New York State Library

George Sherman Batcheller, 1837-1908
Papers, 1825-1943, bulk 1858-1908


Quantity: 17 boxes (7.0 cubic ft.)
Access: Open to research.
Administrative Note: A number of documents in this collection are missing.  The inventory list reflects those documents (marked with an asterisk *) that were recovered in 2008 by the Office of the New York State Attorney General.
Acquisition: Gift of the estate of Katherine Batcheller, November 1943.
Processed By: Christine Alexander, Student Assistant, State University of New York at Albany, April 2009

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Biographical Note:

George Sherman Batcheller
George Sherman Batcheller

George Sherman Batcheller (1837-1908) was a Civil War soldier and lawyer from Saratoga Springs, New York, who served the bulk of his career as an American judge in the International Tribunal (Mixed Courts) in Egypt. In addition, he was a member of the New York State Assembly, an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, a Minister to Portugal, and a trade representative for American insurance companies in Europe.

Batcheller was born July 25, 1837, in Batchellerville, New York, a small village in Saratoga County, New York.  His father was a nephew of Roger Sherman, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. After receiving his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1857, George Batcheller was admitted to the New York bar in 1858. At the age of 21 Batcheller was elected for the first time to the New York State Assembly. He married Catherine Phillips Cook, the daughter of Gen. James M. Cook, a banker and former New York State Senator, Comptroller and Superintendent of Banking, on October 8, 1861.

Batcheller raised a company of volunteers for the 115th New York Infantry Regiment, and was mustered in as lieutenant colonel of that regiment in August 1862. He participated in the operations in the Shenandoah Valley in September and October 1862 and was taken prisoner in October at the siege of Harper's Ferry. After being paroled in a prisoner exchange in December 1862, he served in the 10th Army Corps as Deputy Provost Marshal General, Department of the South and participated in campaigns in Virginia and at Hilton Head and Charleston.  During the last year of the war he was appointed Inspector General of the Volunteers and National Guard of New York, serving from 1865 to 1869. He reorganized the National Guard of New York and codified the State Military Laws. While serving as Inspector General, the Governor designated him to accompany the funeral escort of President Lincoln through New York.

In 1873 Batcheller returned to the New York Assembly, and served there until 1874. In 1875 President Ulysses S. Grant appointed him to serve as American judge in the newly formed International (Mixed Courts) Tribunal in Egypt. While serving as judge, he was called upon by the U.S. State Department to serve as prosecuting attorney in the 1880 murder trial of Stephen Mirzan, an American citizen who was accused of the sensational murder of an attorney general for the Egyptian government in Alexandria, Egypt. At the conclusion of the May 28-June 14, 1880, trial in Alexandria, Mirzan was convicted and sentenced to execution. The trial was controversial in the press because an American citizen was tried before the U.S. Minister to the Ottoman Empire without benefit of a jury. Moreover, in the absence of a U.S. attorney to try the case, Batcheller acted as prosecuting attorney, temporarily suspending his role as judge in the International Tribunal. The collection includes the trial preparation papers, witness testimony, newspaper accounts, a murder-scene photograph, and a draft article George Batcheller wrote about the trial. In 1883 Batcheller's colleagues elected him Chief Justice of the Tribunal. He resigned in 1885 and returned to the New York State Assembly for two successive terms.

Batcheller served in several governmental and diplomatic posts, including as First Assistant Secretary of the Treasury from 1889-91 and Minister to Portugal from November 1891 through 1892. From 1892 to 1895 he served as trade representative in Europe for three American insurance companies, with diplomatic standing and a headquarters in Paris. In 1897 President McKinley appointed him to preside over the proceedings (in French) of the Universal Postal Congress in Washington, D.C.

He was appointed again in 1898 to the International Tribunal in Egypt. President Theodore Roosevelt promoted him in May of 1902 to Justice of the International Court of Appeals in Alexandria, Egypt, where he served until his death. His wife  died in Egypt in May 1903 and her remains were returned to Saratoga Springs, New York. George Batcheller died in Paris on July 2, 1908, and his body was returned to New York. Their daughter, Katherine (Kate) Batcheller, was born on May 19, 1870, and died on January 4, 1943.

Scope and Content Note:

This collection consists primarily of the personal and professional papers of George Sherman Batcheller as well as a limited amount of papers from his family. The papers document his activities in various legislative, diplomatic, business and judicial posts, including as lieutenant colonel in the Civil War, New York State Inspector General of the Volunteers and National Guard of New York, New York State Assemblyman for four terms, lawyer practicing in Saratoga Springs, New York, judge during two separate periods of time in the International Tribunal (Mixed Courts) in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt), Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Minister to Portugal, trade representative in Europe for three American insurance companies, and President of the Universal Postal Congress of 1897. His papers include correspondence, appointment and award certificates, architectural drawings, calling cards, diplomas, diplomatic passports, financial records, invitations, maps, newspaper clippings, newspapers, photographs, political memorabilia, printed materials, reports, scrapbooks and speeches.

Batcheller was well connected politically and socially, and his personal papers contain an extensive collection of letters from prominent American statesmen and military officers, including Presidents James Garfield and Benjamin Harrison, future President Theodore Roosevelt, New York Governors Horatio Seymour and Reuben E. Fenton, Vice President Levi P. Morton, Senator Thomas C. Platt, Congressman Thomas Brackett Reed, Admiral George Dewey, Secretaries of State Hamilton Fish and John Hay, Secretary of the Treasury Charles Folger, Supreme Court Justice Henry Billings Brown, Postmaster General Thomas P. James, and poet William Cullen Bryant.

