New York State Library

Native American Language and Culture Preservation Project

The Native American Language and Culture Preservation Project microfilmed selected monograph and serial items in the holdings of the New York State Library pertaining primarily to the Iroquois. The 66 reels of microfilm include books concerning Native American education, especially missionary and Indian schools; Jesuit relations dating from the 17th century; religious works published in Iroquoian and Algonquin languages; captivity accounts by European-American settlers who were captured and later were released or escaped; and publications by the Society of Friends and other organizations concerned with Native American issues.

The materials were microfilmed in 1993-1994 thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Many of the publications were scanned from the microfilm and are now available through the Library's Digital Collections; if so, the title in the table below will be a link. The microfilm may also be borrowed for use at your local library through interlibrary loan.

The majority of titles are in English with some texts, grammars and glossaries, in whole or in part, in indigenous languages, including Seneca, Mohawk and Onondaga. A few titles are in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Latin or Dutch.

Reel Contents Guide (MB/FM 970.1 N532 93-36144)

Reel Item Author Title
1 1 Akweks, Aren Collection of Mohawk Legends (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 8 pp.
2 Akweks, Aren Conservation as the Indian Saw It (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948)
7 pp.
3 Akweks, Aren Costume of Iroquois (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Mohawk Counselor Organization, 194?) 24 pp.
4 Akweks, Aren Costume of the Iroquois Man (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 12 pp.
5 Akweks, Aren The Creation (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 8 pp.
6 Akweks, Aren Cultural Areas of North American Indians (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 11 pp.
7 Akweks, Aren Forest Tales (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Mohawk Counselor Organization, 1949) 6 pp.
8 Akweks, Aren The Formation of the Ho-de-no-sau-ne or League of the Five Nations (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 26 pp.
9 Akweks, Aren Four Happenings in Indian History (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 19??) 12 pp.
10 Akweks, Aren The Gift of the Great Spirit (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, n.d.) 8 pp.
11 Akweks, Aren The Great Gift, Tobacco (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 8 pp.
12 Akweks, Aren The Hermit Thrush (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 8 pp.
13 Akweks, Aren History of the St. Regis Akwesasne Mohawks (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1947) 32 pp.
14 Akweks, Aren Honayawas, Fish Carrier, Logan, and Cornplanter (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Mohawk Counselor Organization, 1949) 5 pp.
15 Akweks, Aren Key to Indian Pictographs (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 194?) 16 pp.
16 Akweks, Aren Migration of the Iroquois (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1947) 8 pp.
17 Akweks, Aren Migration of the Tuscaroras (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1947) 8 pp.
18 Akweks, Aren Monuments to Six Nation Indians (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Mohawk Counselor Organization, n.d.) 68 pp.
19 Akweks, Aren Sa-ko-ri-on-nie-ne: Our Great Teacher (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1947) 26 pp.
20 Akweks, Aren The Seven Dancers (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, n.d.) 7 pp.
21 Akweks, Aren Six Nations Indian Lore and History with Illustrations: A Collection of Seven Folded Charts, Illustrations, Two Letters, and Two Broadsides (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1953) 1 portfolio
22 Akweks, Aren Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy Record (World War II) (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Mohawk Counselor Organization, 1949) 18 pp.
23 Akweks, Aren The Story of the Monster Bear, the Great Dipper (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 6 pp.
24 Akweks, Aren The Thunder Boy (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 6 pp.
25 Akweks, Aren Wampum Belts (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, n.d.) 15 pp.
26 Akweks, Aren Why We Have Mosquitoes (Hogansburg, N.Y.: Akwesasne Counselor Organization, 1948) 7 pp.
27 Alegambre, Philippo Mortes Illvstres, et Gesta Eorvm de Societate Iesv Qui in Odium Fidei, Pietatis, aut Cuiuscunque Virtutis, Occasione Missionum, Sacramentorum Administratorum, Fidei, aut Virtutis Propugnatae; ab Ethnicis, Haereticis, Vel Alijs, Veneno, Igne, Ferro, aut Morte Alia Necati, Aerumnis ue Confecti Sunt (Rome: Ex typographia Varesij, 1657) 716 pp.
2 28 Alexander, Hubert G. and Paul Reiter Report on the Excavation of Jemez Cave, New Mexico (Albuquerque, N.M.: The University of New Mexico, 1935) 67 pp.
29 Alsop, George and John Dawson Gilmary Shea A Character of the Province of Maryland: Described in Four Distinct Parts; Also a Small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Maryland …Together with a Collection of Historical Letters (New York: William Gowans, 1869) 125 pp. (Gowan's Bibliotheca Americana; 5)
30 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; Compiled from Documents Laid Before the Board, at the Tenth Annual Meeting, Which Was Held at Boston, (Ms.) Sept. 15, 16, & 17, 1819 (Boston: Published by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1819) 56, 32 pp.
31 American Sunday-School Union Sketches of Moravian Missions Containing the Most Interesting Portions of the Missionary Labours of the United Brethren Among the Greenlanders, Esquimaux, North American Indians, and Hottentots (Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1827?) 179 pp.
32 Andrade, Manuel José Quileute (New York: Columbia University Press, 1933) p. 151-292
33 Andrade, Manuel José and Leo Joachim Frachtenberg Quileute Texts (New York: Columbia University Press, 1931) 211 pp.
34 Armstrong, George Henry The Origin and Meaning of Place Names in Canada (Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1930) 312 pp.
35 Arroyo de la Cuesta, Felipe Extracto de la Grammatica Mutsun ó de la Lengue de Los Naturales de la Mision de San Juan Bautista (Nueva-York: s.n., 1861) 48 pp.
36 Barbé-Marbois, François, Marquis de Our Revolutionary Forefathers: The Letters of François, marquis de Barbé-Marbois During His Residence in the United States as Secretary of the French Legation, 1779-1785 (New York: Duffield & Co., 1929) 225 pp.
3 37 Barber, John Warner Historical Collections, Being a General Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., Relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts, with Geographical Descriptions (Worcester: Dorr Howland & Co., 1839) 624 pp.
38 Barber, John Warner The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey, Embracing the Following Subjects, viz.: Discoveries and Settlements, Indian History, Indian, French, and Revolutionary Wars, Religious History, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, Traditions, Remarkable and Unaccountable Occurrences, with a Great Variety of Curious and Interesting Relics of Antiquity, Illustrated by Numerous Engravings (Worcester, Mass.: Dorr, Howland & Co., 1841) 576 pp.
39 Barber, John Warner The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania Embracing the Following Subjects, viz.: Discoveries and Settlements—Indian History—Indian, French, and Revolutionary Wars—Religious History—Biographical Sketches—Anecdotes, Traditions, Remarkable and Unaccountable Occurrences, with a Great Variety of Curious and Interesting Relics of Antiquity (Hartford: A.S. Stillman & Sons, 1844) 624 pp.
4 40 Bartram, William Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Productions of Those Regions, Together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians (Dublin: For J. Moore, W. Jones, R. Mallister, and J. Rice, 1793) 520 pp.
41 Bass, Altha Leah Cherokee Messenger (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936) 348 pp.
42 Beckwith, Thomas The Indian, or Mound Builder: The Indians, Mode of Living, Manners, Customs, Dress, Ornaments, etc., Before the White Man Came to the Country, Together with a List of Relics Gathered by the Author. Geology, Ethnology and Archeology of This Country and the Pacific Tribes Treated to a Limited Extent (Cape Girardeau, Mo.: Naeter Bros., 1911) 135 pp.
43 Benson, Egbert Memoir, Read Before the Historical Society of the State of New-York, 31st December, 1816 (New-York: Printed by T. & W. Mercein, 1817) 72 pp.
44 Bible. Kianasa Nana Nonedowaga Neuwenuda = Hymns in the Seneca Language (Buffalo, N.Y.: Printed by H.A. Salisbury, 1819) 40 pp.
45 Bible. The Gospel According to Saint Luke: Translated into the Seneca Tongue (New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, D. Farnshaw, printer, 1829) 149 (i.e. 298 pp.)
46 Bible. N.T. Mark. The Gospel According to St. Mark: Translated into the Mohawk Tongue (New York: Published by the New-York District Bible Society, 1829) 239 pp.
5 47 Bible. The Gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John / tr. into the language of the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador; by the missionaries of the Unitas fratrum; or, United Brethern, residing at Nain, Okkak, and Hopedale. (London: Printed by W. M'Dowall, 1813) 416 pp.
48 Bible Ne˘h thoyad_o˘h ne John. Oiwa˘h III = The Third Chapter of the Gospel of John. Translated by Rev. Asher Wright (Gowanda, N.Y.: Printed by H.M. Morgan, after 1846) 8 pp.
49 Bible No I'wiyus'd_osh˘a˘h ne chag_a'_ohedus. He'nioye'_˘ah ho'yad_o˘h ne Matthew, Mark, Luke = The Gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke. Translated into the Seneca Language, by Rev. Asher Wright(Cattaraugus Reservation? N.Y.: Seneca Mission Press?, after 1846) 132 pp.
