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Sterling Iron and Railway Company
Records, 1740-1918


Quantity: 20 boxes (ca. 8.0 cubic ft.)
Access: Open to research
Acquisition: See Provenance note.
Processed By: William P. Gorman, ca. 1977; revised, 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2015

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Historical Note:

The Sterling Iron and Railway Company, which was situated in Ramapo (Rockland County), New York, operated under various names from 1736 until 1923.  Early records indicate the original name of the firm was Sterling Forge and Furnace Company.   This company can trace its history back to 1736 when Cornelius Board and Timothy Ward obtained 150 acres of the Sterling tract and built a bloomery and forge, turning out the first iron made at Sterling. Four years later, Board sold his interest in Sterling to Ward. Following this transaction, the ownership of the ironworks seems to have been shared by a number of individuals, including William Smith, James Burling, William Hawxhurst, and Abel Noble.

The 1760s saw a period of expansion at the ironworks with such products as pig and bar iron, cart, wagon and chair spindles, anchors, teakettles, skillets, pots, refined iron, and potash being produced. Just who the actual owners were during this period of expansion is not clear.

The first furnace at Sterling had been erected in 1751 and a year later, Abel Noble and his father, William, had constructed a forge near the furnace, producing their first anchors in 1753. In October 1758 William Hawxhurst and Abel Noble signed articles of co-partnership regarding the manufacturing of iron at Sterling and most likely Noble and Hawxhurst had a financial interest in the company. It was also around this time that the first of the Townsend family became affiliated with the Sterling Ironworks. Although the exact date of Peter Townsend's association with Sterling is disputed by historians, a ledger page shows that by February 1768 he was in partnership with Abel Noble.

Despite complaints from Peter Townsend regarding the shortage of working men, Sterling remained a hub of activity during the American Revolution. The ironworks performed a valuable service by providing the Continental Army with arms and ammunition and supplying anchors for Navy warships. Sterling also had a more direct role in the war effort. In February 1778 Peter Townsend agreed to produce an iron chain for the Continental Army. The chain was to be placed across the Hudson River at West Point and was to serve as a barrier to British vessels. The chain was laid in place on April 30, 1778 but remained untested, as the British never did attempt to cross it.

In 1783 Peter Townsend died, leaving his share of the ironworks to his wife Hannah (the daughter of William Hawxhurst) and to their two sons, Peter and Isaac. In 1797, Abel Noble, senior proprietor and part owner, sold his interest to Peter Townsend II, thus giving control of the ironworks, for the most part, to the Townsend family. The Townsends were joined in 1812 by Daniel and William Jackson and Henry McCoun who erected a saw works at Sterling and who attained a part ownership in the ironworks as well. The Sterling Ironworks were granted rights of incorporation by the New York State Legislature on April 1, 1814, and shortly thereafter, Peter Townsend completed construction of a cannon foundry on the Sterling site. The first cannon were produced in 1817 but, in spite of initial success, the foundry proved unprofitable and the federal government probably assumed control.

Little is known about Sterling from 1817 to 1825. It appears that legal difficulties or financial trouble hampered the ironworks as available records for this period deal with Southfield furnace rather than Sterling. The title of a pamphlet published at this time, "Report of the Committee Appointed to Examine the Condition of the Sterling Iron Works," further hints at some sort of financial or legal tangle.

Business at Sterling continued as usual during the 1830s and 1840s and little of consequence occurred until 1856 when the Townsends decided to sell the ironworks. A nine-page pamphlet entitled "A Map: Showing the Location of the Sterling Iron Estate, Orange County, New York" was published and sent to prominent men in the iron industry. However, no buyer was found and it was not until 1864 that the Townsends were able to sell their iron estate. On April 1, with the aid of David Crawford, Jr., the son-in-law of Peter Townsend III, the property was sold to the Sterling Iron and Railway Company, which had been formed to assume control of the ironworks. Peter Townsend III had substantial interest in the company and he was joined by several prominent men, including Thomas A. Scott, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad and assistant secretary of war during the Civil War, Jay Cooke, the financier, Joel Barlow Morehead, Samuel L.M. Barlow and George C. Clarke. In November 1867 a separate company, the Sterling Mountain Railway Company, was established for the purpose of managing the railroad branch of the company.

From the post-Civil War period until 1890, there is a gap in the Sterling records and not much is known about the ironworks during this time. However, by 1890 it was evident that business had begun to falter and in 1892 there was a reorganization of the company. Macgrane Coxe was named president but the depression of 1892-1896 led to a further decline and frequent changes in the leadership of the company continued. James D. Rowland of Philadelphia succeeded Cox as president and he was followed by Theodore Price in 1905. H.A. Van Alstyne assumed leadership of the company in 1911 and continued in that capacity until 1920.  In 1918, all the holdings of the company were leased to Ramapo Ore Company. There was a brief flurry of activity at Sterling during World War I but it ceased with the war's end and on July 1, 1923, all operations ceased.

For further information regarding the Sterling ironworks and the other ironworks of the Ramapos, see James M. Ransom's Vanishing Ironworks of the Ramapos: The Story of the Forges, Furnaces and Mines of the New Jersey-New York Border Area upon which this account has been based. A detailed account of the forging of the chain across the Hudson is given by Macgrane Coxe in The Sterling Furnace and the West Point Chain: An Historical Address. See also Chapter IV of Ransom's Vanishing Ironworks of the Ramapos.

Provenance Note:

The records of Sterling Iron and Railway Company were acquired by the New York State Library from multiple sources.  The first group was purchased in March 1954 from James Lewis Hook of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a dealer of early American books and manuscripts.  This group comprises the contents of boxes 1-13 which were accessioned in as SC14069 in July 1957.  The second group of records was purchased in February 1982 from Denning House and subsequently accessioned as SC17562.  This group was collated with SC14069 in December 2003 and now comprises most of the records found in boxes 14-19.  The third group of records was purchased ca. July 1985 from Harold Nestler, a historical manuscripts dealer, and subsequently accessioned as SC18613. This group was collated with SC14069 in August 2009, and placed in box 20.  The fourth group of records was purchased in December 2003 from Carmen D. Valentino, dealer of rare books and manuscripts in Philadelphia.  These records are found in folders 15-17 in box 19. 

Scope and Content Note:

The records of Sterling Iron and Railway Company relate to the operations of the iron foundry, which were situated in the Ramapo mountain range in southeastern New York near the New Jersey border. The Sterling Ironworks, one of the oldest, largest and most productive of the ironworks that lay nestled in the Ramapo Mountains, operated from 1736 to 1920.

These records include accounts, receipts, ledger books, correspondence, documents dealing with iron production, etc. In addition to this, there are many documents dealing with the activities of the proprietors of the Sterling Ironworks, especially of the Townsend family which controlled the works for most of the period it was in operation. There are many deeds, bonds and mortgages, leases and releases, articles of agreement, assignments of judgment, etc. A few documents concern ironworks other than Sterling, such as the Southfield furnace and Augusta forge, but these are relatively few. Some of the more important documents are listed in the brief descriptions found at the beginning of each section of the collection.

Series Descriptions:

Letters Related to the Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition for the Federal Government, 1799-1826 (Items 1-68: Box 1; Item 69: Box 12) 
These documents are mostly letters relating to orders for cannon and ammunition and concerning other matters regarding armaments made by Sterling Forge and Sterling Anchory. There are letters from the Department of War, the Department of the Navy, the Treasury, and the Ordnance Department; most are addressed to Peter Townsend.

Sterling Ironworks: Early Period, 1740-1799 (Items 70-115: Box 1)
These documents are mainly business records of Sterling Ironworks, spanning the first sixty years of its existence. The documents consist mainly of accounts, receipts, and bills, although there are a few letters, deeds, powers of attorney, and other such documents. Most of the business records concern Sterling accounts with its various customers under such early proprietors as John Burling, William Hawxhurst, and Peter Townsend. In particular, there is a series of receipted bills and accounts between Hawxhurst and the firm of Cruger and Mallard in Bristol regarding the shipment of Sterling iron to the English firm. Also of importance is Item 115, an account of the forging of the chain over the Hudson.

Documents Dealing with Iron Production, etc., 1768-1856 (Items 116-126: Box 1)
Documents dealing with the production of iron at the Sterling and Southfield furnaces. There are estimates of the cost of making iron, reports on iron production and methods for improving such production.

The Sterling Iron and Railway Co., 1864-1899 (Items 127-131: Box 1)
The Sterling Iron and Railway Co. was formed in 1864 to assume control of the Sterling Iron estate. On April 1, 1864, through the intercession of David Crawford, Jr., the son-in-law of Peter Townsend III, all of the property of the Sterling Iron Works was sold to the recently-formed Sterling Iron and Railway Co. Peter Townsend III had a large interest in the company and he was joined by several prominent men including Thomas A. Scott, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad and assistant secretary of war during the Civil War, Jay Cooke, the financier, Joel Barlow Morehead, Samuel L.M. Barlow, and George C. Clark.

In November 1867 a separate company, the Sterling Mountain Railway Co., was formed to assume control of the railroad operations. As of November 30, 1867 its officers were J. Dutton Steele, president; David Crawford, Jr., O.D.F. Grant, Peter Townsend, J.B. Moorhead, W.G. Moorhead and Thomas A. Scott, board of directors. A.W. Humphreys was secretary and treasurer, and Thomas C. Steele, engineer and superintendent.

The Sterling Iron and Railway Co. operated the mines and furnaces of the Sterling tract until the 1920s but business had begun to falter by 1890 and in 1892 there was a reorganization of the company. Several changes regarding the controlling interests of the company occurred during this period. Macgrane Coxe was named president in 1892 and was soon followed by James D. Rowland of Philadelphia who was succeeded by Theodore Price in 1905. In 1911, H.A. Van Alstyne assumed control of the company and retained control until the company's demise in the 1920s.

Correspondence, 1760-1863 (Items 132-169: Box 1)
Mostly business correspondence re: the Townsend family and dealing with such matters as the operation of the Sterling mines, land transactions, etc. Correspondents are chiefly business associates and customers of the Townsends. There are also a few letters of a non-business nature (see, for example, Items 164-167).

Surveys, Abstracts of Titles, etc., 1705-1865 (Items 170-216: Box 1)
These documents are mainly surveys and abstracts of titles regarding the tracts of land upon which the Sterling mines and other ironworks of the Ramapos were built. Of special interest are the abstracts of the original surveys of the Sterling tract undertaken for Cornelius Board, Timothy Ward, James Burling, William Hawxhurst and other early proprietors of the Sterling mines, and a number of surveys of the Cheescocks Patent including an extract from Charles Clinton's fieldbook re: the subdivision of the Cheescocks Patent, an economic and geological survey of the Sterling Iron Works and a document providing a detailed description of the Sterling Iron Works and its operations prepared for the proprietors as a prospectus for the sale of the iron works.

Maps, 1794-1901 (Items 217-230: Box 2; Items 222 and 228: Box 12; Item 231: Extra-Large)
Various maps, charts, and sketches, most of which pertain to the Sterling tract and to the iron mines there, although there are a few documents such as the chart of Onion River, Vt., drawn by Jedidiah Hubbell, surveyor, that concern areas other than the Sterling tract. Especially important is the nine-page pamphlet entitled "A Map Showing the Location of the Sterling Iron Estate, Orange County, N.Y.," published in 1856 when the Sterlings decided to sell the ironworks. (See Item 219).  Also includes a survey map (Item 231) of Goshen Township, N.Y., and surrounding area that may have been done by Robert Erskine, ironmaster at Ringwood Mines and surveyor-general under General George Washington.

Deeds, 1733-1890 (Items 232-270: Box 2; Items 271-337: Box 3; Items 233, 366, 283 and 294: Box 12)
Most of these deeds involve the Townsend family; some pertain to the Sterling Iron Works while others pertain to non-Sterling land transactions. Of particular interest are some of the earlier deeds which concern the first proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works.

Leases and Releases, 1757-1838 (Items 338-364: Box 4; Items 349-350: Box 12)
Most of these documents pertain to the Townsend family although mention should be made of the first few documents that involve such early proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works as Abel Noble, William Hawxhurst, and John and Samuel Burling.

Bonds and Mortgages, 1759-1864 (Items 365-409: Box 4)
These documents center around the Townsend family. Note Items 402, 404, 405 and 407 which concern the Townsends' dealings with the trustees of the Episcopal Fund of the Diocese of Western New York.

Articles of Agreement, 1758-1862 (Items 410-427: Box 5; Item 411: Box 12)
Articles of agreement, some of which pertain directly to the Sterling Iron Works and the production of iron. (See especially Items 410 and 411, Articles of Co-partnership between Abel Noble and William Hawxhurst; Item 412 re: the erection of a building to make iron and steel, and Item 426 re: a contract for the building of Southfield Furnace) There are also several documents re: family matters – settling of estates, land transactions, etc. – most of which involve the Townsend family.

Assignment of Judgment, 1815-1855 (Items 428-440: Box 5)
Various judgments, lists of judgments and assignments of judgments re: members of the Townsend family. (Of particular interest are Items 434 and 435 re: William Townsend's assignment of his personal estate and his share of the Sterling and Southfield works to Peter Townsend, Jr. and William Townsend, and Item 437 re: the case of the Bank of Orange County and Fletcher Woodhull vs. William Townsend and Philip and Alexander H. Fink).

Accounts, Receipts, Bills, etc., 1759- ca.1900 (Items 441-500: Box 5; 501-602: Box 6; Items 442 and 459: Box 12)
Accounts, receipts, bills of sale, notes, etc. regarding the business transactions of the Townsend family, proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works during many of its years of operation. (Item 442 is particularly important as it is a bill of sale for the Sterling Iron Works from William Hawxhurst, one of the first proprietors to Peter Townsend. See also Items 599 and 600 re: the sale of the Sterling property. For further information re: sale of the Sterling property see Item 219 filed with the MAPS in Box 2)

Account and Receipt Books and Groups of Accounts, 1765-1835 (Items 603-605: Box 6; Items 606-612: Boxes 7-11)
These documents are divided into two categories: (1) Account and Receipt Books - mainly account books of the Sterling Iron Works and the Sterling Forge Co. There is also an account and receipt book of D.P. Townsend and collected accounts of the Augusta Forge. (Augusta Forge began in 1783 when Peter Townsend sold 6,000 acres of the Sterling tract to his cousin and son-in-law, Solomon Townsend. Solomon was joined by Peter's brother, William, in 1792 and the two continued to operate the forge until the death of Solomon Townsend in 1811 although the Embargo Act of 1807 had already brought Solomon Townsend to financial ruin.), and (2) Groups of Accounts - accounts of various members, relatives, or business associates of the Townsend family.

Also included in this series are ledgers containing debit-credit accounts and daybooks related to daily financial transactions.

Last Wills and Testaments, 1764-1899 (Items 616-621: Box 6)
Documents related primarily to the estate of Townsend and allied families.  See list of individual items for more information.

Genealogical Records (Item 623: Box 6; Item 624: Box 13)
Information on Townsend and allied families.