The collection also includes a large number of autographed photographs from well-known figures, including Presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. In addition, there are a small number of artifacts, including badges from the New York State Military Association and the Universal Postal Conference, banners from the International Mixed Court Tribunal in Egypt, a fragment of the New York State Assembly's plaster ceiling, insignia from his service as aide to the Grand Marshal for President Harrison's inauguration, leather gloves worn during the Civil War, and military uniform decorations and buttons.

In addition to the personal and professional papers of George Batcheller, the collection contains a limited number of personal papers from family members, including his wife, Catherine Phillips Cook Batcheller, his daughter, Katherine (Kate) Batcheller, Anna Cady (Catherine Batcheller's mother) and James Cook (Catherine Batcheller's father). These family papers consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, notebooks, publications and scrapbooks.


Files in this collection are arranged by professional activity, including Civil War officer, New York State Inspector General, New York State Assemblyman, Legal Practice, Judge of the International Tribunal in Egypt, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Minister to Portugal, Insurance Company Trade Representative in Europe, President of the Universal Postal Congress, and by personal life activities, including letters, awards, calling cards, financial papers, invitations, political memorabilia, speeches, newspaper clippings and publications. Within each of these activity categories, items are arranged chronologically. Family papers are arranged separately by person (Catherine Batcheller, Kate Batcheller and James Cook). In addition, oversize and flat items are arranged by form and genre, including artifacts, certificates, newspapers, photographs, scrapbooks and notebooks, and maps.

Related Materials

A portrait of General George Batcheller is held by the National Portrait Gallery. The Historical Society of Saratoga Springs owns portraits of George Batcheller and Catherine Batcheller, and 1.0 cubic ft. of Batcheller family papers, including personal correspondence of George Batcheller, Catherine Phillips Cook Batcheller and Katherine Batcheller.

Container List

Civil War Officer, 1862-1863

Box Folder Description
1 1 Letters to sister, Helen (7 items)
  1. Sept. 4, 1862 Harper's Ferry (Va.) to his sister, Helen
  2. Sept. 28, 1862 "Camp Parole" Annapolis (Md.) to his sister, Helen, describing the battle of Harper's Ferry (including sketch of battlefield) and the Union Army surrender on Sept. 15, 1862
  3. Dec 21, 1862 (Va.) to his sister, Helen
  4. Dec. 24, 1862 (Va.) to his sister, Helen,
  5. Jan. 1, 1863 Yorktown (Va.) to his sister, Helen.
  6. Feb 24, 1863 Hilton Head (S.C.) to his sister, Helen
  7. April 5, 1863 Headquarters Provost Marshal General of the Department of the South to his sister, Helen, telling of the adjournment of the court martial and his appointment as Deputy Provost Marshal General of the Department of the South
1 2 Military orders, passes, etc. 1863 (9 items)
  1. Military order, September 13, 1862, from Colonel Thomas H. Ford, 3rd Brigade, ordering fall back to Harper's Ferry
  2. Military order, April 2, 1863, appointing Batcheller as Deputy Provost Marshal General of the Department of the South
  3. Military order, May 21, 1863, appointing Batcheller as Provost Marshal, and also ordering that men be required to bathe at least twice a week
  4. *General Order 55, August 17, 1863, regarding ranking of seniority of officers
  5. *General Order 57, August 19, 1863, regarding ranking of seniority determined by lots
  6. Military passes, April and May, 1863 (3 items), Headquarters, Hilton Head (S.C.)
  7. Label of Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, containing signature of Union General William T. Sherman, undated

* Documents recovered January 26, 2008 by the Office of the New York State Attorney General and placed in this collection as the probable source of the documents.

New York State Inspector General, 1865-1868

Box Folder Description
1 3 Letters and reports, 1865-1866 (8 items)
  1. Letter to Governor Reuben E. Fenton, January 12, 1865, reporting on the condition of the National Guard 1st and 2nd Divisions in New York City
  2. Letter (unsigned) [1865?] concerning train arrangements, possibly concerning military escort of Lincoln funeral train through New York State
  3. Special orders, 1865, for military funeral of Brig. General Sylvester Willard, Surgeon General
  4. Letter from War Department, March 7, 1866 regarding receipt of annual report
  5. Letter receipt from Harvard College, March 22, 1866, for gift of 1865 annual report of the Inspector General
  6. Letter from [General] Hiram R. Duryea, March 29, 1866, regarding report
  7. Letter to Brig. General Brooke Pastley, June 5, 1866, acknowledging receipt of sword, sword knot and belt from 1st Brigade Calvary
  8. Letter from Governor Reuben E. Fenton, December 12, 1866, offering position of Inspector General
1 4 Telegrams and orders, June 1866, relating to Fenian raids (12 items)
  1. Telegram (copy), June 4, 1866, to Governor Reuben E. Fenton from the Vice President of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad seeking aid of the state against lawless body of men invading company property
  2. Telegram (2 copies), June 6, 1866, to Governor Reuben E. Fenton from the Franklin County Judge and the District Attorney advising that 1,200 Fenians are in Malone in northern New York State.
  3. Telegram (copy), June 7, 1866, to Governor Reuben E. Fenton from the Vice President of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad asking the aid of the state to protect its lines and property from further invasion.
  4. Special orders, June 7, 1866, (2 copies) from Assistant Adjutant General John B. Stonehouse to Brigadier General George Batcheller ordering him to proceed to northern New York, examine the state of affairs, and call out militia as necessary to protect the citizens of the State.
  5. Telegram (copy), June 7, 1866, from Major General George G. Meade, Military Division of the Atlantic, to Assistant Adjutant General, John R. Stonehouse, regarding enforcement of the President Grant's Proclamation against persons aiding in the Fenian invasion of Canada.
  6. Telegram, June 8, 1866, from George Batcheller to Col. John B. Stonehouse regarding Watertown and Ogdensburgh
  7. Telegram, June 8, 1886 from General George E. Meade advising that he would arrive tomorrow noon, and if not there, would be at St. Albans
  8. Broadside, June 8, 1866. Proclamation by Major General George G. Meade ordering all persons assembled in aid of the Fenian organization, for the purpose of invading Canada, to desist and disband.
  9. Telegram to George Batcheller, June 10, 1866, acknowledging the Governor's receipt of his telegram about status
  10. Note (undated) about Fenians seizing railroad cars
1 5 Letters, 1868, undated  (3 items)
  1. Letter, June 22, 1868, from U.S. Senator Edwin D. Morgan
  2. Fragments of letters (2) consisting of letterheads from Inspector General's Office and Adjutant General's Office

