ... His return home!]
(dated: 1915)

A French soldier waves good-bye to his wife and children as he joins his unit.


Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

113 x 78
FRA 318
  5% Exempte d'impots/[5% Tax-Free]
(dated: 1916)

Draeger, Imp.

Emprunt de Defense Nationale

138 x 99.5
FRA 319
French WWI poster: Pour la patrie Pour la patrie/Souscrivez á l'Emprunt/Crédit Foncier/d'Algérie et de Tunisie/[For your country. Subscribe to the loan. Crédit Foncier d'Algerie et de Tunisie.]

Algerians and Tunisians on horses charging into battle. Algeria and French West Africa added about half a million men to the French fighting forces.

[Georges] G. Clairin

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Credit Foncier d'Algerie et de Tunisie

80 x 118
FRA 320
French WWI poster: Rénovation Maritime Rénovation Maritime/[Renovation of Ships]
(dated: 1917)

A giant man walks through the ocean holding a ship under his arm.

André Verdilhan

Frossard, Imp. (Paris, France)

Ligue Navale

48.5 x 31
FRA 321
French WWI poster: Keep your head, Hold your breath... Keep your head, ~ Hold your breath, ~/Be Quick!!/And This Won't Happen to You.
Pencil note in margin says: "Not given to the public. Issued only in France to the Army, very, very rare."

Not an exact match – image is the same with different text

U.S. Army Sgt. W.G. Thayer

Alco-Gravure, Inc.

Instruction Laboratory – US Army

74 x 50
FRA 322
French WWI poster: For victory/Allied Women For victory/Allied Women on War Service/Conference/ and Mass/Meeting [in English]
(black and white)

A three-quarter length depiction of a woman with her eyes closed, reaching up with her right hand.

[Neysa] McMein

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Advertisement for conference and mass meeting

117.5 x 75.5
FRA 323
French WWI poster: The Frenchwoman in war-time The Frenchwoman/in war-time (in English)

One woman is working in a factory, one is nursing her child, and another woman is hoeing in the field. In the background is an outline of Victory.

G. Capon

Les Affiches Nouvelles (Paris, France)

Section Cinematographique de l'Armee Française

119 x 79
FRA 324
French WWI poster: Deuxième Emprunt Deuxième Emprunt/de la/ Défense Nationale/[Second National Defense Loan]
(dated: 1916)

Primarily text with a classical festoon placed above the text with a crowing cockerel held within a roundel at its center. At the foot of the text a second smaller festoon with '1916' at its center.

A. Lechaudel

Imprimerie Nationale

Deuxieme Emprunt (2nd Loan)

87 x 66
FRA 325
French WWI poster: 2me Emprunt de la Defense Nationale 2me Emprunt de la Defense Nationale/en avant/armée de l'epargne/C'est pour la patrie/[Second National Defense Loan. Advance, savings army, it's for your country.]

People bringing money to the feet of La Marseillaise and Marianne.

[Alcide Théophile] A. Robaudi

Affiches Photographiques Robaudy (Cannes, France)

2me Emprunt

118.5 x 77
FRA 326
French WWI poster: On les aura! 2e Emprunt On les aura!/2e Emprunt/de/ la/Défense Nationale/Souscrivez/[We'll get them! The 2nd National Defense Loan. Subscribe.]
(dated: 1916)

A French soldier with gun in one hand, and the other raised urging his comrades on. This was the most remembered French poster produced during the war.

Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

2me Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

111 x 78.5
FRA 327
French WWI poster: République Française 3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale République Française/3e Emprunt de la Défense/Nationale/[French Republic. The 3rd National Defense Loan.]

Marianne standing on a globe surrounded by flags.

[Alfonse] A. Lelong

Draeger, Imp.

3 Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

79.5 x 118.5
FRA 328
French WWI poster: Debout dans la tranchée... Debout dans la tranchée/que l'aurore éclaire, le soldat/réve á la victoire et á son foyer/…/Souscrivez au 3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale/[Standing in the trench illuminated by the first rays of the sun, the soldier dreams of victory and of his home . . . Subscribe to the 3rd National Defense Loan.]

A soldier standing in a trench.