Miscellaneous (Items 625-627: Box 6)

Sterling Iron and Railway Company, 1865-1918: Accretion. (Boxes 14-19) Includes a group of records catalogued formerly as SC17562, circa 1982, and additional records acquired in 2003. This group of records relates primarily to the post-Civil war mining and railroad operations of the company.  Included are letter books containing incoming and outgoing correspondence of executive officers of the company; manifests listing the goods carried from Sterling to the various mines, works and operations of the Sterling Iron and Railway Company; trial balances show expenses at the Sterling Furnace, Southfield Furnace and Sterling Mountain Railway; and a book containing records of ore shipped from the Sterling mines in Orange County via the Sterling Mountain Railroad & Erie Railroad to Piermont in Rockland County and then by boat to various companies.

Container and Item List

Letters re: The Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition for the Federal Government, 1799-1826. These documents are mostly letters relating to orders for cannon and ammunition and concerning other matters regarding armaments made by Sterling Forge and Sterling Anchory. There are letters from the Department of War, the Department of the Navy, the Treasury, and the Ordnance Department; most are addressed to Peter Townsend. (NOTE: Townsend is listed as P.T. in the description of the documents that follows.)

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 1 1 1799 April 6 New York. Asking estimate for anchors for U.S. with a list of 7 required conditions. Second page gives a list of prices for anchors made for the British Navy. Signed G.L. Eben Watson (2pp.)
1 1 2 1802 November 9 Plymouth. B. Seymour to P.T. re: the cylinder for the schooner Industry, coal, copper, shives, etc. (2pp.)
1 1 3 1802 November 9 Plymouth. B. Seymour to Wm. T. as to directions for the making of the cylinder. Very important letter about the cylinder (4pp.)
1 1 4 1803 January 31 Plymouth. B. Seymour to P.T. re: the receipt of directions for making the cylinder - Important (3pp.)
1 1 5 1813 March 1 Dept. of War, Acct.'s office. Wm. Simmons to P.T. as to re-payment for shot delivered to Col. Wadsworth (1p.)
1 1 6 1814 March 21 Ordnance Dept., Wash. to P.T. as to the re-furnishing of cannon shot for the U.S. (grape shot and canister shot), sizes, etc. Signed Decius Wadsworth (1½ pp.)
1 1 7 1814 October 17 Navy Dept. to P.T. as to the re-establishment of a cannon foundry in the northern section of the Union. Sizes of cannon and prices each. Signed W. Jones. Very important (2pp.)
1 1 8 1814 November 12 Navy Dept. to the honorable Jonathan Fisk in Congress as to a contract with P.T. Signed Benjamin Homans (1p.)
1 1 9 1815   Bond between P.T., I.T. and Seth Marvin, on one hand, and the U.S. on the other hand through the agency of Lt. Col. Bomford of the Ordnance Dept. for $120,000. (1½ pp.)
1 1 10 1815 February 20 Ordnance Dept. to Townsend Esq. re: a contract. Signed Jn. Morton, Capt. of Ordnance (1p.)
1 1 11 1815 February 22 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. as to shot delivered to N.Y. Signed J. Morton, Capt. (1p.)
1 1 12 1815 February 28 Navy Dept. to P.T. re: a contract and $12,000 or $15,000 to be paid for guns. Signed B.W. Crowninshield (1p.)
1 1 13 1815 March 1 Ordnance Office to P.T. re: a contract and a letter to Col. Bomford. Also he is advised to address covers to Ordnance Dept. to save postage. Signed Jn. Morton, Capt. (1p.)
1 1 14 1816 [sic] March 19 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: $10,000 being sent as part of a contract. Signed Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 15 1815 March 24 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. as to Mr. Dallas having left the city without signing a warrant for Townsend for $20,000 and they will have to wait for his return which is not to be for over a fortnight. Signed J. Morton (1p.)
1 1 16 1815 March 29 Treasury Dept. Printed order for $10,000 to be paid to P.T. [Signature is indecipherable] (1p.)
1 1 17 1815 May 7 New York. Jonathan Fisk to P.T. re: money and contract (1p.)
1 1 18 1815 May 7 New York. Jona. Fisk to Capt. Morton, Ordnance Dept., Wash. re: Townsend's security (1p.)
1 1 19 1815 May 8 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. as to the men being named as security not being sufficient for the War Dept. New bond form being sent, etc. Signed J. Morton (1½ pp.)
1 1 20 1815 June 21 Navy Commissioners Office to P.T. re: 500 tons of ordnance cannon at the rate of 12 tons per week. Signed Jno. Rodgers[?] (1p.)
1 1 21 1815 June 15 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: bond of security. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 22 1815 June 23 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: the notes being the Secretary's business but he is too busy to see anyone. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 23 1815 June 24 Thomas Tucker, Washington to P.T. as to the reissuing of treasury notes (1p.)
1 1 24 1815 June 24 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: the fact that there is no public money in N.Y. to pay the $6,200. As soon as funds are available, remittance will be made. Signed J. Morton (1¼ pp.)
1 1 25 1815 June 26 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: $10,000 in treasury notes to be sent to Townsend. Signed Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 26 1815 August 23 Dept. of War to P.T. re: $6,200 to be sent in fulfillment of a contract with Col. Bomford. Signed Tobias Lear (1p.)
1 1 27 1815 August 23 Printed treasury draft for $6,200.63 to P.T. Signed Th. T. Tucker, U.S. Treas. (1p.)
1 1 28 1815 October 23 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: execution of contract. Signed Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 29 1815 October 24 P. Townsend, Chester, N.Y. to Col. Bomford. Copy of a letter about the operation of the foundry, cannon, fire brick, etc. (2pp.)
1 1 30 1815 November 3 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: further advances of monies. Signed Jno. Morton, Capt. (1p.)
1 1 34 [sic] 1816 January 24 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: contract. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 31 1816 February 26 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. as to the appropriations for the Ordnance Dept. passing the House by a majority of about 60 votes and now awaiting the vote of the Senate. Signed Jno. Morton, Capt. (2pp.)
1 1 14
1816 March 19 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: $10,000 being sent as part of a contract. Signed Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 1 32 1816 March 23 Dept. of War to P.T. re: $10,000 issued for cannon. Signed Tobias Lear (1p.)
1 1 33 1816 June 3 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. "Subject of frequent enquiry on the part of the Govt. what information we had of your proceedings and what reliance can be placed upon performance of Contract, etc., etc." Jno. Morton, Capt. (1½ pp.)
1 1 34 1816 January 24 [sic] Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: contract. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 35 1816 July 29 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. Col. Bomford requests reply at once to former queries without delay. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 36 1816 August 20 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: the delay in hearing from Townsend concerning his contract with the Dept. Jno. Morton, Capt. (1p.)
1 2 37 1816 September 3 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: a more explicit statement as to the fulfillment of the contract. Also Morton's instructions to Townsend that the top of the trunnion of the cannon should range directly in a line with the centre of the bore. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 38 1817 May 2 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: ordnance ready for inspection. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 39 1817 May 22 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: the fact that early and regular accounts of cannon made for U.S. must be furnished to the Dept. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 40 1817 June 3 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. re: drawings having been sent for 18- and 24-pounders. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 41 1817 June 23 U.S. Arsenal, Troy, N.Y. to P.T. re: the furnishing of ball at the foundry for proving the cannon, etc. James Dalaby, Maj. (1p.)
1 2 42 1817 September 16 U.S. Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. to P.T. re: re-inspection. James Dalaby, Maj. (2pp.)
1 2 43 1817 December 12 Copy of a letter sent to the Pres. and Commissioners of the Navy Board. Tells of superior iron used for cannon and of 12 pound cannon made for the Ordnance Dept. and delivered to the dwelling of Comm. Rogers for the convenience of the inspectors. (Not signed but most likely written by P.T.) (2pp.)
1 2 44 1817 December 29 Navy Commissioners Office to P.T. re: anchor palms. Signed Jn. Rodgers[?] (1p.)
1 2 45 1818 March 19 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. as to two errors in the filling out of two deeds including the misspelling of Col. Bomford's name. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 46 1818 March 30 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. desiring immediate information about reports of insolvency, etc. Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 47 1818 March 30 Ordnance Dept. to P.T. Same as Item 46. Signed Jno. Morton (1p.)
1 2 48 1818 April 4 P.T., N.Y. to Col. Geo. Bomford explaining his difficulties re: his indebtedness, his brothers, Wm. & Isaac, completing the contract, etc.
1 2 49 1818 July 1 Ordnance Office to P.T. re: an advance of money on his contract and as to Maj. Dalaby's inspection. Signed Decius Wadsworth, Col. (1p.)
1 2 50 1818 July 20 P.T., N.Y., to Col. Decius Wadsworth as to having received Wadworth's letter of the 1st and as to Maj. Dalaby not having arrived for inspection yet, etc. (2pp.)
1 2 51 1818 July 24 Ordnance Office to P.T. as to Maj. Dalaby inspecting the remainder of the cannon at the foundry and re: the subject of his contract. Decius Wadsworth, Col. (1p.)
1 2 52 1818 August 6 Copy of a letter to Col. Wadsworth re: Lt. Pomeroy's visit to the foundry and proving cannon and the cannon being sent to Albany. (Not signed but most likely written by P.T. (1½ pp.)
1 2 53 1818 August 12 Ordnance Office to P.T. advising Townsend to come to Washington to solve his problems. Decius Wadsworth, Col. (1p.)
1 2 54 1818 August 17 U.S. Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. to Wm. T. as to the manufacturing of cannon. Signed James Dalaby, Maj. (2pp.)
1 2 55 1819 January 5 Ordnance Office to P.T. re: $7,500 which was to be sent to Townsend
1 2 56 1819 May 10 Ordnance Office to P.T. as to the pressure of the times operating on the nation at Treasury as much as elsewhere and thus offering no encouragement for a further advance of money. Decius Wadsworth, Col. (1p.)
1 2 57 1819 August 16 U.S. Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. to Wm. T. desiring to know the number and kind of pieces ready, etc. James Dalaby, Maj. (1p.)
1 2 58 1819 November 25 U.S. Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. to Wm. T. as to the quality of cannon, etc. James Dalaby, Maj. (2pp.)
1 2 59 1819 December 8 Ordnance Office to P.T. re: a report received from Maj. Dallaby [sic] about cannon dimensions, caliber, etc. Decius Wadsworth, Col. (1½ pp.)
1 2 60 1820 May 8 U.S. Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. to Wm. T. with an order to deliver cannon to Lt. Vining. James Dalaby, Maj. On the reverse side is a receipt from Charles Smyth, U.S. Agent of Transportation for 14 18-pound cannons dated June 8, 1820, Newburgh (2pp.)
1 2 61 1820 May 22 D. Daverne at the Furnace, Newburgh to Wm. T. with instructions as to the cannon, etc., to be loaded on sloops for Albany (2pp.)
1 2 61b     With a note inside regarding the same matter
1 2 62 1820 June 11 Charles Smyth, U.S. Agent for Transportation, Albany, to Wm. T. with orders for delivering cannon
1 2 63 1826 September 20 List of anchor plates, iron, etc. loaded on wharf from the sloop Martha Ann (1p.)
1 2 64 1830 July Document titled "On Gunnery" rating guns under 5 headings: 1) Caliber of Barrell; 2) Charge of Powder for a Flint Gun; 3) Charge of Powder for a Percussion Gun; 4) Quantity of Shot; 5) Distance to Kill. (Marked in pencil July, 1830)  (1p.)
1 2 65 N.D.   Copy of a letter from Townsend stating that his foundry at Newburgh, cannon and all, was sold at a sheriff's sale, etc. Not signed (2pp.)
1 2 66 N.D.   Peter Townsend to Col. Wadsworth stating that the small guns (6-pounders) are a slow gun to bore. Also asking for an advance of $4,000 or $5,000 (1p.)
1 2 67 N.D.   Chart. The number of anchors allowed each ship in the British Navy with their weight and value in sterling (1p.)
1 2 68 N.D.   6 drawings or charts of guns, including one for a 10-inch mortar. Signed T. Stephenson and dated 1815
    69     Extra-Large (See folder EL-2)

