New York State Library

DAR Records

The New York State Library is a depository for several record series compiled by New York State Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Please ask staff for assistance if you cannot find what you are looking for.

The research value and use of these records is not limited to DAR members and their families.

Daughters of the American Revolution. General Peter Gansevoort Chapter. Revised Master Index to the New York State DAR Genealogical Records Volumes. Zephyrhills, FL: Jean Worden, 1998 (R,929,qD23,98-005610). This is a revision of the Master Index, New York State DAR Genealogical Records (R,929,qD23m) and Master Index, Supplement 1972C1978, Records and Corrections (R,929,qD23m,1972b).

Daughters of the American Revolution, New York. Bible Records. v.1-. 1924-present. 266 volumes. (R,929,qD23). Primarily a collection of family Bible records, the series also includes many genealogies. Indexed in Revised Master Index to the New York State DAR Genealogical Records Volumes, Book 1 (R,929,qD23,98-005610). These records are also listed in the surname card index in the Genealogy/Local History area.

-----. Cemetery, Church and Town Records. v.1-. 1926-present. 650 volumes. (R,974.7,qD23). Vital data (baptisms, marriages, deaths, etc.) from church, cemetery and local records in New York State. The series includes some census records, obituaries, and naturalization records. Indexed in Revised Master Index to the New York State DAR Genealogical Records Volumes, Book 1 (R,929,qD23,98-005610). These records are also indexed in the vital records card index in the Genealogy/Local History area.

-----. DAR Patriot Index. (R,929.3,D238) indexes name, date, wives, state served, and patriotic services.

-----. Family Histories. v.1-. 1979-. 13 Volumes. Some updated and documented DAR family histories. Records are indexed in the surnames card index in the Genealogy/Local History area.

-----. Genealogical Data: New Project. Ser. A-. 1960-. 145 Volumes. (R,929,qD23d). Genealogical forms submitted to the Genealogical Records Committee, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution by applicants for membership in the DAR. Often called the "grandfather papers," the forms trace each applicant's lineage from her grandparents to her Revolutionary War ancestor. Birth, marriage and death data are given for each generation. Indexed in the New Project: Genealogical Data card index in the Genealogy/Local History area.

-----. Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers in New York. 1922-1955. 15 Volumes. (R,973.3447,qA2c). Names and graves of Revolutionary War soldiers buried in New York State. Indexed in Revised Master Index to the New York State DAR Genealogical Records Volumes, Book 2 (R,929,qD23,98-005610). Indexed in the Revolutionary War soldiers card index in the Genealogy/Local History area.

-----. Lineage Books. 1890-1921. 166 Volumes. (R,929,D23,202-7001). Lineage and patriot service summarized for each member listed, national number noted. Indexed in DAR Index to the Lineage Books (also known as Index to the Rolls of Honor or Ancestor Index).

Records from Other States

Daughters of the American Revolution, Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter, Fairfield, Connecticut. Families of Our Revolutionary Ancestors. 1956. 1v. (R,369.135,qC75E).

Last Updated: November 16, 2021