New York State Assemblyman, 1858, 1873-1874, 1885-1888 (mainly 1886-1888)

Box Folder Description
1 6 Certificate of election, 1858
1 7 Letters, telegrams and speeches, 1873-1874 (8 items)
  1. Telegram (undated) advising Batcheller of the Republican Convention's unanimous nomination of him for Member of the Assembly, with his handwritten acceptance on back of the telegram
  2. Letter, Oct. 24, 1873, from Major General John B. Woodward congratulating Batcheller on his nomination by both parties
  3. List, January 14, 1874, of Assembly committees, showing George Batcheller as chair of Ways and Means and member of the Militia Committee
  4. Note, January 26, 1874, certifying approval by members of the Council of Law Reporting of attached legislative bill to appoint a reporter for Supreme Court decisions  
  5. Letter, February 28, 1874, from William Cullen Bryant of The Evening Post to Batcheller as Chair of the Committee of Ways & Means seeking $7,000 in funding for the Bond Street Dispensary
  6. Speech, March 31, 1874, in defense of an appropriation to fund erection of the Schuylerville monument  commemorating the Battle of Saratoga
  7. Letter, April 25, 1874, from Simon Newton Dexter North of the Utica Morning Herald and Gazette thanking Batcheller for passage of the Utica Commission bill
  8. Invitation to Assemblyman and Mrs. Batcheller from Governor and Mrs. John A. Dix, undated (1873 or 1874?)
1 8 Letters, resolutions and bills, 1885-1888 (10 items)
  1. Certification, November 1885, by County of Saratoga of election results
  2. Resolution, 1886, in Assembly honoring former Governor Reuben E. Fenton
  3. Resolution in Assembly and speech, 1886, in memory of General Ulysses S. Grant
  4. Capital Appropriation Bill, February 24, 1886, in Assembly
  5. Letter, March 26, 1886, from [DW King?] regarding "paving the way to the bench"
  6. Letter, April 3, 1886, from Hiram Duryea regarding bill about battle flags, records, and relics of the "war of the rebellion"
  7. Telegram, September 12, 1888, from Vice President Garret A. Hobart
  8. Certification, November 1888, by the County of Saratoga of election results
  9. Notes (undated) for speech regarding Republican Party
  10. Stationery paper (blank) from Assembly Chamber

Judge of the International Tribunal (Mixed Courts) in Egypt, 1875-1885, 1897-1908

Box Folder Description
1 9 Letters and dispatches, 1875, relating to appointment as judge in new international court in Egypt, "Tribunal de Premiere Instance du Cairo" (5 items)
  1. Letter from Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, January 23, 1875, offering George Batcheller position with Egyptian Tribunal
  2. Letter from Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, February 1, 1875, regarding duties of judges in the new Egyptian courts
  3. Letter from Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, February 6, 1875, forwarding Dispatch No. 248 on judicial reform in Egypt
  4. Dispatch No. 248 from agent Richard Beardsley to Secretary of State, Hamilton Fish, December 10, 1874, addressing judicial reform in Egypt
  5. Dispatch No. 284 from agent Richard Beardsley to Secretary of State, Hamilton Fish, March 5, 1875, outlining qualifications for magistrates to be appointed by the United States
1 10 Letters, 1875, relating to acceptance of position as judge in International Tribunal (14 items)
  1. Letter from Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, May 17, 1875, responding to Batcheller about qualifications and letters of introduction
  2. Letter from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, May 19, 1875, of congratulations
  3. Letter from Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, May 22, 1875, enclosing a diplomatic passport and a letter of introduction to diplomatic and consular officials
  4. Special Passport, May 22, 1875, for George Batcheller and his wife and daughter
  5. Letter from Hamilton Fish, May 22, 1875, providing introduction to diplomatic and consular officers of the U.S. in foreign countries
  6. Letter from Hamilton Fish, May 26, 1875, to agent Richard Beardsley in Egypt directing him to present George Batcheller to the proper authorities upon his arrival in Cairo
  7. Letter from Hamilton Fish, June 9, 1875, describing situation in Egypt
  8. Letter, June 22, 1875, from the U.S. Minister commending Mrs. Batcheller to diplomatic and consular officers of the United States
  9. Letter, July 5, 1875, from the Ministère de la Justice [in French] regarding appointment
  10. Letter from Richard Beardsley, July 30, 1875, transmitting commission signed by Khedive of Egypt
  11. Letter, October 13, 1875, from Ministire [sic]des Affaires Ètrangères, N. Nuban [in French]
  12. Certificate of appointment, November 10, 1875, signed by the Khedive of Egypt [in French]
  13. Letter of transmittal of appointment, November 13, 1875, from the Ministère de la Justice [in French]
  14. Letter from Hamilton Fish, November 19, 1875, regarding situation in Egypt
1 11 Household inventory, Cairo (Egypt), 1876 [French]
1 12 Docket booklets of court cases, 1876-1877  [French] (4 items)
  1. Docket, September 1876, summary of court cases and resolutions
  2. Docket, October 1876, summary of court cases and resolutions
  3. Docket, August 1877, summary of civil cases
1 13 Letters,  1878-1880 [most in French] (12 items)
1 14 Letters, telegrams, and hotel bill, 1880, relating to United States vs. Stephen P. Mirzan, a murder trial in May-June, 1880, in Alexandria (Egypt) with George Batcheller serving as prosecuting attorney (19 items) [some in French]
1 15 Legal research papers from the Mirzan case, 1880 (5 items)
1 16 Statements of witnesses in Mirzan case, 1880 [some in French and Italian, with translations]
2 1 Trial preparation papers for Mirzan trial, 1880 (2 items)
  1. Summary of evidence
  2. Summary of witness testimony
2 2 Trial preparation papers for Mirzan trial, 1880 (2 items)
  1. Notes on witnesses
  2. Collation of evidence [torn]
2 3 Trial preparation papers for Mirzan trial, 1880 (2 items)
  1. Notes on condition of prisoner's mind
  2. Demeanor of the accused
  3. Photograph [unlabeled, likely is murder scene], marked with numbered locations – removed to extra large folder EL3
2 4 Transcript for Mirzan trial, 1880, (handwritten) of witness questions and answers (1 item)
Part 1 Questioning of witnesses for prosecution
2 5 Transcript for Mirzan trial, 1880, of witness questions and answers (1 item)
Part 2 Questioning of witnesses for prosecution
2 6 Transcript for Mirzan trial, 1880, of witness questions and answers (1 item)
Part 3 Questioning of witnesses for prosecution
2 7 Transcript for Mirzan trial, 1880, of witness questions and answers (1 item)
Part 4 Questioning of witnesses for defense
2 8 Narrative, 1880, about United States vs. Stephen P. Mirzan murder trial (2 items)
  1. Article draft by Batcheller about the case
  2. Letter of transmittal to Colonel David Francis Ritchie, editor of the Saratogian [newspaper]
2 9 Booklet, 1893, Further Correspondence Respecting Reorganization in Egypt
2 10 Letters, 1884, relating to the International Commission for the Reform of the Judiciary [some in French] (8 items)
2 11 Letter, 1885, of resignation as judge in Cairo (1 item)
2 12 Letters, 1897, relating to appointment as judge of Mixed Tribunals, Court of First Instance at Cairo (3 items)
2 13 Letters, 1898-1906 [some in French] (10 items)