50 Bible The Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, etc. in Maliseet Language (Halifax, N.S.: Printed for the Micmac Missionary Society, 1863) 2 pp.
51 Blueye, Esther Seneca, Book 1 (Albany: Office of Cultural Education, New York State Education Department, 1975?) 44 pp.
52 Brainerd, David An Account of the Life of Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary from the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, & Pastor of a Church of Christian Indians in New-Jersey (Edinburgh: Printed by T. Maccliesh and Co. for J. Ogle, 1798) 560, 56 pp.
53 Brainerd, David Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos, or, The Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace Amongst a Number of the Indians, in the Provinces of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania (Worcester, Mass.: Leonard Worcester, [1793]) 84 pp.
54 Brinton, Daniel Garrison Ancient Nahuatl Poetry, Containing the Nahuatl Text of XXVII Ancient Mexican Poems, with a Translation, Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary (Philadelphia: D.G. Brinton, 1890) 177 pp. (Library of Aboriginal American literature, No. 7)
6 55 Brinton, Daniel Garrison The Myths of the New World: A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America (Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1905) 360 pp.
56 Brinton, Daniel Garrison Races and Peoples: Lectures on the Science of Ethnography (New York: N.D.C. Hodges, 1890) 313 pp.
57 Brinton, Daniel Garrison Rig Veda Americanus: Sacred Songs of the Ancient Mexicans, with a Gloss in Nahuatl (Philadelphia: D.G. Brinton, 1890) 95 pp.
58 Brown, James The Extensive Influence of Religious Knowledge: A Sermon Preached Before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christina Knowledge, at Their Anniversary Meeting, in the High Church of Edinburgh, on Friday, June 2, 1769 (Edinburgh: Printed by A. Murray & J. Cochran, 1769) 45, 32 pp.
59 Bryant, William C. Oration (S.L.: s.n., 1892?) 32-47 pp.
60 Buenos Aires (Argentina). Museo Mitre. Biblioteca. Lenguas Americanas Cat'alogo Ilustrado de la Secci' on x de la Biblioteca (Buenos Aires: Impr. De Coni Hermanos, 1912) 182 pp.
61 Buffalo Historical Society Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society. Volume VI (Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo Historical Society, 1903) 380 pp.
62 Burke, Carleton Symphony Iroquoian (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Science, 1937) 70 pp.
63 Burns, Robert Daniel An Iroquois Twentieth Century Ceremony of Appreciation, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y. (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1921) p. 83-107
64 Burton, Henrietta The Re-establishment of the Indians in Their Pueblo Life Through the Revival of Their Traditional Crafts: A Study in Home Extension Education (New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1936) 96 pp.
7 65 The Calumet. (Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1860)(New York: John Beeson, 1860) 32 pp.
66 Campbell, William W. Annals of Tryon County, or, The Border Warfare of New York, During the Revolution (Cherry Valley, N.Y.: The Cherry Valley Gazette Print, 1880) 312 pp.
67 Campbell, William W. Annals of Tryon County, or, The Border Warfare of New York, During the Revolution (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1924) 257 pp.
68 Campbell, William W. The Border Warfare of New York, During the Revolution, or, The Annals of Tryon County (New York: Baker & Scribner, 1849) 396 pp.
69 Canfield, William Walker At Seneca Castle (New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1912) 274 pp.
8 70 Captives Among the Indians; First-hand Narratives of Indian Wars, Customs, Tortures, and Habits of Life in Colonial Times (New York: Outing Publishing Company, 1915) 274 pp.
71 Carmer, Carl Lamson Listen for a Lonesome Drum: A York State Chronicle (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1936) 381 pp.
72 Casas, Bartolomé de las Istoria 'o Breuissima Relatione Della Distrvttione dell'Indie Occidentali (In Venetia: Presso Marco Ginammi, [1626]) 154 pp.
73 Casas, Bartolomé de las La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales (A Paris: Chez André Pralard, 1697) 382 pp.
9 74 Catholic Church Angeniwak ot Anamensikaniwak (S.l.: s.n., 184?)
75 Champlain, Samuel de The Voyages and Explorations of Samuel de Champlain (1604-1616) (New York: A.S. Barnes & Company, 1906) 2 v.
76 Chateaubriand, François-Réné, Vicomte de Atala René (A Paris: Chez Le Normant, Libraire, rue des prêtres Saint-Germain-l'Auzerrois, [1805]) 331 pp.
77 Cheyney, Edward Gheen Matu, the Iroquois (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1928) 303 pp.
78 Church, Benjamin The History of King Philip's War, Also of Expeditions Against the French and Indians in the Eastern Parts of New-England, in the Years 1689, 1690, 1696, and 1704, with Some Account of the Divine Providence Towards Col. Benjamin Church (Boston: Howe & Norton, printers, 1825) 304 pp.
10 79 Clark, Joshua Victor Hopkins Indian Camp Fires, and Hunting Grounds of the Red Men, or, Lights and Lines of Indian Character (New York: Derby and Jackson, 1860) 375 pp.
80 Clarkson, Thomas Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of William Penn (London: Gilpin, 1849) 367 pp.
81 Clinton, DeWitt A Discourse Delivered Before the New-York Historical Society (New York: James Eastburn, 1812) 82 pp.
82 Clinton, DeWitt A Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Part of the State of New York (Albany: Printed by I.W. Clark, 1818) 16 pp.
83 Clinton, DeWitt The Iroquois: Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 6, 1811 (Albany?, N.Y.: s.n., 1920?) 58 leaves
84 Colden, Cadwallader The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, Which Are Dependent on the Province of New York, and are a Barrier Between the English and the French in That Part of the World (New York: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1902) 2 vol.
11 85 Coleman, Emma Lewis New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760, During the French and Indian Wars (Portland, Me.: The Southworth Press, 1925) 2 v.
86 Commuck, Thomas Indian Melodies (New York: G. Lane & C.B. Tippett, 1845) 114 pp.
87 Conover, George S. Seneca Villages: Principal Settlements Between Canandaigua and Seneca Lake (Geneva, N.Y.: 1899) 12 pp.
88 Converse, Harriet Maxwell The Iroquois Silver Brooches (Albany, N.Y.: University of the State of New York, 1902)
p. r231-r255
12 89 Courcy, Henri de History of the Catholic Church in the United States from the Earliest Settlement of the Country to the Present Time, with Biographical Sketches, Accounts of Religious Orders, Councils (New York: P.J. Kennedy, 1879) 701 pp.
90 Cowen, Philip Albert Survey of Indian Schools, State of New York (Albany, [N.Y.], 1940) 78 pp.
91 Crump, Bonnie Lela Massey The Educability of Indian Children in Reservation Schools (Durant, Okla.: Southeastern State Teachers College, 1932) 59 pp. (Southeastern State Teachers College, No. 3)
92 Current Perspectives in Northeastern Archeology: Essays in Honor of William A. Ritchie (Rochester, N.Y.: New York State Archeological Association, 1977) 173 pp.
93 Dailey, William Nelson Potter. The History of Montgomery Classic, R.C.A. To Which Is Added Sketches of Mohawk Valley Men and Events of Early Days, the Iroquois, Palatines, Indian Missions, Tryon County Committee of Safety, Sir Wm. Johnson, Joseph Brant, Arendt Van Curler, Gen. Herkimer, Reformed Church in America, Doctrine and Progress, Revolutionary Residences, etc. (Amsterdam, N.Y.: Recorder Press, 1916?) 197 pp.
94 Dakota Odowan: Hymns in the Dakota Language, with Tunes (New York: American Tract Society, 1883) 133 pp.
13 95 Dawson, John William Acadian Geology: The Geological Structure, Organic Remains and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island (London: Macmillan and Co., 1878) 694, 102 pp.
96 Decker, George Palmer America Europeanized (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1925) 17 pp.
97 Decker, George Palmer and Charles F. Milliken Treaty Making with the Indians (Rochester: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1920) p. 44-79
98 Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel The North-Americans of Yesterday: A Comparative Study of North-American Indian Life, Customs, and Products, on the Theory of the Ethnic Unity of the Race (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1901) 487 pp.
99 Denonville, Jacques René Brisay, Marquis de Narrative of the Expedition of the Marquis de Nonville Against the Senecas, in 1687 (New York: Printed for the Society, 1849) p. 149-192
100 Denonville, Jacques René de Brisay, Marquis de Narrative of the Expedition of the Marquis De Nonville, Against the Senecas, in 1687 (New York: Bartlett & Welford, 1848) 48 pp.
14 101 Devine, Edward James Les Jésuites Martyrs de la Nouvelle-France (Paris: G. Beauchesne, 1927) 268 pp.
102 Doctrines and Discipline of the Reformed Methodist Church of the United States and Upper Canada (Sandy Creek, N.Y.: M.M. Earl, 1860) 32 pp.
103 Donlon, Hugh P. The Story of Auriesville "Land of Crosses," Where the Indian Trail of the Jesuit Missioner Ended – and the Path to Heaven Began (Worcester, Mass.: Harrigan Press, 1932) 176 pp.
