New York State Library

Loyalist Records


Brown, Wallace. Good Americans: The Loyalists in the American Revolution. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1969. (C,973.314, B881g)

Bunnell, Paul J. Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors: A Directory to Archives, Manuscripts, and Published Sources. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1990. (R,929.107207,B942,93-3151)

Calhoon, Robert McCluer. The Loyalists in Revolutionary America, 1760-1781. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973. (C,973.314,C152,74-3136)

Flick, Alexander Clarence. Loyalism in New York During the American Revolution. New York: Arno Pr., 1969. (R,973.314,F62a, additional copy in C)

Reilly, John Thomas. The Confiscation and Sale of the Loyalist Estates and Its Effect Upon the Democratization Of Landholding in New York State, 1799-1800. 1974. (A,973.314,R362,76-2125)


Allen, Robert S. Loyalist Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Guide to the Writings on the Loyalists of the American Revolution. Toronto: Dundurn Pr., 1982. (C,016.973314,A428,85-26304)

Kennedy, Patricia. How to Trace Your Loyalist Ancestors: The Use of the Loyalist Sources in the Public Archives of Canada. Ottawa: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1976. (R,929.107,qK36,77-30949)

Palmer, Greg, editor. Bibliography of Loyalist Source Material in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Westport, CT: Mecker Publ., 1982. (R,016.973314,B582,83-20756, additional copy in A)

Public Archives of Nova Scotia. The Loyalist Guide: Nova Scotian Loyalists and Their Documents. Halifax, NS: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1983. (R,016.9716,P976,86-22591)


Bunnell, Paul J. The New Loyalist Index. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1989-96. 2v. (R,929.373,B942,90-13368)

Chadwick, Edward Marion. Ontarian Families; Genealogies of the United Empire Loyalists and Other Pioneer Families of Upper Canada. Lambertville, N.J.: Hunterdon House, 1970. (R,971.3,C43a)

Loyalist Families of the Grand River Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada. Toronto: Pro Familia Pub., 1991. (R,929.371336,qL923,92-42347)

Palmer, Gregory. Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1984 (A,973.314,P174,84-38006)

Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte. Belleville, ONT: Mika Pub. Co., 1983 (R,929.371358,P662,87-015277)

Ptak, Diane Snyder. The American Loyalist: Origins and Nominal Lists. Albany, NY: D.S. Ptak, 1993. (R,973.314,qP975,94-73735). See also American Loyalist: Origins and Nominal Lists Supplement, 1995.

Reid, William D. The Loyalists in Ontario: The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada. Lambertville, N.J.: Hunterdon House, 1973. (R,971.024,R359,76-6051, additional copy in C)


De Lancey's Brigade. (Loyalist) 1776-1778 Orderly Book of the Three Battalions of Loyalists, Commanded by Brigadier-General Oliver De Lancey, 1776-1778. New York: Printed for the New York Historical Society, 1917. (A,973.341,D33)

Johnson, Sir John. Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson During the Oriskany Campaign, 1776-1777. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1882. (R,973.3334,J67, additional copy in A)

New York (State). Commission for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies, 1777-1778. Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York. Albany County Sessions,1778-1781. Albany, NY: Published by the State of New York, 1909. 3v. (R,973.314,qN55, additional copy in A)

New York (State) Comptroller's Office. New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, Supplement. Albany, NY: J.B. Lyon Co., 1901. (R,973.3447,qA2,1901, additional copy in A)

Vincent, G.R. The Civil Sword: James Delancey's Westchester Refugees, 1776-1785. Victoria, B.C.: Cobequid Press, 1997. (R,974.7277,W524,96-15936)

For additional titles, please check the online catalog using the keyword LOYALISTS.

Last Updated: February 8, 2024