Legal Practice, 1877-1888, 1896

Box Folder Description
2 14 Letters and legal papers relating to law practice (32 items)
  1. Legal papers relating to lawsuit, 1888, by Anna Conkling vs. William McWakely (17 items)
  2. Letters and legal papers relating to trademark lawsuit, 1888, by the City of Carlsbad, Austria vs. George W. Nock for selling Saratoga Carlsbad Water (13 items)
  3. Contract, 1888, between Frank Roods and John Bruce for maintenance of John Bruce
  4. Program for the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, May 1896, Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, 1889-1890

Box Folder Description
2 15 Letters, decisions and circulars of the Treasury Department relating to customs fees and payment of accounts, court decision on payment of account (15 items)

Minister to Portugal, 1890-1892

Box Folder Description
2 16 Letters, 1890, relating to bon voyage party (8 items)
2 17 Letters, 1890-1892 [some in French or Portuguese] (17 items)
2 18 Letters, orders and press accounts, 1892 [some in Portuguese]
relating to return of "Long Tom" cannon from Fayal (Azores) (7 items)

Insurance Co. Trade Representative, 1892-1895

Box Folder Description
2 19 Letters relating to service as trade representative in Europe, 1892-1895, for the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the Mutual Life Insurance Company and the New York Life Insurance Company (11 items)

President of International Postal Congress, 1897

Box Folder Description
3 1 Letters, speeches and envelopes with Congrès Postal Universel cancellations, 1897 (20 items) [some in French]
3 2 List of delegates' addresses, 1897 [in French]
3 3 Reports of Meetings, May 1897 [in French] (8 items)
Opening Meeting and 1st – 4th Meetings
3 4 Reports of Meetings, June 1897 [in French] (6 items)
5th-7th Meetings