104 Dreuillette, Gabriel Recueil de Pièces sur la Negociation Entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre: ès années 1648 et Suivantes (Nouvelle York: De la presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1866) 62 pp.
105 Drury, Clifford Merrill Elkanah and Mary Walker: Pioneers Among the Spokanes (Caldwell, Ind.: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1940) 283 pp.
106 Drury, Clifford Merrill Henry Harmon Spalding (Caldwell, Ind.: Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1936) 438 pp.
15 107 Dunlap, William Cook Quaker Education in Baltimore and Virginia Yearly Meetings with an Account of a Certain Meeting of Delaware and the Eastern Shore Affiliated with Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pa.: 1936) 574 pp.
108 Early Adventures and Conflicts of the First Settlers of N.Y. & Ohio with the Indians Before and During the Late War, to Which Is Added a Biography of Sagoewatha (New York: Printed for the publisher, 1838) 32 pp.
109 Edmonds, Walter Dumaux Drums Along the Mohawk (Boston: Little, Brown, 1936) 592 pp.
16 110 Eggan, Fred and Ina Corinne Brown Social Anthropology of North American Tribes: Essays in Social Organization, Law, and Religion (Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1937) 456 pp. (University of Chicago Publications in Anthropology Social Anthropology Series)
111 Eliot, John The Indian Primer, or, The Way of Training Up of Our Indian Youth in the Good Knowledge of God (Edinburgh: A. Elliot, 1877) 124 pp.
112 Eliot, William Horace Genealogy of the Eliot Family (New Haven, Conn.: G. B. Bassett & Co., 1854) 184 pp.
113 Elliott, Charles Indian Missionary Reminiscences, Principally of the Wyandot Nation in Which Is Exhibited the Efficacy of the Gospel in Elevating Ignorant and Savage Men (New York: Pub. By Lane & Scott, for the Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1850) 216 pp.
114 Ellis, Florence Hawley The Significance of the Dated Prehistory of Chetro Ketl, Chaco Canon, New Mexico (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1934) 80 pp.
115 Faulmann, Karl Das Buch der Schrift Enthaltend die Schriftzeichen und Alphabete aller Zeiten und aller Vőlker des Erdkreises (Wein: K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1880) 286 pp.
116 Field, Thomas Warren Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brooklyn and Its Vicinity, with Illustrations of Some of its Antiquities (Brooklyn: 1868) 96 pp.
17 117 Finley, James Bradley Life Among the Indians, or, Personal Reminiscences and Historical Incidents Illustrative of Indian Life and Character (Cincinnati: Printed at the Methodist Book Concern, for the Author, 1859) 548 pp.
118 Fisher, Reginald Gilbert The Relation of North American Pre-history to Post-glacial Climatic Fluctuations (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1935) 91 pp.
119 Forrest, Elizabeth Chabot Daylight Moon (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1937) 340 pp.
120 Franciscan Fathers (Fonda, N.Y.) The Indian Maiden Catherine Tekakwitha (Fonda, N.Y.: Franciscan Fathers, Tekakwitha Friary, 1940) 8 pp.
121 Friends' Union for Philanthropic Labor Proceedings of Friends' Union for Philanthropic Labor, at the Eighth Conference, Held at Chappaqua, New York, Eight Month Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth 1894 (Philadelphia: Alfred J. Ferris, 1894) 196 pp.
18 122 Galton, Francis Sir Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1860, 1861, 1862-3 (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1861-1864) 3 vol.
123 Geo. S. Conover: Genealogical-Biological (Geneva, N.Y.: s.n., 1886?) 32, 12 pp.
124 Goodrich, Samuel G. The Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the Indians of North and South America (Boston: Rand & Avery, 1856) 336 pp.
125 Goodrich, Samuel G. Manners and Customs of the Principal Nations of the Globe (Boston: Bradbury, Soden, 1845) 352 pp.
19 126 Goodrich, Samuel G. Manners and Customs of the Principal Nations of the Globe (Boston: C.H. Peirce and G.C. Rand, 1848) 352 pp.
127 Goyau, Georges Une Épopée Mystique les Origines Religieuses du Canada (Paris: B. Grasset, 1924) 285 pp.
128 Guthe, Alfred K. The Late Prehistoric Occupation in Southwestern New York: An Interpretive Analysis (Albany: New York State Archeological Association, 1958) 100 pp.
129 Halsey, Francis W. The Old New York Frontier, Its Wars with Indians and Tories, Its Missionary Schools, Pioneers and Land Titles, 1614-1800 (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1912) 432 pp. fold.
130 Harrington, M.R. The Last of the Iroquois Potters (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1909) pp. 222-227
131 Harris, William Richard The Cross-bearers of the Saguenay (London: J.M. Dent, 1920) 202 pp.
132 Harrison, William Henry A Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio, in Which the Opinions of the Conquest of that Valley by the Iroquois, or Six Nations, in the Seventeenth Century, Supported by Cadwallader Colden, Governor Pownal, Dr. Franklin, the Hon. DeWitt Clinton and Judge Haywood, Are Examined and Contested, to Which Are Prefixed Some Remarks on the Study of History (Cincinnati: Printed at the Cincinnati Express, 1838) 51 pp.
20 133 Hatzan, A. Leon The True Story of Hiawatha and History of the Six Nation Indians (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1925) 298 pp.
134 Hawley, Charles Early Chapters of Seneca History: Jesuit Missions in Sonnontouan, 1656-1684 (Auburn, N.Y.: Knapp, Peck & Thomson, Printers, 1884) 89 pp.
135 Hayne, Coe. By-paths to Forgotten Folks: Stories of Real Life in Baptist Home Mission Fields (New York: The Judson Press, 1921) 203 pp.
136 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus Histiore, Moeurs et Coutumes des Nations Indiennes qui Habitatient Autrefois la Pensylvanie et les États Voisins (Paris: L. de Bure, 1822) 571 pp.
137 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus Johann Heckewelder's …Nachricht von der Geschichte, den Sitten und Gebraüchen der Indianischen Völkerschaften, Welche Ehemals Pennsylvanien und die Benachbarten Staaten Bewohnten (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1821) 582 pp.
138 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians from Its Commencement in the Year 1740 to the Close of the Year 1808 (Cleveland: The Burrows Brothers Company, 1907) 616 pp.
139 Hennepin, Louis Descrizione Della Lvigiana: Paese Nuouamente Scoperto Nell° America Settentrionale, Sotto Glauspicij del Christianissimo Lvigi XIV. Con la Carto Geografica del Medesimo, Costumi, e Maniere di Viuere di que° Seluaggi (Bologa: G. Monti, 1686) 396 pp.
22 140 Hill, Henry Aaron A Collection of Hymns for the Use of Native Christian of the Mohawk Language, to Which Are Added a Number of Hymns for Sabbath-schools (New York: M'Elrath & Bangs, 1832) 39, 39, 40-69, 70-106, 70-106, 107-146 pp.
141 Hinili Ubokiah: Isht Anumpuli Hoke (S.l.: s.n., 1857?) pp. 65-96
142 Hoffman, Charles Fenno The Vigil of Faith and Other Poems (New York: S. Coleman, 1842) 84 pp.
143 Hosmer, William H. C. Yonnondio, or Warriors of the Genesee Country (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1844) 239 pp.
144 Houghton, Frederick The Archeology of the Genesee Country (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1922) pp. 37-66
145 Hughes, Katherine Father Lacombe the Black-robe Voyageur (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1911) 467 pp.
146 Hulbert, Archer Butler …The Oregon Crusade: Across Land and Sea to Oregon (Colorado Springs: The Stewart Commission of Colorado College, 1935) 301 pp.
147 Hultzen, Claud H. Old Fort Niagara: The Story of an Ancient Gateway to the West (Youngstown?, N.Y.: Old Fort Niagara Association, 1933) 46 pp.
148 An Indian Speech in Answer to a Sermon Preached by a Swedish Missionary, at Conestogo, in Pennsylvania, to Which Is Added Observations of a Tuscarora Chief, and Drunkeness Reproved by a Beast (Stanford, N.Y.: Printed and sold by Daniel Lawrence, 1807) 11 pp.
149 James, Edwin Chippewa First Lessons in Spelling and Reading (Boston: Lincoln & Edmands, Ptrs, 1832) 16 pp.
23 150 James, Edwin Ojibue Spelling Book (Boston: Printed for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, by Crocker & Brewster, 1846) 2 vol.
151 James, George Wharton In and Out of the Old Missions of California: An Historical and Pictorial Account of the Franxiscan Missions. New and rev. ed.(Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1927) 392 pp.
152 Jenness, Diamond The American Aborigines, Their Origin and Antiquity: A Collection of Papers by Ten Authors Pacific Science Congress (Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1933) 396 pp.
24 153 Jesuits Relations des Jésuites Contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus Remarquable dans les Missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France (Québec: A. Coté, 1858). Volumes 1 and 2 of 3
25 153 Jesuits Relations des Jésuites Contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus Remarquable dans les Missions des pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France (Québec: A. Coté, 1858). Volume 3
154 Jesuits Mission du Canada Relations inédites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679) pour Faire Suite aux Anciennes Relations (1615-1672) Avec Deux Cartes Géographiques (Paris: C. Douniol, 1861) 2 vol.