Sterling Ironworks: Early Period, 1740-1799. These documents are mainly business records of Sterling Ironworks, spanning the first sixty years of its existence. The documents consist mainly of accounts, receipts, and bills, although there are a few letters, deeds, powers of attorney, and other such documents. Most of the business records concern Sterling accounts with its various customers under such early proprietors as John Burling, William Hawxhurst, and Peter Townsend. In particular, there is a series of receipted bills and accounts between Hawxhurst and the firm of Cruger and Mallard in Bristol regarding the shipment of Sterling iron to the English firm. Also of importance is Item 115, an account of the forging of the chain over the Hudson.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 3 70 1740 June 5 Receipt. Mord. & David Gomez [Gomet, ?], 29 lb. 11 sh. & 2 p. from Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 71 1752 March 10 Deed. Philip Platt to Wm. Hawxhurst for ¼ of one hundred wright [sic] of the undivided lands in the Old Purchase of Huntington
1 3 72 176? November 16 Letter. Jacob Watson, Poughkeepsie, to Wm. Hawxhurst, N.Y. with Jacobus Van Cleek's balance for the house at Poughkeepsie and re: the sampling of iron handles
1 3 73 1760 June 11 Power of Attorney. John Rall of Bedford to Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 74 1760 November 28 Letter. Jacob Watson to Wm. Hawxhurst, New York, re: business matters and a visit to Hawxhurst
1 3 75 1761 October 9 Bill. Wm. Hawxhurst's bill with Jacob Watson for earthen cups and plates, bottles and wool received from Watson
1 3 76 1762 August 11 Receipt. Jacob Watson 143 lbs. 4 sh. 4 p. from Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 77 1762, 1764   Account. John Burling's acct. with Wm. Hawxhurst for molasses and rum
1 3 78 1763   Account. Wm. Hawxhurst with Jacob Watson
1 3 79 1763, 1766   Account. John Burling with Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 80 1768 January Account. John Burling with Wm. Hawxhurst for molasses and rum
1 3 81 1768 September 5 Bristol. Account. Wm. Hawxhurst, N.Y. in his acct. current with Thomas Penington, surviving partner of Ferd. Penington, deceased. On the reverse side is Hawxhurst's acct. of the interest due Thomas Penington and Son, dated January 1762 to October 1768 (2 pieces marked 81a and 81b)
1 3 82 1770 July 4 Bristol. Account. Sale of a shipment of pig iron (marked Sterling new mine) recd. from Henry and John Cruger aboard the ship Grace, Wm. Chambers, Master, New York and sold by Thomas Penington on the account of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 83 1770 July 4 Bristol. Account. Sale of a shipment of pig iron (marked Sterling new mine) recd. from Wm. Hawxhurst aboard the ship America, Wm. Harvey, Master, from New York and sold by Thomas Penington for the account of Peter Townsend
1 3 84 1770 October 16 Bristol. Invoice. Sundry goods shipped aboard the New York, Wm. Jones, Master, for the acct. of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 85 1770 November 7 Note. Peter Townsend's note with Wm. Cox and Cox's receipt dated April 26, 1771 on the reverse side
1 3 86 1771 February 7 Bristol. Letter and Acct. Henry Cruger, Jr., Bristol, to Wm. Hawxhurst, New York, re: the closing of their acct. with Messrs. Townsend respecting the iron that Wm. Hawxhurst shipped for them to said Cruger
1 3 87 1771 September 10 Bristol. Receipted Bill for the sale of a shipment of Barr Iron aboard the Ellin, John Clark, Master, on the acct. of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 3 88 1772 June 11 Bristol. Bill. Wm. Hawxhurst to Henry Cruger, Jr. for the cost of insurance on the ship New York, Thomas Watson, Master
1 3 89 1772 August 6 Bill. Wm. Hawxhurst to Cruger and Mallard for the cost of insurance on the ship Aaron, Wm. Jones, Master
1 3 90 1772 August 20 Receipted Bill. For the sale of a shipment of iron received of the ship Nancy, Robt. Smith, Master, on the acct. of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 91 1772 September 10 Receipted Bill. For the sale of a shipment of iron on the ship Aaron, Wm. Jones, Master, on the account of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 92 1772 December 20 Receipted Bill. For the sale of a shipment of Sterling pig iron recd. of the ship Aaron, Wm. Jones, Master, on the acct. of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 93 1772 December 20 Receipted Bill. For the sale of a shipment of pig iron, marked Sterling, recd. of the ship New York, Thomas Watson, Master, on the account of Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 94 1773 April 2 Receipted Bill. For the sale of a parcel Bar Iron recd. from the Ellin, John Clark, Master. Shipped from N.Y., October 2, 1773, on the account of Jacob Watson, merchant, by Wm. Hawxhurst to Cruger to Mallard, Bristol
1 4 95 1773 April 2 Receipt. Robert and John Murray and James W. Comb for 72 pounds, 15 shillings and 8 pence in settlement of an account with Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 96 1773 May 21 Peter Townsend at Sterling to Wm. Hawxhurst re: a payment of his account with Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 97 1774 July 6 Acct. H. Cruger of Bristol with Wm. Hawxhurst for anchors. With a memorandum dated July 11, 1774 on the reverse side
1 4 98 1775 May 3 Letter. Peter Townsend, Chester, to his father as to the death of Anne
1 4 99 1775-1781   Account. Peter Townsend against the estate of Garret Miller with Townsend's receipt dated May 1, 1782
1 4 100 1776   Account. Normand Tolmie's acct. with Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 101 1777 January 12 Receipt. James Arden for 2 keys [kegs?] and 4 pounds cash from Wm. Hawxhurst to whom it was given by Mrs. Arden
1 4 102 1777 June 7 Receipt. Jacob Van Voorhis, Fishkill Landing, for $680 recd. of Mr. Townsend by the hand of Mr. Thomas Hawksworth, it being cash recd. from Daniel Van Voorhis at Philadelphia
1 4 103 1778 April 9 Sale. 36 tons of pig iron to the proprietors of the new Sterling Works
1 4 104 1778 May 8 Order. J.W. Master, Newburgh, to Peter Townsend for 4 cartridge boxes for Col. Taylor's brigade
1 4 105 1778 July 4 John Murray, Hopewell, to Peter Townsend, Chester, as to the delivery of 6 or 7 boxes of tea to Mr. Archibald Currie
1 4 106 1778 December 9 Letter. John Murray, Philadelphia, to Peter Townsend, Chester, as to the shipment of tea
1 4 107 1778 December 16 Receipt. Col. Peter Adams, Chester, for 6 barrels of flour recd. from Peter Townsend for the use of the detachment
1 4 108 1779   Receipt. Baxter Howe, Q.M., for 1,225 lbs. of Bar Iron for the use of the Brigade Artillery
1 4 109 1780 August 3 Patt.(?) [Patrick?] Dennis, Trentown, to Peter Townsend, Chester, as to a delivery to Col. Furman with a receipt dated August 10 and signed by John Scudder Well
1 4 110 1781 March 7 Letter. Richard King to Peter Townsend re: an order for 3 tons of iron for Mr. Baxter
1 4 111 1784 December 17 Letter. Wm. Livingston, No. 8 Wall Street, New York, to Wm. Hawxhurst re: a sum of money Hawxhurst owes Henry Cruger and Livingston's desire
1 4 112 1785 August 27 Receipt. Cornelius Ray, 146 lbs. 16 sh. 2 p. in public securities to the loan office of this city and county for a mortgage due from Peter Townsend to said loan office from Wm. Hawxhurst
1 4 113 1799 April Proposals for a Contract for Anchors for the U.S. Navy
1 4 114 N.D.   Receipt. Baxter Howe, Q.M., for 9 bundles of spike iron for the use of the Brigade Artillery
1 4 115 N.D.   Account of the forging of the chain over the Hudson River (written in pencil)

Documents Dealing with Iron Production, etc., 1768-1856. Several documents dealing with the production of iron at the Sterling and Southfield furnaces. There are estimates of the cost of making iron, reports on iron production and methods for improving such production.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 5 116 1768 June 2 New York. Extract from The Art of Assaying Metals entitled "The Production of Steel out of Crude Unmalleable Iron Ore out of its Ore by Fusion" sent to Wm. Hawxhurst by P. Vergereux
1 5 117 17--   Draft of pillars for slitting mill
1 5 118 ca. 1826   Estimate of the cost of making 750 tons of gray or soft pig iron No. 1 fit for remelting at Southfield Furnace
1 5 119 1827 February 1 Report and estimate of making iron sent to the Sterling Co. (Estimate of the cost of making 750 tons of gray or soft pig iron No. 1 fit for remelting at Southfield Furnace)
1 5 120 N.D.   Estimate for making 500 tons of bar iron at Sterling Iron Works. Also an estimate of the expense of making 750 tons of gray pig iron per annum at Southfield Furnace
1 5 121 1841 February 9 Patent. Charles Sanderson for the improvement of the method of iron making
1 5 122 1856 July 21 Report. Charles [?] at the Sterling Iron Works, to Peter Townsend, Southfield, with a report of the working of the Sterling Furnace, enclosed in a yellow envelope (There are supposed to be 2 parts to this document but the enclosed duplicate report which is mentioned seems to be missing)
1 5 123 N.D.   Document dealing with the production of iron for guns and the making of cannon. In particular, there is mention of 2 guns - the "Peacemaker" and the "Oregon" - both of which have been deemed inadequate for further service
(11pp.; pp. 1, 2, 4 and 5 are missing)
1 5 124 N.D.   Document containing directions for the quantity of bricks and stones to be used for the steel furnace
1 5 125 N.D.   Misc. scrap of paper as to the question of whether [?] is to be employed as a fuel to smelt hemalite ores or black magnetic oxide of iron
1 5 126 N.D.   Misc. paper re: the production of iron

The Sterling Iron and Railway Co., 1864-1899. The Sterling Iron and Railway Co. was formed in 1864 to assume control of the Sterling Iron estate. On April 1, 1864, through the intercession of David Crawford, Jr., the son-in-law of Peter Townsend III, all of the property of the Sterling Iron Works was sold to the recently-formed Sterling Iron and Railway Co. Peter Townsend III had a large interest in the company and he was joined by several prominent men including Thomas A. Scott, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad and assistant secretary of war during the Civil War, Jay Cooke, the financier, Joel Barlow Morehead, Samuel L.M. Barlow, and George C. Clark.

In November 1867 a separate company, the Sterling Mountain Railway Co., was formed to assume control of the railroad operations. As of November 30, 1867 its officers were J. Dutton Steele, president; David Crawford, Jr., O.D.F. Grant, Peter Townsend, J.B. Moorhead, W.G. Moorhead and Thomas A. Scott, board of directors. A.W. Humphreys was secretary and treasurer, and Thomas C. Steele, engineer and superintendent.

The Sterling Iron and Railway Co. operated the mines and furnaces of the Sterling tract until the 1920s but business had begun to falter by 1890 and in 1892 there was a reorganization of the company. Several changes regarding the controlling interests of the company occurred during this period. Macgrane Coxe was named president in 1892 and was soon followed by James D. Rowland of Philadelphia who was succeeded by Theodore Price in 1905. In 1911, H.A. Van Alstyne assumed control of the company and retained control until the company's demise in the 1920s.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 6 127 1864   Deeds. Printed deed forms re: the Sterling Iron and Railway Co. They are dated 1864 but otherwise are blank. There are pencil sketches of land plots on the reverse side (2 documents)
1 6 128 1868   Colored drawings of the Sterling Iron and Railway Co., there are 2 postcard-size drawings; one of the Sterling Mine, the other of the Augusta Mine
1 6 129 1873 April 7 Stocks. 2 Capital Stock Certificates of the Sterling Mountain Railway Co. #31 (collection no. 129a) made out to David G. Crawford, Jr. for 1 share and #32 (collection no. 129b) made out to Crawford's father-in-law, Peter Townsend, for 1 share. Both men were officers of the company (2 documents)
1 6 130 1875 June 29 Letter. Pitt Cooke, Pres. of the Sterling Iron and Railway Co., in New York, to Peter Townsend, Southfield, N.J. as to Cooke's visiting Townsend. Cooke notes that he will probably visit Townsend at Southfield on the following Tues. or Wed. (July 5th or 6th) while Humphrey, the company treasurer, is abroad and that his brother, Jay, will accompany him
1 6 131 1899 January 20 Certified copy by Wm. G. Taggart, Orange Co. Clerk, of his search in the Indexes of Deeds in his office for deeds executed to the following corporations: Southfield Branch Railway Co. & the Sterling Iron and Railway Co. from January 1, 1864 to December 31, 1889

Correspondence, 1760-1863. Mostly business correspondence re: the Townsend family and dealing with such matters as the operation of the Sterling mines, land transactions, etc. Correspondents are chiefly business associates and customers of the Townsends. There are also a few letters of a non-business nature (see, for example, Items 164-167).

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 7 132 1760 June 11 Wm. Smith of New York to Wm. Hawxhurst re: his road bill having passed the Legislature the day before
1 7 133 1785 October 3 Timothy Symmes, New Town, to Peter Townsend re: acquiring oil
1 7 134 1792 February 1 Power of Attorney, Solomon Townsend to Wm. Townsend
1 7 135 1802 June 28 B. Seymour, Plymouth, to Wm. Townsend re: business matters
1 7 136 1803 November 29 John Hathorn, Warwick, to Wm. Townsend re: land transactions
1 7 137 1816 February 22 Jonathan Fisk, N.Y., to Peter Townsend as to a letter from Mr. Mortan
1 7 138 1824 January 4 Isaac Townsend, N.Y., to his father, Peter Townsend at the Monroe Works, Orange Co., N.Y., enclosing a bill of goods
1 7 139 1824 January 13 Isaac Townsend to his father, Peter, re: business matters
1 7 140 1824 February 10 Isaac Townsend to his father, Peter, enclosing a bill of goods
1 7 141 1824 March 9 Isaac Townsend to his father, Peter, re: business matters and enclosing a bill from Shelter and King
1 7 142 1824 October 12 Isaac Townsend to his father, Peter, re: business matters and enclosing a bill from Shelter and King
1 7 143 1825 January 11 W.H. Davis, Brady's Pond, to Peter Townsend as to business matters
1 7 144 1836 March 15 E.B. Elmrudorf, Tivoli, Dutchess Co., to Henry G. Wisner, Goshen, Orange Co., re: papers relating to the Cheescocks Patent
1 7 145 1837 January 14 Power of Attorney. Drawn up by Wm. H. Townsend for the purpose of selling, assigning, and transferring 150 shares (full stock) in the Capital Stock of the Sterling Co. However, although this document has been signed and dated, the name of the person to whom this power of attorney is to be given has been left blank
1 8 146 1837 November 1 Power of Attorney. The Sterling Co. to Daniel Jackson and Elisha Peck. Signed by Henry C. Elliot, President, Sterling Co.
1 8 147 1841 October 14 M.A. Sibley, Canandaigua, to Hiram Denio, Utica, re: his investigation of Peter Townsend Jr.'s claim to a farm lying in Bristol in the county of Ontario
1 8 148 1846 March 21 John B. Booth, Goshen, to Peter Townsend re: business matters
1 8 149 1847 May 24 John Ryuex, New York, to Peter Townsend, Jr. re: the manufacture of iron at Georgetown
1 8 150 1852 January 15 Chas. Seymour, Canandaigua, to Peter Townsend re: business matters
1 8 151 1852 March 4 Chas. Seymour, Canandaigua, to Peter Townsend re: business matters
1 8 152 1853 May 23 Curtis B. Raymond, Boston, to Peter Townsend (with envelope)
1 8 153 1856 October 4 Eng. War Dept., Pall Mall, to Wm. Townsend and Co., N.Y., re: the reshipment of pig iron
1 8 154 1857 April 1 Charles Seymour, Canandaigua, to Peter Townsend, enclosing copies of the minutes of a search and concerning Randall's letter re: who has title to the lands
1 8 155 1857? July 23 Wm. H. Townsend to one of his brothers. (Date could be 1837.)
1 8 156 1857 October 15 A.R. Miller, Monroe, to Peter Townsend re: business matters
1 8 157 1858 July 21 Wm. Henshaw, N.Y., to Peter Townsend, Southfield, N.Y., re: certain contracts that need his signature
1 9 158 1858 August 27 Geo. Townsend, N.Y., to his brother Peter enclosing a letter from Daniel Townsend to the proprietors of the Sterling tract
1 9 159 1860 September 6 E. Gidney[?] Van Dozer[?], Goshen, to Peter Townsend re: the terms of a certain deed
1 9 160 1861 September 18 John T. Doyle, N.Y., to Miss Carrie P. Townsend as to his opinion of a photograph of her, her virtues, etc. with 2 cards in a small white envelope: Card A - September 19, 1861, Miss C.P. Townsend with the compliments of John T. Doyle. Card B - May 10, 1862 Aspinwall. "Dear Miss Carrie: Perhaps you never had flowers sent you from quite so far off as the Republic of New Granada. Allow me to recollect thus pleasantly all your kindness to me."
1 9 161 1861 November 29 John T. Doyle, N.Y., to Miss Carrie P. Townsend with an apology for an action of his which he now regrets
1 9 162 1862 July 1 Geo. Townsend, N.Y., to Peter Townsend enclosing a letter from Alger and Co. to Messrs. Townsend and Co. dated January 31, 1862
1 9 163 1863 December 8 Henry L. Pierson, N.Y., to Peter Townsend as to business matters
1 9 164 N.D.   3rd and 4th pages of a letter: "…twenty-first birthday. Should I leave any other child I should like it to receive $5,000 on coming to the age of 21 years or if this is not feasible that Caroline and it should receive equal sums in Macgrane's (Coxe?) discretion. I do not think there is anything else except for my love for you all and if anything takes me out of this world that for me all be good to Caroline for my sake, don't spoil her! With love yours affectionately, Lena"
1 9 165 N.D.   N.Y., Monday morning. A. Townsend to Peter Townsend at the Monroe Works, Orange Co., as to the upcoming election, violence at Tammany Hall involving "our girl Maria," people's attitude toward Van Buren, local news, weather, etc.
1 9 166 N.D.   Chester, Tues. evening, Wm. Townsend to his nephew, Peter Townsend, Jr., Southfield Furnace, near the Monroe Works as to having seen Mr. Wisner re: the suit of Sayer, the state of mind of Old John Ball, deeds he is sending to him and his brother Wm., etc.
1 9 167   Sunday, August 11 Nikko, Japan. Peter Townsend to his Aunt Helen describing his stay in Japan with some sketches and maps of the places he visited (20 pp.)
1 9 168   July 11 I.M. Golt as to Wm. Townsend's title to lands lying in what is called the Drowned Lands with extracts from legal documents
1 9 169 N.D.   Isaac Townsend, N.Y., to his brother Peter