Personal Papers, 1868-1908

Box Folder Description
    Awards, 1887-1897
3 5 1887-1897 (4 items)
  1. Application for membership, 1st class, 1887, in the Military Order, Loyal Legion, United States, describing Batcheller's service in the Civil War and as Inspector General for New York State, and noting that most of his Civil War papers were destroyed in a fire
  2. Receipt for dues to Military Order, Loyal Legion, 1895
  3. National Geographic Society certificate of election 1897
  4. National Geographic Society membership list 1897
    Calling Cards and Complimentary Cards
3 6 Calling Cards, A-P
3 7 Calling Cards, R-Y and George Batcheller's own cards
3 8 Complimentary Cards for Adams Express packages, Western Union, Universal Postal Union events
    Financial Papers, 1867-1887
3 9 Financial papers, 1874-1880 (6 items)
  1. Bond for payment, 1874
  2. Receipts (4) relating to shipment of wheat from Mayers & Martin to Hull Cook, July 1867
  3. Certification by Saratoga County clerk of outstanding mortgages, 1880
3 10 Check register from unlabeled bank, 1886-1887 (1 item )
3 11 Check register and cancelled checks for "Willoughby House Accounts," 1887
First National Bank, Saratoga Springs (N.Y.) (26 items)
3 12 Life insurance policy [brittle], receipts for insurance payments, insurance company permissions to live abroad,  and letter regarding possible surrender of policy for paid up value, 1869-1887 (12 items)
    Invitations, ca. 1865-1907
3 13 Invitations and menus, 1874-1907, undated (29 items)
3 14 Invitations, regimental reunions 1865-1906 (4 items)
3 15 Invitations and programs, 1889, for centennial celebration of George Washington's inauguration (24 items)
    Letters (autograph collection), 1865-1908
4 1 Letters to George Batcheller, 1865-1892 (24 items)
  1. Letter from Governor Reuben E. Fenton, Nov. 22, 1865
  2. Letter from former Governor Horatio Seymour, May 21, 1868
  3. Letter from Governor John A. Dix, Feb. 25, 1874
  4. Letter from Alonzo B. Cornell, Chairman of the New York State Republican Party [future governor. and son of Ezra Cornell, founder of Cornell University], Sept. 11, 1876
  5. Letter from President James A. Garfield, July 30, 1880
  6. Letter from Senator Thomas C. Platt, March 1, 1881
  7. Letter from Thomas P. James, Postmaster General, April 13, 1881
  8. Letter from J.C. Bancroft Davis, Assistant Secretary of State, Feb. 6, 1882
  9. Letter from Charles Folger, Secretary of the Treasury, June 9, 1882
  10. Letter from Elbridge Gerry, U.S. Congressman, June 10, 1882
  11. Letter from Elliott Shepard, September 9, 1882
  12. Letter from H.G. de Forest, Nov. 16, 1883, introducing son, Robert W. de Forest
  13. Letter from Levi P. Morton, future Vice President, Nov. 20, 1887
  14. Letter from Andrew Dickson White, co-founder and first president of Cornell University, Nov. 15, 1888
  15. Letter from Julia D. Grant, widow of President Ulysses S. Grant, Dec. 27, 1888
  16. Letter from Julia D. Grant, widow of President Ulysses S. Grant,  Aug. 24, 1889
  17. Letter from Frederick D. Grant, son of President Ulysses Grant, Jan 3, 1890
  18. Letter from Russell Harrison, son of President Harrison, Aug. 14, 1890
  19. Letter from Russell Harrison, son of President Harrison, Sept. 17, 1890
  20. Letter from Andrew Dickson White, co-founder and first president of Cornell University, Oct. 24, 1890
  21. Letter from Daniel Butterfield, Union Army Major General, Sept. 24, 1890
  22. Letter from Levi P. Morton, Vice President, Oct. 25, 1890
  23. Letter from Charles Francis, Troy Daily Times, Oct. 27, 1890
  24. Letter from President Benjamin Harrison, June 13, 1892
4 2 Letters to the President Benjamin Harrison (packet), 1889, supporting [unsuccessfully] appointment as Minister to Turkey (5 items)
4 3 Letters to George Batcheller, 1895-1897  (8 items)
  1. Letter from Congressman Thomas Brackett Reed, Dec. 28, 1895
  2. Letter from former President Benjamin Harrison, April 14, 1896
  3. Letter from former President Benjamin Harrison, Nov. 21, 1896
  4. Letter from John Hinkle, Secretary of the American Bar Association, August 11, 1896, with list of members intending to be present at annual meeting in August in Saratoga Springs
  5. Letter from T.F. Richmond, president of Republican Club, Oct. 22, 1896
  6. Letter from General Powell Clayton of the Republican National Committee, Nov. 5, 1896
  7. Letter from Andrew Dickson White, co-founder and first president of Cornell University, Jan. 28, 1897
  8. Letter from Cornelius A. Bliss, future Secretary of the Interior, January 14, 1897
4 4 Letters to George Batcheller, 1898-1908 and undated (17 items)
  1. Letter from Admiral George Dewey, Sept. 28, 1898 with transcription
  2. Letter from John Hay, Secretary of State, Oct. 1, 1898
  3. Letter from Theodore Roosevelt, Republican State Committee, Oct. 20, 1898
  4. Letter from John Hay, Secretary of State, Nov. 28, 1898
  5. Letter from Whitelaw Reid, U.S. and Spanish Peace Commission, Dec. 14, 1898
  6. Letter from Theodore Roosevelt, Dec. 19, 1898
  7. Letter from Elbert Farman, Aug. 5, 1903
  8. Letter from Julia Davis, Sept. 9, 1903
  9. Letter from Andrew Dickson White, co-founder and first president of Cornell University, March 17, 1904
  10. Letters from [illegible signatures], April 16 and Sept. 11, 1905
  11. Letter from Major General Frederick D. Grant, March 11, 1906
  12. Letter from [Henry White ?], American Embassy in Paris, March 21, 1908
  13. Letter from Reverend Henry Field, undated
  14. Letters (2) from Catherine Dix , wife of Governor John A. Dix, undated
  15. Letter from Vice President Levi P. Morton (partial letter), undated
  16. Letter from Elbridge Gerry (partial letter), undated
  17. Letter from [illegible signature], closing only, undated
4 5 (4 items)
  1. Ancient Arabic writing
  2. Claim of invention for automatic burglar alarm - (2 drafts) and drawings
  3. Prescription for pince-nez from Unger Optician, undated [in French]
  4. Postage stamps (14) cancelled U.S. and foreign
    Political Papers and Memorabilia, 1888-1897
4 6 Political papers and memorabilia (8 items)
  1. Certification of the electors of the President for the State of New York, 1888
  2. Delegate ticket (1) for President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison, State of Indiana, and tickets (2) for Vice President of the United States, Levi P. Morton, State of New York
  3. Republican platform, adopted at Chicago (Ill.), June 1888
  4. Order of parade for New York Brigade inaugural parade, 1889
  5. Souvenir of inaugural ball, 1889, with photographs of President Benjamin Harrison and Vice President Levi P. Morton
  6. Souvenir of inaugural ball, 1897, with photographs of President McKinley and Vice President Garret Hobart
    Speeches and Narratives, 1868-1908
4 7 Narrative, undated [likely 1868] discussing presidential candidates
4 8 Speech, undated [likely May 27, 1874] dedicating Ellsworth Memorial in Mechanicville (N.Y.)
4 9 Speech, 1882, to New York State Bar Association concerning Egypt (3 items)
4 10 Speech, 1884, at Sandy Hill (N.Y.) to veterans of Washington County
4 11 Article, printed 1902, written 1901, entitled "Note on the Establishment of a Mixed (International) Jurisdiction in Egypt"
4 12 Narratives, handwritten, undated [possibly 1908], entitled "Mohamedan Marriage, Divorce and Domestic Relations" (2 drafts)
4 13 Narratives, handwritten, 1908
  1.  "Womans [sic] Rights in Egypt"
  2.  "Relative Property Rights of Women in Mohamedan Countries"
4 14 Speech [undated] at Saratoga High School regarding ancient and modern Egypt (3 items)
    Newspaper Clippings, 1859-1908
5 1 1859-1870
5 2 1871-1880
5 3 1881-1885
5 4 1886-1890
5 5 1891-1900
5 6 1901-1908
5 7 Undated
5 8 "Dedicatory Hymns," 1867, by Edward Meyer, sung at the dedication of the Antietam National Cemetery
5 9 Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII , MDCCCXCV, 1895, to the bishops of North America
5 10 History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig Gen. Armstrong at Fayal, Azores 1814, 1893, booklet by Sam C. Reid
5 11 Life Sketches of Government Officers and Members of the Legislature of the State of New York for 1874 by W.H. McElroy & Alex McBride (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., Printers)
5 12 Memoir of James M. Cook, 1869 (Albany: Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons, Printer)
5 13 The National Magazine, July 1909, containing the article "The Saratoga of Today" with a  short biography of George Batcheller and a photo of the Batcheller residence "Kasr-el-Nouzha" in Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
5 14 "The People of India", August 1878, The Nineteenth Century, Vol. IV (18), by Florence Nightingale
5 15 "Vote As You Pray: An address at the Gospel Temperance Rooms, Troy, N.Y., Dec. 4, 1887" by E.A. Hartshorn