Lieut. Jean Droit

Berger-Levrault, Imp. (Paris, France)

3 Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

120 x 79.5
FRA 329
French WWI poster: 3e emprunt de la defense nationale 3e emprunt de la defense nationale/La souscription/va etre close/Avez-vous souscrit?/[Third National Defense Loan. Subscriptions will close on the 16th. Have you subscribed? ]

Three 'poilus' in a trench, all face the viewer. The middle soldier points upwards to the title, while the soldier on the left points towards the subtitle.


L'Agenda Financier (Paris, France)

3 Emprunt de la Defense Nationale

117.5 x 78
FRA 330
French WWI poster: 3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale 3e Emprunt/de la Défense/ Nationale. Souscrivez/pour hâter/la paix/par/la victoire/ [3rd National Defense Loan. Subscribe to hasten peace through victory.]
(dated: 1917)

Mother holding child with olive branch. The winged figure of Victory defends the mother and child with a sword in the background.

[Paul Albert] Besnard

Maquet, Gr. (Paris, France)

3 Emprunt

78.5 x 113
FRA 331
French WWI poster: Pour le drapeau! Pour le drapeau!/Pour la victoire!/Souscrivez à l'emprunt national/[For the flag! For victory! Subscribe to the national loan]
(dated 1917)

Marianne holding a sword and the tattered French flag (the tricolor) while French troops march behind her.

Georges [Bertin] Scott

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

3eme Emprunt National

118.5 x 80
FRA 332
French WWI poster: 3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale 3e Emprunt/de la Défense Nationale/Le bas de laine Français/[The 3rd National Defense Loan. France's woolen stocking.]

An old man and woman at a table counting coins they have kept in a woolen stocking. It was common for people of the working classes to keep their gold coins hidden in woolen stockings.

Ridgeway Knight
(autograph by artist)

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

3eme Emprunt

60 x 39.5
FRA 333
French WWI poster: Banque Industrielle de Chine Banque Industrielle/de Chine/. . .4e/Emprunt/National/
[Industrial Bank of China… 4th National Loan]

A German soldier being buried by bags of gold thrown on top of him by 'Victory.' A golden dragon dances atop the pile of coins.

J. Basté

Crété, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt National

115.5 x 77.5
FRA 334
French WWI poster: Banque de l'Union Parisienne... Banque de l'Union Parisienne/Pour que la France soit victorieuse comme à Valmy!/Pour la libération du territoire!/Souscrivez tous/au 4e Emprunt National/[Banque de l'Union Parisienne. So that France will be victorious as in Valmy! For the liberation of the territory! Everyone subscribe to the 4th National Loan.]

French Revolution scene. In foreground a French general has his arm around a half-clothed Marianne. The French were victorious at Battle of Valmy in 1792 where they beat the Austrians.

A. [Adolphe] Willette

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt National

118 x 79
FRA 335
French WWI poster: Pour que la France soit victorieuse Pour que la France soit victorieuse!/Souscrivez/au 4ème emprunt/de la défense nationale/Crédit français/[So that France is victorious! Subscribe to the 4th national defense loan. Crédit français.]
(dated: 1916)

The imperial eagle, which is representative of the Central Powers, and the Gallic cock, a symbol of France, facing each other on a battlefield.

Georges [Bertin] Scott

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4eme Emprunt National

112 x 79.5
FRA 336
French WWI poster: Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas Banque de Paris/et des/Pays-Bas - 4e Emprunt/de la Défense Nationale/[Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas - the 4th National Defense Loan.]

Title framed by vines with geographical names; coat of arms on top; weapons and helmet on bottom; scene of battle on top. The 4th National Defense Loan realized 22 million francs.


Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

Banque de Paris

117 x 78.5
FRA 337
French WWI poster: Crédit Commercial de France... Crédit Commercial de France/4ème Emprunt de la Défense Nationale – 1918/Souscrivez pour la victoire/et pour le triomphe de la liberté/[Crédit Commercial de France. 4th National Defense Loan - 1918. Subscribe for the victory and for the triumph of liberty.]
(dated: 1918)

French soldiers in a trench. Behind them are faint outlines of American soldiers. In the far background Victory is holding a crown of laurel and a sword.