Surveys, Abstracts of Titles, etc., 1705-1865. These documents are mainly surveys and abstracts of titles regarding the tracts of land upon which the Sterling mines and other ironworks of the Ramapos were built. Of special interest are the abstracts of the original surveys of the Sterling tract undertaken for Cornelius Board, Timothy Ward, James Burling, William Hawxhurst and other early proprietors of the Sterling mines, and a number of surveys of the Cheescocks Patent including an extract from Charles Clinton's fieldbook re: the subdivision of the Cheescocks Patent, an economic and geological survey of the Sterling Iron Works and a document providing a detailed description of the Sterling Iron Works and its operations prepared for the proprietors as a prospectus for the sale of the iron works.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
1 10 170a 1705/06 March 5 Survey. John Towning and Henry Townsend, Surveyors for James Tillet and Wm. Hawxhurst
1 10 170b 1736-1740   A True Abstract of Survey No. 2 Bergen Co. Signed by John Smyth, Jr. and John Alexander, Surveyor Generals. The abstract is concerned with the surveys of 3 tracts of land which are as follows:

November 10, 1736, Survey. Daniel Dod for Cornelius Board and Timothy Ward. A tract of land containing 50 acres, beginning at the head of a small stream called by the Indians, Weighwapo

February 13, 1738, Survey. Jonathan Sargeant for Cornelius Board and Timothy Ward. Several pieces of land lying at the head of a pond called by the Indians, Taughpanipacks, etc.

July 23, 1740, Survey. Jonathan Sargeant for Timothy Ward, Wm. Smith and Co. Several tracts of land - one, below the iron works of the said Ward and Co.; one, on the west side of a mountain called Mount Pleasure; one, on the N.W. side of a high mountain called Bear Mt.; another, on the river or brook called TUXETO that comes from the Iron works of the said Ward and Co.

1 10 171 1736-1740   A True Abstract of Survey No. 8 Bergen Co. Signed by John Smyth, Jr. and Jas. Alexander, Surv. Gens. (Same as #2 above)
1 10 172 1736-1740   A True Abstract of Survey No. 7 Bergen Co. Signed by John Smyth, Jr. and Jas. Alexander, Surv. Gens. (Same as #2 above)
1 10 173 1750 May 17 Survey. By Geo. Ryerson for James Burling's land between Sterling and Kingwood in Bergen, beginning at a brook called red brook about 3 miles from Sterling Furnace, covers several tracts
1 10 174 1750 May 17 Survey. By Geo. Ryerson for James Burling of a tract of land situated between Sterling and Kingwood in Bergen Co. about 3 miles from Sterling Furnace. A true abstract signed by James Alexander and John Smyth
1 10 175 1750 May 17 Survey. Geo. Ryerson for James Burling of a tract of land near Sterling Furnace. (mentions the Forge dam) and Sterling Iron Works with drawings of lands surveyed and signatures of James Alexander and John Smyth, Surveyor Generals
1 10 176 1759 November 26 & 28 Surveyor's Report No. 4 (November 26, 1759) and No. 11 (Chart dated November 28, 1759). Land surveyed for Wm. Hawxhurst in Bergen Co., Sterling Pond, etc. by Geo. Ryerson (2 items)
1 10 177 1759 November 29 Survey No. 3, Geo. Ryerson for Wm. Hawxhurst. Complete drawing of survey Tuchsito Brook and Pond. Also "Supposed Line" between New York and New Jersey
1 10 178 1764 November 30 Bounds of land conveyed to Peter Hasenclever at Ringwood. Surveyed for Oliver DeLancey, Henry Cuyler, Jr. and Walter Rutherford at the request of Peter Hasenclever
1 10 179 1766 March 5 Survey. Bergen Co. Tract #5 for Wm. Hawxhurst with drawings and degree markings. Signed by Geo. Ryerson and addressed to Thomas Bertow, Surv. Gen.
1 10 180 1766 September 10 Survey. Geo. Ryerson for Wm. Hawxhurst. Land in Bergen Co., N.J. near Sterling Furnace. Signed by John Smyth, Surv.-Gen.
1 10 181 1766 November 2 Survey. Bergen Co. Tract #9 for Wm. Hawxhurst with a copy of the field work including a drawing and boundary demarcations. Signed by Geo. Ryerson, Surveyor and addressed to Thomas Bertow, Surv.-Gen.
1 10 182 1768 April 13 Survey. Geo. Ryerson for Wm. Hawxhurst. Land in Bergen Co. near Sterling Brook
1 10 183 1777     to 1834   A List of Titles involving the Townsends - Wm., Hannah, Peter, Jr. - chronologically from September 23, 1777 to June 3, 1834
1 10 184 ca. 187?   Survey. Wm. Seely of the Gray Court Farm in Blooming Grove, N.Y. and other lands (3 pieces marked 184a, 184b, 184c)
1 10 185 1796 November Memo. Lands bought at a public auction belonging to the estate of Thomas Smith
1 11 186 1797 March 31 Field Book, Lot No. 5 in Cheescocks Patent (5 pp.)
1 11 187 17[?]   Mr. Clinton's note containing the location of 9 properties in Cheescocks of Hannah Townsend (Marked 18th century)
1 11 188 1800


March 28


March 16
An Act directing the Surveyor-General to sell certain vacant lands in the counties of Orange and Rockland, passed March 28, 1800.
Copy of an Act for the Relief of Abel Noble and others (Solomon, Wm. & Hannah Townsend) for 2,000 acres, passed March 16, 1802 (Both on same sheet)
1 11 189 1801   Memorandum of lands located for the Sterling Iron Works Co. near said works
1 11 190 1814 April 1 An Act to Incorporate the Sterling Co. passed April 1, 1814. (This is a certified copy of the act, dated April 4, 1814 and signed by Archibald Campbell, Deputy Sec.)
1 11 191 1817 February 14 Survey. Daniel Smith tract by Charles Thompson, surveyor
1 11 192 1819 May Survey of a lot claimed by Samuel Ketchum near Sterling Anchory
1 11 193 1836 March Calculation of the No. of Acres in Sterling Tract by James T. Kelly, Engineer and Architect
1 11 194 1836 December Report re: the Topological Survey of the Sterling Co.'s Tract in Orange and Rockland counties, N.Y. (12 pp. plus 1 loose page containing a memoranda)
1 12a/b 195 ca. 1836   Abstract of Title of the lands in the towns of Warwick and Orange Co. belonging to the "Sterling Company." (There are 2 copies of this document that seem to be identical marked 195 a & b195.)
1 13 196 ca. 1837   Abstract of Title of Peter Townsend, Jr. to a farm in Township No. 9 Ontario Co. consisting of about 700 acres. The document is marked No. 2 and is inscribed Imperfect Abstract (10 pp.)
1 14 197 1844 January 10 Survey. Piece of Big Meadow land sold by Peter Townsend, Jr. to Philo Gregory
1 15 198 1857 May 19 Report. Forrest Sheperd, New Haven, Conn. to Wm. H., Peter, Isaac, and Geo. Townsend with a report as to the economic, geological survey of the Sterling Iron Works which he was hired to undertake (6 pp.)
1 16 199 1857 May 19 Report. Forrest Sheperd, New Haven, Conn. to Wm., Peter, Isaac, and Geo. E. Townsend re: a geological survey of the Sterling Mines (16 pp.)
1 17 200 1865 March 8 Abstract of Titles and Incumbrances of Zacheus Barber and others, signed by Thomas A. Weakly, Deputy Clerk, Ontario Co. Clerk's Office, Canandaigua, N.Y.
1 18 201 N.D.   2 papers dealing with Lot No. 11, Cheescock Patent:

A copy of Charles Clinton's Field Book in his Subdivision of the Northeasterly end of Great Mountain Lot No. 11 in the Patent of Cheescock

1 page dealing with a history of the ownership of Lot No. 11, Cheescock Patent. Among owners mentioned are: Wm. Fichgerald, Stephen Bartholf and Peter Townsend
1 19 202 N.D.   Memorandum re: surveyed lands made lately at the Anchory
1 20 203 N.D.   Document containing boundaries of Lots No. 12 and 15 in Great Lot No. 14
1 21 204 N.D.   Abstract of Title, Wm. Smith in the matter of Cheescocks Patent (5 pp.)
1 22 205 N.D.   Survey. Bounds of A. Belcher's land in Lot No. 5
1 23 206 N.D.   Document re: a partition of the Cheescocks Patent among the original patentees
1 23 207 N.D.   Boundaries on the Course and Distance of the Hope Lot and the Ball Lot
1 23 208 N.D.   Survey. 200 acres to be laid out for Gen. Nathan
1 23 209 N.D.   Memorial of Abel Noble, Robt. Noble, and Hannah Townsend of the County of Orange that they may be granted letters of patent to certain lands they claim according to class rights and surveys on file in the Surv.-Gen's office
1 23 210 N.D.   Memorial of Abel Noble, Hannah Townsend and Wm. Townsend of Orange Co. (Same as No. 41 above)
1 23 211 N.D.    [?] to Peter Townsend with the bounds of a lot
1 23 212 N.D.   List of the survey of sundry Jersey locations, made at Sterling Furnace (999 acres)
1 23 213 N.D.   Bounds of the farm sold by Dr. Seely to Edmund Seely
1 23 214 N.D.   List of someone's land holdings (written in pencil)
1 23 215 N.D.   Document re: the sale of Sterling Iron Works written by the proprietors (14 pp. in 5 separate pieces)
1 23 216 N.D.   2 miscellaneous pages containing surveys of tracts:
Titled "Beginning on Cromline Tract in Corner of Fence"
Titled "A Lot of Land Lying North of Birdir(?) Youngs"

Maps, 1794-1901. Various maps, charts, and sketches, most of which pertain to the Sterling tract and to the iron mines there, although there are a few documents such as the chart of Onion River, Vt., drawn by Jedidiah Hubbell, surveyor, that concern areas other than the Sterling tract. Especially important is the nine-page pamphlet entitled "A Map Showing the Location of the Sterling Iron Estate, Orange County, N.Y.," published in 1856 when the Sterlings decided to sell the ironworks. (See Item 219) Also includes a survey map (Item 231 of Goshen Township, N.Y, and surrounding area that may have been done by Robert Erskine, ironmaster at Ringwood Mines and surveyor-general under General George Washington.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
2 1 217 1794 April 2 A Map of part of Newburgh called the Old Town, James Clinton
2 2 218 1809 March 14 Map showing a part of the Drowned Lands, made for Wm. Townsend from a map made by Charles Thompson
2 3 219 1856   Pamphlet. A Map: showing the location of the Sterling Iron Estate, Orange County, N.Y. 9 pp. With a colored map of the Sterling property. There is also an ink drawn map of the tract that may or may not belong with the pamphlet. This pamphlet was published in 1856 when the Townsends sought to sell the Sterling Iron Estate and was submitted to prominent men in the iron industry in the hopes of finding a buyer
2 4 220 1897   Map of Tuxedo Drives, Country Surrounding Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
2 5 221 1901 October 17 Sketch Map of Mombasha Creek, on the lands of Macgrane Coxe, Southfields, N.Y. from Sterling Company's Line to Head of Meadow
    222     SEE box 12
2 6 223 N.D.   Map of Cromline Tract
2 7 224 N.D.   Map and Profile of Contemplated Mill Race on Fox River
2 8 225 N.D.   Sketch of Chester village lots
2 9 226 N.D.   Map of the house and lot sold to John Springsteed
2 10 227 N.D.   Map of a lot
    228     SEE box 12
2 11 229 N.D.   Chart of Joshua Hallack marked Old Deeds
2 12 230 N.D.   Chart of Onion River, Vermont drawn by Jedidiah Hubbell, Surveyor
    231     SEE Extra Large listing following Box 13.