26 155 Jesuits The Indians of North America (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927) 2 vol.
27 156 Jesuits Cartas Edificantes, y Curiosas, Escritas de las Missiones Estrangeras por Algunos Missioneros de la Compania de Jesus, Traducidas del Idioma Francès por el Padre Diego Davin (Madrid: En la Oficina de la viuda de M. Fernandez, imprenta, 1753-57) volumes 1-4
28 156 Jesuits Cartas Edificantes, y Curiosas, Escritas de las Missiones Estrangeras por Algunos Missioneros de la Compania de Jesus, Traducidas del Idioma Francès por el Padre Diego Davin (Madrid: En la Oficina de la viuda de M. Fernandez, imprenta, 1753-57) volumes 5-8
29 156 Jesuits Cartas Edificantes, y Curiosas, Escritas de las Missiones Estrangeras por Algunos Missioneros de la Compania de Jesus, Traducidas del Idioma Francès por el Padre Diego Davin (Madrid: En la Oficina de la viuda de M. Fernandez, imprenta, 1753-57) volumes 9-12
30 156 Jesuits Cartas Edificantes, y Curiosas, Escritas de las Missiones Estrangeras por Algunos Missioneros de la Compania de Jesus, Traducidas del Idioma Francès por el Padre Diego Davin (Madrid: En la Oficina de la viuda de M. Fernandez, imprenta, 1753-57) volumes 13-16
31 157 Jesuits Letters Édifiantes et Curieuses Concernant l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amérique avec Quelques Relations Nouvelles des Missions, et des Notes Géographiques et Historiques (Paris: A. Desrez, 1838-43) volumes 1-2
32 157 Jesuits Letters Édifiantes et Curieuses Concernant l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amérique avec Quelques Relations Nouvelles des Missions, et des Notes Géographiques et Historiques (Paris: A. Desrez, 1838-43) volumes 3-4
33 158 The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1925) 527 pp.
159 Johnson, E. Pauline Flint and Feather: The Complete Poems of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (Toronto: Musson, 1931) 170 pp.
160 Johnston, Stanley W. History of the Tuscarora Indians, and Tuscarora School Beadworkers' Constitution (S.l.: s.n., 193?) 16 pp.
161 Jones, Peter Life and Journals of Keh-ke-wa-guo-n˘a-ba (Rev. Peter Jones): Wesleyan Missionary (Toronto: A. Green, 1860) 424 pp.
162 Keiser, Albert The Indian in American Literature (New York: Oxford University Press, 1933) 312 pp.
34 163 Keller, Robert Brown History of Monroe County, Pennsylvania (Stroudsburg, Pa.: The Monroe Publishing Co., 1927) 500 pp.
164 Kenrick, Alonzo P. The Cherokee Singing Book (Boston: Printed for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, by Alonzo P. Kenrick, 1846) 86 pp.
165 Kip, William A. Early Jesuit Missions in North America (Albany, N.Y.: Peace & Prentice, 1866) 325 pp.
35 166 Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, Baron de Reizen van den Baron van la Hontan in het Noordelyk Amerika, Vervattende een Verhaal van Verscheide Volkeren die het Bewoonen, den Aart Hunner Regeering, hun Koophandel, hun Gewoontens, hun Godsdienst, en hun Wys van Oorloogen (In's Gravenhage: I. Beauregard, 1739) 2 vol.
167 Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, Baron de Voyages (Ottawa: Graphic Publishers, 1932) 348 pp.
168 Laing, Mary Elizabeth The Hero of the Longhouse (Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y.: World Book Co., 1920) 329 pp.
36 169 Lallemant, Jérôme Relation de ce qui s'est Passé de Plus Remarquable és Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, es Années 1645 & 1646 (A Paris: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy et Gabriel Cramoisy, 1647) 184, 128 pp.
170 Lallemant, Jérôme Relation de ce qui s'est Passé de Plus Remarquable és Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, és Annees 1647 & 1648 (A Paris: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur Ordinaire du Roy, & de la Reyne Regente, et Gabriel Cramiosy, 1649) 158, 135 pp.
171 Lallemant, Jérôme Relation de ce qui s'est Passé de Plus Remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France, és Années 1661 & 1662 (A Paris: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, et Sebast. Mabre Cramoisy, 1663) 118 pp.
172 Lange, D. The Iroquois Scout (Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1923) 308 pp.
173 Lawson, John The History of Carolina, Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country, Together with the Present State Therof. And a Journal of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd Thro' Several Nations of Indians. Giving a Particular Account of the Customs, Manners, &c (London: Printed for W. Taylor and J. Baker, 1714) 258 pp.
174 Lawson, John History of North Carolina (Charlotte, N.C.: Observer Printing House, 1903) 171 pp.
175 Lecompte, Édouard An Iroquois Virgin, Catherine Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawk and the St. Lawrence, 1656-1680 (New York: Tekakwitha League, 1932) 190 pp.
176 Lenig, Donald The Oak Hill Horizon and Its Relations to the Development of Five Nations Iroquois Culture (Buffalo: New York State Archeological Association, 1965) 114 pp.
177 Leupp, Francis Ellington In Red Man's Land: a Study of the American Indian (New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1914) 161 pp.
37 178 Lighthall, W.D. The Master of Life: A Romance of the Five Nations and of Prehistoric Montreal (Toronto: Musson, 1908) 262 pp.
179 Lindquist, Gustavus Elmer Emanuel The Red Man in the United States: An Intimate Study of the Social, Economic, and Religious Life of the American Indian (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1923) 461 pp.
180 Loskiel, George Henry Geschichte der Mission der Evangelischen Brüder unter den Indianern in Nordamerika (Barby Leipzig: Zu finden in den Brüdergemenien P.G. Kummer, 1789) 783 pp.
181 Loughride, R.M. and David McKillopp Hodge English and Muskokee Dictionary (St. Louis: Printing House of J.T. Smith, 1890) 236 pp.
38 182 Lover of liberty A Letter to the Freemen and Freeholders of the City of New-York, Relating to the Approaching Election of Their Representatives. Wherein the Several Papers that have Lately Appeared on the Subject of Politicks, Are Briefly Considered, the Conduct of the Authors Exposed, and the Controversy Represented in its True Light (New-York: Printed and sold by J. Parker, at the new Printing Office, in Beaver-Street, 1752)
24 pp.
183 Lummis, Charles Fletcher The Spanish Pioneers and the California Missions (Chicago, Ill.: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1929) 343 pp.
184 Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir Voyages from Montreal Through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in 1789 and 1793, with an Account of the Rise and State of the Fur Trade (New York: A.S. Barnes, 1903) 2 vol.
185 Manley, Henry Sackett The Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 1784, Being the First Attempt to Collect from the Sources the Facts Leading up to and Covering the Peace Negotiated by the Congress of the United States and the Six Nations Indians after Britain Acknowledged the Freedom oe [!] her Colonies (Rome, N.Y.: Rome Sentinel Company, 1932) 126 pp.
186 Martin, Félix The Life of Father Isaac Jogues, Missionary Priest of the Society of Jesus, Slain by the Mohawk Iroquois, in the Present State of New York, Oct. 18, 1646 (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1885) 263 pp.
187 Mason, Otis Tufton Woman's Share in Primitive Culture (New York: D. Appleton, 1915) 295 pp.
39 188 Mauduit, Israel Substance of a Speech Made at a General Court of the Company for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America (S.l.: Author, 1785) 18 pp.
189 Mayer, Joseph Ralph Flintlocks of the Iroquois, 1620-1687 (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1943) 59 pp. (Research Records of the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, No. 6)
190 McCallum, James Dow The Letter of Eleazar Wheelock's Indians (Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Publications, 1932) 327 pp. (Dartmouth College Manuscript Series, No. 1)
191 McMurtrie, Douglas C. John Meeker, Pioneer Printer of Kansas with a Bibliography of the Known Issues of the Baptist Mission Press at Shawanoe, Stockbridge, and Ottawa, 1834-1854 (Chicago: Eyncourt Press, 1930) 169 pp.
192 Merrill, Moses Wdtwhtl Wdwdklha tva eva Wdhonetl (Rochester: S.P. Merrill, 1892) 12 pp.
193 Minard, John Stearns The Story of Mary Jemison Condensed from the Various Editions of Her Life (S.l.: s.n., 191?)
4 pp.
194 Minard, John Stearns The Story of the Old Indian Council-house in Letchworth's State Park (Friendship, N.Y.: John W. Sanborn, 1913) 28 pp.
195 Missionary Society of Connecticut Board of Trustees Seventeenth Annual Narrative of Missionary Labors, Performed Under the Direction of the Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut with a Statement of the Funds of the Society, and a List of Books Sent to the New Settlements, in the Year 1815 (Hartford, Conn.: Peter B. Gleason, 1816) 27 pp.