Family Papers, 1843-1943

Box Folder Description
5 16 Letters of James M. Cook (father-in-law), 1843, 1864 (2 items)
  1. Letter to Sherman Batcheller, 1843, (father of George Batcheller) from James M. Cook (father of Catherine Cook Batcheller)
  2. Letter to James M. Cook, 1864 from [E. Penn Derlerts?]
5 17 Letter to Catherine Batcheller (wife) [undated] (1 item)
5 18 Letters to Kate Batcheller (daughter), 1893-1927 (11 items)
5 19 Papers of Kate Batcheller 1922-1943 (18 items)
Obituary, newspaper clippings, calling card, post card, French Legion of Honor materials
5 20 Transcript, 1904, of funeral Service for Catherine Batcheller in Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
- - Cadastral map of Conkling property in Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
[possibly property of Helen Conkling, sister of George]
Oversize – See Extra-Large Folders (EL1)

Artifacts, ca. 1862-1897

Box Folder Description
6 1 Badges (3), Universal Postal Congress, 1897, "Universal Postal Congress, Reception Committee, City of Albany (N.Y.), Friday, June 11, 1897"
6 2 Badge (1), New York State Military Association, 1868, "Compliments of Officers of 1st and 2nd Divisions, N.Y. State Military Association," together with invitation, reception ticket, entry instructions
6 3 Banners (2) relating to International Mixed Court in Egypt [in French]
  1. "Les Conseillers" (purple, missing letter L)
  2. "De La Cour D Appel Mixte" (purple)
6 4 Banner (1) relating to International Mixed Court in Egypt [in French]
"Les Magistrats Du Tribunal Mixte Alexandrie" (black)
6 5 Calcium strips, 1876, in envelope marked "Calcium, Voyage to [ ] Egypt, 1876" [These strips are small pieces of a bendable material that are marked as calcium and appear to have been souvenirs of a trip to a mining area.]
6 6 Calling card metal plates (4 items)
  1. "George Batcheller, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury"
  2. "George Sherman Batcheller, des États Unis d'Amérique, Juge aux Tribunaux mixtes d'Egypte, Le Caire"
  3. "Judge M Batcheller, Cairo"
  4. "Mr. Batcheller, des Etats Unis d'Amerique, Juge pres les Tribunaux de 1re Instance, en Egypte"
6 7 Fragment of New York State Assembly ceiling, 1889, with political cartoon clipping
6 8 Gloves (leather) worn during Civil War, 1862-1863 [deteriorated condition]
6 9 Insignia from President Benjamin Harrison's inauguration, 1889, as aide to Grand Marshal
  1. Metal pin: "New York Brigade Staff"
  2. Metal pin "Washington, Mar. 4, 1889" with ribbon and medallion. Inscription on front of medallion: "Twenty third President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison" and picture of Harrison, and inscription on back of medallion: "General James A. Beaver, Chief Marshal, Inaugural Ceremonies March 4, 1889, Harrison & Morton"
6 10 Military uniform decorations
  1. Badge with eagle in gold braid on black oval
  2. Buttons (8) sewn on black cloth strips
  3. Metal pin with monogram "M"
6 11 Plaque "Comrade," felt on cardboard with metal letters
-- -- Lincoln mourning badge, 1865 [missing]
-- -- N.Y. Artillery Association badge and letter, 1869 [missing]