Deeds, 1733-1890. Most of these deeds involve the Townsend family; some pertain to the Sterling Iron Works while others pertain to non-Sterling land transactions. Of particular interest are some of the earlier deeds which concern the first proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
2 14 232 1733 March 26 Deed of Sale - Public Auction. Property of Hannah Hawxhurst to Wm. Hawxhurst. 57½ acres of land known as Fooks Land. Memorandum added August 1, 1735
    233     SEE box 12
2 15 234 1749 July 13 Deed. Charles Beatty and wife to James McClaghry. Contain the signature of Cadwallader Colden as His Majesty's Council for the Province of New York
2 16 235 1751 March 22 Deed. David, Samuel and Benjamin Rogers to Wm. Hawxhurst for 1 acre of land and premises
2 17 236 1758 October 11 Deed. Between John and Edward Burling, trustees of Samuel Burling, deceased, and Abel Noble of Bergen Co., N.J. All the 3/8 and 2/3 of our sixth part in the Furnace lands and streams of water called the STERLING IRON WORKS with their appurtenances. The said Samuel Burling in company with Wm. Smith and Wm. Hawxhurst, purchased of the Proprietors of Cheescocks and in other lands purchased by the said Wm. Smith, etc. Signed John Burling, Edw. Burling and Abel Noble. Original with seals and New York stamp seal
2 18 237 1758 October 11 Indenture. Sale of ½ part of all those works called the Sterling Iron Works and all the lands belonging to and purchased for the convenience of the Iron Works in N.Y. and N.J. containing in the whole about 429 acres in N.J. and 50 in N.Y. with all the edifices, buildings, and improvements, thereon, etc. Between John and Edward Burling and Abel Noble. Signed John and Edw. Burling. Original with seals and N.Y. stamp
2 19 238 1759 November 20 Deed. Wm. Hawxhurst to Mary Alexander
2 20 239 1760 May 6 Original Deed. Signed by Abel Noble, Iron Master of Bergen County and Wm. Hawxhurst. Sale of ½ part of those works known as the Sterling Iron Works and all the lands thereto belonging
2 21 240 1760 May 6 Deed. Abel Noble's deed for 4/12 part of Sterling Iron Works. (Document is in fragmented condition - a part of it is missing. Stored in acid-free envelope.)
2 21 241 N.D.   Document titled "Minutes of the Survey on John Hathorn's Right in the Gore" (in acid-free envelope)
2 21 242 1761 February 5 Deed. Richard Holstead and his wife, Sarah, to Isaac Roads
2 22 243 1761 July 20 Return. Thomas Barrow, Surveyor Gen., certifying that George Ryerson did survey a tract of land on a Mountain near Sterling Road that is claimed by Wm. Hawxhurst. Signed by Barrow and John Smyth, Surv.-Gen.
2 23 244 1765 February 1 Deed. Thomas Oakley to Wm. Holly
2 24 245 1767 September 23 Deed. Wm. Hawxhurst to Peter Townsend re: the Sterling Iron Works
2 25 246 1770 September 12 Deed. Amos Smith and his father, Wait Smith, re: the Waywayanda Patent
2 26 247 1770 September 12 Deed. Wait Smith and Absolum Townsend for land in Bogg Meadow
2 27 248 1770 September 13 Deed. Wait Smith and Absolum Townsend
2 28 249 1771 April 27 Deed. Michael Jackson to Peter Townsend with a survey signed by Geo. Ryerson and dated November 3, 1766 (2 docs. marked 249 a & b)
2 29 250 1772 October 16 Deed. Simon Remson et. al & Wm. Hawxhurst for a lot in N.Y.C. bounded by Burling's slip in Montgomery Ward, by Denny's Storehouse, etc.
2 30 251 1774 June 7 Deed. Daniel Hall of Goshen and Peter Townsend
2 31 252 1777 May 1 Deed. John Carpenter to Wm. Seely
2 32 253 1777 May 1 Deed. Abigah Yelverton and Peter Townsend
2 33 254 1777 May 23 Deed. Bezaleel Seely, Jr. and Thomas Moffat and Stephen Howell
    255     SEE box 12
2 34 256 1777 September 3 Deed. Thomas Morgan to John Wittig
2 35 257 1778 February13 Deed. Geo. Hamilton Jackson to Peter Townsend. With a mortgage dated July 7, 1780
2 36 258 1778 May 9 Deed. Israel Horton of Sugar Loaf and his mother, Sarah, to Joshua Hallack
2 37 259 1779 January 8 Deed. Zopher Feed and his wife, Auladais, to Wm. Seely
2 38 260 1779 April 9 Deed. Thomas Moffat and Stephen Howell
2 39 261 1779 April 10 Deed. Thomas Moffat and his wife, Suzanna, to Stephen Howell for land in Bogg Meadow
2 40 262 1782 May 7 Deed. Wm. Holley and Peter Townsend
2 41 263 1784 January 1 Deed. James Benjamin and Peter Townsend
2 42 264 1784 March 9 Deed. Richard Carpenter, blacksmith, to Peter Townsend
2 43 265 1784 April 1 Deed. Thomas Goldsmith to Israel Horton
    266     SEE box 12
2 44 267 1786 March 15 Deed. James Clinton and his wife, Mary, of Little Brittain in Ulster Co. to James McClaughry of Ulster Co. Signed by James Clinton with his receipt on the reverse side
2 45 268 1786 April 17 Quit-Claim Deed. Joseph Carpenter to Peter Townsend
2 46 269 1786 April 17 Quit-Claim Deed. Colvill Carpenter to Peter Townsend
2 47 270 1786 December 20 Sheriff's Deed. Hezekiah Howell, High Sheriff, Orange Co. to Peter Townsend
2 48 271 1787 December 19 Quit-Claim Deed. Colvill Carpenter to Hannah Townsend
2 49 272 1788 June 25 Deed. Josiah Seely to Hannah Townsend
2 50 273 1792 November 5 Deed. Wm. Johnson to Henry and Peter Townsend
2 51 274 1793   Deed. Thaddeus Finch and his wife, Elizabeth, to Hannah Townsend. (Thaddeus Seely's name is mentioned in the 2nd line of the deed, but this seems to be a mistake as Thaddeus Finch's name is used throughout the rest of the document)
2 52 275 1794 May 1 Deed. Abijah Yelverton, innkeeper at Goshen, to Peter Townsend. Signed by Abijah Yelverton and his wife, Margaret
2 53 276 1794 November12 Deed. Solomon Townsend to Peter Townsend for Lot No. 92 of the Military Lands
2 54 277 1796 February 1 Deed. Wm. Wickham and his wife, Sarah, to Peter Townsend
2 55 278 1796 May 10 Deed. Wm. Townsend to Hannah Townsend
2 56 279 1796 September 7 Deed. John Jackson, yeoman, and his wife, Phebe, of Chester, to Peter Townsend
2 57 280 1797 April 1 Deed. Lot 18 in Cheescocks, Elizabeth Smith and Wm. Denning, Executors of the estate of Thomas Smith, to Hugh Pownell
2 58 281 1798 December 10 Deed. Edmund Robinson to Peter Townsend for Lot 92 in the Town of Manlius
2 59 282 1799 September 30 Deed. Henry A. Townsend to Peter Townsend
    283     SEE box 12
2 60 284 1800 November 25 Deed. Jesse Cooly and his wife, Amy, to Hannah Townsend
2 61 285 1801 January 23 Deed. Simeon De Witt, Surveyor Gen., to Samuel Ketcham
2 62 286 1805 January 3 Deed. Wm. Humphrey to Samuel T.L. Norton (The deed is signed twice with James Clinton as one of the witnesses)
2 63 287 1807 March 14 Deed. Daniel Dunn and his wife, Sarah, of Sussex Co., N.J. to Isaac Townsend
2 64 288 1807 April 4 Deed. Caleb Smith, farmer, and his wife, Hannah, of Warwick to Peter Townsend
2 65 289 1807 April 18 Deed. John Jackson and his 3 children, Elizabeth, Michael, and Gabriel, to Peter Townsend for a lot situated in  the Drowned Lands
2 66 290 1807 July 2 Deed. Zebulan Wheeler and his wife, Jemima, of Warwick to Isaac Townsend for a lot in the Drowned Lands
2 67 291 1807 October 10 Deed. Wm. Denning and Eliz. Smith, Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Smith, to Joseph King of Southfield
2 68 292 1808 March 12 Deed. Wm. Compton and his wife, Hannah, and Runyon Compton and his wife, Margaret, to Peter Townsend
2 69 293 1808 March 12 Deed. John Smith, Southfield, to Peter Townsend
    294     SEE Box 12
2 70 295 1808 November 18 Deed. Jacob Hauptman to Peter Townsend for land in Orange Co.
2 71 296 1809 August 30 Deed. Obadiah Pellet and Stephen Jackson, Administrators of the Estate of Wm. Pellet, to Isaac Townsend
2 72 297 1809 September 14 Sheriff's Deed. Thomas Waters, former High Sheriff of Orange Co., to Isaac Townsend
2 73 298 1810 January 16 Deed. Obadiah Pellet to Isaac Townsend
2 74 299 1810 April 28 Deed. Benjamin Barney and his wife, Elizabeth, of Warwick to Peter Townsend
2 75 300 1810 May 5 Deed. Solomon, Wm., Peter and Isaac Townsend to Asa Vail
3 1 301 1810 June 20 Deed. Moses Phillips, Jr. and his wife, Harriet, to Peter Townsend
3 2 302 1810 August 28 Deed. Wm., Peter, and Isaac Townsend, and their wives to Solomon Townsend
3 3 303 1811 May 23 Deed. Wm. Compton, Jr. and his wife, Hannah, to Samuel Smith
3 4 304 1813 November 27 Deed. A.M. Comb and wife to J.F. White
3 5 305 1816 March 28 Deed. Isaac Townsend to Samuel Heerd
3 6 306 1816 March 28 Deed. Isaac Townsend and his wife, Elizabeth, to Joshua Smith
3 7 307 1816 April 23 Deed. Peter Townsend to Peter Bush
3 8 308 1816 April 27 Deed. Thaddeus Seely and his wife, Sarah, to Anthony Davis
3 9 309 1816 July 13 Deed. Wm. Townsend and his wife, Elizabeth, to Anthony Davis
3 10 310 1817 February 14 Deed. Peter Townsend and his wife, Alice, to Daniel Smith. With a certified statement by James Conner, Clerk of the City and County of New York, that the signature of Jacob Townsend, witness to the deed, is genuine, marked Item 310b
3 11 311 1818 September 23 Deed. Wm. Townsend and wife, Eliz., Isaac Townsend and wife, Eliz., to John Hildreth re: the Drowned Lands
3 12 312 1819 January 19 Deed. Wm. and Isaac Townsend and their wives to Jeromus Johnson, merchant of N.Y.C.
3 13 313 1820   Deed. Samuel Gregory to Wm. and Isaac Townsend with receipt for money paid
3 14 314 1823 May 1 Deed. Josiah Seely to Henry Boughton and James Hall
3 15 315 1823 July 1 Deed. John Smith to Josiah Seely
3 16 316 1826 May 17 Deed. Samuel Smith to Hophni Smith
3 17 317 1826   Memorandum compiled for Mr. Townsend re: Michael Denton's estate and other land matters (in 2 pieces)
3 18 318 1829 January 16 Deed. Alexander McMurtry and wife to Peter Townsend
3 19 319 1829 April 18 Deed. James C. Norton and Alexander O. Spencer and wives to Moses Ely
3 20 320 1829 April 24 Deed. Henry Boughton, James Hall and wife to Hophni Smith
3 21 321 1829 September 1 Deed. Goldsmith Denniston to Moses Ely
3 22 322 1830 December 20 Quit-claim Deed. Samuel Smith to Hophni Smith for 20 acres of land
3 23 323 1836 June 27 Deed. Daniel Smith to Peter Townsend
3 24 324 1836 July Deed. Geo. Wilks and his wife, Mary, to Peter Townsend, Jr.
3 25 325 1836 December 28 Deed. Edward P. Parrish to Peter Townsend, Jr.
3 26 326 1837 February 27 Deed. Thaddeus Chapin and wife to Peter Townsend
3 27 327 1842 March 15 Deed. Wm. H. Davis and wife to Peter Townsend
3 28 328 1851 September 9 Quit-claim Deed. Abigail Peterson to Samuel Milligan
3 29 329 1863 March 23 Deed. Gabriel Seely to Grinnell Burt
3 30 330 1865 September 30 Deed. Daniel Marum to Peter Townsend (Included with this document are 3 stamps marked U.S. Internal Revenue Agreement. 1 of the stamps is attached to the deed; 2 are in a separate envelope marked 330b)
3 31 331 N.D.   Deed. Blank form made out to Daniel Jackson agreeing to sell him a parcel of land. The other party is not identified
3 32 332 1890   Deed. Pencil written deed. Louisa Speller to Macgrane Coxe with the boundaries of the property ( 3pp., p.1 is missing)
3 33 333 N.D.   List of various deeds re: the Townsends (Probably a list provided as the result of a search by the Town Clerk's office)
3 34 334 N.D.   Deed. John Marvin to Elihu Marvin re: all his rights to various Cromline Tracts
3 35 335 [?] December 10 Deed. James Sawyer to Thomas Oakley
3 36 336 N.D.   Evidence of Peter Townsend given as testimony in re: to the settlement of a dispute over deeds (Samuel Ketcham and Seth Marvin are mentioned as being involved, the document is written in pencil)
3 37 337 N.D.   Memoranda re: sundry deeds

Leases and Releases, 1757-1838. Most of these documents pertain to the Townsend family although mention should be made of the first few documents that involve such early proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works as Abel Noble, William Hawxhurst, and John and Samuel Burling.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
3 38 338 1757 March 7 Lease. Between Wm. Smith and Wm. Hawxhurst for Sterling Furnace lands. With a deed dated September 23, 1767 between Wm. Hawxhurst and Peter Townsend for the same property
3 39 339 1762 February 11 Assignment. Half a lease between Abel Noble, ironmaster of Bergen Co., N.J. and Wm. Hawxhurst of N.Y.C. for a certain forge commonly called the Sterling New Forge (Original signed by Abel Noble and Wm. Hawxhurst with seals). Noble's half lease was obtained from John Burling acting as guardian for Samuel Burling
3 40 340 1762 February 4 Lease. John Burling, distiller of N.Y.C. and guardian of Samuel Burling, to Abel Noble, ironmaster, Bergen County (1 part is missing)
3 41 341 1767 September 21 Lease. Wm. Hawxhurst and Peter Townsend of the Sterling Iron Works
3 42 342 1768 March 18 Lease. Wm. Smith of N.Y.C. to Peter Townsend, ironmaster,- Sterling Iron Works, for a forge and a house on the Sterling Iron Works
3 43 343 1774 June 7 Release. Daniel Denton and Daniel Hall with Peter Townsend
3 44 344 1779 April 15 Release. Jacobus Bartholf and his wife, Elizabeth, to Joshua Hallack
3 45 345 1782 May 6 Lease. Wm. Holly with Peter Townsend
3 46 346 1783 February 7 Lease. Wm. Seely and wife, Rebecca, to Josiah Seely
3 47 347 1783 February 8 Release and Mortgage. Wm. Seely and wife, Rebecca, to Josiah Seely
3 48 348 1784 January 31 Lease. Geo. Hamilton Jackson to Peter Townsend
    349     SEE box 12
    350     SEE box 12
3 49 351 1786 July 31 Release. James Wells to Peter Townsend
3 50 352 1787 June 30 Release. Benjamin Jackson to Hannah Townsend
3 51 353 1787 July 12 Lease. Hannah Townsend to Geo. Hamilton Jackson
3 52 354 1787 October 18 Lease. Thomas Denton to Hannah Townsend
3 53 355 1787 October 19 Release. Thomas Denton to Hannah Townsend
3 54 356 1788 June 25 Lease. Josiah Seely and his wife, Abigail, to Hannah Townsend
3 55 357 1789 March 1 Release. Wm. Seely to Jonas Seely
3 56 358 1794 November 22 Lease. Timothy, John, Isaac, and Eaton Smith to John Smith, their father
3 57 359 1809 May 8 Release. Solomon Townsend, his wife and others to Anthony Davis and wife
3 58 360 18[?]   Release. Anthony Davis and his wife to Solomon Townsend, his wife and others
3 59 361 1823 June 30 Release of Covenant. Wm. and Isaac Townsend to Peter Townsend
3 60 362 1825 October 10 Release. Wm. and Isaac Townsend to Peter Townsend
3 61 363 1838 April 1 Lease. Wm. Townsend to Edmund Seely
3 62 364 1838 April 1 Lease. Wm. Townsend to Edmund Seely