[Lucien] L. Jonas

H. Chachoin, Imp.

4eme Emprunt de la Defense National

118 x 77.5
FRA 338
French WWI poster: Crédit Lyonnais/ Souscrivez au 4e Emprunt National Crédit Lyonnais/Souscrivez au 4e Emprunt National/[Crédit Lyonnais. Subscribe to the 4th National Loan.]

A male 'allegorical' figure armed with a sword pulling the French flag away from the Imperial eagle.

Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt

59 x 80
FRA 339
French WWI poster: Crédit Lyonnais/ Souscrivez au 4e Emprunt National Crédit Lyonnais/Souscrivez au 4e Emprunt National/[Crédit Lyonnais. Subscribe to the 4th National Loan.]

A male 'allegorical' figure armed with a sword pulling the French flag away from the Imperial eagle.

Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt

77.5 x 118
FRA 340
French WWI poster: Credit Lyonnais Credit Lyonnais

Based on FRA 339 painting
Abel Faivre

Devambez, Gr. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt

24 x 30.5

Box 8
FRA 341
  Compagnie des Notaires/de Paris & du Département de la Seine/Français!/Souscrivez tous/au/4éme Emprunt/de la Défense Nationale/[Compagnie des Notaires de Paris & du Département de la Seine. French people! Subscribe to the 4th National Defense Loan.]
(dated: 1916)

Small medallion of a classical Victory figure with sword and horse behind her.

[Adolphe] A. Willette

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4eme Emprunt

111.5 x 78.5
FRA 342
French WWI poster: 4e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale 4e Emprunt/de la/Défense Nationale. Les souscriptions sont reçues sans frais á la/Banque Privée/[The 4th National Defense Loan. Subscriptions are received free of charge at the Banque Privée]

Small drummer boy leading troops into battle. Large figure of Marianne looming in the background.

[Marcel] M. Falter

Chaix, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt

118.5 x 78
FRA 343
French WWI poster: Souscrivez au IVéme Emprunt Souscrivez/au IVéme Emprunt/et le drapeau tri-/colore, á Strasbourg, annonçera au/Monde le règne/de la Paix, de la/Liberté, de la Justice/[Subscribe to the 4th Loan and the [French] tricolor flag, at Strasbourg, will announce to the world the reign of peace, of liberty, of justice.]

Three French soldiers on a hillside in a forest overlooking Strasbourg. In the distant horizon is an enlarged Strasbourg Cathedral with a French flag hanging from it. A German observation balloon is tethered along side of it.

Hansi [Jean-Jacques Waltz]

Lapina, Imp. (Paris, France)

IVe Emprunt

79 x 59.5
FRA 344
French WWI poster: Pour la victoire du droit... Pour la victoire du droit/ Souscrivez/au 4e Emprunt/de la/Défense Nationale/[So that right may prevail. Subscribe to the 4th National Defense Loan.]
(dated: 1918)

Marianne standing beside a slain German soldier.

William Malherbe

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt de la Defense National

43.5 x 27.5
FRA 345
French WWI poster: Pour le retour souscrivez... Pour le retour/souscrivez/4e Emprunt National/Crédit Foncier/d'Algérie et de Tunisie/[For the return, subscribe. 4th National Loan. Crédit Foncier d'Algérie et de Tunisie.]

Algerian women with children waving as a large ship covered in pennants enters the harbor.

R. P.

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

4e Emprunt National

78.5 x 112
FRA 346
French WWI poster: L'emprunt de la Libération L'emprunt de la Libération/ [Liberation Loan]
(dated: Oct. 1918)

The allied flags bearing down on Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Abel Faivre

Devambez, Imp. (Paris, France)

79.5 x 113
FRA 347
French WWI poster: L'emprunt de la liberation L'emprunt de la liberation/ [Liberation Loan]

Magazine illustration version of the poster.

Not an exact match.

Abel Faivre

Supplement in magazine "L'Illustration"

Smaller version of FRA 348

41 x 60.5
FRA 348
French WWI poster: 4e Emprunt National... 4e Emprunt National/Souscrivez/Société Centrale/des Banques de Province/[The 4th National Loan. Subscribe. Société Centrale des Banques de Province.]

A French soldier climbing out of a trench.

Lieut. Jean Droit

Devambez, Imp.

Société Centrale

112.5 x 78.5
FRA 349
Last Updated: March 22, 2022