196 Moffett, Thomas C. The Bible in the Life of the Indians of the United States (New York: American Bible Society, 1916) 23 pp. (Centennial Pamphlet No. 14)
197 Mohawk Nation At a Treaty Held Under the Authority of the United States with the Mohawk Nation of Indians Residing in the Province of Upper Canada, within the Dominions of the King of Great Britain (S.l.: s.n., 1797?) 3 pp.
198 Moore, Martin Memoir of Eliot, Apostle to the North American Indians (Boston: S. Goldsmith, and Crocker & Brewster, 1842) 144 pp.
199 Moore, Martin Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. John Eliot (Boston: T. Bedington, 1822) 174 pp.
40 200 Moravian Church. Society of the United Brethren for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen The Centennial Anniversary of the Society of the United Brethren for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, Celebrated at Bethlehem, Pa., on the First of November, 1887 (Bethlehem, Pa.: Moravian Publication Office, 1888) 52 pp.
201 Moravian Historical Society A Memorial of the Dedication of Monuments Erected by the Moravian Historical Society to Mark the Sites of Ancient Missionary Stations in New York and Connecticut (New York: C.B. Richardson, 1860) 184 pp.
202 Morgan, Lewis Henry Ancient Society, or, Researches in the Line of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization (Chicago: C.H. Kerr, 1877) 570 pp.
203 Morgan, Lewis Henry Ancient Society, or, Researches in the Line of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 1908) 570 pp.
41 204 Morgan, Lewis Henry Die Urgesellschaft (Ancient Society) Untersuchungen über den Fortschritt der Menschheit aus der Wildheit durch die Barbarei zur Zivilisation (Stuttgart: J.H.W. Dietz nachf. G.m.b.H., 1920) 480 pp.
205 Moser, Charles A. Reminiscences of the West Coast of Vancouver Island (Victoria, B.C.: Printed by the Acme Press, Limited, 1925) 192 pp.
206 Moulthrop, Samuel P. Iroquois (Rochester, N.Y.: E. Hart, 1901) 155 pp.
207 New York State Archeological Association. Lewis H. Morgan Chapter The Morgan Centennial Celebration at Wells College, Aurora, Being an Account of the Proceedings and the Text of the Addresses Delivered (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1919) 31 pp.
208 New York State Museum and Science Service Selected Reading List of Books and Articles on Indians of North America in New York State Library (Albany, N.Y.: The Museum, 1958) 8 pp.
209 New York (State) Constitution of the State of New York Adopted in 1846, with a Comparative Arrangement of the Constitution Provisions of Other States (Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons, 1867) 239 pp.
210 New York (State). Dept. of Public Instruction Course of Study and Suggestions to Teachers for the New York State Indian Schools (Albany, N.Y.: Dept. of Public Instruction, 1903) 48 pp.
211 New York (State). Bureau of Elementary School Supervision Indian Education in New York State, 1846-1953/54 (Albany, N.Y.: s.n., 1954?) 23 pp.
212 New York (State). Legislature. Joint Committee on Indian Work Survey of Indian Work in New York State (Albany, N.Y., 1939) 19 pp.
42 213 New York (State). Legislature. Assembly. Commission to Investigate the Status of the American Indian Residing in New York State Report of the New York State Indian Commission to Investigate the Status of the American Indian Residing in the State of New York (Albany, N.Y.: The Commission, 1934) 399 pp.
214 Parker, Nicholson Henry Ga_˘a n_a˘h s˘h_o˘h (Cattaraugus Reservation?, N.Y.: s.n., 1854) 16 pp.
215 Parkman, Francis The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1880) 463 pp.
216 Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews American Indian Life (New York: B.W. Huebsch, Inc., 1922) 419 pp.
43 217 Pickering, John Ueber die Indianischen Sprachen Amerikas (Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel, 1834) 79 pp.
218 Pinart, Alphonse Louis Vocabulario Castellano-cuna (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1890) 63 pp.
219 Pinart, Alphonse Louis Vocabulario Castellano-guaymie (Paris: E. Leroux, 1897) volume 1
220 Pinart, Alphonse Louis Vocabulario Castellano-guaymie (Paris: E. Leroux, 1897) volume 2
221 Pinart, Alphonse Louis Vocabulario Castellano-dorasque, Dialectos Chumulu, Gualaca y Changuina (Paris: E. Leroux, 1890) 42 pp.
222 Pinart, Alphonse Louis Vocabulario Castellano-chocoe (Baudió-citarae) (Paris: E. Leroux, 1897) 26 pp.
223 Placid, Paul The Contrast, or, The Evils of War, and the Blessings of Christianity Exemplified in the Life and Adventures of Paul Placid (London: Hamilton, Adams & Co., n.d.) 83 pp.
224 Powers, Mabel Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children (New York: American Book Company, 1917) 216 pp.
225 Prichard, James Cowles Researches into the Physical History of Mankind (London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, etc., 1836-47) volumes 1-2
44 225 Prichard, James Cowles Researches into the Physical History of Mankind (London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, etc., 1836-47) volumes 3-5
45 226 Pursch, Frederick Journal of a Botanical Excursion in the Northeastern Parts of the States of Pennsylvania and New York During the Year 1807 (Syracuse, N.Y.: Reprinted by the Dehler Press, 1923) 113 pp.
227 Reelant, Adriaan Hadriani Relandi Dissertationum Miscellanearum pars Prima-tertia et Ultima (Trajecti ad Rhenum: Ex Officina G. Broedelet, 1706-1708) 3 v. (only vol. 3 filmed)
228 Reichard, Gladys Amanda Wiyot Grammar and Texts (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1925) 215 pp.
229 Renzi, Angelo Maria Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de l'Amérique du Nord: Partie Linguistique, par M. Gallatin: Rapport Fait á l'Institut Historique (Paris: A. René, 1842) 15 pp.
230 Riggs, Stephen Return Dakota A B C Wowapi (New York: American Tract Society, 1868) 64 pp.
231 Ritchie, William Augustus An Algonkian Village Site Near Levanna, N.Y. (Rochester, N.Y.: 1928) 27 pp.
232 Ritchie, William Augustus An Algonkin-Iroquois Site on Castle Creek, Broome County, N.Y. (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Municipal Museum, 1934) 8 pp.
233 Ritchie, William Augustus Archaeological Evidence for Ceremonialism in the Owasco Culture (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1947) pp. 55-75
234 Ritchie, William Augustus An Archaeological Survey of the Trent Waterway in Ontario, Canada, and its Significance for New York State Prehistory (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1949)
52 pp.
235 Ritchie, William Augustus Certain Recently Explored New York Mounds and Their Probable Relation to the Hopewell Culture (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1954) 42 pp.
236 Ritchie William Augustus Dutch Hollow: An Early Historic Period Seneca Site in Livingston County, New York (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1954)
98 pp. (Research Records of the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, No. 10)
237 Ritchie, William Augustus Early Huron-neutral Sand Knoll Sites in Western New York (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1930) 78 pp.
238 Ritchie, William Augustus An Early Site in Cayuga County, New York Type Component of the Frontenac Focus, Archaic Pattern (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1945) 158 pp.
239 Ritchie, William Augustus Government and Institutions of the Iroquois (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1928) 30 pp.
240 Ritchie, William Augustus Hammerstones, Anvils and Certain Pitted Stones (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1929) 29 pp.
46 241 Ritchie, William Augustus Indian History of New York State (Albany: New York State Museum, 1953-1964) 3 vol. in 1
242 Ritchie, William Augustus The Lamoka Lake Site: The Type Station of the Archaic Algonkin Period in New York (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1932) pp. 70-134
243 Ritchie, William Augustus New Evidence Relating to the Archaic Occupation of New York (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1936) 23 pp.
244 Ritchie, William Augustus Some Algonkian and Iroquoian Camp Sites Around Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1927) pp. 43-60
245 Ritchie, William Augustus A Stratified Prehistoric Site at Brewerton, New York (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1946) 53 pp.
246 Ritchie, William Augustus Two Prehistoric Village Sites at Brewerton, New York: Type Components of the Brewerton Focus, Laurentian Aspect (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1940)
107 pp.
247 Riverside Public Library (Calif.) Indians (Riverside, Calif.: 1916) 29 pp.
248 Rochemonteix, Camille de Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIe Siècle d'après Beaucoup de Documents Inédits par le P. Camille de Rochemonteix (Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1895-96) volumes 1-2
47 248 Rochemonteix, Camille de Les Jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIe Siècle d'après Beaucoup de Documents Inédits par le P. Camille de Rochemonteix (Paris: Letouzey et An˘e, 1895-96) volume 3
249 Ross, Edith Connelley The Old Shawnee Mission: The Pioneer Institution of Christian Civilization in the West (Topeka: Printed by Kansas State Print. Plant, 1928) 28 pp.
250 Rouvier, Fréd Le P. Jean de Brébeuf de la Compagnie de Jésus Premier Apotres des Hurons (Lille: Société Saint-Augustin, Desclée, de Brouwer et cie, 1890?) 46 pp.
251 Salmon River Central School Akwesasne Mohawk, Book 1 (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1975?) 22 pp.