Bonds and Mortgages, 1759-1864. These documents center around the Townsend family. Note Items 402, 404, 405 and 407 which concern the Townsends' dealings with the trustees of the Episcopal Fund of the Diocese of Western New York.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
3 63 365 1759 November 20 Mortgage. On 2 acres of unappropriated land for payment of 100£. Wm. Hawxhurst to Mary Alexander (marked SB117)
3 64 366 1767 September 21 Bond. Wm. Hawxhurst and Peter Townsend
3 65 367 1772 April 7 Bond. Wm. Hawxhurst and Ebenezer Jessup - 24,000 acres
3 66 368 1775 August 21 Bond. Daniel Denton and Peter Townsend
3 67 369 1778 June 29 Bond. Joshua Howell and Peter Townsend
3 68 370 1782 January 1 Bond. Joshua Hallack and Peter Townsend
3 69 371 1782 January 1 Mortgage. Geo. Hamilton Jackson and wife to Peter Townsend
3 70 372 1790 June 19 Mortgage. Hendrick Onderdonck to John D. Coe, Daniel Coe and Adrian Onderdonck
3 71 373 1797 July 5 Bond. Wm. & Peter Townsend to Abel Nobel for $1,000 payable June 22, 1799
3 72 374 1797 July 5 Bond. Same as above, payable June 22, 1801
3 73 375 1797 July 5 Bond. Same as above, payable June 22, 1802
3 74 376 1797 December 7 Bond. Peter Townsend to Elizabeth Smith of Haverstraw
3 75 377 1800 February 17 Writ. Samuel Williams against Peter Townsend
3 76 378 1815 March 30 Contract. Jacob Schultz and Peter Townsend
3 77 379 1817 February 14 Bond. Daniel Smith and Peter Townsend
3 78 380 1817 February 14 Mortgage. Daniel Smith and wife, Elizabeth, and Peter Townsend
3 79 381 1822-1828   Account. Michael Denton's bond and mortgage held by Mrs. Anne Townsend and her executors
3 80 382 1823 May 1 Bond. Wm. Townsend to Peter S. Townsend
3 81 383 1823 May 1 Bond. Wm. Townsend to Jacob Townsend
3 82 384 1823 May 1 Bond. Wm. Townsend to Samuel Townsend
3 83 385 1824 May 1 Bond. Wm. Townsend to Samuel Townsend for $1,400
3 84 386 1824 May 1 Bond. Wm. Townsend to Samuel Townsend for $1,266
3 85 387 1824 September 16 Memorandum re: 2 bonds from Wm. Townsend to Jacob and Samuel Townsend and left for keeping with James and Phebe Throne
3 86 388 1824 October 21 Bond. Wm. Townsend and Robert Townsend
3 87 389 1824 October 24 Statement re: 2 bonds of Wm. Townsend in the possession of Robt. Townsend, cancelled by giving one bond embracing the amount of both
3 88 390 1825 November 30 Covenant. Wm. Townsend to Robt. C. Cornell
4 1 391 1827 June 11 Mortgage. Peter Townsend, Jr. and Wm. Townsend
4 2 392 1827 June 11 Mortgage. Wm. H. Townsend and Wm. Townsend
4 3 393 1827 June 11 Bond. Wm. H. Townsend and Wm. Townsend
4 4 394 1829 April 24 Mortgage. Hophni Smith and wife, Lydia, to James Hall
4 5 395 1829 April 24 Bond. Hophni Smith to James Hall
4 6 396 1831 December 27 Contract. Horace Ketchum and Peter Townsend, Jr.
4 7 397 1833 April 30 Bond. Hannah Burler to Hudson McFarian
4 8 398 1835 November 27 Contract. Peter Townsend, Jr. with Martin J. and Jacob M. Ryerson
4 9 399 1836 November 29 Bond. Moses Ely to Samuel S. Seward with receipts dated December 4, 1837 to July 9, 1862
4 10 400 1837 September 16 Bond. Peter Townsend, Jr. to Isaac Townsend
4 11 401 1839 July 20 & 21 2 declarations between Wm. H. and Peter Townsend re: the bonds and mortgage of the Sterling Co. (marked 401 a & b)
4 12 402 1841 July 8 Mortgage. Peter Townsend, Jr. to Wm. H. Townsend and others with as Assignment of Mortgage from Wm. H. Townsend and others to Alexander B. Johnston and others, dated July 24, 1841
4 13 403 1841 July 8 Bond. Peter Townsend, Jr. to Wm. H., Isaac, and Robt. C. Townsend
4 14 404 1841 October 18 Assignment of Bond and Mortgage. Peter Townsend, Jr. to Alexander B. Johnson and others, trustees of the Episcopal Fund of the Diocese of Western New York
4 15 405 1841 October 30 Assignment of a bond mortgage. By Alex B. Johnson, John E. Hinman, Hiram Denio, Thomas A. Rochester and Gary Sackett, Trustees of the Episcopal Fund of the Diocese of Western New York. Assignment of a bond mortgage originally given to those trustees by Wm. H., Isaac, and Peter Townsend to the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York
4 16 406 1844 May 13 Mortgage. Hophni Smith and wife, Lydia, to Isaac Garrison
4 17 407 1844 September 12 Discharge of Mortgage. Wm. B. Welles, Pres. of the Incorporation for the management and care of the fund for the support of the Episcopate of the Diocese of Western New York to Peter Townsend, Jr.
4 18 408 1849 April 2 Mortgage. Theodorus Satterly and wife to Peter Townsend, Jr. with a receipt for the balance due on the Satterly Bond and Mortgage, August & January, 1863 paid by Mr. Parker for Mr. N.J. Stephens (marked 408b)
4 19 409 1864 October 1 Bond. Horace Gerould and Zacheus Barber

Articles of Agreement, 1758-1862. Articles of agreement, some of which pertain directly to the Sterling Iron Works and the production of iron. (See especially Items 410 and 411, Articles of Co-partnership between Abel Noble and William Hawxhurst; Item 412 re: the erection of a building to make iron and steel, and Item 426 re: a contract for the building of Southfield Furnace) There are also several documents re: family matters – settling of estates, land transactions, etc. – most of which involve the Townsend family.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
4 20 410 1758 October 19 Articles of Co-partnership between Abel Noble and Wm. Hawxhurst. (Contains N.Y. State colonial stamp)
    411     SEE box 12
4 21 412 1775 December 1 Agreement. Abel Noble, Peter Townsend, and Wm. Hawxhurst for the erection of a building to make iron and steel, with specifications, etc. and original seals and signature
4 22 413 1787 February 7 Certified copy of Samuel Staat's patent (originally dated June 5, 1712) signed by Robt. Harpur, Deputy Secretary
4 23 414 1788 May 6 Agreement. Josiah Seely and Hannah Townsend re: the farm on which Wm. Seely lives
4 24 415 1806 May 19 Memorandum of an agreement between Wm. and Obediah Pellet and Isaac Townsend re: lands bought from Wm. and Obediah Pellet
4 25 416 1809 May 7 Copy of a certificate given by Wm., Peter, and Isaac Townsend to Anthony Davis and his wife, Sarah, and their acceptance re: their rights to the estate of Peter Townsend
4 26 417 1809 May 8 Agreement. Anthony Davis and his wife, Sarah, with Wm. Townsend and the rest of the heirs of Peter and Hannah Townsend as to their rights in the farm formality of David Bailey, etc.
4 27 418 1809 May 8 Agreement. Wm., Peter, and Isaac Townsend with Anthony Davis and his wife as to a mutual exchange of lands and to a release of Davis and his wife from any obligations brought against the estates of Peter, Hannah and Mary Townsend
4 28 419 1818 December 1 Agreement. Wm. and Isaac Townsend with Adam Belcher re: a lot of land
4 29 420 1818 December 30 Memorandum of an agreement between Isaac Townsend, on one hand, and Francis and David Crawford, on the other hand
4 30 421 1822 May 2 Agreement. Anne and Wm. Townsend to place a certain deed in the hands of Wm. Denning
4 31 422 1825 June 25 Agreement. Robt. C. Cornell, Wm. W. Mott, and Robt. White, a Committee of the Sterling Co., and Wm. Townsend, proprietor of the Sterling Iron Works re: subscriptions to the capital stock of the Sterling Co.
4 32 423 1834 January 7 Agreement. Peter Townsend, Jr. and Gouvernur Kemble as to the price of iron ore
4 33 424 1838 January 8 Article of Agreement. Catharine A. Hammond and Edmund Seely at Chester re: the leasing of land
4 34 425 1838 April 20 Agreement. Wm. H. and Peter Townsend re: the manufacture of iron
4   426     SEE Box 12 Folder 13
4 35 427 1862 December 10 Copy of an agreement between Chauncey Loomis and Peter Townsend as to Loomis' bond and mortgage with Townsend

Assignment of Judgment, 1815-1855. Various judgments, lists of judgments and assignments of judgments re: members of the Townsend family. (Of particular interest are Items 434 and 435 re: William Townsend's assignment of his personal estate and his share of the Sterling and Southfield works to Peter Townsend, Jr. and William Townsend, and Item 437 re: the case of the Bank of Orange County and Fletcher Woodhull vs. William Townsend and Philip and Alexander H. Fink).

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
4 36 428 1815-1818   Copy of judgements involving Peter Townsend in the hand of L.A. Lockwood, dated 1815 to 1818. (L.A. Lockwood is listed as referee in the case of Peter Townsend vs. Cassius H. Read and Gustave E. Sussdorff. See Item 437)
4 37 429 1817 June 13 Assignment of Judgement. Jehiel Jaggar and Thomas Haynes to Wm. Denning, Jr.
4 38 430 1817 August 4 Assignment of Judgement to Thomas Lockwood in the case of George T. Trimble vs. Peter Townsend with Lockwood's assignment of judgement to Isaac Townsend dated November 10, 1817
4 39 431 1817-1818   List of Newburgh Judgements, June 12, 1817 to February 28, 1818
4 40 432 1818 July 26 D.M. Westcott, Orange Co. Clerk's Office to Peter Townsend with a list of all judgements against Townsend that appears on the dockets of his office since March 1, 1816 (19 cases are listed from December 16, 1816 to February 25, 1818)
4 41 433 1819   List of judgements obtained against Peter Townsend, containing an abstract from the file now on record in the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court in the City of New York where the papers of all those persons who take the benefit of the act is filed
4 42 434 1827 June 11 Assignment of Judgement. Wm. Townsend to Peter Townsend, Jr. 1/3 of his estate with "A schedule of personal estate whereof 1/3 part is this day assigned by Wm. Townsend to Peter Townsend, Jr."
4 43 435 1827 June 11 Assignment. Wm. Townsend to Wm. H. Townsend 2/3 part of all the goods, chattel and stock of his personal estate and the Sterling and Southfield works and all the lands appended to the same (with a schedule of his personal estate)
4 44 436 1828 June 3 Record of Testimony in the Case of the President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Orange Co. and Fletcher Woodhull, Complainants vs. Philip Fink, Wm. Townsend, and Alexander H. Fink, Defendants heard in the 2nd Circuit Court of the State of New York by Circuit Judge James Emott (With an index on the last page - 39pp.)
4 45 437 1885 February 19 Judgement. Court of Common Pleas in the case of Peter Townsend against Cassius H. Read and Gustave E. Sussdorff (re: the recovery of $525 and interest thereof on rent due Townsend by Mary A. Kieff and L. Carpenter Cocks upon premises at No. 129 5th Avenue for the payment of which the defendants had become surety). L.A. Lockwood, Reference
4 46 438 1885   Judgement. Supreme Court of the U.S. (October Term, 1885) in the case of Thomas Drew and Edmund Webb, Plaintiffs in Error vs. Irving Grinnell and Geo. S. Bowdoin, as Executors of Moses H. Grinnell, deceased, late Collector of the Port of New York. (The action was initiated to recover $17.50 as duties illegally exacted on an importation of merchandise into N.Y. from Liverpool, Eng. In 1869)
4 47 439 N.D.   Search for judgements undertaken by Libbey S. Vail, Clerk of Orange County
4 48 440 N.D.   Request. That the clerk of the N.Y. State Supreme Court make a search for judgements brought against Moses Ely since June 1, 1839. With the Clerk's response of March 24, 1840 indicating that no judgements had been found

Accounts, Receipts, Bills, etc., 1759-ca. 1900. Accounts, receipts, bills of sale, notes, etc. regarding the business transactions of the Townsend family, proprietors of the Sterling Iron Works during many of its years of operation. (Item 442 is particularly important as it is a bill of sale for the Sterling Iron Works from William Hawxhurst, one of the first proprietors, to Peter Townsend. See also Items 599 and 600 re: the sale of the Sterling property. For further information re: sale of the Sterling property see Item 219 filed with MAPS in Box 2)