Certificates 1852-1908

Box Folder Description
7 1 1852-1857 Diplomas
  1. Diploma from Albany Female Academy (Mrs. Batcheller) 1852
  2. Diploma from Harvard University 1857
7 2 1862-1875 Appointments, patent, passports
  1. Appointment as lieutenant colonel in New York State Volunteers, 1862
  2. Appointment as brigadier general and inspector general, 1865
  3. Appointment as inspector general and brigadier general, 1867
  4. Patent for Improved Butter-Tub, 1869
  5. Diplomatic passports (3) 1872, 1891, 1893
  6. Appointment by Khedive of Egypt, 1875
7 3 1887 Appointment to Military Order of the Loyal Legion
7 4 1889-1890 Appointments
  1. Appointment as aide at President Benjamin Harrison's Inauguration, 1889
  2. Appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, 1889
  3. Appointment as Minister to Portugal, 1890
7 5 1897-1908, undated
  1. Appointments to Italian Order of the Crown (2), 1897
  2. Appointment to French National Legion of Honor, 1908
7 6 Undated Egyptian plaque

Newspapers, 1868-1902

Box Folder Description
8 1 Newspapers
  1. Saratogian Semi-Weekly, April 17, 1868
  2. The Voice of the People, [undated, likely 1871], published by the YMCA of Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
  3. The Daily Graphic, An Illustrated Evening Newspaper, May 4, 1875
  4.  The Sun (Saratoga), May 25, 1875
  5.  Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, May 29, 1875 (2)
  6.  Once A Week, An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper,  Oct. 28, 1890 (2)
  7.  Karlsbader Tagblatt, July 11, 1902
  8.  Arabic language newspaper, [date?]
8 2 Newspapers containing coverage of the United States vs. Stephen P. Mirzan murder trial in Alexandria (Egypt), 1880
  1. Egyptian Gazette, June 10-16, 1880, supplements and special supplement
  2. Il Messaggiere Egiziano [in Italian], May 15 and June 15, 1880
  3. L'Echo d'Orient [in French], June 4-15, 1880
  4. Le Phare d'Alexandrie [in French], June 12, 1880

Photographs and Prints

Box Folder Description
9 1 Photographic viewbook of the Suez Canal, Album du Canal, by H. Arnoux, Port-Said (Egypt)
    Photographs: Cartes-de-visite and cabinet cards
10 1 Ammiratore, Vecchio (autographed)
Photographer: Charles Parker, Washington (D.C.)
10 2 Baba (autographed)
Photographer: Prince, Old Point (Va.), New York (N.Y.) and Washington (D.C.)
10 3 Batcheller, George by E. Bechard, Alexandria (wearing fez)
Photographer: E. Bechard & Company, Alexandria (Egypt)
10 4 Batcheller, George (4 copies)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
10 5 Batcheller, George  (4 copies)
Photographer: Helios Photographie, Alexandria and Cairo (Egypt)
10 6 Batcheller, George
Photographer: G. Lekegian, Cairo (Egypt)
10 7 Batcheller, George, engraving (print)
Engraver: Atelier Reiser, Alexandria and Cairo (Egypt)
10 8 Batcheller, George portrait, ca 1860s
10 9 Batcheller, George, photographic postcards (2 copies), Union postale universelle
Postfarie, Weitpostverein (Universal Postal Union)
10 10 Becktrus, Jockum (autographed)
Photographer: Charles Parker, Washington (D.C.)
10 11 Bell, John S. (autographed)
Photographer: Charles Parker, Washington (D.C.)
10 12 Boutron (autographed)
Photographer: Strommeyer & Heymann, Cairo (Egypt)
10 13 Cromer, Lady Katharine (autographed)
10 14 Cromer, Lord (autographed)
10 15 Foda, W. (autographed)
Photographer: Martinez, Reus (Spain)
10 16 Grant, Ulysses S. (autographed)
Photographer: Theodore Humblot, Paris (France)
10 17 Grip, A. (autographed)
Photographer: L. Alman, New York (N.Y.) and Newport (R.I.)
10 18 Javera (autographed)
Photographer: Rice, Washington (D.C.)
10 19 Keenan, A. (autographed)
10 20 Keever, Chauncey M. (autographed)
Photographer: C.M. Bell, Washington (D.C.)
10 21 Mapaird, Alfred (2) (autographed)
Photographer C.M. Bell, Washington (D.C.)
10 22 McKinley, William (autographed)
Photographer: S.V. Courtney – McKinley Block, Canton (Ohio)
10 23 Morton, Levi P. (autographed)
Photographer: Parkinson's, New York (N.Y.)
10 24 Moushtory, J.A. (autographed)
Photographer: G. Lekegian, Cairo (Egypt)
10 25 Petre, G.G. (autographed)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
10 26 Prince Imperial (engraving of Zulu attack 1879)
Photographer/Painter: E. Appert, Paris (France)
10 27 Rauret, Frederic (autographed)
Photographer: Fettel & Bernard, Alexandria (Egypt)
10 28 Renry, Paul (autographed)
Photographer: A. Liebert, Paris (France)
10 29 Roudanovsky (autographed)
Photographer: T.H. Voigt, [Bad] Homburg (Germany)
10 30 Ulrich (autographed)
Photographer: O. Schoefft, Cairo (Egypt)
10 31 Vanderlasta, Justice (autographed)
Photographer: Uniao, Fonseca & Company, Porto (Portugal)
10 32 Viligim (autographed)
Photographer: Strommeyer & Heymann, Cairo (Egypt)
10 33 Weed, Thurlow (autographed)
- - White, Henry - missing
    Photographs: Mostly boudoir views
11 1 Foster, John W. (autographed)
Photographer: VanderWeyoe, London (Great Britain)
11 2 Gary, James A. (autographed)
Photographer: S.A. Taylor, Washington (D.C.)
11 3 Harrison, Benjamin engraving (print) (autographed)
11 4 Harrison, Benjamin (autographed)
Photographer: Joseph Gray Kitchell
11 5 Hart, Elkin (autographed)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 6 Hilmer, Abbas  (autographed)
P. Dittrich, Cairo (Egypt)
11 7 Lurey, B.F. engraving (print) (autographed)
Engraver: C.B. Hall, New York (N.Y.)
11 8 McKinley, Ida S. (autographed)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 9 McKinley, William (autographed)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 10 Namil, Hussein (autographed)
Photographer: KuK Hof-Atelier Adele, Vienna (Austria)
11 11 Pope Leo XIII
Photographer: Chartran, Vatican City
11 12 Rainha, D. Amelia (autographed)
Photographer: A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 13 Rainha, D. Amelia (autographed)
Photographer: Atelier Fillon, A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 14 Ripley, Edward H. (autographed)
Photographer: Pach, New York (N.Y.)
11 15 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1901 (autographed)
11 16 Root, Elihu  (autographed)
11 17 Sidkry (autographed)
Photographer: P. Dittrich, Cairo (Egypt)
11 18 Tio, Marian (autographed)
Photographer: Atelier Fillon, A. Bobana, Lisbon (Portugal)
11 19 Uslo, Forsain (autographed)
Photographer: KuK Hof-Atelier Adele, C. Pietxner, Vienna (Austria)
11 20 Wingate, Reginald (autographed)
Photographer: G. Lekegian, Cairo (Egypt)
11 21 Wride, B., 1896-1897 (autographed)
Photographer: Old Point Comfort (Va.)
11 22 Unidentified cleric
H.J. Epler, Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
    Photographs (folio size)
12 1 Cherofs, Mohamet (autographed)
12 2 Civil War Soldiers, "Last Headquarters, War Over, June 1865, Richmond"
12 3 Elkins, L.B. (autographed)
12 4 Hay, John (autographed)
12 5 Lansing, Eleanor (autographed)
12 6 Lansing, Robert (autographed)
12 7 Pope Pius X (autographed)
12 8 Sherman, Cecilia S. (autographed)
12 9 Sherman, John (autographed)
12 10 Sidkry (autographed)
12 11 Syria (10) by Monsieur Aubin, photographer, Beymouth (Syria)
12 12 Vannutelli, Cardinal Vincent (autographed)
    Oversize box – Photographs and Pictures
13 1 Alexandria (Egypt), photo montage, International Court
13 2 Fayol (Azores), 1892, Return of "Long Tom" canon
13 3 Innsbruck (Austria) landscape
13 4 International Postal Conference, 1897
13 5 International Postal Congress, 1897, seating diagram
13 6 Jerusalem, Wailing Wall
13 7 Lisbon (Portugal), Obelisk, Praca dos Restauradores
13 8 Lisbon (Portugal), 1863, Tower of Belem, flying flag of the United States
13 9 Monument [Europe?], undated
13 10 New York State Senate chamber, Albany (N.Y.), 1865, diagram
13 11 Pompeii (Italy), photo of plaster cast of dog
13 12 "The Electoral Commission," print of painting, 1878
13 13 Unknown locations (3), building exteriors
13 14 Unknown location landscapes [Egypt?] (4)
13 15 Unknown location landscape [Italy?]
13 16 Unknown locations, room interiors (2)
13 17 Vienna (Austria), Church of Augustinians, Monument to Maria Cristina of Austria, by Antonio Canova