252 Salmon River Central School Akwesasne Mohawk, Book K (Albany: New York State Education Dept., 1975?) 22 pp.
253 Sanborn, John W. Day yuda gont: A Poem (Friendship, N.Y.: J.W. Sanborn, 1911) 18 pp.
254 Red Jacket (Seneca chief) A Long-lost Speech of Red Jacket Found in a Rare Book, Only Two Copies of Which are Known to Exist, and Herewith Reproduced in Full (Friendship, N.Y.: Printed by J.W. Sanborn, 1912)
8 pp.
255 Sanborn, Kate Hunting Indians in a Taxi-cab (Boston: R.G. Badger, 1911) 74 pp.
256 Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald Trails Through Western Woods (New York: The Alice Harriman Company, 1910) 310 pp.
257 Schell, J.P. In the Ojibway Country: A Story of Early Missions on the Minnesota Frontier (Walhalla, N.D.: Chas. H. Lee, 1911) 188 pp.
48 258 Schröter, Johann Friedrich Algemeine Geschichte der Länderundvölker von America, nebst Einer Vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens, mit Vielen Kupfern (Halle: Bey J.J. Gebauer, 1752-1753) 2 vol.
49 259 Scott, Martin Jerome Isaac Jogue:, Missioner and Martyr (New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1927) 233 pp.
260 Seaver, James E. Deh-he-wa-mas, or, A Narrative on the Life of Mary Jemison, Otherwise Called the White Woman of the Genesee (Batavia, N.Y.: William Seaver, 1842) 192 pp.
261 Seaver, James E. Life of Mary Jemison Whose Father and Mother Were Murdered, and She Captured by Indians, Among Whom She Lived All Her Life, Marrying and Raising a Family of Indian Children (Westfield, N.Y.: S.G. McEwen, printer, 1871) 32 pp.
262 Seaver, James E. The Life of Mary Jemison, Her Father and Mother Killed, She Captured by Indians, and Living Among them all her Life. A Thrilling Narrative (Westfield, N.Y.: S.G. McEwen, printer, 1876) 36&nbps;pp.
263 Seaver, James E. Life of Mary Jemison, Deh-he-w¨a-mis (New York: Printing House of Matthew Bros. & Bryant, 1880) 303 pp.
264 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison Who was Taken by the Indians, in the Year 1755, When Only about Twelve Years of Age, and Has Continued to Reside Amongst Them to the Present Time (Howden, Eng.: Printed by W. Walker, Otley, for R. Parkin, 1826) 180 pp.
265 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison … (Rochester, N.Y.: Printed by Miller & Butterfield, 1840) 36 pp.
266 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, Who was Taken by a Party of French and Indians at Marsh Creek in Pennsylvania, in the Year 1755, and Carried Down the Ohio River, When only 12 Years of Age, and Who Continued to Reside with the Indians and Follow Their Manner of Living 78 Years, Until the Time of Her Death, Which Took Place at the Seneca Reservation, Near Buffalo, N.Y., in 1833, at the Advanced Age of 90 Years, Containing an Account of the Murder of Her Father's Family … to Which Is Added an Account of Her Conversion to the Christian Religion (Rochester: G. Cunningham, 1841) 35 pp.
267 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison, De-he-wa-mis, the White Woman of the Genesee (New York: G.P. Putnam and Sons, 1913) 305 pp.
50 268 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison, the White Woman of the Genesee (New York: The American Scenic & Historic Preservation Society, 1925) 459 pp.
269 Seaver, James E. A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, Who Was Taken by the Indians, in the Year 1775, When Only About Twelve Years of Age, and Has Continued to Reside Amongst Them to the Present Time, Containing an Account of the Murder of Her Father and His Family, Her Sufferings, Her Marriage to Two Indians, Her Troubles with Her Children, Barbarities of the Indians in the French and Revolutionary Wars, the Life of Her Last Husband, &c., and Many Historical Facts Never Before Published: Carefully Taken from Her Own Words, Nov. 29th, 1823. To which is Added an Appendix, Containing an Account of the Tragedy at the Devil's Hole, in 1763, and of Sullivan's Expedition, the Traditions, Manners, Customs, &c., of the Indians, as Believed and Practised at the Present Day, and Since Mrs. Jemison's Captivity, Together with some Anecdotes, and Other Entertaining Matter (New York: Random House, 1929) 190 pp.
270 Seneca Nation Constitution of the Seneca Nation of Indians (Baltimore: Printed by W. Wooddy & Son, 1848)
15 pp.
271 Seneca Nation Constitution of the "Government by Chiefs" of the Seneca Nation of Indians, Adopted Nov. 30, 1854, by the National Council, Subject to the Approval of the Electors of the Nation (Buffalo: Steam Press of Thomas & Lathrops, 1854) 8 pp.
272 Seneca Nation The Memorial of the Undersigned, Chiefs of the Seneca Nation, Assembled in Public Council, on the Cattaraugus Reservation, on the 3d day of December, 1845, Respectfully Represents as Follows (S.l.: s.n., 1845?) 8 pp.
273 Seneca Nation Report of Conference Committee to Council of Seneca Nation Concerning Renewal of Leases Upon the Allegany Reservation: Submitted April 9, 1892 (Salamanca, N.Y.: Cattaraugus Republican Printing House, 1892) 4 pp.
274 Seneca Nation Housing Authority Non-legislative Public Hearing Regarding Indian Housing Needs as they Exist for Indians of New York State (Buffalo, N.Y.: s.n., 1981) 150 leaves
275 Severance, Frank H. Western New York under the French: An Address Delivered Before the Morgan Chapter in Memorial Art Gallery, University Campus, Rochester, N.Y., December 19, 1919 (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1920) pp. 23-40 (New York State Archeological Association, Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, Vol. 2, No. 2)
276 Seymour, Flora Warren The Story of the Red Man (London [and] New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1929) 421 pp.
277 Shafter, Mary Severance American Indian and Other Folk Dances for Schools, Pageants and Playgrounds (New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1927) 77 pp.
278 Sherwen, Grayson N. The Romance of St. Sacrement: A Story of New France and the Iroquois (Burlington, Vt.: Free Press Printing Company, 1912) 197 pp.
279 Shetrone, Henry Clyde The Mound-builders: A Reconstruction of the Life of a Prehistoric American Race, Through Exploration and Interpretation of their Earth Mounds, Their Burials, and Their Cultural Remains (New York [and] London: D. Appleton and Company, 1930) 508 pp.
280 Shoemaker, Henry W. Indian Folk-songs of Pennsylvania (Ardmore, Pa.: N.F. McGirr, 1927) 15 pp.
281 A Short Vocabulary in the Language of the Seneca Nation, and in English (London: Printed by W. & S. Graves, 1818) 35 pp.
282 Simon, Barbara Allan, Mrs. The Hope of Israel: Presumptive Evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are Descended from the Ten Missing Tribes of Israel (London: R.B. Seeley, 1829) 328 pp.
283 Sipe, C. Hale A Supplement to the First Edition of The Indian Wars of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Telegraph Press, 1931) 115 pp.
284 Skinner, Alanson The Algonkian Occupation of New York I. General Archeological Criteria of Early Algonkian Culture (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1923) pp. 29-78
285 Smith, William Some Account of the North-American Indians, Their Genius, Characters, Customs, and Dispositions, Towards the French and English Nations. To which are Added, Indian Miscellanies, viz. 1. The Speech of a Creek Indian Against the Immoderate use of Spirituous Liquors, Delivered in a National Assembly of the Creeks, upon the Breaking out of the Late War. 2. A Letter from Yariza, an Indian Maid of the Royal Line of the Mohawks, to the Principal Ladies of New-York. 3. Indian Songs of Peace. 4. An American Fable (London: Printed for R. Griffiths, 1754) 68 pp.
286 Society of Friends. Executive Committee of the Yearly Meetings Address to the Seneca Nation of Indians on the Alleghany and Cattaraugus Reservations in the State of New York (New York?: s.n., 1854) 13 pp.
287 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Hicksite) Memorial and Remonstrance of the Committees Appointed by the Yearly Meetings of Friends of Genesee, New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore to the President of the United States in Relation to the Indians in the State of New-York (New-York: Mercein & Post's Press, 1840) 19 pp.
288 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Hicksite) Proceedings of an Indian Council, Held at the Buffalo Creek Reservation, State of New York, Fourth Month, 1842 (Baltimore: Wooddy, 1842) 83 pp.
289 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Hicksite) Report of the Proceedings of an Indian Council at Cattaraugus; in the State of New York; held 6 Month, 1843 (Baltimore: Printed by W. Wooddy, 1843) 31 pp.
290 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Hicksite) Report of the Proceedings of an Indian Council Held at Cattaraugus, in the State of New York, 7th Month, 1845 (Baltimore: Printed by William Wooddy, 1845) 34 pp.
291 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (Hicksite) Report of the Proceedings at an Indian Council Held at Cattaraugus in the State of New York, 6th Month, 1846 (Baltimore: Printed by W. Wooddy, 1846) 37 pp.