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
4 49 441 1759 December 18 Account. Expenses of running a road from Sterling to North River
    442     SEE box 12
4 50 443 1767-1769   Account. The Assignees of the Estate of Wm. Hawxhurst to Peter Townsend
4 51 444 1773-1774   May 25, 1773-March 1774. Account of jugs
4 52 445 1778 September 17 Bill of Sale for "Bay Mayers" between Ebenezer Holly and Peter Townsend
4 53 446 1779-1787   List of Wm. Wickham's obligations to Wm. and Josiah Seely, Joshua Hallock, Samuel Bartholf among others
4 54 447 1782 February 23 Letter. Peter Townsend, Chester, to Oliver Smith re: an account with Eben. Vescy with a receipt from Sarah Wakeman, Greenfield, acknowledging Smith's settlement of the account (Receipt dated February 26, 1782)
4 55 448 1783 February 15 Receipt. Samuel Benjamin for money recd. from Peter Townsend for 12 bushels of rye
4 56 449 1784 March 10 Order. Oliver Smith, Chester, to Mrs. Sarah Wakeman directing her to pay Peter Townsend
4 57 450 1784 April 13 Peter Townsend to Miccah Pool, Conn. Regarding an order from Oliver Smith (On the back of the document is written Wm. Kingland Papers)
4 58 451 1784-
  May 1784-November 1786. Bill. Peter Townsend with Thomas Anderson with Anderson's receipt date April 18, 1798
4 59 452 1784 July 12 Receipt. Thom Fichgels (Fitzgerald?) for money recd. from Peter Townsend
4 60 453 1784 September 18 Receipt. Samuel Jones for money recd. from Wm. Hawxhurst
  61 454 1785 December 5 Account. Commissioners of Wawayond and Cheescocks with Peter Townsend
4 62 455 1786 July 22 Peter Townsend re: his account with Wm. Wickham
4 63 456 1786 August 9 Old Obligations against Joshua Hallack and papers respecting a settlement with Wm. Wickham
4 64 457 1786 October 5 Deposition. Edmund Wm. Kingsland as to the settlement of his case with Peter Townsend
4 65 458 1786 December 4 Note for Joshua Hallack. With Hallack's account to Wm. Wickham, dated c.1786 (marked #458 a & b)
    459     SEE box 12
4 66 460 1787 July 24 Peter Townsend as to his delivering a note to Wm. Wickham
4 67 461 1788 November 13 Bill of Sale. Matthew Bayly to Hannah Townsend
4 68 462 1789 January 24 Bill. For cattle bought of James Benjamin
4 69 463 1789 May 30 Inventory. Sterling Anchory
4 70 464 1797 June 22 Receipt. Abel Noble, Belvale, $4,500 from Wm. and Peter Townsend for settlement of all accounts of the late firm of Abel Noble and Hannah Townsend
4 71 465 1799 April 1 Order. Iron for J. Mark and Co.
4 72 466 1800 April 4 Notice. Re: Peter Townsend having bought from Morgan Shint and Josiah Mead the firm of Townsend, Shint, and Co. Signed by Peter, Geo. E., and Wm. Townsend as well as Shint and Mead
4 73 467 1800 August 30 Receipt. Jesse Cooley
4 74 468 1804 March 12 Receipt. Nicholas Knight for $332.50 recd. from Benjamin Barney via Peter Townsend
4 75 469 1804 June 20 Bill. Mrs. Hannah Townsend with Peter and J.H. Palmer
4 76 470 1804-1805   Account. Daniel Goldsmith with Wm. Townsend
4 77 471 1805 January 3 Receipt. Wm. Denning for $500 recd. from Peter Townsend for partial payment on Lot No. 8 Cheescocks Patent belonging to the estate of the late Wm. Smith of which Denning is executor
4 78 472 1805 January 14 Receipt. James Well certifying that he settled his accounts with Peter Townsend and has received full and complete satisfaction
4 79 473 1805 March 19 Order. Martha Holly, Deckertown, to Peter Townsend requesting that he pay Noah Holly. With Holly's receipt dated April 1, 1805
4 80 474 1805 April - June Receipts. 5 receipts, dated April 1 to June 17, 1805, of Peter and Isaac Townsend (Appears to have been part of a larger list)
4 81 475 1805-1808   Accounts. ? Peter Townsend's? accts. with various people among whom are: James Ball, Joseph Mose, John Williams, John Stewart, Joseph Lewis, Daniel Denton and Co. (16pp.)
4 82 476 1805-1809   Privet [sic] Account. Isaac Townsend to Wm. Townsend
4 83 477 1806 January - July Receipts. 4 receipts on one page:
Dennis Coles from Peter Townsend-January 16
Benj. Jennings from Peter Townsend - July 1
Thaddeus Seely from Peter Townsend - July 19
Joshua Conkling from [?] Townsend - December 18, 18[?]
4 84 478 1806 May 3 Order. Martha Holly on Peter Townsend to pay Jos. Houston
4 85 479 1806 May 16 Receipts. Solomon Townsend for money recd. from John Hathorn and J.G. Pierson and Bros.
4 86 480 1806 May Receipts. 4 receipts on 1 page:
S. Abrahams from Peter Townsend - May 13
Peter Talman from Mrs. Hannah Townsend - May 14
J.G. Pierson and Bros. from Peter Townsend - May 18
Samuel Gregory from Wm. Townsend - May 1826
4 87 481 1807 January 14 & 15 Order. Martha Holly, widow, on Peter Townsend to pay John Schultz for her right of dowry. With receipt of Schultz dated January 15, 1807
4 88 482 1807   Account. Interest on Janus Ludlum's mortgage from W. & O. Pellet
4 89 483 1808 March 1 Receipt. Ebenezer Seely for money recd. from Peter Townsend
4 90 484 ca. 1808   Account. Isaac Townsend to Wm. Townsend with his old account to 1808
4 91 485 1809 December 28 Order. John Bradner to the Commissioners for Draining the Drowned Lands to pay Otis Miller $10.48 with Miller's receipt on the reverse side dated January 4, 1810
4 92 486 1810 April 14 Order. Thaddeus Seely on John Breath to pay Peter Townsend $1,750 for the delivery of deeds
4 93 487 1810 June 21 Note. Peter Townsend to pay Moses Phillips
4 94 488 1810 July 14 Receipts (2):
David Dill $3.84 from John Little for services rendered in the case of Wm. Branton vs. John Little Wm. Branton $1.12½ from John Little in re: to the suit of Wm. Branton vs. John Little
4 95 489 1810 September 27 Account. Wm. Townsend and Bros. - Acct. Current with Blackwell and McFarlan
4 96 490 1810-1811   Account. Monroe Factory with Southfield Furnace, December 1810 to June 1811
4 97 491 ca. 1810   Memorandum of Debts due from the estate of [?] Townsend, 1797 to 1810
4 98 492 1811 January 28 Receipt. Geo. Phillips for money recd. from Peter Townsend on the account of the Commissioners of the Drowned Lands
4 99 493 1811 May 20 Account. Wm. Townsend and Bros. in Acct. Current with Blackwell and McFarlan
4 100 494 1811 May 20 Receipt. Blackwell and McFarlan for money paid to them by Peter Townsend on order of Wm. Curtis
4 101 495 1811-1812   May 20, 1811-January 31, 1812. Account. Wm. Townsend and Bros. with Blackwell and McFarlan
4 102 496 1811 December 18 R. Parmite and Co. to Blackwell and McFarlan re: an adjustment of Peter Townsend's accounts
4 103 497 1813 February 1 Account. Wm. Townsend and Bros. Account Current with Blackwell and McFarlan
4 104 498 1816 August 17 Receipt. Jehiel Jaggar and Co. for money recd. from Peter Townsend in re: to a judgement obtained against him
4 105 499 1816 October 15 Receipt. John Peck to Peter Townsend acknowledging his receipt of S.L.M. Barlow's check for $7,500
4 106 500 1816   Account. Peter Townsend w/ the Bank of Newburgh for Treasury. Notes placed to his credit on October 26, 1816. With the receipt of Wm. Ross dated May 24, 1816
5 1 501 1816-1819   Account. Abraham Dater with Peter Townsend (also Wm. and Isaac) 4pp.
5 2 502 1817   Account. Southfield Furnace Co. with Wm. and Isaac Townsend (approx. 18pp.) along with a copy of Isaac Townsend's account with Wm. Townsend
5 3 503 1817 August 26 Receipt. Thomas L. Lockwood, Sheriff, for money recd. from Peter Townsend
5 4 504 1817 October 20 Receipt. Jacob and Thomas Powell for money recd. from Peter Townsend in re: judgements rendered against him
5 5 505 1817-1827   Accounts. Accts. of various people such as Dunning, Gersham, Elmore, Sidney, Fitzgerald, etc. (4 pp. with 2 loose pages of Anthony Davis' accts. within - pages are marked 505 a, b, & c)
5 6 506 1818 April 30 Receipt. A.L. Ball, Undersheriff, for money recd. from Wm. Townsend at the hands of John Little in re: to the cases of the Bank of Orange vs. Wm. Townsend and the Bank of Orange vs. Wm. Noble
5 7 507 1818 June 4 Supreme Court. John Anderson vs. Thomas Lockwoood, Sheriff of Orange County, re: a Bill of Costs
5 8 508 1818 August 14 Account. Bank of Newburgh to Peter Townsend re: 50 shares of Newburgh Bank Stock with Wm. Townsend's receipt for money recd. from John Hunn, Cashier (same date)
5 9 509 1818 October 23 Note. Isaac Townsend for $1,165.77 due June 1, 1822
5 10 510 1818 October 23 Note. Isaac Townsend to pay Wm. Townsend with a certificate of protest by David Codwise, Notary Public, against the Bank of America and Isaac Townsend for non-payment of the note, dated June 4, 1821 (Marked 510 a & b)
5 11 511 1818 December 30 Receipt. D. Crawford for money recd. from Isaac Townsend in full payment for a judgement obtained by Crawford and Boyd against Peter Townsend
5 12 512 1818   Bank of America statement to Peter Townsend as to amount due on his account (Signed by Murray Hoffman, attorney)
5 13 513 1818, 1823   Account. Adam Belcher in the Foundry Books
5 14 514 1819 June 6 Receipt. Ben Huntington for money recd. from Peter Townsend in re: to a judgement against Townsend
5 15 515 1820 March 18 Receipt. Wm. H. Townsend
5 16 516 1820 August 15 Note. Wm. Townsend to pay Joseph Belcher
5 17 517 1820 October 27 Inventory and Appraisal of articles sold and delivered to Wm. Townsend by Henry McCoun. Also Isaac Townsend's account with Wm. Townsend including McCoun's estimate of the goods sold to Wm. Townsend (Marked 517 a & b)
5 18 518 1820 December 24 Bill. Peter Townsend with Wm. And Josiah James (Date could also be 1825.)
5 19 519 1820   Account. Re: a purchase from Pellet
5 20 520 1820-1823   Account. Joseph Belcher
5 21 521 1821 June 4 Certificate of Protest by David Codwise against Isaac Townsend and the Bank of America for non-payment of a note dated October 23, 1818
5 22 522 1822   Account. Mrs. Anthony Davis
5 23 523 1822-1823   Account. Interest due on old judgements of Isaac Townsend
5 24 524 1822-1823   Extracts of various accounts (Geo. Ryerson, A. Belcher, A. Dater and others)
5 25 525 1823 April 3 Receipt. J. Gideon of the office of the New-York Statesman for money recd. from Wm. Townsend
5 26 526 1823 October 22 Receipt. Shelter and King for money recd. from Isaac Townsend
5 27 527 1824 May 25 Bill. Shelter and King to Isaac Townsend
5 28 528 1824 July 14 Account. Shelter and King with the Monroe Works
5 29 529 1824 November 23 Bill and Receipt. Isaac Townsend with Mrs. Anthony Davis
5 30 530a 1824 December 31 Bill. Shelter and King for goods bought from them by the Monroe Works
5 31 530b 1824 December 31 Bill. Shelter and King to the Monroe Works with a receipt dated January 7, 1825
5 32 531 1824-1827   Account. David Gibson with the estate of Anthony Davis
5 33 532 1824-1828   Account. Wm. Townsend with Samuel Townsend
5 34 533 1825   Account. J.G. Pierson and Bros. with Wm. Townsend - balance paid to Thomas Ward
5 35 534 1825 April 30 Bill. Ives and White with Peter Townsend for hats
5 36 535 1825 May 27 Bill and Receipt. Walter W. Conklin with Peter Townsend
5 37 536 1825 July 7 Certificate. Directors of the Sterling Co. re: the sale of stock
5 38 537 1825 August 3 Bill and Receipt. A.R. Stearns and Co. with Peter Townsend for Spanish cigars
5 39 538 1825 August 17 Bill and Receipt. John D. Philips to Peter Townsend
5 40 539 1825 August 18 Bill and Receipt. Robt. Lawson with Peter Townsend
5 41 540 1825 November 5 Receipt. Egbert Davis, Boyd and [?] in acknowledgement of Peter Townsend's draft on J.L. James for a bill of April 11
5 42 541 1825 November 8 Bill. Wm. Jackson with receipt dated April 20, 1826
5 43 542 1825 December 24 Bill. Alexander and Muller
5 44 543 1825   Account. Anthony Davis to Samuel Petty for case lent July 16 and interest on the same for 8 months
5 45 544 1825   Order. Richard Trimble to Peter Townsend asking him to pay Geo. Galloway $5.90. With a receipt from R. Trimble for $5.90 recd. from Peter Townsend dated [?] 17, 1826
5 46 545 1826 March 2 March 2, 1826, Bill and Receipt. Nathan Comstock
5 47 546 1826   Account. List of debts, January-April 1826
5 48 547 1827 March 28 Receipt. Ives and White for money recd. from Peter Townsend for hats
5 49 548 1827 July 17 Bill. Townsend, King and Co. with Peter Townsend
5 50 549 1827 August 8 Bill. Ives and White to Peter Townsend for hats
5 51 550 1827 August 11 Receipt. Ives and White for money recd. from Peter Townsend
5 52 551 1827 October 31 Bill. Townsend, King and Co. with Southfield Furnace
5 53 552 1827 November 10 Receipt. Herman Olmstead and Co. for money recd. from Peter Townsend
5 54 553 1827 December 2 Bill. Townsend, King and Co. to Sterling Furnace
5 55 554 1832 January 4 Account. Peter Townsend account current with Josiah L. James and Co.
5 56 555 1832-1833   Account. Wm. Townsend with Wm. H. Davis including a letter from Townsend to Davis dated December 23, 1832
5 57 556 1833 January 30 Receipt. James Hall for money received from Hophni Smith in re: to a payment on a farm (On the reverse side is the final section of a bond or note signed by Hophni Smith and most likely undertaken with James Hall)
5 58 557 1833 June 1 Account. Peter Townsend with D.H. Bartholf
5 59 558 1835 December 2 Bill. Geo. Philips to Peter Townsend
5 60 559 1836 December 28 Receipt. Clark and Edson from Wm. Townsend with a letter from S.T. Lawrence
5 61 560 1837   Bill. Ira Mouell to Isaac Townsend with his bill for the year 1837
5 62 561 1838 March 29 Accounts. List of accounts (Samuel Vail, Thomas Boyd, Gabriel Seely, etc.)
5 63 562 1838 March 30 Bill with Receipt. Charles King
5 64 563 1838-1839   Statement of Sales of Iron from the Cold Blast beginning at the relinquishment of the Sterling Co. and ending with the pulling down of the Furnace and commencing with Hot Blast No. 1 (8 pp.)
5 65 564 1840-1841   Statement of Hot Blast No. 2 - receipts, sales and product of same as to returns rendered to me. Signed Wm. H. Townsend
5 66 565 1840 March 7 Schedule of the Books and Papers of the Sterling Co., made by Wm. Munroe and Paul [Bahnk?] at the office of E. Peck, President
5 67 566 1841 October Bill. Mark H. Silbey to Townsend and Bros. for legal services
5 68 567 1842 August 13 Weekly Report of Yield Blast No. 3
5 69 568 ca. 1843   Bill and Receipt. Libbey S. Vail to Peter Townsend, Jr. for legal services
5 70 569 1844 January 10 Bill. Peter Townsend to S.Z. Satterty for services rendered
5 71 570 1850 September 9 Protest of the non-payment of a note drawn by Wm. H. Davis by Alexander Wright, Notary Public, sent to Peter Townsend
5   571 1855-1857   Account. April 1855 to January 1857 (Missing 10/25/2006)
5 72 572 1856 July 19 Return. Weekly returns of the yield of Sterling Furnace (duplicate)
5 73 573 1856 October 1 Account. Em. Garratz(?) with Peter Townsend
5 74 574 1857 October 5 Account. Peter Townsend with S. Burkhalter and Oliver for foodstuffs
5 75 575 1857 October 29 Bill. J.C. Howe and Son, Practical Painters No. 115 5th Ave., to Peter Townsend with a note of the same date requesting payment (Marked 575 a & b)
5 76 576 1859 September 17  [?] [?] [?] of the Banking Office of Michigan Insurance Co. to Peter Townsend with payment of debt and interest
5 77 577 1861 December 7 Note. Peter Townsend's note to David H. and Lydia Smith, executors of Hophni Smith's estate, for $690 with interest
5 78 578 1871 January 23 Receipt. John Tucker's cancelled check for $3,125 to D. Crawford, Jr. at Clark, Dodge and Co. (Date could also be 1841.)
5 79 579 1871 March 1 Balance sheet of [?] to March 1, 1871
5 80 580 1879 July 16 Account. Peter Townsend in account with Clark, Dodge, and Co. with a small white envelope in which the account was sent to Townsend (Marked 580 a & b)
5 81 581 1884 December 18 Tax assessment. J.S. Ford and James Cronon, Collector, to Mr. Townsend at Southfield with the tax assessment of Southfield Iron Works under the laws of the town of Monroe
5 82 582 1887 December 19 Tax assessment. James Cronon, Collector, to Mrs. Townsend Crawford with the tax assessment for Southfield. With 2 receipts signed by James Cronon, Collector, for money recd. from Mrs. Townsend Crawford, dated January 11, 1888 (Marked 582 a, b, & c)
5 83 583 18[?]   Account. Isaac Townsend
5 84 584 190?   Account. Debts owed to the estate of [?] for legal services rendered from 1893 to 1900. (Document is marked New York, [?], 190[?] but no mention is made of the name of the deceased
5 85 585 N.D.   Account. Cost of cutting cords of wood, etc.
5 86 586 N.D.   Account. Deeds involving Peter Townsend
5 87 587 N.D.   List of debts
5 88 588 N.D.   Account. Peter Townsend and Bros. in account with Wm. Jackson and Co., Wm. D. Jackson and McCown and Jackson
5 89 589 N.D.   Statement of P. Townsend & Brothers in account with William & D. Jackson, Wm. Jackson & Co. and McCown & Jackson.
5 90 590 N.D.   Affidavit to Prove Account. Made out against Peter Townsend but the rest of the paper is blank
5 91 591 N.D.   Account. Iron made at various forges since October 16, [?]
5 92 592 N.D.   Memorandum. Sundry goods and money that we have given our daughter, Anne (most likely refers to Anne Townsend)
5 93 593 N.D.   Account. For molding shot, molding patterns - bottoms and grapeshot
5 94 594 N.D.   Inventory. Foodstuffs, clothing, etc. (13¼ pp.)
5 95 595 N.D.   Inventory. Sundry goods (18 pp.)
5 96 596 N.D.   Remonstrance. Inhabitants of Orange Co. to the Gov. and Council of App't. recommending that Cornelius Roosa be continued in the office of Orange Co. Justice of the Peace
5 97 597 N.D.   Account. Lands bought by Wm. and Isaac Townsend from Peter Townsend
5 98 598 N.D.   Stephen Jackson's statement for a mountain lot
5 99 599 N.D.   3 draft letters re: the sale of the Sterling property including one which gives an estimate of the cost of mining the ore (Marked #599 a, b, & c)
5 100 600 N.D.   Document re: the sale of a tract of land containing between 17,000 and 20,000 acres and known by the name of the Sterling Iron Works
5 101 601 N.D.   Account. Re: goods and materials used in the production of iron (Entries are dated c.1817-19, 2 pp.)
5 102 602 N.D.   Miscellaneous account (2 pp.)