Scrapbooks and Notebooks, 1825-1908

Box Folder Description
14 1 Notebooks (4) of Anna Cady of Florida, Montgomery County (N.Y.), (mother of Catherine Cook Batcheller), written while at Ballston Spa Female Seminary
  1. Vol. 1, 1825, containing histories of Belgium, Holland, Spain, Scotland, Ireland and England.
  2. Vol. 2, 1826, containing essays on the science of astronomy, and the study of tides, springs and rivers, sound, light, vision, and planetary systems, as well as histories of France, Germany, and Russia.
  3. Vol. 3, 1825-1826, containing histories of Greece and European Turkey, Turks, Asiatic Turkey, discovery of America, United States, France, Egypt, Northern Africa, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Prussia, Denmark & Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, and Spain.
  4. Vol. 4, undated, containing analytical essays on Hugh Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, and essays on William Paley's Moral Philosophy, as well as poems of classmates.
15 1 Notebook (small), 1874 calendar printed on first page, one essay dated 1889, with notes on various topics relating to Egypt, including sketch of barn or outbuilding in Cairo (Egypt)
15 2 Scrapbook of calling cards and invitations, 1878-1894, with many addressed to Mrs. or Ms. Batcheller [some in French]
16 1 Scrapbook relating to death of Catherine Batcheller, ca. 1903, containing letters, cards, newspaper clippings, photographs, etc.
17 1 Scrapbook relating to death of George Batcheller, ca. 1908, containing letters, cards, newspaper clippings, photographs, etc.

Extra-Large Folders

Box Folder Description
  EL1 Architectural drawings (4) [ca. 1870s]: elevations of Saratoga Springs (N.Y.) home. Views of east flank (with partial color), west flank, front and rear; cadastral map of Conklin property in Saratoga Springs (N.Y.), undated. Three of the drawings are signed: Nichols & Halcott, Arch'ts., Albany, N.Y.
  EL2 Watercolor portrait of George Batcheller in uniform by C.D. Fredericks & Co.
  EL3 Photograph from Mirzan trial in Egypt, undated [likely 1880], marked with numbered locations, possibly evidence of murder scene
  EL4 Panoramic map (newsprint) of Saratoga Lake (N.Y.) [fragile condition], entitled "Saratoga Springs and Vicinity – Scenes of the Inter-Collegiate Regatta," Harper's Weekly Supplement, July 25, 1874

Maps removed from this collection and placed in Map Collection

Box Folder Description
-- -- (7471) New York City (N.Y.), 1865
-- -- (74748) Saratoga Springs (N.Y.), Parts, 1867
-- -- (7471) New York Harbor, New York City (N.Y.), 1872
-- -- (404) World War Western Front, Europe, 1917
Last Updated: March 31, 2022