292 Society of Friends. Joint Committee on Indian Affairs of the Four Yearly Meetings of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Genesee To William Medill, Commissioner of Indian Affairs (New York: s.n., 1849) 8 pp.
293 Society of Friends. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Representative Meeting Report of the Committee of the Meeting for Sufferings to Advise and Assist Such Friends as Might Be Drafted for Military Service. Also the Report of the Committee for the Gradual Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives. 1865 (Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Sinex, 1865) 16 pp.
52 294 Spencer, Frank Clarence Education of the Pueblo Child; a Study in Arrested Development (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1899) 97 pp.
295 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand Rare Books Relating to the American Indians (Washington: s.n., 1901) pp. 270-285
296 St. John de Crévecoeur, J. Hector Reise in Ober-Pensylvanien und im Staate Neu-York von einem Adoptirten Mitgliede der On'e¨ida-nation (Berlin: Voss, 1802) 472 pp.
297 Stevenson, Archibald The Small Success of the Gospel in Purifying the Hearts and Lives of Men Accounted for, from the Neglect of Discipline and Training, in Domestic, Civil, and Ecclesiastic Society: A Sermon, Preached Before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, at their Anniversary Meeting, in the High Church of Edinburgh, on Friday, June 5, 1772 (Edinburgh: Printed by A. Murray & J. Cochran, Sold by A. Kincaid & W. Creech, 1772) 56 pp.
298 Stewart, Alexander McGinn Rene Menard, 1605-1661: A Life Story Which Connects the Finger Lakes Region of New York with France, Quebec, Georgian Bay and Wisconsin (Rochester, N.Y.: Heindl Print, 1934) 76 pp.
299 Stone, Grace Zaring The Cold Journey (New York: W. Morrow & Co., 1934) 336 pp.
300 Styles, John The Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal from President Edwards (London: Printed for Messrs. Williams and Smith, 1808) 291 pp.
53 301 Swetland, Luke A Narrative of the Captivity of Luke Swetland, in 1778 and 1779, Among the Seneca Indians (Watervliet, N.Y.: J.J. Guernsey, printer, 1875) 38 pp.
302 Terpening, Lucy Lee The Educational Value of the Contributions of the American Indian to American Literature (Thesis (M.A.)--New York State College for Teachers, 1933) 55 leaves
303 Thompson, Stith Tales of the North American Indians (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1929) 386 pp.
304 Thornton, John Wingate Lives of Isaac Heath, and John Bowles, Elders of the Church, and Principal Founders of the Grammar School in Roxbury, and of Rev. John Eliot, Jr., Preacher to the Indians, and First Pastor of the Church in Newton (Roxbury, 1850) 216 pp.
305 Tomkins, William Universal Indian Sign Language of the Plains Indians of North America Together with a Dictionary of Synonyms Covering the Basic Words Represented, Also a Codification of Pictographic Word Symbols of the Ojibway and Sioux Nations (San Diego, Calif., 1927) 96 pp.
306 Tschoop: the Converted Indian Chief (Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1842) 36 pp.
307 Tuttle, Sarah Letters and Conversations on the Indian Missions at Seneca, Tuscarora, Cattaraugus, in the State of New York, and Maumee, in the State of Ohio in Four Parts (Boston: Printed by T.R. Marvin for the Massachusetts Sabbath School Union, 1831) 112 pp.
308 United Domestic Missionary Society First Report of the United Domestic Missionary Society Submitted by the Executive Committee, at the Anniversary Meeting, May 9, 1823 (New-York: Printed for the Society by J. Seymour, 1823) 32 pp.
309 University of the State of New York. Division of Archives and History Champlain and the French in New York (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1959) 56 pp.
54 310 Verrill, A. Hyatt The American Indian: North, South and Central America (New York: New Home Library, 1927) 485 pp.
311 Vimont, Barthélemy Relation de ce qui S'est Passé en la Nouvelle France, és Années 1640. & 1641. (A Paris: Chéz Sebastien Cramoisy, 1642) 216, 104 pp.
312 Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, in the Olden Time: Being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and Its Inhabitants, and of the Earliest Settlements of the Inland Part of Pennsylvania, from the Days of the Founders … Embellished with Engravings, by T.H. Mumford (Philadelphia: The Author, 1844) volume 1
55 312 Watson, John F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, in the Olden Time: Being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and Its Inhabitants, and of the Earliest Settlements of the Inland Part of Pennsylvania, from the Days of the Founders … Embellished with Engravings, by T.H. Mumford (Philadelphia: The Author, 1844) volume 2
313 Weatherwax, Paul The Story of the Maize Plant (Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1923) 247 pp.
314 Webster, Hutton Primitive Secret Societies: A Study in Early Politics and Religion (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932) 243 pp.
315 Webster, Isaac A Narrative of the Captivity of Isaac Webster (Metuchen, N.J.: Printed for C.F. Heartman, 1927)
24 pp.
316 Welsh, Herbert Are the Eastern Industrial Training Schools for Indian Children a Failure? (Philadelphia: Indian Rights Association, 1886) 45 pp. (Indian Rights Association)
317 Wend, Elizabeth Scudder The Culture of the Iroquois Indians: Its Value for the Schools of New York State (Theses (M.S.)--New York State College for Teachers, 1937) 180 leaves
318 West. John The Substance of a Journal During a Residence at the Red River Colony, British North America, and Frequent Excursions Among the Northwest American Indians in the Years 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823 (London: L.B. Seeley and Son, 1827) 326 pp.
56 319 Wheeler, Mary Alexandria New York State, Yesterday and Today (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1935) 432 pp.
320 Wheelock, Eleazar A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-school, in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England, Founded and Carried on by the Rev. Dr. Eleazar Wheelock, with an Appendix, Containing the Declaration of the Trustees of that Charity, a List of the Names of the Subscribers, an Account of Monies Received and Paid, Together with Dr. Wheelock's Annual Account of his Receipts and Disbursements (London: Printed by J. and W. Oliver, 1769) 145 pp.
321 Wheelock, Eleazar A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-school, in Lebanon, in Connecticut, from the Year 1768, to the Incorporation of It with Dartmouth-college, and Removal and Settlement of It in Hanover, in the Province of New-Hampshire, 1771 (Hartford: s.n., 1771) 61 pp.
322 Wheelock, Eleazar A Plain and Faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and Present State of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon, in Connecticut (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Reprints, 1908?) 55 pp. (Rochester Reprints, No. 1)
323 Wheelock, Eleazar A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-school, Begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut, Now Incorporated with Dartmouth College, in Hanover, in the Province of New Hampshire, with a Dedication to the Honorable Trust in London, to which is Added an Account of Missions the Last Year, in an Abstract from the Journal of the Rev'd. Mr. Frisbie, Missionary (Hartford: E. Watson, 1775) 54 pp.
324 Whipple, Henry Benjamin Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate: Being Reminiscences and Recollections of the Right Reverend Henry Benjamin Whipple, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Minnesota (New York [and] London: Macmillan, 1902) 576 pp.
57 325 Whitaker, Nathaniel A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School, in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England Founded and Carried on by that Faithful Servant of God, the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock (London: Printed by J. and W. Oliver, 1766) 48 pp.
326 Whitaker, Nathaniel A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-school in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England, Founded and Carried on by that Faithful Servant of God, the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock (London: Printed by J. and W. Oliver, 1767) 63 pp.
327 White, Marian E. An Early Historic Niagara Frontier Iroquois Cemetery in Erie County, New York: Archaeology and Physical Anthropology of the Kleis Site (Rochester: New York State Archeological Association, 1967) 91 pp.
328 Willett, William Marinus Scenes in the Wilderness: An Authentic Narrative of the Labours and Sufferings of the Moravian Missionaries Among the North American Indians (New York: Land & Scott, 1851) 206 pp.
329 Williamson, John Poage An English-Dakota School Dictionary: Wa'sicun qu Dakota Ieska Wowapi (Yankton Agency, D.T.: Iapi Oaye Press, 1886) 144 pp.
330 Wilson, Peter Speech of Wa-o-wa-wa-na-onk, an Indian Chief (S.l.: s.n., 1848?) 12 pp.
331 Wood, Silas A Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long-Island, with Their Political Condition, to the End of the American Revolution (1824) (Brooklyn, N.Y.: Printed by A. Spooner, 1824) 66 pp.
332 Wood, Silas A Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long-Island, with Their Political Condition, to the End of the American Revolution (1826) (Brooklyn, N.Y.: Printed by Alden Spooner, 1826) 111 pp.
333 Wood, Silas A Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long Island (1865) (Brooklyn, N.Y.: Printed for the Furman Club, 1865) 205 pp.
334 Wood, William New-England's Prospect Being a True, Lively, and Experimental Description of That Part of America, Commonly Called New-England (Boston, New England: Reprinted, by Thomas and John Fleet, 1764) 128 pp.