Account and Receipt Books and Groups of Accounts, 1765-1835. These documents are divided into two categories: (1) Account and Receipt Books - mainly account books of the Sterling Iron Works and the Sterling Forge Co. There is also an account and receipt book of D.P. Townsend and collected accounts of the Augusta Forge. (Augusta Forge began in 1783 when Peter Townsend sold 6,000 acres of the Sterling tract to his cousin and son-in-law, Solomon Townsend. Solomon was joined by Peter's brother, William, in 1792 and the two continued to operate the forge until the death of Solomon Townsend in 1811 although the Embargo Act of 1807 had already brought Solomon Townsend to financial ruin.), and (2) Groups of Accounts - accounts of various members, relatives, or business associates of the Townsend family.

Also included are ledgers containing debit-credit accounts and daybooks related to daily financial transactions.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
          Small Account and Receipt Books
6 1 603 1790-1825   Accounts of the Augusta Forge. These are either accounts of the Augusta Forge itself or of other Sterling works whose records were kept in Solomon Townsend's books at Augusta (26 items - not in book form)
6 2 604 1805-1820   Small account book containing accts. of Peter and Isaac Townsend, Anthony Davis, Jonathan King and others (approx. 112 pp.)
6 3 605 1826-1835   Small account and receipt book of D.P. Townsend with the receipts pinned in the book (in acid-free envelope)
    606-612     SEE Boxes 7-11
          Groups of Accounts
6 4 613 1812-1822   Papers (8 documents) relating to Anne Townsend's accts.:

Memorandum of things to be attended to in finishing the settlement with Anne Townsend

Miscellaneous relating to Townsend business dealings

Wm. Townsend's acct. with Anne Townsend (ca. 1822)

Wm. Townsend's acct. with Anne Townsend (as calculated at legal interest)

Miscellaneous list of lots and their prices

Memorandum made at Chester (Orange County) as to the account made out for Wm. Townsend in the matter of Mrs. Anne Townsend's settlement (April 10, 1862)

2 papers relating to Anne Townsend's business dealings

Wm. Townsend in account with Samuel Townsend (July 8, 1819)
6 5-8 614 ca. 1821   Papers regarding a settlement between Obadiah [sic] Pellett and Isaac Townsend - deeds, bills, receipts, etc. Final settlement, 1821. (Approx. 125 documents stored in 4 folders. The 4th folder contains the accounts of C.L. Denison, Valentine and Pettingale, Alexander and Muller, E.M. Brown and Peter Mackie or McKie)
6 9-10 615 ca. 1826   Accounts settled against the estate of Anthony Davis to 1826

Last Wills and Testaments, 1764-1899. Documents related primarily to the estate of Townsend and allied families.  See list of individual items for more information.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
6 11 616 1764 January 20 Copy of the last will and testament of John Chambers of New York City
6 12 617 1787 June 7 Inventory of the Goods, Chattel and Credits of the Estate of the late Peter Townsend of Goshen Precinct in the County of Orange, State of New York
6 13 618 1859 March 1 Last will and testament of Edward P. Parrish of Canandaigua with a codicil dated August 31, 1860
6 14 619 1859 May 7 Last will and testament of Isaac Townsend with a codicil dated March 14, 1860
6 15 620 1899 December 30 Statement of Income for 1899 by S.H. Olin, Trustee of the Estate of Peter Townsend, deceased
6 16 621 N.D.   Inventory and Appraisement of the Personal Estate of Peter Townsend, deceased. Printed copy. (on the cover, in pencil, is written: For Mrs. Crawford) 

Genealogical Records. Information on Townsend and allied families.

Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
6 17 622     Genealogical history of some members if the Townsend family including Capt. Solomon Townsend, Hannah Townsend, Anne Townsend (Received from Mrs. A. Mills, December 6, 1893) 3 pp.
6 18 623     Genealogical information about Oliver Stephen V. Cortlandt (1 p.)
    624     SEE Box 13


Box Folder Item Year Date Contents
6 19 625 1795 June 5 List of a panel of jurors for the trial of James Jackson and others vs. Wm. Hawse
6 20 626 N.D.   2 miscellaneous papers:
Note from Samuel Underhill, Town Clerk
List of names
6 21 627 N.D.   Part of a deed or lease or some such official document. Contains the signature of  January John Burling, James Duane and James Riker as witnesses
          Account Books
7 1 606 1765-1771   Large book of accounts (545 pp.) Stored with this book are pp. 975-985 of accts. of the Sterling Furnace dated October 14 to October 31, 1771
8 1 607 1768 to June 30, 1775   Accounts of the Sterling Iron Works, New York. (554 pp. The first 18 pp. are missing and p. 19/20 is in fragmented condition)
9 1 608 1772-1774   Sterling Forge Co. Ledger E (222 pp.) plus an account of Beef Hyde Bought, 1773-74 (4 pp.)
9 2 609 1773-1774   Store and Bar Iron Accounts, Sterling Furnace, etc. There are some accts. of the Chester store, of Sterling Furnace and of accts. for anchors - see pp. 91-92 in particular (244 pp. - pp. 58-180 have double accts. making a total of 244 pp. - pp. 1-56 are in a mutilated condition)
10 1 610 1773-1776   Sterling Forge Co. Accounts (201 double pages or 402 pp.)
11 1 611 1775-1777   Sterling Forge Co. All Iron and Steel Accts. (109 double pp. or 218 pp.)
11 2 612 1813-1815   Sterling Forge Co. Day Book. In the back of this ledger book there are approx. 170 accts. re: metal from the Southfield Furnace and Cannon Foundry, 1818-1819 plus 5 pages of accts. of sundry workmen, dated November 1827 to March 1828 (168)
12 1 222 N.D.   2 pencil drawn maps of Sterling (marked I and II)
12 2 228
N.D.   Map of Auxsable Grove and Nay-od-say Village with a corresponding grid chart (Marked Old Deeds)
12 3 233 1749 April 10 Deed. Ebenezer Smith to Wm. Hawxhurst for land in Plymouth, Mass.
12 4 255 1777 May 24 Deed. Bezaleel Seely, Jr. and his wife, Zaviah, to Thomas Moffat and Stephen Howell for land in Bogg Meadow
12 5 266 1785 May 1 Deed. David Baley, farmer and his wife, Abigail to Peter Townsend
12 6 283 1800 October 13 Deed. Thomas Waters, Sheriff of Orange Co., to Peter Townsend
12 7 294 1808 October 15 Deed. Leonard Fisher, Surgeon Dentist, and his wife, Susanna of N.Y.C. to Peter Townsend for part of Mountain Lot No. 4
12 8 349 1784 April 9 Lease. Wm. Seely and wife to Peter Townsend
12 9 350 1784 April 10 Lease. Wm. Seely and wife to Peter Townsend
12 10 411 1758 October 21 Articles of Co-partnership between Abel Noble and Wm. Hawxhurst re: the manufacturing of iron
12 11 442 1767 September 22 Bill of Sale. Sterling Iron Works. Wm. Hawxhurst to Peter Townsend, Iron Master, with a complete inventory attached of all the belongings of the Sterling Iron Works
12 12 459 1787 July List of persons with obligations to Peter Townsend (10 pp.)
12 13 426 1839 January 31 Articles of Agreement. With specifications between Wm. H. and Peter Townsend, Jr., on one hand, and Richard Simmons, Joseph Rees, and James Williams, on the other hand, re: a contract for the building of Southfield Furnace
13 1 624     Genealogical record of the Bedell family of Hemstead, L.I. and Dutchess County (138 pp.) There are 138 photocopied pages including a 4-page preface which gives a brief history of the Bedell family, especially of some of its earliest members. Following the preface is a 7-page index to the genealogical material contained within. The majority of the pages are devoted to a genealogical record of the Bedell family that lists birth, death, address and marital information.
EL 1 231     Map of Goshen Township (N.Y.) and surrounding area. The map is not specifically dated. However, there are several notations which show that the map was probably done some time in the early 18th cntury. Notation at the bottom of the map reads: "The line of 1686". Another line about 1/3 of the way up the map reads: "The line of 1719". At the very top is a notation reading: "This map from calculating the size of some lots, appears to be on a scale of 100 chains to the inch." R.E. 1777.1/20 for highways. (R.E. appears to be Robert Erskine, ironmaster at Ringwood mines and surveyor-general under General George Washington.)
EL 2 69
1815   5 drawings and specifications on cannon with the seal of the U.S. Ordnances drawn to scale and signed by Thomas Stephenson

Sterling Iron and Railway Company, 1865-1918: Accretion. Includes a group of records accessioned formerly as SC17562 (ca. 1982), SC18613 (ca. 1985) and additional records acquired in 2003. This group of records relates primarily to the post-Civil war mining and railroad operations of the company.  Included are letter books containing incoming and outgoing correspondence of executive officers of the company; manifests listing the goods carried from Sterling to the various mines, works and operations of the Sterling Iron and Railway Company; trial balances show expenses at the Sterling Furnace, Southfield Furnace and Sterling Mountain Railway; and a book containing records of ore shipped from the Sterling mines in Orange County via the Sterling Mountain Railroad & Erie Railroad to Piermont in Rockland County and then by boat to various companies.

Box Folder Contents
14 Loose in box Sterling Iron and Railway Company checkbook, March 1874-January 1875
14 1 Record of ore shipped from the Sterling mines in Orange County via the Sterling Mountain Railroad & Erie Railroad to Piermont in Rockland County and then by boat to various companies.
14 2-4 Reports of the Sterling Mountain Railway Company to the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of New York for the years ending June 30, 1892, 1895 and 1896.
14 5 Annual Report of the Sterling Mountain Railway Company to the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1897.
15 1 Letter copy book, 17 October 1877–18 October 1878: contains copies of outgoing letters written to A.W. Humphrey, President of Sterling Iron and Railway Company
15 2 Letter copy book, 18 October 1878–18 October 1879: contains copies of outgoing letters written to A.W. Humphrey, President of Sterling Iron and Railway Company
16 1-5 Letter book, 3 April 1865–2 February 1866: Contains etters from the managers of the Iron Works at Sterling Furnace and Southfield Furnace and from the Superintendent of Sterling Mountain Railway to the President and Treasurer of Sterling Iron and Railway Company (disbound)
16 6-12 Letter book, 28 July 1875–30 March 1876: Contains letters from the managers of the Iron Works at Sterling Furnace and Southfield Furnace and from the Superintendent of Sterling Mountain Railway to the President and Treasurer of Sterling Iron and Railway Company (disbound)
17 1-8 Letter Book, January 20-August 7, 1881 and May 4-June 30, 1884. Letters written to A.W. Humphrey, President of Sterling Iron and Railway Company from various customers; indexed; 323p. (disbound)
17 10-15 Letter Book, May 4-June 30, 1884: Contains letters written to A.W. Humphrey, President of Sterling Iron and Railway Company from various customers; indexed; 283p. (disbound)
18 1-13 Sterling Mountain Railway Manifests, May 1887-January 1888. These manifests list the goods carried from Sterlington to the various mines, works and operations of the Sterling Iron and Railway Company.  Arranged numerically from 1 to 1280.
19 1-9 Trial Balances, March 1871-January 1880. These trial balances show expenses at the Sterling Furnace, Southfield Furnace and Sterling Mountain Railway
19 10   Manifests – Various Numbers  - 8900s
19 11 Manifests – Various Numbers  - 9000s-9100s
19 12 Manifests – Various Numbers  - 9200s-9300s
19 13 Manifests – Various Numbers  - 9400s-9500s
19 14 Manifests – Various Numbers  - 9600s-9900s
19 15 Correspondence with Grant Locomotive Works, 1886
19 16 General Correspondence, 1914-1918
19 17 Pages re: the sale of company, 1918
20 1 Receipts, 1879-1881
20 2 Receipts, 1882-1884
20 3 Invoices, 1867, 1883
20 4


  1. Southfield Store Inventory, December 31, 1883
  2. Sterling Mine Inventory, December 31, 1884
20 4 Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Sterling Iron and Railway Company, April 4, 1865
20 5 Proxy certificates, 1865
20 6


  1. Storage receipts, 1879, 1884 (2 sheets)
  2. Delivered actual weights, ca. 1883-1884 (3 sheets)
20 7 Copy of report made to [New York] State engineer, September 30 1867  (printed form with filled-in data); accompanied by a copy of First annual report of the Sterling Iron and Railway Company, 1865 (printed)
EL 3 Pay list (roll), Lake Mine #3, September 1-5, 1914; document gives the name of each employee, job title, pay rate per day, the number of days worked, and total amount paid
Last Updated: January 18, 2022