335 Wright, Alfred Chahta Holisso a Tukla, or The Second Chahta Book: Containing Translations of Portions of the Scriptures, Biographical Notices of Henry Obokiah and Catharine Brown, a Catechism and Dissertations on Religious Subjects (Cincinnati: Printed by Morgan, Lodge, and Fisher, 1827) 144 pp.
336 Wright, Alfred A Spelling Book, Written in the Chahta Language, with an English Translation, Prepared and Published Under the Direction of the Missionaries in the Chahta Nation, with the Aid of Captain David Folsom, Interpreter (Cincinnati: Printed by Morgan, Lodge, and Fisher for the Missionary Society, 1825) 84 pp.
337 Wright, Asher Gaˇ_a N_aˇh Sh_oˇh ne de o Waˇ_ah'sˇa o'nyoh Gwaˇh NawˇennˇI'yuˇh: Ho Nont'gaˇh deˇh ho Di'ya Do'ny_oˇh (Do syo wˇ_a , i.e. Buffalo Creek Reservation): Seneca Mission Press, 1843
136 pp.
58 338 Wright, Asher G_a˘_a N_ah Sh_oh neh de o W_a_ˇah˚sˇao˚ny_oh Gwah Na˚wˇenni˚yuh Honont˚gah deh Hodi˚yado˚ny_oh (New-York: American Tract Society, 1852) 232 pp.
339 Wright, Asher G_a˘_a N_ah Sh_oh neh de o W_a_ˇah ˚sˇao˚ny_oh Gwah Na˚wˇenni ˚yuh Honont˚gah deh Hodi˚yado˚ny_oh (New-York: American Tract Society, 1860?) 352 pp.
340 Wright, Asher He Niy_a' W_ˇaˇhsy_oˇh no' N_ˇah Jih, Tga W_ˇa N_ˇa' Gw_a_oˇh Neˇh ne Gaya' D_os Hi'yuneh (Gowanda, N.Y.: H.M. Morgan, Printer, ca.1846)
64 pp.
341 Wrong, George McKinnon The Rise and Fall of New France (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1928) 2 vol.
59 342 Wynne, John J. Kateri Tekakwitha: Catherine, Lily of the Mohawks (New York: Tekakwitha League, 1938) 64 pp.
343 Young, A.H. The Revd. John Ogilvie, D.D., an Army Chaplain at Fort Niagara and Montreal, 1759-17601 (Toronto, Ont.: s.n., 1925?) 48 pp.
344 Young, Egerton Ryerson By Canoe and Dog-train Among the Cree and Salteaux Indians (London: Charles H. Kelly, 1892) 262 pp.
345 Zeisberger, David Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians (Philadelphia: J. Kay, 1827)
188 pp.
346 Beauchamp, William Martin Aboriginal Chipped Stone Implements of New York (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1897) 84 pp.
347 Beauchamp, William Martin Aboriginal Occupation of New York (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1900) 187 pp. (New York (State) State Museum, Albany, Vol. 7, No. 32)
348 Beauchamp, William Martin Aboriginal Place Names of New York (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1907) 333 pp.
60 349 Beauchamp, William Martin Civil, Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adoption of the New York Indians (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1907) 451 pp.
350 Beauchamp, William Martin Earthenware of the New York Aborigines (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1898) 146 pp.
351 Beauchamp, William Martin The Founders of the New York Iroquois League and Its Probable Date (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1921) 35 pp. (New York State Archeological Association Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, Vol. 3, No. 1)
352 Beauchamp, William Martin A History of the New York Iroquois Now Commonly Called the Six Nations (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1905) pp. 126-461
353 Beauchamp, William Martin Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1902) pp. 243-350
354 Beauchamp, William Martin Iroquois Folk Lore Gathered from the Six Nations of New York (Syracuse, N.Y.: The Dehler Press, 1922) 247 pp.
355 Beauchamp, William Martin The Iroquois Trail or Foot-prints of the Six Nations, in Customs, Traditions, and History (Fayetteville, N.Y.: Printed by H.C. Beauchamp, 1892) 154 pp.
61 356 Beauchamp, William Martin Land and Fresh Water Shells of Onondaga County, with a Supplemental List of New York Species (Baldwinsville, N.Y.: Gazette and Farmers Journal, 1886) 12 pp.
357 Beauchamp, William Martin The Life of Conrad Weiser as It Relates to His Services as Official Interpreter Between New York and Pennsylvania, and as Envoy Between Philadelphia and the Onondaga Councils (Syracuse, N.Y.: Onondaga Historical Association, 1925) 122 pp.
358 Beauchamp, William Martin Metallic Implements of the New York Indians (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1902) 92 pp.
359 Beauchamp, William Martin Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1903) 120 pp.
360 Beauchamp, William Martin Miscellaneous Publications (S.l.: s.n., 189?) 1 vol.
361 Beauchamp, William Martin Moravian Journals Relating to Central New York, 1745-66 (Syracuse, N.Y.: Dehler Press, 1916)
242 pp.
362 Beauchamp, William Martin Perch Lake Mounds, with Notes on Other New York Mounds, and Some Accounts of Indian Trails (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1905) 82 pp.
363 Parker, Arthur Caswell Additional Notes on Iroquois Silversmithing (Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1911)
pp. 283-293
364 Parker, Arthur Caswell American Indian Freemasonry (Albany, N.Y.: 1919) 36 pp.
365 Parker, Arthur Caswell An Analytical History of the Seneca Indians (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1926) 162 pp.
62 366 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Archeological History of New York (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1922) 2 vol. (743 pp.) (New York State Museum Bulletin, 235-238)
367 Parker, Arthur Caswell Champlain's Assault on the Fortified Town of the Oneidas, 1615 (Albany, N.Y.: University of the State of New York, 1919) pp. 165-173
368 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Constitution of the Five Nations (Albany, N.Y.: University of the State of New York, 1916) 158 pp. (New York State Museum Bulletin, No. 184)
369 Parker, Arthur Caswell A Contact Period Seneca Site Situated at Factory Hollow, Ontario County, N.Y. (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1919) 36 pp.
370 Parker, Arthur Caswell Excavations in an Erie Indian Village and Burial Site at Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.: Being the Record of the State Museum Archeological Expedition of 1906 (Albany: New York State Education Department, 1907) pp. 459-554
371 Parker, Arthur Caswell Indian Episodes of New York State: A Drama-story of the Empire State (Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1935) 35 pp.
372 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Influence of the Iroquois on the History and Archaeology of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, and the Adjacent Region (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: s.n., 1911) 38 pp.
63 373 Parker, Arthur Caswell Iroquois Uses of Maize and Other Food Plants (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1910) 119 pp.
374 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Life of General Ely S. Parker, Last Grand Sachem of the Iroquois and General Grant's Military Secretary (Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo Historical Society, 1919) 346 pp.
375 Parker, Arthur Caswell A Manual for History Museums (New York: Columbia University Press, 1935) 204 pp.
376 Parker, Arthur Caswell Method in Archaeology (Toronto, Ont.: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1923) 9 pp.
377 Parker, Arthur Caswell The New York Indian Complex and How to Solve It (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1920) 20 pp.
378 Parker, Arthur Caswell Notes on the Ancestry of Cornplanter (Rochester, N.Y.: Lewis H. Morgan Chapter, 1927) 22 pp.
379 Parker, Arthur Caswell Notes on the Banner Stone, with Some Inquiries as to Its Purpose (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1918) pp. 165-176
380 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Origin of the Iroquois as Suggested by Their Archeology (Lancaster, Pa.: American Anthropology Association, 1916) pp. 479-507
381 Parker, Arthur Caswell A Prehistoric Iroquoian Site on the Reed Farm, Richmond Mills, Ontario County, N.Y. (Rochester, N.Y.: Morgan Chapter, 1918) 41 pp.
382 Parker, Arthur Caswell Secrets of the Temple (Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo Consistory, A.A.S.R. N.M.J.U.S.A., 1922) 52 pp.
383 Parker, Arthur Caswell Skunny Wundy and Other Indian Tales (New York: George H. Doran Company, 1926) 262 pp.
384 Parker, Arthur Caswell The Status of the New York Indians (Albany: University of the State of New York, 1924) pp. 67-82
64 385 Museum of the American Indian. Heye Foundation Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian (New York: The Musem, 1919- ): "A Sculptured Vase from Guatemala," "Turquois Work of Hawikuh, New Mexico," "The Gold Treasure of Sigsig, Ecuador," "The Penn Wampum Belts," "A Rare Salish Blanket".
65 386 Ne Jaguh'nigo'ǎgwathah = The Mental Elevator (Do'syowǎGanok'dayǎah [Printed at the Seneca Mission House], 1841-1850) Vol 1, No. 1-19
66 387 New York (State). State Interdepartmental Committee on Indian Affairs Annual Report by the Director of Indian Services for the State Interdepartmental Committee on Indian Affairs (Albany, N.Y.?: The Committee?, 1959- ) 2 vol. (1959-60 and 1960-61)
388 New York (State). State Interdepartmental Committee on Indian Affairs Annual Report of New York State Interdepartmental Committee on Indian Affairs. (S.l. : s.n., 1962- ) 1961/62-1974/75
Last Updated: February 11, 2022